
Sunday 27 October 2019

耶穌基督要找怎麼樣的信德? What Kind of Faith Does Jesus Christ Look For?



  1. 耶穌基督曾多次提醒我們,祂會在最出人意表的時辰重臨。教會遭受迫害是家常便飯,但如果教會出現被毀滅的危險,那就太明顯,不會是出人意表的時辰了。所以即使教會出現被毀滅的危機,絕對不會是世界末日的徵兆!相反,當教會不用面對內憂外患的時候,到了可以安枕無憂的時候,小心,那可能是耶穌基督選定的突如其來的時辰了!
  2. 耶穌基督在這句說話之前和之後,都是在講述祈禱。所以是與祈禱有關。「找不到信德」是指沒有人再祈禱嗎?沒有人再返聖堂領聖事嗎?對不起!我相信天主重質不重量,不會因為沒有人返聖堂就結束這個世界!想當年,亞巴郎曾與天主討價還價,祇要找到十個義人,就赦免索多瑪城(創18:32)。又例如,天主從基德紅民長手上的三萬二千人,祇挑選了三百人(民7:6),便擊敗了米德揚的十三萬五千大軍。最後,耶穌基督曾許諾,「那裡有兩個或三個人,因我的名字聚在一起,我就在他們中間。」(瑪18:20)可見天主是重質不重量的,即使教會祇剩下兩三個義人,天主也不會結束這個世界,因為有耶穌基督與我們同在!所以,耶穌基督那句「找不到信德」的話,是要求我們培養有質素的信德!


  1. 天主是全知的,你有需要在天主面前,數算自己的優點嗎?天主需要你提醒祂嗎(依40:13-14)?需要你提醒的天主,不信也罷!你這樣做,是反映了自己信德的薄弱,你並不在渴望天主的拯救!你信自己多於信天主!
  2. 這個法利塞人說:「因為我不像其他人…」(路18:11)。很多人喜歡越俎代庖,不做自己應該做的事,反而好管閒事,做留給天主做的事!請問這位法利塞人:「誰立了你作我們的首領和判官?」(出2:14)其實,他做好自己份內的事便是,何必批評別人做得不夠好呢?踐踏在別人的短處上來高舉自己,不見得你高了多少!倘若真的想切磋比拼,提高自己的實力,找個高手來比拼纔對,是不是?
  3. 看見別人軟弱犯罪,沒有激發起對他們的憐憫之心,祇管譴責,對事情有幫助嗎?又沒有哀慟之心,警惕自己有朝一日,有可能也會墮落,好像他們犯同一樣的罪過。這個法利塞人反過來感謝天主,慶幸自己沒有犯錯,這不是「幸災落禍」是甚麼!



Thirtieth Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: What Kind of Faith Does Jesus Christ Look For?

We cannot read bible passages out of context. In order to understand the message of today's gospel, we need to know the context. The last sentence of the gospel passage last Sunday says, "But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?" (Luke 18:8)
"When the Son of Man comes" means the end of the world. Does Jesus foretell that when no more people believe in God, or when the Church is destroyed, it shall be the end of the world? I don't think we need to be pessimistic because it is too obvious!

  1. Jesus Christ reminds us many times that He would return at the most unexpected moment. The Church has been routinely persecuted. If the Church faces the danger of annihilation, it would be too obvious a time, not an unexpected time. Therefore, when the Church is besieged both from within and without, it is absolutely not a sign of the end! On the contrary, if the Church does not have to worry about all these troubles and is facing a peaceful and receptive world, beware, most probably that's the moment Jesus Christ has chosen to return!
  2. Before and after this comment, Jesus was talking about prayers. Therefore, the comment must be related to prayers. Does "Will he find faith on earth" means nobody pray anymore, that nobody goes to Church to receive sacraments? I believe that God looks for quality, not quantity. He will not end this world because nobody goes to Church! In the Old Testament, Abraham was able to secure a bargain with God sparing Sodom if he would find ten righteous people in the city (Genesis 18:32). As another example, God picked up 300 soldiers from 32,000 people under the command of Gideon (Judges 7:6) to defeat a Midian army of 350,000. Lastly, Jesus Christ promises, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20) Thus, we see that quality, not quantity, is God's concern. Even though only two or three righteous people remain in the Church, God shall not end this world because Jesus Christ stays with us! Therefore, Jesus demands us to build up a faith of high quality in His comment.

