
Sunday 28 April 2019

走出安樂窩 Leave Our Comfort Zone












Second Easter Sunday, Year C
Theme: Leave Our Comfort Zone

In public places and even at home, it is no longer news to see parents use "electronic pacifier" to tranquilize infants. We all know that it is harmful for their growth. Unfortunately, ancient and modern parents have no time and methods to raise their children properly and choose such sugar-coated poisons. I am not exaggerating. I think all of you have heard of the recent WHO guidelines on children's screen time limits. WHO recommends that infants under one should stay away from screen completely. Those between two to four should spend no more than one hour a day on screen, the less the better.

Raising children needs to make choices and sacrifices. Children are very sensitive and smart. Parents need to outwit as well as out-strengthen them. Everybody knows that scolding and beating them are harmful to their growth. But when parents use pacifiers, children sense that their parents have surrendered, have given up loving and caring them. What infants get is temporary gratification, but not parental love. It is as harmful as scolding and beating. Pacifiers have become the substitute of motherly love, a comfort zone to hide away from the lack of motherly love. How pitiful! Adults rely on other things to be their pacifiers.

The gospel stories tell us even normal adults hide away in their comfort zones. Jesus Christ came to bring abundant life to those who believe in him. In order for our life to grow, we must leave our comfort zone. The self-righteous Pharisees and scribes felt that their respect among the people was shaken and threatened by the presence of Jesus Christ. They hid in the comfort zone of their hypocrisy and professional knowledge to attack Jesus and rejected his truth. Priests saw Jesus Christ cleanse the Temple and incur them financial damages. They hid behind the comfort zone of their authority and status, challenged Jesus where his authority came from and rejected His invitation to love. Even the apostles who believed, stayed with Jesus for three years and risked following Him for a time, returned to their comfort zone when difficulties and frustration descended.

The Twelve were full of hope, had abandoned everything to follow Jesus Christ for three years. Representing the Twelve, Peter declared that Jesus was the Anointed, the Messiah whom they had been anticipating (Luke 9:20) to liberate them from the colonial Roman rule and rebuild Israel (Acts 1:6). During the triumphant entry into Jerusalem, everybody was elated because victory was in sight. Unfortunately, in less than one week, things turned sour fast and saw Jesus being betrayed, condemned and crucified by the Romans. It happened so suddenly that even though Jesus had announced thrice that he had to suffer, the disciples were overwhelmed unexpectedly. In order to survive, they had no choice but to deny, to abandon their master and to hide away! Even though Jesus Christ had come back to life and appeared to them in the house, they did not dare to believe and leave their comfort zones. Jesus' apparitions were sporadic. Before He ascended into heaven, Jesus Christ did not appear to His disciples regularly everyday. Consequently, not seeing Jesus Christ for many days, Peter together with some other disciples resorted to fishing in order to stay sane (John 21:3).

The gospel story today tells us how Thomas came out of his comfort zone.
Other than Peter and John, we know very little about the rest of the apostles. In the gospel of John, we find a few narratives. Thus, we can only speculate their temper and personality. We find three narratives of Thomas. We find the first one in the resurrection of Lazarus. When Lazarus fell sick, Jesus did not go to heal him immediately. Jesus stopped tarrying only after the death of Lazarus. But the disciples worried that the Jews would stone Him. They wanted to dissuade Him. Thomas knew that the disciples would be unable to dissuade Jesus. Thus, he cracked a joke to ease the tension and expressed his reluctance to take risk. Who would enjoy seeking death?

The second narrative took place at the Last Supper. Jesus told the disciples that he would leave them temporarily for the Father's house to prepare a place for them and would come back to take them (14:2-3). Jesus added, "Where I am going you know the way." (14:4) Thomas was a realistic person. He was candid enough to express his ignorance and said, "Master, we do not know where you are going; how can we know the way?" (14:5) This question gives us an opportunity to hear an extremely important truth. Jesus Christ answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (14:6)

Lastly, when the ten apostles told Thomas that during his absence, they had seen the Lord (20:25a). Who dares to believe in such words? Thomas' disbelief was absolutely reasonable. We should not blame Thomas for setting such harsh criteria --- seeing the nailmarks, putting his finger into the nailmarks and his hand into his side --- to believe (20:25b). These criteria were set by Thomas himself so that he could feel comfortable believing. The faith which he had built in Jesus Christ collapsed at His Passion. In order to survive, Thomas had to resort to his comfort zone where he felt safe.

