
Friday 31 July 2020

真我的成長 The Growth of the Authentic Self






Authentic Self Series V
The Growth of the Authentic Self (Matthew 13:54-58)

After thirty years of growth, the authentic self of Jesus Christ began to manifest. His wisdom and mighty deeds astonished His native folks (Matthew 13:54). They were astonished because they applied an established perspective to look at Jesus: the carpenter's son, his mother … brothers … and sisters etc. This perspective is not wrong but it is not the whole truth. Who doesn't have parents? But is "like father like son" always right? Which parents would not be satisfied with their children's achievements? Established perspectives are useful but we should be open to surprises which God has in store for us!

Except for a few apostles, nobody in the gospels applied the "image of God" (Genesis 1:26); the "Holy One of Israel" (Isaiah 12:6); "offspring of the Most High" (Psalm 82:6) on Jesus Christ! These perspectives have been revealed in the Old Testament. Probably the Israelites were awe-struck by God. They dared not to blaspheme or to approach God so much so that they have never applied these perspectives on people around them. But God's love for us is so boundless. He has prepared for those who love Him "what has not entered the human heart" (Isaiah 63:6, 1 Corinthians 2:9). Our God is a God of surprises indeed.

The Son of God took flesh to become man. Not only did He manifest the "authentic self" of humanity, but He also raised this "authentic self" up to a higher dimension: the Holy One of God, the Children of God! Jesus Christ edified the authentic self of humanity with His Passion and Resurrection. As Christians called to sanctification, our authentic selves as the images of God, the Holy Ones of God and the Adopted Children of God have been revealed. Let us apply these perspectives on the neighbour we meet and help their authentic selves emerge.
Heavenly Father, grant us the Holy Spirit to help our authentic selves grow healthily, be sanctified and become authentic children of Yours. Amen.

Thursday 30 July 2020

「真我」內的新舊寶藏 New & Old Treasures in Authentic Self






Authentic Self Series IV
New & Old Treasures in Authentic Self (Matthew 13:47-53)

Among the disciples of Jesus, there were a few Pharisees and scribes such as the well-known Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea (John 19:38-39) as well as Paul (Acts 9:5). Their experiences illustrate what Jesus says today, “Who brings from his storeroom both the new and the old” (Matthew 13:52).

Allow me to define officially what I meant by "authentic self" on the last few days. It is the "me in God's mind". Although God created us in His image, we are in the state of deprivation of the original grace (aka Original Sin). We have not accomplished the blueprints in God's mind. Moreover, we live in history and are limited within space and time. We need to go through polishing within a confined space and time to restore the authentic self. Thus, the experiences of each of us are unique. Whether they are painful or not, they are precious. Today, it is fashionable to speak of "collective memories" which leave in each of our souls scratches of uniquely different depths.

The Church has collected many treatises of Paul's to demonstrate the "the new and old" mentioned above. Before conversion, Saul was a Pharisee, "a zealot for my ancestral traditions." (Galatian 1:14) Thus, he was frenetic towards destroying the newly emerged Christianity. After conversion, the light of Christ's resurrection illuminated his understanding of the laws in the Old Testament. Suddenly, God's salvation became crystal clear to Paul! In his letters he wrote subsequently, he started with his strength, the Jewish laws, to explain how observing them did not justify one before God. Then he proceeded to explain the doctrine of "justification by faith". Before conversion, Saul sought the old treasures. But it took the new treasures to fully realize his authentic self! Of course, without the old treasures, the new ones lose their foundation!
Heavenly Father! We are grateful that You cultivate our authentic selves with the latest and the best treasures. Amen.