If you believe in just two creeds, you can be counted a Christian. Those two creeds are: there is only one God who is three in one. Jesus Christ is truly divine and truly human. This is the Christian faith. Of course, it is not easy to believe in these articles with rationality, but the real challenge is how to live up this faith. The difficulty lies in how to live up the evangelical spirit in this secular world, the way towards sanctification with the Beatitudes. Today with the parable of the Prayer of a Pharisee and a Publican, Jesus Christ puts before us two different attitudes towards faith for us to choose.

The most difficult patients on earth to heal are those who deny that they are sick!
The Pharisee is grateful to God, observes the Ten Commandments and does no harm to others, fasts twice a week and pays tithes etc. (Luke 11:11-12). He is an exemplary Jew. What else has he not done? If we want to criticize, at most you can say that he has not mentioned any charity works, helping the needy! Probably he has. He just doesn't mention it. On the other hand, has the publican done any?

Indeed, superficially, you cannot find fault with this exemplary Pharisee. But don't forget, "A mortal sees the appearance. The Lord looks into the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7) The prayer of this Pharisee reveals three vices in his heart.

  1. God is omniscient. Do you need to enumerate your merits before Him? Does God need you to remind him (Isaiah 40:13-14)? A deity which needs to be reminded is not worth believing at all! What you have done shows how weak your faith is. You do not desire God's salvation. You believe in yourself more than in God!
  2. This Pharisee says, "That I'm not like the rest of humanity…" (Luke 18:11) Many people enjoy playing God. They don't discharge their duties but like to do things reserved for God! Hey, Pharisee, "Who has appointed you ruler and judge over us?" (Exodus 2:14) In fact, it is good of him to do his duties. Is it necessary to pass judgment on the others? Trampling upon others to exalt oneself does not make one any taller! If he really wants to improve himself with challenges, he should challenge the strong ones, shouldn't he?
  3. What help is there of condemning others when you see them fall without compassion? Without mourning to remind us, one day we may similarly fall. On the contrary, this Pharisee thanks God for his not sinning. Isn't that callous?
This Pharisee is an exemplar of what I said earlier, "those who deny that they are sick"! His fault is that he believes that his salvation or his justification before God comes totally from his own effort and not God's mercy. How can this kind of people receive God's healing? Arrogance is truly detrimental to our salvation.

Brethren, Jesus Christ teaches us to be spiritually poor, be mournful and merciful (Matthew 5:3-4, 7). These are the antidotes to pride. Let the prayer of the publican inspires in us humility, that we "would not even raise his eyes to heaven" (Luke 18:13) so that we may be able to see more clearly our own vices and desire God's salvation. This is the meaning of "Hunger and thirst for righteous" (Matthew 5:6). We shall not be far away from justification when we are able to practise these four beatitudes.
God bless!

Saturday 26 October 2019

甚麼時機信耶穌基督最有效益? When Is the Most Efficient Moment To Believe In Jesus Christ?






When Is the Most Efficient Moment To Believe In Jesus Christ? (Luke 13:1-9)

Perhaps many people would envy the repentant thief crucified with Jesus Christ because probably he had done a lot of evil things during his life time and he seized the last moment to believe in the Lord (Luke 23:42). Moreover, he did not have the opportunity to do any works of mercy but was able to enter heaven with Jesus Christ! Many people in subsequent generations, even Constantine, who declared Christianity not a cult, convoked the First Council of Nicaea to defend the dogma of Trinity, received baptism at his deathbed. These cases inevitably raise questions in people's mind. What is the most efficient moment to believe in Jesus?