Jesus Christ teaches us to believe in the mercy of the Father because God is love. Out of love, God created and redeemed us. Sins divide the communion and trust we have with God, with our brethren and with ourselves. Without trust, we seek guarantee and evidence. We lose faith in ourselves in failures and frustrations. We lose faith in our brethren when they do not meet our expectations. We doubt the existence of God when we pray to Him and He does not answer! We can only hide in our comfort zone. A "hostage exchange" story in Zuo Zhuan is very inspiring. King Ping of Zhou and Duke Wu of Zheng failed to trust each other. They exchanged hostages as guarantee. Notice that King and Duke were of different ranks. Such an exchange indicated the collapse of the feudal system! Consequently, after the death of the King, the Duke sent armies to reap the wheat harvest in the royal farmland. Thus, without trust, without faith, guarantee and evidence are worthless!

Thank you Jesus! He knows Thomas' and our inadequacies. He is willing to support and strengthen us. He is alive and takes the initiative to contact us. Whatever He touches and breathes on shall be infused with life, renewed and grow (20:22). Thomas no longer relied on the evidence he demanded and acknowledged Jesus Christ to be his God (20:28). Brethren, are you willing to touch Christ the Risen Lord, break out of the suffocating comfort zone in which you are imprisoned?
God bless!

Sunday 7 April 2019

耶穌基督也不定我的罪 Jesus Christ Does Not Condemn Me









Fifth Lenten Sunday, Year C
Theme: Jesus Christ Does Not Condemn Me

If somebody makes a mistake and not knowing why, his mistake is not serious. Although ignorance cannot be an excuse, the fault is forgiveable and the responsibility is light. If somebody commits a crime deliberately, he should be held responsible and be punished. But how much should he be held responsible and punished? Punishment should be proportionate to the crime in order to be fair. Ethicists propose some mitigating factors. For example, if the person is under the influence of drugs, habits or customs; or he was cheated, threatened or under duress to breach the Ten Commandments, lighter punishments should be meted out. That is to say, a driver under normal circumstances and a public transport driver who has to work after taking flu medication, knocks down and kills a pedestrian, the latter should receive lighter punishment. A white supremacist guns down worshippers in a Mosque and a sniper assasinates the president under duress, the latter is forgiveable!

In the story, the woman "was caught in adultery" (John 8:3). So, we can eliminate all the mitigating factors mentioned above. If she was under the influence of drugs or customs; was cheated or under duress etc., she would be a victim. Of course, considering the social status of women at that time, the Scribes and Pharisees would not be sympathetic to her role as a victim. Indeed, according to the Mosaic Law, "both the adulterer and the adulteress shall be put to death." (Leviticus 20:10, Deuteronomy 22:22, 24).
In the story, the Scribes and the Pharisees let off the adulterer, perhaps releasing him deliberately, or laying a trap for Jesus. This was injustice but it is not our concern today. Anyway, the woman did not cry help or resist, showing that she was not a victim. She committed a sin deliberately, damaging the property rights and family lives of hers and the others. She deserved to die during that era!

Let us meditate the meaning of this story!
Firstly, we must read the story in context. During the feast of Tabernacle, Jesus Christ went up to Jerusalem in secret and started preaching in the Temple. He taught the crowd to "stop judging by appearances, but judge justly." (John 7:24) On the last day of the feast, he told the crowd that those who came to believe in him were to receive the Holy Spirit and had life (7:39). In this background, the Scribes and Pharisees brought this adultress before Jesus Christ to challenge his teaching of mercy. If Jesus objected to stoning this woman, He opposed the Mosaic Law. No Jew was able to shoulder the serious consequences of such a stance.