Wednesday 29 July 2020

瑪爾大活出「真我」 Martha Lived Up To Her Authentic Self





幸好有主耶穌在,化解了這場危機。祂肯定了瑪爾大的忙碌是美好的,但天主並不需要我們的勞動來增添祂的光榮。同時耶穌基督指出,瑪爾大的忙碌,倘若用來「護守」妹妹的默觀,將會是主所喜歡的,因為這是更好的一份,不能奪去的一份(10:42)! 感謝瑪爾大,她教導了我們活出真我,也要關愛別人。


Authentic Self Series III: Martha Lived Up To Her Authentic Self (Luke 10:38-42) Nobody has the absolute freedom to ignore others and lives up to his authentic self recklessly. When we show our true colours, don’t forget to care and love people around us. The Martha in the gospels was an action type of person. She was burdened with much serving Jesus at her home (Luke 10:40). She showed her love of Lord Jesus with concrete actions. Martha manifested her authentic self and it is commendable. Maria was a contemplative type of person. She sat beside the Lord, her Creator, listening to Him speak. As a creature, what more could Maria do to manifest her total love of God than contemplatively listening to Him? At that moment, both sisters lived up their authentic selves. Unfortunately, this beautiful moment did not last long. The authentic self of Martha is a little bit assertive and likes making comparisons. I don’t believe Martha lacks concerns and care for her sister or even envies her. I don’t even believe that she was incapable of serving Jesus singlehandedly. Rather, I think the more she serves, the more enthusiastic she would become. It is not necessarily wrong for Martha to complain because that’s the authentic Martha! Perhaps she wanted Jesus Christ to affirm that her concrete services show more love than her sister’s contemplation! This comparison nearly ruptures the whole milieu of love. Martha’s assertiveness nearly made her forget the loving care due her sister. Luckily Lord Jesus was there to neutralize this crisis. He affirmed Martha’s industriousness but God does not need our labour to increase His glory. At the same time, Jesus Christ points out that if Martha applied her toil to “keep/defend” her sister’s contemplation, God would love it because this is the better part which would not be taken from her (10:42)! Thanks Martha for showing us that when we live up to our authentic selves, we show show loving care to others as well. Heavenly Father, pray that we may edify people around us even when our authentic selves make mistakes. Amen!

Tuesday 28 July 2020

活出「真我」的外來障礙 Obstacles to Live Up To the Authentic Self






Authentic Self Series II
Obstacles to Live Up To the Authentic Self (Matthew 13:36-43)

The Kingdom of Heaven has both internal and external meanings. The internal one is in our hearts. It is subjective. When we allow God's will and grace to operate in our hearts without obstacles, the Kingdom of Heaven is present in us. The Parable of the Sower describes this "internal" Kingdom of Heaven. The external Kingdom of Heaven is objective and like the internal one, takes time to develop and manifest. The objective Kingdom of Heaven shall actualize at "the end of the age" (Matthew 13:39). The Parable of the Weeds describes this external Kingdom of Heaven at the end of the world.

Just as the in the internal Kingdom of Heaven, there are thorns smothering the seeds, preventing them from growing, the external Kingdom of Heaven is the same. "The field is the world" (13:38) the base of the Kingdom of Heaven. The Son of Man plants good seeds in the world to build up the Kingdom of Heaven. Building it up is a process and takes time to develop. At the same time, there are people who cause others to sin and evildoers in the Kingdom (13:41), hindering the children of the Kingdom to develop the Kingdom.

In the evolution of human societies, sin is no longer the actions of individual evildoers. Sin is institutionalized. Weaklings are imprisoned in the institution and become a part of it. In previous ages, there were only greedy individuals exploiting a small number of domestic slaves. Today, there are unfair legal systems which turn a blind eye to unscrupulous entrepreneurs who exploit an entire class of labourers, quickening the polarization of wealth! Within the system, entrepreneurs compete among themselves in a dog-eat-dog, hoping to monopolize the market. Workers become bolts and nuts of production! These structural sins twist and distort the dignity and humanity of both the entrepreneurs and labouring people. When humanity is so much trampled, is it meaningful to talk about Authentic Self and is sanctification still possible?
Heavenly Father! Come quickly. Remove all stumbling blocks so that the authentic selves of the righteous may "shine like the sun". Amen!