In catechumen classes, catechists almost always encourage the catechumens to receive baptism and become a member of the Church as soon as possible. It is because the secular world is full of dangers which shake up our faith easily. Within the Church, people in similar minds support each other. There are saintly exemplars throughout the ages to encourage us. There are Church teachings to guide us. We receive God's graces from the sacraments etc. With such supports to practise our faith, we would return to the Father more easily. This is the meaning the parable conveys in today's gospel, "I shall cultivate the ground around it and fertilize it." (Luke 13:8) St. Augustine also says, "Too late did I love You, O Fairness, so ancient, and yet so new! Too late did I love You!" (Confessions X:27) Obviously, it is right to believe in Jesus as soon as possible

. On the other hand, the gospel tells us one fact: Not all men are so blessed as to die a natural death. Few people can get baptized at their deathbed like Constantine Caesar. Nobody knows at which moment God shall take away his soul. We may die an untimely death at any moment without an opportunity to repent (Luke 13:1, 4). Jesus Christ mentions this point in previous parables (12:20, 38, 46).
Conclusion: Do not envy the penitent thief who was crucified with Jesus Christ. Repent as soon as possible and believe in the good new!
Father! Grant us the Kingdom of Heaven (12:32). Amen.

Friday 25 October 2019

應該如何理解「天主的正義」呢? How Should We Understand God's Righteousness?







How Should We Understand God's Righteousness? (Luke 12:54-59)

When Jesus Christ tells the parable about the Last Judgment, he speaks to the righteous who shall "inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world" (Matthew 25:34), "Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." (25:40) Although these words are spoken to the righteous, should not those "accursed into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels" (25:41) have heard them as well?

Has it ever crossed their minds that when they exploit the workers, cheat the elderly of their savings, traffic women and children overseas for prostitution, abuse them sexually, indiscriminately club, knife, tear gas, shoot citizens and anti-riot police who could not resist etc., all these injuries are inflicted upon Jesus Christ who was crucified on the cross?

In the gospel passage today, Jesus Christ warns us, "You will not be released until you have paid the last penny." (Luke 12:59) Simply put, there are consequences in each action taken. Unless a person has no understanding or freedom, he is accountable for all his actions. In God's grand plan, "Justice belongs to the just, and wickedness to the wicked." (Ezekiel 18:20) God is righteous. He shall give us sufficient time to pay the last penny before we leave this world. God's righteousness can be terrifying!

Don't be scared. There is an enigma when Jesus Christ criticizes the scribes, "Why do you not know how to interpret the present time? Why do you not judge for yourselves what is right?" (Luke 12:56b-57) Since God is merciful, God's righteousness is His salvation. That is, "God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting their trespasses against them." (2 Corinthians 5:19) Thus, if we are able to seize the moment, believe in Lord Jesus Christ, even though we are unable to repay our debts (e.g. a serial killer who has murdered many people and his life is not enough to repay all the lives lost.), Jesus is very happy to repay all the debts for us!
Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom (Luke 23:42). Amen.

Thursday 24 October 2019

天主與人類之間的代溝 The Generation Gap Between God and Men



  1. 天主的教訓,永遠是為了人的益處,因為天主愛護我們(若一4:8)。這是肯定不變的。
  2. 人有惰性,得過且過,以為把「好」的東西制度化之後,例如訂立法律,建構禮教習俗等,就可以安享萬年基業。殊不知時代不斷以越來越快的速度進化,從前超過一百年的習俗,也沒有改良的必要;今天,超過十年的東西,已經落後,再沒有價值了!
  3. 在因循的氛圍之中,天主的教訓,就顯得非常革命性,挑戰我們墨守成規的思想模式!例如,遠在未有綜合援助的社會福利制度之前,天主已定立法律,要求以色列人照顧孤兒寡婦(申24:19-21)!今天,當社會鼓吹「多勞多得」的時候,耶穌基督卻講述一個比喻,當中的工人做了一小時,與做了十二小時的工人,竟然收到相同的工資(瑪20:1-16)!耶穌基督的教訓,的確超越時空,富有挑戰性!




The Generation Gap Between God and Men (Luke 12:49-53)

In this Internet Age, the problem of generation gap is grave! Not only do people of the older generation know not the jargons of the younger generation, such as Flooding, KOL and CLS (a Cantonese obscenity) etc., but they are also unable to follow their modes of thinking and values. It is impossible for the older generation to understand why young people would chase after unrealistic ideas at all costs! In this ever changing age, how should we believe that God's truth is unchangeable and eternal? Should we accept changes to be perpetual?

