
Sunday 1 May 2016

耶穌基督的平安 The Peace of Jesus Christ












Sixth Easter Sunday (Year C)
Theme: The Peace of Jesus Christ

Today, let us meditate on the peace of Jesus Christ. We are ordinary people, secular people. We need to deal with all sorts of chores every day. As the idiom goes, "Even if you have no long term uncertainties, there must be short term concerns". That is to say, worries are inevitable in life. Students have students' share of worries: e.g. acnes, exams, course registration and peers etc. Office workers have their share of worries: quotas, mortgage and office politics etc. Whether it be trivial daily necessities or crucial decisions such as careers or mates, we cannot always rely on others and let mummy decide them all for us. Life is full of worries. How do we attain inner peace? Some decide to work hard to earn enough money and save a portion, so called "save for a rainy day" or "stockpile grains to avoid famine". Unfortunately, polarization of incomes is serious in real world. Nine tenths of the global wealth is controlled by a handful of individuals while you and me have to work really hard to make ends meet from the remaining one tenth, perhaps unable to catch up with inflation. Therefore, gaining inner peace by making and saving money probably will exhaust you physically as well as mentally, resulting in the very opposite state.

For those few people who have successfully controlled the nine tenths of global wealth, can they attain a peace of mind? Categorically negative. It is because money adds up to their worries. They have to worry about how to protect their wealth from their rivals. Besides necessary spendings, how can they keep their hard earned wealth forever and to hand it down to their offspring? Under the present social system, there is only one solution: to make use of their wealth to build up personal networks, to buy a bunch of politicians and even to play politics themselves. They need to consolidate their position, to create a system favourable for them to make money. At last, they may even have to oust dissidents, to eliminate their rivals completely and become totalitarian. Living in such a dog eat dog environment, how can you attain inner peace?

On the other hand, many of those helpless crowds who are at the mercy of the powerful can only resort to religion. They pray to deities for good fortune and security. Such a situation will breed many false messiahs, boasting and mystifying their abilities to avert misfortunes and raising the dead. Their aim is to make the crowds offer them gold willingly or even to satisfy their lust.

Of course, some people will lead a moral life to gain inner peace. Many philosophers, moralists and even religious people offer different targets for a good life such as slighting fame and wealth, being contented or staying within your confines etc. Truly, these are good advice and wisdom, reducing the harm done to the body and mind when disasters strike. But how many people are able to lead their lives according to these guidelines? Then, what makes Jesus' teachings differ from those moralists' or religious so that Jesus can say, "... not as the world gives do I give to you." (John 14:27)?

We have to admit that inner peace cannot be attained with personal efforts. You live next to a live volcano and you cannot move away. Day and night you are worried and have no peace. But what can you do? At the moment, you have a steady job and live in a mortgaged flat. What can you do to influence the personnel mobility in your office or the mortgage rate? Therefore, we have to understand that no matter how much money you earn, how many government officials you control, how carefree you are with fame and wealth or how many deities you worship, inner peace cannot be attained with your effort. Inner peace is a gift from God.

Jews always believed that they would be saved if they somehow managed to observe all the commandments of God, e.g. circumcision and keeping Sabbaths etc. Thus, in the first reading today, we find some Jewish disciples in the early Church teaching Gentile disciples to follow them to circumcise and observe Sabbaths in order to be saved. Look, even Jews who believed in God could put the cart before the horse and fell into the fallacy of legalism, thinking that they could attain salvation through personal effort.

In truth, the guarantee of inner peace comes from the mercy of the Father who loves humanity. But all relations are bidirectional. Even if God is willing to give us peace, we must be willing to accept it so that we can receive the peace of God. The Holy Spirit holds the key. Many of us are rather unfamiliar with the Holy Spirit. We usually take Him as God's power, as the Spirit of truth. For example, in the gospel reading today, it mentions that the Holy Spirit will teach us all things, and bring to our remembrance all that Jesus has said to us. Perhaps we have forgotten that the Holy Spirit is in fact the Spirit of Love. It is the Holy Spirit who inflames our love of Jesus Christ. With this love, we are willing to keep the word of Jesus. If the Holy Spirit is not in us, we lack this love of Jesus. Then how can we keep the word of Jesus and receive the peace from the Father?

How much we love Jesus is shown by how much we keep his word. Jesus teaches us many times that we should trust in the Father and leave everything in His hand, believing that the Father has the best arrangement for us. Jesus teaches us that the Father knows what the best for us is. Before we pray, He already knows what we ask for because even the hairs of our head are all numbered. Jesus teaches us that it is enough for us to ask the Father for our daily bread. There is no need to worry about tomorrow. Have we kept Jesus' word? Or do we work hard to stockpile grains to avoid famine? Once Jesus praised a poor widow who offered up two brass coins in the Temple treasury because out of her poverty, she offered up all she had to love God with all her heart and soul. Can we do the same? Or do we increase our cash in hand to invest on apartments of high returns?

Remember, inner peace cannot be attained through personal efforts. It is a gift of God. When our heart is filled with the Holy Spirit, when we love Jesus fervently, keep his word and completely rely on the Father's arrangement, how can the merciful Father fail to care for those who trust in Him and how can He not grant us peace which the world cannot give?
God bless.

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