Monday 27 July 2020

福音助人活出「真我」 The Gospel Helps Us Live Up To Our Authentic Self



  1. 原來把酵母均勻地搓揉進麵團裡,是頗為費力的。因此,雖然天國是天主白白的恩賜,但人們仍需努力,與天主合作,纔能享受到天國的福樂。
  2. 麵粉的品種有很多,倘若祇把麵粉開水煮熟來吃,雖然可以攝取到營養,卻是淡然乏味!加入了酵母,便可以把各種麵粉的不同特色,彰顯出來。再配合其他不同的材料,便可以烘焙出不同的精美糕點了。



Authentic Self Series (I)
The Gospel Helps Us Live Up To Our Authentic Self (Matthew 13:31-35)

During this pandemic, many ladies are forced to stay home, reducing the number of dining-outs. They return to the kitchen to bake. A new understanding of the Parable of the Yeast emerges.

  1. It is rather exhausting to knead the yeast thoroughly into the dough. Thus, although God gives the kingdom of heaven freely to us, we need to work hard and cooperate with God in order to partake in the bliss of the kingdom
  2. There are different types of flour. If we simply boil it with water and consume, though we are able to absorb the nutrients, it would be bland! Add a little yeast and the flavour of different types of flour is revealed. Together with various dressings and icings, delicious pastry is baked.
The gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven turns out to be the yeast that ignites the "Authentic Self" in us. This Authentic Self was made in the image of God and "God looked at everything He had made, and found it very good." (Genesis 1:31) Unfortunately, life is crashing people down. No matter how hard they struggle, they are unable to change the sins infested environment. Reluctantly they surrender. In order to protect themselves and to continue fighting for their survival, they put on masks to interact, fearing to reveal their Authentic Selves! In times, their Authentic Selves are imprisoned and replaced by their masks.

God's gospel, this marvellous yeast revitalizes our tarnished Authentic Self and revives the image of God. Jesus Christ proclaims this good news and invites us to repent. The Father is merciful. He does not count our trespasses against us. This grace God freely gives. If we accept this invitation and are willing to cooperate with God, we shall be liberated and partake in God's eternal life.
Heavenly Father! May we become Your delicacy to deliver a crumb of satisfaction to the world. Amen!

Sunday 26 July 2020

扎根過去 Our Foundation Is In the Past





其次:耶穌基督沒有否定宗徒們的過去,而是以他們的過去作為基礎,造就他們。耶穌召叫四個漁夫跟隨祂時,對他們說:「我要使你們成為漁人的漁夫」(瑪4:19),是他們容易明白的。當然到最後,他們都變成了牧羊人(若21:15-17)!他們的使命並不局限在網羅人的靈魂,更要負起訓導與聖化的任務。在瑪竇的例子,耶穌祇簡單地說了一句「跟隨我」(瑪9:9),留給我們很寬的演繹空間。要知道在當代,為羅馬政府收稅,並不是一件光彩的事!耶穌沒有對瑪竇說:「我要使你成為天國的稅吏」,不是否定瑪竇的過去,而是天國真的不需要稅吏!把瑪竇福音與其他福音比較,我們會發覺瑪竇對梅瑟的法律,也有相當的造詣,祇不過他沒有當上經師而已!瑪竇留下給後世的福音,真是「從他的寶庫裡,提出新的和舊的東西」(13:52)!他把耶穌基督如何成全舊的法律,如何更新它,呈現在讀者眼前。綜觀整部聖經,「寶物/寶 庫」一辭出現過十八次,有一半來自瑪竇福音,的確是「稅吏」本色!至於保祿的例子就更加明顯了。耶穌基督召選這位通曉猶太和希臘文化的狂熱法利塞人,成為向猶太外僑和外邦人、向卑微和尊高的人作證(宗26:22)的宗徒。祂沒有否定保祿對猶太傳統的熱誠,反而以復活之光,燭照了他對祖先教訓的理解,並讓教會保留了他大量的書信,使他成為新約的第一位神學家!




Seventeenth Ordinary Sunday, Year A
Theme: Our Foundation Is In the Past

As a permanent deacon, I'm a member of the catechist team in the parish. It is our irrevocable duty to systematically and clearly instruct our catechumens. Thus, there is a different understanding of the gospel passage today.
For us Catholics, the gospel is an invaluable treasure which deserves our selling all that we have to acquire it (Matthew 13:44, 46), the salvific truth which will set us free (John 8:32). It is a major topic for us catechists to help catechumens make the determination to "sell all they have". I feel that there is a huge and supernatural element working in the process, viz. the Holy Spirit. I'm not evading my responsibility or giving up because it is next to impossible to get it done. Rather, I believe that "faith" does not come about through our efforts only, but it also comes from God's grace! I'm convinced that the Holy Spirit who worked through Peter's proclamation, witnesses of all saints throughout ages and our instructions shall "cut to the heart" (Act 2:37) of the catechumens, help them decide to sell all they have to acquire the invaluable treasure (Matthew 13:44, 66)!

