
Wednesday 22 May 2024

黑白之間 Between Black and White





親愛的讀者,若望既然做出相反師父意思的行為,師父就應該把他逐出師門!但耶穌基督並沒有這樣做,可見「非黑即白」的邏輯,是大錯特錯的。我們應該保持開放的懷抱,放下判斷的心,向聖母瑪利亞學習,學習她把不明白的事物,默存心中,反覆思想(路2:19, 51)。


Eternal Life Series (III)
Between Black and White (Mark 9:38-40)

Not black is white” is an extremely easy logic to understand. Many people take it for granted, use it and extend it. Aren’t “demarcate friends and enemies”, “good and evil never co-exist” and “friends of enemies are also enemies” etc. truths most people understand easily? Alas! Superficial differences do not reflect essential differences. For example, chickens and eggs are only superficial differences. Essentially, they possess the same DNA. Therefore, the arguments over “which comes first, chicken or egg?” totally miss the point! Even worse, labelling is a common tactics in political arguments and colouring is the most superficial of all.

Perhaps out of loyalty to his Master, young John forbade others to exorcize in the name of Jesus. Modern guilds do not harbour such loyalty to their masters. They raise the threshold to admit candidates into the chambers more out of protecting their own benefits. Today, doesn’t the Korean government hit obstacles when she intends to increase the number of medical doctors? Previous partners in serving the citizens have turned against each other. Perhaps the black-and-white dichotomy mentality has caused today’s confrontation!

The Way is not negotiable” (Wei Ling Gong, the Analects) was probably correct in Confucius’ times. But today, is there no room for cooperation when stances are different and interests are different? Are the differences unsurpassable obstacles? Indeed, within the short-span of political life, there must exist a common enemy for different parties to cooperate with and to respect each other. Didn’t Herod Antipas and Pontius Pilate become friends even though they had been enemies formerly (Luke 23:12)? Not only did Jesus uproot the status of Jewish religious leaders, but He also came to condemn the rulers of this world (John 16:11). When the Son of God becomes their common enemy, they reconcile!

Beloved readers! When John did something against the Master’s intention, the Master should expel him! But Jesus didn’t do that. This shows that the Lord doesn’t approve this dichotomy logic. Thus, we should keep an open mind, put away our judgmental attitude and learn from the BVM to keep things we don’t know, reflecting on them in our hearts (Luke 2:19, 51).
God bless!

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