  1. God's teachings are always for our sake because God loves us (1 John 4:8). For sure this shall never change.
  2. Men are inert and complacent. Thinking that by the institutionalization of the good, such as setting up laws and customs, men can enjoy millennia of stability. Unbeknown to us, social changes evolve in an accelerating speed. Previously, customs do not need any enhancements for centuries. Today, anything older than a decade is falling behind and is of no value at all.
  3. In an environment where rocking the boat is a taboo, God's teachings appear to be very revolutionary and challenge our rigid mode of thinking. For example, long before there was Comprehensive Social Security Allowances, God already set up laws, demanding the Israelites to take care of the fatherless and widows (Deuteronomy 24:19-21). Today, when the society advocates “efforts pay”, Jesus' parable in which vineyard workers who had worked for only one hour received the same wage as those who had worked 12 hours (Matthew 20:1-16)! Jesus Christ's teachings really transcend time and space, full of challenges!

We don't want to rock the boat. Our thoughts have become fossils. God is young forever. Consequently, a generation gap develops between God and us and is getting worse. Unless we repent and accept God's teachings like a child, we shall be denied entry into the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus Christ says, "Whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it." (Luke 18:17) Similarly, whoever refuses to reject the temptation of complacency will not enter the kingdom of God!
Heavenly Father, grant us the Holy Spirit, renew our hearts to accept the Jesus Christ's teaching humbly. Amen.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

對領導者的忠告 Advice to Leaders


「人單獨不好。」(創2:18)因此,要完成龐大的工程,必需要把一盤散沙般的群眾,團結起來。要組織一群人,自然會產生一些領導者 。為了共同的目的,群眾願意放棄部份的自由,服從領導者的策劃和指揮。領導者變相享有與眾不同的自由和利益(撒上8:11-17),是相當吸引,並且它會反過來,腐蝕領導者的心。所謂「權力令人腐化,絕對的權力令人絕對腐化」,是不無道理的!




Advice to Leaders (Luke 12:39-48)

"It is not good for the man to be alone." (Genesis 2:18) Thus, in order to accomplish a mega project, we need to put together the effort of a lot of people. To organize a group of people, we need leaders. In order to accomplish a common cause, the crowd is willing to abandon some of their freedom to obey the strategy and commands of leaders. Leaders enjoy extraordinary freedom and benefits (1 Samuel 8:11-17) which are very attractive and in turn corrupt the souls of the leaders. There is some truth in the aphorism: "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely"!

In the gospel passage today, Jesus Christ points out that the power of leaders is for service, for "putting in charge of his servants to distribute food allowance at the proper time" (Luke 12:42)! Right, every one of us is a servant, a steward in charge of our body and mind, interpersonal relationships and living situations etc. Not only are we responsible for the development of the talents given us by God, but we also have the responsibility to extend the Kingdom of Heaven in our particular station in life. Thus power comes with responsibility, the greater the power, the greater the responsibility (12:48)! Within God's overall plan, He systematically allocates us into different positions. Every leader has his own boss, linking together and weaving into an orderly structure.

If within this organization, you feel unappreciated. You are probably right! Perhaps somebody abuses the system and buries your talents. Or perhaps you overestimate yourself and lack humility! In God's eye, the former is harmless to you, the latter does you no good! If you feel that you have missed the tide, or you complain that you don't have sufficient resources and time to exercise your power, or gather more power to accomplish your mission, I'm sorry, God probably would tell you: Be content. "My grace is sufficient for you!" (2 Corinthians 12:9)
Dear Lord! Let us not get lost in power struggle and forget building Your Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

我們肯立刻給主開門嗎? Would You Open the Door to the Lord Immediately?






Would You Open the Door to the Lord Immediately? (Luke 12:35-38)

We acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Lord. He demands us to build up a righteous and peaceful Kingdom of Heaven on earth. This is His last will before He ascended into heavens and this is the raison d'être of the Church. (Matthew 28:19) If she does not evangelize, her existence is meaningless. We can disband her! The gospel passage today, "Gird your loins and light your lamps" (Luke 12:35) speaks about this very mission. "Gird your loins" is to work, to do what the Lord tells you to do. Neither is it the work you enjoy doing nor the work that earns most. "Light your lamps" is to brighten people around with the Way, and the Truth and the Life of Jesus Christ (John 14:6). This is the final destination of our life and the preciousness of eternal life. Isn't this evangelization, the building up of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What does "awaiting the master's return and opening immediately" mean? (Luke 12:36) The Lord knows how long He should wait until the works are satisfactory before He returns. If He returns too early, the servants have not accomplished their tasks and there would be nothing for the Lord to reward. If He returns too late, the servants might have usurped His place! Indeed, the Lord knows what the perfect timing would be to reap the harvest. As servants, how should we handle the situation? We only know that we should evangelize but we don't know how much time the Lord gives us to preach! Surely the Lord would return at the most unexpected moment. Then, are you ready to open the door immediately to welcome Him without regret? Or would you suddenly discover that you have nothing to submit to the Lord such that out of fear, you can only attempt to shut the Lord outside?
Dear Lord, I will work diligently so that when You come to take me home, we shall not return with empty hands. Amen.

Monday 21 October 2019

我們的生命建基在哪? What Does Our Life Consist Of?







Picture credit:

What Does Our Life Consist Of? (Luke 12:13-21)

The teachings of Jesus Christ are simple and not difficult to understand. However, it is a huge challenge to put them into practice!
The message today is not complicated. Jesus teaches, "One's life does not consist of possessions." (Luke 12:15) That is pretty straight forward! To prevent our misunderstanding, Jesus stresses once more, "For life is more than food and the body more than clothing." (12:23) Food and clothing are basic necessities, not luxuries. Their values can't surpass that of our life. Behold, some people skip their meals as well as rests to focus on artistic creation. Some starve themselves to death in order to fight for noble causes and some are even willing to die martyrdom. These creations, civil disobedience and martyrdoms show clearly the transcendence of life --- human beings are able to make use of their finite life to fight for eternal entities. Humanity is able to enjoy eternal life!

Unfortunately, we turn things upside down! In order to enjoy a more comfortable living standard, we work two extra part time jobs to earn more money. In order to buy a flat to increase a sense of security, we become workaholics and even resort to cheatings. Consequently, it takes toll on our health, on our family relationships and on our connection with the Creator!

Christians believe in resurrection and eternal life which dwarves the secular life. Jesus Christ reminds us unceasingly that God is the author of our life. Thus, we should make good use of our life to enhance and promote our relationship with God, to pave our way to eternal life. Putting this teaching into practice is easy. Simply focus our gaze on eternal life. That's all.
Heavenly Father, enchant us with your mercy. Direct our gaze to eternal life in the world to come. Amen.

Sunday 20 October 2019

吾未見好德如好色者 I Have Never Seen Zeal For Virtue Like Lust







Mission Sunday, Year C
Theme: I Have Never Seen Zeal For Virtue Like Lust
In these months of social unrest, citizens are divided into two camps. In families, among classmates or colleagues, in public or private enterprises and chat groups, even though controversies brew under the surface, within our hearts, we react like reflexes without thinking that the other side is wrong and unreasonable. How do such reflexes come about?
The Internet is supposed to be delivering information in a democratic and liberal way. However, in order to increase the searching performance, browsers make use of "cookies" to store your preferences and actively suggest information you want to know. For example in Youtube, if you have watched some classical music videos, Youtube will recommend more classical music videos to you to save your searching time. Other social media do likewise. For example, Facebook will recommend commercials you might enjoy and suggest groups or friends that you may know. Consequently, users suffer from the "Echo Chamber Effect". We no longer hear dissident opinions and our horizon becomes narrow. We question the reasonableness of the opposite side. In groups, gatherings, in private or public, we lock in heated arguments. We want to show them the truth. We want to prove that we are right. I believe that you are sincere and argue for their sake. If we apply this sincere zeal for the good of the others in preaching the gospel to them, I believe that the situation of Hong Kong shall be totally different! Unfortunately, I have never seen zealous evangelists like people who are eager to prove themselves right!