Like the catechumens, I wasn't baptized in my infancy. Adults to be initiated into the Church carry with them a certain length of history. They have established a certain set of habits, literacy, world-view and modus operandi, like the "scribe who has been instructed in the kingdom of heaven" (13:52). For the contemporary Jews, scribes were well trained professionals who knew thoroughly the Mosaic laws and safe-guarded the traditions. Although Jesus Christ made it clear that He has "come not to abolish … but to fulfil" (5:17), His fulfilment involves abolishing the flaws of the old practices and a renewal of the original spirit. This process of abolishing and renewal would probably bring the whole system of old down (9:16-17). It is not easy for scribes who found traditions essential to accept this revolutionary gospel. Thus, becoming a "scribe who has been instructed in the kingdom of heaven" is a rarity! But rarity doesn't mean impossibility (19:26)! That's why I said above that "there is a huge and supernatural element working in the process"!

Jesus Christ called the apostles, lived with them for three years to train them into pillars of the Church in the future. I believe that His examples would shed light on how we should instruct our catechumens.
First of all, Jesus Christ did not follow a certain teaching schedule/examination syllabus. Rather, He made use of the situations and the characteristics of His listeners. Although there was no "syllabus" as we understand it today, the content of the gospel is definite. It is the "kingdom of heaven" and that "God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting their trespasses against them" (2 Corinthians 5:19). I have no intention to negate the value of the 18-month syllabus which we are using. It is systematic and meets the needs of catechism. But we can't deny the importance of the individuality of the catechumens. After all, not every one of them is ready to be baptized after the 18-month course.

Secondly, Jesus Christ did not reject the past of the apostles. Instead, He edified them upon the foundation of their past. Jesus called four fishermen to follow Him saying, "I will make you fishers of men" (Matthew 4:19) which was easily understandable for them. Of course in the end, they turned into shepherds (John 21:15-17)! Their mission was not simply fishing souls, but teaching and sanctifying them. In the case of Matthew, Jesus simply says, "Follow me" (Matthew 9:9) which gives us a lot of latitude to interpret. Bear in mind that in those days, a tax-collector for the Romans was inglorious among the Jews. Jesus did not tell Matthew, "I will make you a tax-collector in the kingdom of heaven." This was not a rejection of Matthew's past but the kingdom of heaven needs no tax-collector! A comparison with the other gospels shows that Matthew was very familiar with Mosaic laws. It was that he didn't end up as a scribe! The gospel he left behind is a legacy in which he "brings from his storeroom both the new and the old" (13:52)! He displays before our eyes how Jesus Christ fulfils the old law and how to renew it. Throughout the whole Bible, "treasures/storeroom" appears 18 times, half of which come from Matthew. What a true colour of a "tax-collector"! The case of Paul is more obvious. Jesus calls a fanatic Pharisee who knew well both Jewish and Greek cultures to bear witness to the gospel to the Jewish Diaspora and Gentiles, to small and great alike (Acts 26:22). Jesus did not reject Paul's enthusiasm toward Jewish traditions. On the contrary, He sheds light on Paul's understanding of ancestral teachings and allows the Church to preserve his epistles, making him the first theologian of the New Testament!

