
Sunday 11 November 2018

如何報答天主的愛? How to Return God's Love







  1. 每一個人都蒙天主召叫成聖,因為我們都是按神聖的天主的肖像所造。其實成聖,就是為了回應報答天主的愛。我們成聖的程度,反映出我們愛天主有多真心。
  2. 每一個人成聖的道路不一樣。加音是農夫,亞伯爾是牧羊人;亞巴郎是富甲一方的族長,伯多祿是漁夫,瑪竇是稅吏,路加是醫生,而窮寡婦就是窮寡婦。所以教宗方濟各在他最新的宗座勸諭《你們要歡喜踴躍》中,指醒我們歷代聖人的榜樣,固然有助鼓舞人心,激勵我們前進,但我們沒有必要有樣學樣,不要耗費精力,模仿那些並非為我們而設的成聖方法(GE#11)。窮寡婦沒有一個好像亞巴郎的獨生子,可以奉獻給天主;瑪竇亦沒有自己放牧的羊群,可以選最肥美又是首生的羊,祭獻天主。各人祇可在自己的生活崗位中,設法履行全心、全靈、全力地愛天主的誡命。
  3. 教宗方濟各指出,真福八端是基督徒的身份證。每個人都必須按各自的方式,實踐耶穌有關真福八端的教導。(#63)教宗在默想每個真福的時候,總說做到了一端,就是一個聖德。且看這個窮寡婦,她神貧嗎?她不但做到「神貧」,而是做到路加福音所要求的貧窮。她受社會制度的剝削,沒有法學士為她出頭,她哀慟了。她有反抗剝削的制度嗎?沒有,反而按規矩,連僅有的銅錢也投到銀庫裡去,她做到了「溫良」。她渴望天主的拯救嗎?一定渴望,她已做到了「飢渴慕義」。她一心一意信靠天主嗎?她已做到了「心裡潔淨」。她最少已滿全了五端真福,在成聖的道路上,已取得了最少五個聖德!


Thirty Second Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: How to Return God's Love

According to Genesis, men were created in the image of God. Furthermore, they were assigned to manage the Creation (Genesis 1:26). But how then could men manage beasts whose teeth and crawl are sharp and which run faster than men? I believe that God must have given men special graces at the beginning so that they were able to become stewards. Unfortunately, our First Parents committed sin and lost those Original Graces. The whole world was contaminated by sin. Offspring of humanity were born without those Original Graces. They lived and grew up in a world contaminated by sins. God is love. Out of love, He created a world suitable for humanity to live and grow. We are the master piece of God. How would He abandon us? God is free and unrestrained. Thus, we who were created in the image of God enjoy freedom as well, so much so that even God has to respect our freedom. He would not force us to accept His salvation! Step by step, God made covenants with humanity, inviting us to restore the glory of the image of God through observing the covenants. Moses liberated the Israelites, left Egypt and established covenant with God at Mount Sinai. God gave them laws to teach them to be holy. God said, "You shall be to me a kingdom of priests, a holy nation." (Exodus 19:6). Scattered among the Pentateuch are 613 laws which God gave the Israelites. The most famous ones are the Ten Commandments and the greatest commandment we read last Sunday, i.e. "You shall love the Lord, your God, with your whole heart, and with your whole being and with your whole strength." (Deuteronomy 6:5) and "You shall love your neighbour as yourself." (Leviticus 19:18) Unfortunately, when the Israelites observed these laws, they paid attention to the letters only and forgot the spirit. God knew it all. So, when the time came, the Son of God incarnated to clarify and taught the spirit of the law on one hand and on the other, offered Himself as a redemptive sacrifice to establish a new covenant. The Old Testament established by Moses made the Israelites a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. The New Testament established by Jesus Christ takes us higher. All humanity is to become sons and daughters of God. This is the meaning of being baptised Catholics. In the gospel story today, Jesus praised the poor widow, "This poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury." (Mark 12:43) Don't be mistaken. Jesus did not give the Jews an arithmetic lesson, teaching them proportion. You offer $20 per week while your monthly income is $20,000. That makes 0.4%. The poor widow had two small coins worth a few cents and she gave all. That was 100%. By proportion, the poor widow put in more! This explanation looks correct by is actually wrong because it does not pay attention to the scripture! Jesus said, "They have all contributed from their surplus wealth." (12:44). It is surplus, spare and dispensable. Think about it, in the hearts of those people, how important is God? Does God deserve dispensable offerings? In Genesis, God did not look with favour the offering of Cain because Cain did not act rightly. Perhaps he offered up spare dispensable vegetables and not the most precious things to God (Genesis 4:5-7). On the other hand, Jesus praised the poor widow because Jesus was able to find on earth somebody who could love God "with all her heart, and with all her being and all her strength". She had done the greatest commandment! Perhaps you might worry about the future of the poor widow. How would she survive after offering all? Don't worry, "God will provide" (22:8). In Genesis, God tested Abraham, asking him to offer his beloved son. Isaac was the only son and only hope to make Abraham the father of many nations. Although at that time, there was no commandment, no Old Testament, Abraham did as instructed. It showed that he was able to love God with all his heart, all his being and all his strength. God was satisfied that Abraham obeyed. He did not need Isaac to be killed. Consequently, Abraham became fruitful and his descendants became a people, a nation. Thus we don't need to worry about the poor widow! From these biblical figures, we learn the following lessons: First of all, God calls each and every one of us to be sanctified because we were made in the image of God who is holy. To be sanctified is to return God's love. How well we are sanctified indicates how genuinely we love God. Secondly, our ways of sanctification are different. Cain was a farmer, Abel a shepherd. Abraham was a wealthy patriarch. Peter was a fisherman, Matthew a tax-collector and Luke a physician. The poor widow was a poor widow. Thus, in his latest apostolic exhortation "Gaudete & Exsultate", Pope Francis reminds us that the exemplar of saints may prove helpful and inspiring, but we are not meant to copy because that could lead us astray from the one specific path that the Lord has in mind for us. (GE#11) The poor widow did not have a son like Abraham's to offer. Matthew did not have a flock of sheep to choose the best and first born to offer God. Each one of us can only observe the commandment to love God with all our heart, and with all our being and all our strength in our own way. Thirdly, Pope Francis pointed out that the Beatitudes are like a Christian's identity card. We have to do, each in our own way, what Jesus told us in the Sermon on the Mount. (#63) After meditating on each beatitude, the Pope concludes with "That is holiness". Look at the poor widow, was she poor in spirit? Not only was she poor in spirit, she was poor according to the demand of the gospel of Luke! She was exploited by the social system. No scribe helped her get what she deserved. She was mournful. Did she resist the institution? No, she followed the requirement to contribute her only two coins to the treasury. She was meek. Did she hunger for God's salvation? Of course she did. Did she seek God alone? She did and her heart was pure. She had at least achieved five beatitudes. On her way to sanctification, she had attained five strains of holiness! Brethren, the poor widow was truly an exemplar of sanctification. But we do not need to copy her. Let us follow the teaching of the Beatitudes, each in our own situation and opportunities, to live up the commandment to love God with all our hearts, and with all our being and with all our strength. God bless.

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