As Christians, we are called to be saints. Negatively speaking, sanctification is being blameless before God. Unfortunately, after losing our Original Grace, in other words, falling into the state of Original Sin, "I do not do the good I want, but I do the evil I do not want." (Romans 7:19) God knew that we were unable to save ourselves. So He took the initiative to help deliver us. He sent the Son of God to take flesh and repay all our debts. This is what St. Paul says, "God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting their trespasses against them." (2 Corinthians 5:19a) This is truly a good news: God took pity on our inability to repay the debts. He made use of the passion of Jesus Christ to repay all the sins of humanity across time. This is the gospel, not complicated at all. St. Paul continues to say, "And entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. So we are ambassadors for Christ, as if God were appealing through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God." (5:19b-20) Thus, according to the teachings of St. Paul, evangelization is to be an ambassador of reconciliation, exhorting people to be reconciled to God.
The gospel passage we read today is taken from the last part of the "Prayer of the High Priest" during the Last Supper before Jesus Christ was arrested. His prayer is very clear, "That they may all be one." (John 17:21) Does it mean baptizing all men into Catholicism will fulfil Jesus' prayer that they may all be one? I dare to say negative. Look at the Catholic Church in Hong Kong today, the underlying divisions within the Church have surfaced during these four months' social unrest.
In these three years, Vatican has convened many bishop synods to discuss the pastoral ministry for young people. The Hong Kong Diocese supports by setting the pastoral focus to "Year of the Youth" and "Practice, Faith & the Youth". A young and energetic priest was assigned to coordinate and to delegate autonomy for young people to organize activities, to listen to their views, hoping that the Church is able to meet their demands. Pope Francis stressed that young people were not masters of the future. They are the moment, the moment of the Church, the moment of the society and the moment of the world. But we cannot act blindly. Thus for the last two years, the Diocese promotes studying DOCAT, which is a summary of the Catholic Social Teachings. The Diocese hope that through studying DOCAT, we are able to brush up the vision of the laity, so that they recognize the prophetic ministry which they received during baptism, and to know the Catholic stance on some pressing issues, such as life, family, work, politics, international community, environment and wars etc. The Church based on four principles to handle these social issues which are pressing on our faith. In the end, we trust in the power of God.

Unfortunately, God overestimates the stamina of the Catholic Hong Kong Diocese. Before we are fully equipped, beginning in February, social unrest erupted because citizens object to the Fugitive Bill Amendments. Conflicts spilt out from legislative chamber to the streets, from peaceful demonstrations to escalating violence. Citizens are worried but helpless. The laity asks, "God where are you?" The laity asks, "Church, what should we do?" The laity asks, "Cardinal and clergy, why don't you condemn violence?" Compounded by the "Echo Chamber Effect" mentioned above, many educated laity accuses the Cardinal for not condemning the violence of the rioters. The Cardinal's reticence is encouraging disruption of social stability. On the other hand, some righteous laity accuses the Cardinal for not condemning the brutality of the police. This is siding with the dictator, becoming an accomplice to tyranny! Everybody is disappointed. They think that they are right and the Church is wrong. They claim that they love Jesus but not the Church! I dare to say, they love themselves and not Jesus. The Cardinal is wrong because he did not speak for them, to speak out what they want to speak out. Even though the Cardinal speaks Jesus' messages, the Cardinal is wrong!
Six religions in Hong Kong have made public statements for at least four times. They appeal restrains for all parties and stop for two months to calm down. Condemnation is easy and cheap, but it does not help. Worse, it only quickens divisions. Condemnation goes against St. Paul's teaching of reconciliation. Appealing all sides to restrain, to reflect and to dialog is a correct move towards "Communion". Unfortunately, people in power do not hear it. The laity feels that the public statements are too tame and do not help. Consequently, the Cardinal is still wrong!

Today, we are still lost and do not see any exit. Let us continue to pray with Jesus Christ, asking the Father to consecrate us in the truth (17:17) because the truth will set us free (8:32) Let the Father's truth liberates us from the Echo Chamber. Then we will be able to know the truth. May all humanity know that the Father has sent Jesus Christ and He loved the Church even as He loved Jesus Christ. (17:23)
God bless!

Sunday 13 October 2019

Healed But Not Saved 痊癒了不一定得救了

Twenty Eighth Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: Healed But Not Saved

What have lepers to do with us today? We are not lepers and leprosy is almost extinguished in modern societies like Hong Kong. What does Jesus want to tell us today with the story of the ten lepers?
In ancient times, lepers were sinners. First of all, leprosy is infectious. Therefore, lepers were quarantined from the community because they were threats to the community. Leprosy was incurable and lepers were driven away from villages, to live or die on their own. Secondly, people believed that leprosy was a punishment from God. Lepers must have committed some terrible sins so that God punishes them with leprosy. Therefore, in the Bible, lepers symbolize sinners.