The gospel says, Jesus Christ "bent down and began to write on the ground with his finger" (8:6, 8). What was Jesus writing on the ground so that "they went away one by one, beginning with the elders." (8:9)? Was Jesus Christ writing the sins of each one? Not really! Without two witnesses, Jesus Christ' accusations would not stand. Did Jesus Christ want to show them that He was the God who legislates, writing the laws with his fingers? But writing on the dust of the ground would be less permanent than writing on the stone. I believe what Jesus Christ wrote must be a very interesting question. But the question was put forth in a wrong way. What Jesus Christ wrote would only be revealed at the end of the world. People left one by one after Jesus says, "Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her." (8:7), not because of what Jesus Christ wrote on the ground!

Jesus Christ did not object to throwing a stone at the adultress. He did not object to the Mosaic Law, thus failing to meet the expectation of the Scribes and Pharisees. In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus makes it clear that his mission is Not to abolish the Old Covenant but to fulfil it with mercy (Matthew 5:17), in order to give humanity an abundant life! Thus, Jesus lay down the qualification to be executioners: "the one who is without sin". Only such a person is qualified to execute punishment. This satisfies Jesus Christ's teaching to judge justly!
Who is blameless before God? Nobody. But does this adultress deserve salvation? Since all of us are sailing in the same boat, are suffering from the bondage of sins. So, instead of eating each other, would it not be better to forgive each other, to love each other and to go through difficulties together?

At last, only one person is qualify to mete out punishment. He is Jesus Christ our God! At the end of the world, he shalt punish. St. Paul says, "Do not look for revenge but leave room for the wrath of God." (Romans 12:19) Thus, we should leave vengeance and punishment to God! Thus, don't be so naive as to think that at the end of the world, the mercy of God shall empty the Hell! If God does not punish, how can He be righteous? But before the end, God's mercy give sinners opportunities to repent. In God's eyes, the adultress has not used up her time. She still has opportunities to repent. Thus Jesus Christ says to her, "Neither do I condemn you. Go, and from now on do not sin any more." (John 8:11)

Brethren! How can we abuse God's mercy? While the Lenten season is not yet over, reflect on what drugs or bad habits keep us sinning. While our life is not yet finished, think about what things are cheating us, forcing us not to honour our vows to God. While our end has not yet come, repent, turn a new leaf and make a good confession to embrace the upcoming Easter!
God bless!

Wednesday 3 April 2019

「好心唔怕做」vs. 「好心做壞事」

「好心唔怕做」vs. 「好心做壞事」



  1. 沒有日期。可能是五十年前(祇要求1000個禱告那麼小規模!),從一些「連鎖信」移植到電郵,再抄到WhatsApp去。可能已完成了不知多少次!
  2. 來歷不明,沒有發信人,沒有超連結可供核對!結果在互聯網上,飄浮著不少垃圾,經一段時間,又「番炒」一次,浪費資源和好心!當事人已經死了不知多少次,真是啼笑皆非。
  3. 有違基督宗教的信仰!癌症又如何?
  4. 更嚴重者,好事之徒嫌訊息不夠真實,便加鹽加醋!出現了更惡毒的連鎖信,揭露他人的私隱。且看,楊鳴章主教垂危時,教區呼籲為他祈禱,也沒有透露病情細節,保護主教的私隱。健康狀況是私隱,私隱是尊嚴的一部份,未得當事人同意,竟繪影繪聲地發佈他的病況,即使是真實的,都是踐踏當事人的尊嚴,揭人瘡疤,與狗仔隊有甚麼分別?可怒也!

  1. 濫用了別人的好心,違返愛德,是不仁!
  2. 沒有核對清楚的短訊,便隨意轉發給朋友,是陷朋友於不義。
  3. 幫助散播謠言,犯了十誡的「毋妄證」,是對天主不忠。
  4. 被揭發訊息是假,或者被明眼人看出是假,你在收到訊息的人心中,成了一個沒有信用的人,是對自己不智。
