
Tuesday 21 May 2024

都市生活找不到「永生」 Can’t Find Eternal Life in Urban Life



生活在都市中的人,包括基督徒,難免習染了都市生活的思考模式,在不知不覺中作出了「成本效益分析」! 他們很匆忙,要花費最短的時間,做出最大的效益。他們祇會開發和維系能夠獲得最大效益的關係,不願投資情感和時間在沒有結果的關係之上。即使不成功的項目,也要想盡辦法把損失減到最低等等。




Eternal Life Series (II)
Can’t Find Eternal Life in Urban Life (Mark 9:30-37)

There are many hospitality stories in the Old Testament. During New Testament times, this custom continued. For example, the book of Hebrews exhorts Christians to entertain strangers generously, “Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels” (Hebrews 13:2). Jesus Christ has given similar advice. For example, the narrative we hear in the gospel of Mark today rings the same tune with the Last Judgment parable in the gospel of Matthew (Matthew 25:40). As followers of Christ, receiving a fugitive on our part is receiving Jesus Christ and entertaining Jesus is entertaining the Father who sent Christ. The honour is beyond words (Mark 9:37). Thus, Christians find no excuse not practising this “corporal work of mercy” of receiving the homeless or refugees. Moreover, the Holy Family had once been refugees and homeless when they evaded the murderous attempt on the life of the Messiah. Therefore, it is easier for Christians to recognize the presence of Jesus Christ in them.
However, why do urban Christians find it difficult to receive the homeless nowadays?

People living in the city, including Christians, easily pick up the mode of urban life thinking and do “cost-benefit-analysis CBA” subconsciously! They are extremely busy, spending the least amount of time to obtain the greatest amount of utility. They will only start and maintain relationships that yield the greatest perceived utility and are unwilling to invest emotion and time on fruitless ones. Even if a project fails, they will try their best to minimize losses.

If a Christian wants to receive a homeless, he must firmly believe that this corporal work of mercy will bring him eternal life, “Now this is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ” (John 17:3). Given as such, this full-of-charity Christian must first of all spend time knowing the background of this homeless person, the more the better lest incurring loss for unknown factors. Moreover, he needs to ascertain that he has sufficient spare resources to receive this homeless person for at least three months. Don’t forget, it takes time for other agencies to process the transferral of responsibility …

Imperceptibly, our merciful Christian has drawn a bottom-line. “My love ends here” because I am not Jesus Christ but a finite creature. I don’t have the capacity to love until it hurts and beyond!
Beloved readers, we cannot find eternal life in urban life, can we?
God bless!

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