
Sunday 10 June 2012

Corpus Christi 2012

Christians are called to be saints (Romans 1:7). They are called to lead a holy life but life is not at all holy. Human efforts alone can never attain holiness which is rather other-worldly. Therefore holiness in (daily) life is rather contradictory. But God is almighty. What is impossible for men is all too easy for God (Mark 10:25). God makes what is impossible for men possible. He does it in the most mundane way.

First of all, the Son of God incarnated as a human being, Jesus. This is an extraordinary feat indeed though at first hearing it wasn't so extraordinary after all. Many Chinese myths and legends also contain such elements of incarnation. God is almighty. He can do whatever He wants as long as that something is not against His nature, so said the theologians. But the incarnation of Christ is more subtle. Of course He can live "inside" a human body, so to speak. But He has to make sure that the human body is able to contain Him, will not be destroyed by His power! That is easier said than done. Of course, incarnation is something more complicated than simply living inside. In order to be truly human, God has to retain the humanity of Jesus. His humanity is not swallowed, destroyed, or kidnapped by the divinity of God. Otherwise, Jesus were not a free person. His obedience and death on the cross would be worthless. See the complication now? Many Chinese folklore and myths are meant to entertain. They don't care about these Christian intrigues.

Secondly, Christ loves us totally. He leaves behind His Body and Blood, in short, His life to help us attain holiness even in the mundane world. To do this, he instituted the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper and commanded us to participate in this heavenly banquet to share His eternal life in holiness. The Church follows His command to celebrate in the liturgy called Mass. Now, the Son of God has gone one step further to incarnate in ordinary bread and wine to feed us. In receiving the Holy Eucharist, we receive the life of the Son of God. He is willing to be absorbed by us, to become our flesh and blood so that at the end of the world, we may rise again with His flesh and blood. Meanwhile, we are to lead a life of holiness in this mundane world.

Thirdly, what is holiness?
Holiness refers to something that does not belong to this world. It belongs to God. So, how can we attain holiness in this world? Let me assure, men have done this for ages! Whatever dedicated to God belongs to God and thus becomes holy. There have been holy places, holy vessels and holy people. All of them are dedicated to God and thus sacred. Therefore, when we lead a dedicated life for God, we are holy. This is exactly what Christians are called to be. But life is difficult and leading a life of holiness is even more difficult. Don't be discouraged. Being difficult only means being challenging, not being impossible. Christ is here to help us. The Church is here to help us. The Church administers 7 sacraments to help us. The Holy Eucharist is one of them.

Fourthly, in receiving the Holy Eucharist, the human race is made one. Christians help each other in attaining this holiness. In the Holy Eucharist, Christians are merged into one Mystic Body of Christ. The Holy Eucharist is the love of Christ. Love is the binding force that join us together. Love is outgoing and overflowing. Our individual love may be tiny but combined is great. It empowers us and is transforming. We will be more Christ-like and thus, holy. In the process of transformation, we transform the environment, the world we live in. We help to redeem the world we have contaminated. We participate in the redemptive project of Christ.

Dear Lord, sanctify us with Your Body and Blood. Let our bodies and blood sanctify our world. Amen.

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