Thirdly, "resurrection" is the core message of the gospel.
When I was small, I met on the street an enthusiastic Protestant lady who spoke to passers-by how Jesus loved them, how He bled for them and how painful it would be … Perhaps I was impatient. I did not remember hearing her finish speaking of Jesus' resurrection and left. If instructors focus too much on how Jesus loves us by dying for us, they probably make the same mistake of putting the cart before the horse! Seeing Jesus' Passion, people at most would confess that "Truly, this was the Son of God/innocent" (Matthew 27:54; Mark 15:39; Luke 23:47). But all who are touched by the risen Christ are transformed into new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17) who lead a Christ-centred life and see the world with Christ's eyes! For example, the two disciples on the way to Emmaus who left Jerusalem in despair met the risen Lord. They turned back with inflamed hearts (Luke 24:13-35). Paul is another exemplar. No matter how enthusiastic towards ancestral traditions, the former Saul did not have the honour to encounter God like his fathers: Abraham, Jacob, Moses and David etc. did until the day he encountered the risen Jesus Christ on the way to Damascus. This shattering experience forced him to evaluate what he had been taught. Subsequently in his preaching and writings, Paul was able to interpret Mosaic laws in the light of resurrection and to establish the theology of "Justification by Faith".

From the experiences of the apostles, we learn that Jesus Christ renews them in the ways He comes to fulfil the Mosaic laws. He polishes the innate essence of humanity which has been contaminated by greed and complacency! I believe that catechists should do the same with the catechumens by renewing their habits, literacy, world-view and modus operandi.
May the Holy Spirit continue to patiently guide us and renew us as well as the catechumens. Let them enjoy the freedom and joy of becoming new-born children of our Father.
God bless!

Sunday 19 July 2020

莠子的命運 The Fate of Weeds




雖然施恩莫望報(6:34),但「賞善」的金句,在福音中俯拾皆是(10:40-42,16:27,19:29,25:34-36)。所以,無論你懷有甚麼企圖行善,天主也會賞賜你。至於「罰惡」方面,瑪竇福音用的字眼是「哀號和切齒」,一共出現過六次。這字眼具體地描述痛苦的表現,與其說是「罰惡」,倒不如說是惡人後悔莫及。這六次所針對的,包括了對耶穌缺乏信德的猶太人( 8:11-12);莠子比喻中的使人跌倒和作惡的人(13:42);撒網比喻中的惡人(13:50);婚宴比喻中沒有穿禮服的人(22:13);惡僕和假善人(24:51)和浪費了塔冷通的無用僕人(25:30)。從這六段經文,可以總結出遭受懲罰的,就是那些沒有善用天主所賜予才幹和機會的人,當然也包括濫用權勢和暴力的人!這些是耶穌基督所說的真理,即使不是為了彰顯公義,天主在末日賞善罰惡,是不爭的真理。







Sixteenth Ordinary Sunday, Year A
Theme: The Fate of Weeds

It is frustrating to see government officials argue against reasons and blame everybody but themselves. They do not see the world as a global village. Every single act affects themselves and everybody. They are egoistic and misjudge the situation. Consequently, they make wrong choices, harming everybody, including themselves! Although I still firmly believe that God "wills everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth" (1 Timothy 2:4), I have another understanding of the second half of the verse. In front of a Goliath, Christians can only pray for people in power that one day, they will not ask in the face of the Truth the same question as Pilate did "What is truth?" (John 18:38) Of course I must confess that I do not have the whole truth. I hope I myself do not commit the same mistake, misjudging the situation.

The gospel passage today shall shatter a wishful thinking that "Since God is merciful. Even evil people will go to heaven"!
Indeed, the easiest way to understand God's righteousness is "awarding the good and punishing the wicked". Although our good deeds do not add glory to the Father, doing works of mercy pleases Him. Thus, Jesus Christ encourages us to do good. Let our good deeds shine like a lamp before others, encouraging people to do good and glorify our heavenly Father (Matthew 5:16). This is the modus operandi of Catholic evangelization: speak less, labour more!

Although we should not seek recompense in doing good (6:34), many verses about rewarding the good are found in the gospels (10:40-42, 16:27, 19:29, 25:34-36). Thus, whatever your motives in doing good, God will recompense. As for punishing the wicked, Matthew uses "wailing and grinding of teeth" six times. This phrase expresses physical pains vividly. I would rather say this expresses the regret of the wicked instead of punishment. Let's survey what people are included: the unbelieving Jews (8:11-12); those who cause others to sin and evildoers in the Parable of Wheat and Weeds (13:42); the wicked in the Parable of the Net (13:50); a man not dressed in wedding garment (22:13); wicked servants and hypocrites (24:51) and the useless servants who bury the talents (25:30). From these six passages, we may draw the conclusion that those who do not make good use of the talents and opportunities God has given them, including those who abuse authority and violence, shall be punished! This is truth spoken by Jesus Christ. Even if it is not for the manifestation of righteousness, God will reward the good and punish the wicked. This truth is indisputable.