Don't forget that all of us are sinners before God who created us in His image (Genesis 1:26) but we fall short of His expectations. In the words of St. Paul, we "all have sinned and are deprived of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). It is extremely difficult and offensive to tell people bluntly that they are sinners! Let's look at sin in another perspective. What is darkness? It is an absence of light. In a similar manner, sin is an absence of grace. That is to say, we have lost the graces which God had given us when He created us. So, we are sinners, not necessarily because we have committed some grave crimes but because we have lost God's grace for some reasons. We have all become some kind of lepers!
Because of our pride and selfishness, we are doing harm to each other in our families, our working places, our neighbourhood, our society and humanity. See how we have polluted the environment, destroyed the habitat of many species, caused global warming and created super typhoons these days. See how kingpins make huge profits through human trafficking and drug trafficking, how land developers in Hong Kong are driving up prices of housing beyond the affordability of the citizens in general. See how Hong Kong people have become workaholic "zombies", feeling guilty not going to work, sacrificing their health and family life! There is no doubt that Hong Kong is sick. Hong Kong people are sick!

The key message of today's gospel is gratitude. The Samaritan leper was grateful and returned to glorify God in a loud voice (Luke 17:15) Does it imply that the other nine lepers were ungrateful? Not necessarily! They were simply following Jesus' instruction to visit priests who would inspect them. They were definitely healed, but not necessarily saved, because they did not have the faith of the Samaritan leper! That is to say, the physical health of the nine lepers was restored but their relationship with God might not have! The Samaritan leper was both healed and saved because he was grateful! I believe that the Samaritan leper was not grateful suddenly. He had always been grateful, when he was healed and while he was suffering from leprosy! Being always grateful, he knew it was God's mercy and salvation that healed him, not because of his own efforts. On the other hand, the nine lepers knew that by following, doing Jesus' command, they would be healed. Perhaps they thought that their efforts contributed to their healing! God played no part! Gratitude guarantees that we do not stray too far away from God. That explains why Jesus says, "Your faith has saved you!" (17:19)
Since June 9, everybody has been drawn into the social unrest without exemption. All of us suffer a certain degree of inconvenience and probably sleepless nights. Many activities have to be cancelled, such as the annual Caritas Bazaar. Today is already the 126th day and the end is nowhere in sight. Most of us are bystanders. We have never taken to the streets. We have never chanted slogans or sung revolutionary anthems. We have followed the Church's requests to say the rosary, to abstain and to fast, to adore the Eucharist and to join benediction masses etc. Following Christ's instruction to help the needy, some Protestant as well as Catholic churches, not all because it depends on the location and physical settings of the churches, have made themselves accessible to whoever is in need, giving them a quiet place to pray to God, to take a rest or to dress their wounds physically as well as spiritually. Leaders of six religions in Hong Kong have tried to be peacemakers, appealing to the government as well as to the people to calm down and to make peace in four different occasions before today. Yesterday, our Apostolic Administrator Cardinal John Tong spoke on a radio program, "Letter to Hong Kong". He appealed to the Government to listen to the people and appealed to law enforcers to discharge their duties with conscience within the power endorsed them by the law so as to rebuild the respect and trust of the citizens etc. Inevitably, we ask God, "Where are you when we need you? Why should all of us suffer? What have you done so far for us etc.?"
Truly, this is a time of trial, a time to test our faith in God. Therefore, we should learn from the Samaritan leper and be grateful for our safety as well as the inconveniences we have to suffer. We have faith in God because at the request of Abraham, God pledged to spare a sinful city if Abraham was able to locate ten righteous people.
Brethren, are you righteous before God? I'm sure all of you are! Since more than ten people are sitting in this church, I believe God will spare this city from destruction.
God bless!