Let us reflect from where the weeds come.
Answering the disciples' request, Jesus replies, "The weeds are the children of the evil one." (13:38) We know that from the beginning, all men were created in the image of God. Then from where do these children of the evil one come? The gospel says, "The enemy who sows them is the devil." (13:49) The Devil did not create mankind. It applies all its charm to win mankind over to its side (4:8-9). Paul also advised Timothy as such, "they are entrapped by him (the Devil), for his will." (2 Timothy 2:26) Then, what is the Devil's secret of success in entrapping humanity?

First of all, this question is answerable because the Devil cannot use methods which we don't understand to ensnare us. It cannot overtake our freedom or our will because even God does not allow Himself to violate our freedom. Thus, the Devil can only use methods which our intellect is able to understand. Therefore, it is possible to explore the Devil's secret.
I think the "Hierarchy of Needs" proposed by Maslow the psychologist is a workable frame of reference. It agrees with the Jesus' Temptation narrative. Everybody lives in different situations. The uneven distribution of social resources and the wealth gaps are stark social realities. Even if people know that "unworthy wealth does not last" and there are proper ways to satisfy our needs, still there are many people unscrupulously fighting for money, love and power/esteem. Lastly, doubting God's love and wishing to play God (Genesis 3:5) has always been the Devil's trump card since Adam's time. That is to say, wheat can become weeds!

Of course we should understand the limitations of parables. The symbols employed in parables cannot represent totally the things they symbolize. Biologically speaking, wheat is forever wheat and cannot mutate to weeds. Using it to represent improvable humanity is inadequate! But we shouldn't lose heart. If wheat can become weeds, then "Let those who are weeds be changed into wheat." (St. Augustine, Sermon 73A.1) Thus the Master allows wheat and weeds to grow together in the field and wait until the Judgment Day to pronounce the righteous and the wicked. "No, if you pullup the weeds you might uproot the wheat along with them." (Matthew 13:29)

Indeed, it is not easy to distinguish between good and evil in this complicated age. Even for the dead, we are not able to give them a definite evaluation. Throughout history, the fames of historical people shift from time to time depending on the political ethos. Yesterday, let's criticize Lin Biao and Confucius. Today, many Confucius Institutes are established overseas! What about those who are still alive? The servants are not unable to distinguish between wheat and weeds. Rather, everybody is like a Schrödinger's cat which exists in a state of live and death superposition. How can we judge, with fragmented evidence today, a person to be righteous or wicked? Thus, Jesus Christ teaches us not to judge (7:1).

Since we are living in a sinful environment, how do we not become weeds? When wheat succumbs to temptation, it becomes weeds. Obviously, it is next to impossible to stay away from temptations today. Let us learn from the narrative of Jesus' temptation, rely on the support of the Holy Spirit to lead a life centred on God. As for how to deal with weeds, St. Paul's advice is good, "A slave of the Lord should not quarrel, but should be gentle with everyone, able to teach, tolerant, correcting opponents with kindness. It may be that God will grant them repentance that leads to knowledge of the truth, and that they may return to their senses out of the Devil's snare, where they are entrapped by him, for his will." (2 Timothy 2:24-26) May we unworthy slaves of the Lord, at least believe that weeds can transform back into wheat.
God bless!

Tuesday 14 July 2020

在審判的日子 On The Day Of Judgment







Courage Series#3:
It will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom on the day of judgment than for you. (Matthew 11:24)

Not only does listening need courage, but seeing also needs courage, the courage to repent! Lacking courage, people will look and look and yet not see, listen and listen and yet not hear (Matthew 13:14)! No wonder there are so many people living in parallel universes today!

In the gospel passage today, Jesus "began to reproach the towns where most of his mighty deeds had been done, since they had not repented" (11:20). Why didn't they repent even after seeing miracles?
The obvious answer is that they did not feel the need to repent. Like most self-righteous Pharisees and scribes, they did not think they were sinners. Without sins, why needed they to repent? Even if they found inadequacies in themselves, they still deemed themselves superior to others and fell into the temptation of "Not me! Somebody else is worse". Then, they did not need to repent and even dared to boast of themselves before God (Luke 18:11-12)!

Don't they see their inadequacies? Surely they see but they don't have the courage to admit that they and those they despise need the same forgiveness from God! Even worse, they put the blame on others or look for scapegoats. Never can they be wrong. Those decent-looking scribes and Pharisees would apply the laws to reproach tax-collectors who served Romans. How could they acknowledge they plundered people like tax-collectors did (20:45-47)? Similarly, people who take bribes only blame entrepreneurs for exploiting the poor. How can they forgive burglars who break into their houses? And how can abusers tolerate victims who fight back? Indeed, lacking courage, how can they approach the operation table to remove the wooden beam from their eyes (Matthew 7:5)? Indeed, both scribes and tax-collectors need extremely huge courage to admit their sins!

God does not remove Sodom's punishments but makes them tolerable. Why are the punishments tolerable? Perhaps they are limited in time, e.g. in the Purgatory. The rest? You know.
Lord! Grant us courage to see clearly our faults so that we may repent and be forgiven by our heavenly Father. Amen.

Monday 13 July 2020

人的仇敵,就是自己的家人 One's enemies will be those of his household








Courage Series #2
One's enemies will be those of his household (Matthew 10:36)

Do you have the courage to hear these words? Are you able to listen?
First of all, let us clarify what "enemies" means. It is ἐχθρός in Greek, meaning "hostile to, hating and opposing God"! That is to say, it is one's household which prevents us from coming close to God, preventing us from receiving salvation.

In an ideal believers' family, Catholic parents should pass on Christianity to their children, equipping them to respond to God's call to sanctification. Children should gladly receive this gospel and put it into practice stage by stage during their growth and development. From where do the "enemies" come in these ideal families? Indeed, these are admirable exemplar families which the Holy Family is one such. However, reality exerts a lot of pressure on families so much so that many families have lost their proper functions. Domestic violence and divorces happen in grave cases, breaking families up and failing to provide protection and growth for their members! In such cases, the quotation above, even with its religious connotation removed, is a realistic portrait of many modern families!
Families which are comparatively healthy and normal are inevitably affected by tensions brought about by the growth and development of family members! Children grow and become rebellious. They feel that parents' beliefs are outdated. Belief in God is outdated and embarrasses them in front of their peers … Husbands or wives are promoted. Working environment has changed. Colleagues are different. Working hours become longer and cracks appear in spousal relationship … Parents are ageing. Their responses are slower. Tempers become queer and personality becomes less flexible … All family relations become tense. God seems to have vanished in families …

Bear in mind Jesus' teaching! Doesn't He teach that we should "love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you" (5:44)? Who are our enemies? Jesus says, "our household" (10:36) If we cannot love those enemies from our household, how can we love enemies from outside? If we do not love whom we see, how can we love God whom we have not seen (1 John 4:20)?
Lord! Grant us courage and strength to love those who hurt us most. Amen.

Sunday 12 July 2020

聽的勇氣 The Courage To Hear








Fifteenth Ordinary Sunday, Year A
Theme: Courage Series#1: The Courage To Hear

Today, Jesus says, "Whoever has ears ought to hear." (Matthew 13:9)
Not only do you have ears, but you also need courage to hear.
No man is an island. Our survival and development rely on the interpersonal network we build with others, including family, school, work place, social network … society, country and even the whole world. Just as what our Financial Secretary Mr. Paul says, "USA shall be affected by our sneeze in Hong Kong." This Butterfly Effect is an indisputable common sense nowadays.
As we all know, communication is essential to the success of interpersonal relationships. Among the many channels of communication, listening is the most crucial but is most easily affected by different noises! For example, you consult your physician. What if he never takes his eyes off the computer screen to read your various examination reports and does not listen to your complaints. Furthermore, if without speaking a word to you, he simply sends you away with his prescriptions. Do you have confidence in him, no matter how famous a miracle physician he is? Will you follow his prescriptions, and continue to consult him next time? On the other hand, if you do not listen carefully to his prescriptions or what not to eat, do you think you can be cured? Of course, there are many different kinds of relationships, not necessarily helper and client. But all relationships involve give and take. The roles of giver and taker may interchange. Although you are the taker this time, you always have the opportunity to become the giver. Whatever relationship it is, listening is always essential. On the contrary, prejudice, not listening comprehensively and lack of communication will lead to misunderstanding. When relations sour, both sides suffer.

Today, I want to focus on one particular element which affects listening. It is courage. The taker can easily fall victim to pride and do not have to courage to hear other people or givers mention the gist of the problem. It is unthinkable for a Tai Chi master to be knocked out by a nobody in twenty seconds, for a healthy person to fall sick, for a righteous person to get involved in sexual scandals … parents who have always been givers find it difficult to accept their own ageing and need to be taken care of by children! On the other hand, givers can easily fall victim to a condescendence attitude and do not have the courage to hear the takers say, "I don't need the kind of help you give!" Parents always want to give children the best. When they were young and didn't know what to choose, it was the duty of parents to choose for them. But imperceptibly, children have grown up and have their own choices. The most challenging job for parents is to take the courage to hear the rejection of the best gifts they have prepared for them! "It must be the fault of bad peers, or teachers instilling wrong values or immoral information picked up from the Internet …" All these are but defence mechanisms to soothe oneself!

Reality puts great pressure on living things and on all interpersonal relationships. Every living creature must struggle to survive. Some choose to change the environment, or improve relationships to make them suitable for their survival. Those who lack the resources to change the environment will change themselves to adapt. Confronted by hostile environment or relationships, some choose to sacrifice part of their limbs or ideals. In the short run, the defence mechanism of "look but not understand, look but never see" (13:14) and belief in a better tomorrow will cost the least! Unbeknown to them that this defence mechanism is the very Achilles' heel that destroys interpersonal relationships and the survival environment! In the end, closing up all communication channels, one can only suffer passively and become uncooperative.

As Catholics living in Hong Kong, we may not have the resources to change the environment. Facing social unrests and the pandemic, we may feel helpless. But we still have hope in the Kingdom of Heaven which is full of love and righteousness promised by our God. We shall not passively refuse to cooperate with the government, with people of good will and with God! In the end, shall we abandon the ideal of the Kingdom of Heaven and abandon the Church established by Jesus Christ? Never!
St. Paul says that we are reconciliation ambassadors of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:19-20). The gospel we proclaim is the Truth. This Truth "is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12) But the Word of God is hard to swallow, e.g. love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you etc. It is difficult for people without grace to receive. It is difficult to break down the defence mechanism of "hear and not understand, look and not see" from the outside. It is even more difficult for listeners of gospel to forsake this defence mechanism without great courage and the grace from the Holy Spirit, in particular, politicians. We Christians must also accept the reality and respect the dignity and freedom of our listeners. We easily make the mistake of playing Saviour and do not have the courage to accept the reality that "Christians are sinners" or "We don't want you to talk Jesus"!

Brethren! We Catholics are blessed! In our relationship with our heavenly Father, He is always the giver and we the takers! However, God knows that it is unhealthy to always be takers because takers shall never grow up. Thus, God gives everybody, even if you are the most unlucky and worst loser, the opportunity to be giver! In maintaining the God-man relationship, God always listens attentively and patiently to our prayers. Let's ask ourselves, do we have the courage to hear the teachings of Jesus Christ, the courage to accept the invitation to repent, and the courage to become reconciliation ambassadors of Jesus Christ?
God bless!

Sunday 5 July 2020

耶穌的良善心謙 Jesus' Humility





  1. 他們是謙卑的。真正的謙卑的第一步,就是覺得自己是一個罪人,其他人比自己好。這是歷代聖人的共同特徵。
  2. 他們是神貧的。他們的心祇依附在天主的寶藏(路12:34)。
  3. 他們在上主內尋求棲身之所。