2016 Homily

Picture credit:


確實,這是一個動盪困難的時期,是考驗我們對天主的信德的時期。 因此,我們應該向撒瑪黎雅痲瘋病人學習,為我們的安全以及我們捱受的不便,表示感謝。 我們對天主有信心,因為在亞巴郎的請求下,天主保證,如果亞巴郎能夠找到十個義人,祂會寬恕那座罪惡之城。
各位兄弟姊妹,你們在天主面前是義人嗎? 我肯定在座中的各位都是! 由於有超過十個人坐在這座教堂裡,我相信天主會保護這座城市,免遭毀滅。

Sunday 6 October 2019

為甚麼教會不譴責暴力? Why Does the Church Not Condemn Violence?





首先,天主喜歡站在弱勢社群之中。我們在聖詠集,法律書、先知書及宗徒書信中,找到很多天主為孤兒寡婦和異鄉人伸張正義的章節,並警告那些欺負他們的人,天主會令他們的兒子成為孤兒,他們的妻子成為寡婦(出22:22-24;詠68:6146:9;依1:17;雅1:27)。耶穌基督在「慈善撒瑪黎雅人」的比喻中,教導我們不分種族、宗教、政見,無差別地伸手援助遇到困難的人,履行「愛近人如愛自己」的誡命。在論及末日審判時,更清楚明白地說:「凡你們對我這些最小兄弟中的一個所做的,就是對我做的。」(瑪25:40) 教外人,例如「大公網」及一些人大政協,批評宗教人士包庇暴徒,提供地方給他們休息,更換衣物和逃避警察追捕云云!這些人不明白聖經的教訓,情有可原。可惜,有些有學問的教友,同樣批評神父,並寫信向樞機施壓!難道他們不知道,幫助有困難的人,是天主教社會訓導,沒有爭議空間的基本立場嗎?


  • 612日呼籲政府尊重民意;
  • 618日呼籲市民接受特首的道歉;
  • 831日呼籲政府及示威人士停下來,給大家兩個月的冷靜期;
  • 102日,呼籲政府與市民克制等等。
天主尊重人的自由,天主不歡喜大聲疾呼,祂祇在輕微細弱的風聲中說話(列上19:12)。可惜,這些話落在驕傲自私,自我中心的人的心中,祇不過是「耳邊風」而已;沒有人理會,沒有人回應,他們繼續互相廝殺。天主藉保祿宗徒,已經向我們發出警告:「如果你們彼此相咬相吞,你們要小心,免得同歸於盡。」(迦5:15)這不就是天主的旨意嗎? 各位兄弟姊妹,給自己冷靜下來,接受天主的治癒罷。不要做「引人跌倒」的絆腳石(路17:1b)。不再驕傲,認為自己百份百正確,其他人是錯誤的,被人誤導的。放下自我,謙遜地求天主容許我們刻苦,補贖這120日以來,在自己,在別人和在耶穌基督的身心上,所造成的創傷。信賴天主,這120天,祂已行了不少奇蹟,你看見了嗎?「心裡潔淨的人是有福的,因為他們要看見天主。」(瑪5:8


Twenty Seventh Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: Why Does the Church Not Condemn Violence?
God created men in His image (Genesis 1:26). He knows perfectly the beauty and limitations of mankind, but we don't. God also knows the power of knowledge and the finitude of men. They don't have enough power to handle knowledge. Thus God told Adam not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (2:17). Don't dismiss it as a myth because myths carry much wisdom and lessons of life.
Truly, knowledge brings power. See how more and more knowledge men accumulate, social life is getting more and more advanced. Men discovered fire which gave warmth and chased away wild beasts. Moreover, with cooking, men were able to obtain more nutrition and their brains developed and accumulated more knowledge. Using fire power, men no longer relied on animal forces to travel or wind forces to sail across the oceans. With the discovery of electricity, men were able to work longer hours even when night fell. We were even able to communicate across vast distances. Today, humanity seems to be able to harness infinite power with nuclear energy! But at the same time, we do not have enough power to handle knowledge. Our judgment of good and evil, our morality and laws fall far behind the technology we have invented. Worse still, our pride and selfishness put us above the law. We do not follow proper procedures, taking unethical actions which harm everybody. Consequently, we contaminate the environment we live in and destroy many other species. Some unscrupulous and ambitious people even want to play God to modify our own genes!

With advances in the society, the living standard of people has improved. Most people are literate. The Internet is making much information and knowledge accessible to most people. Unfortunately, our standard of good and evil as well as our knowledge of God who sets the standard have never been raised. No wonder Jesus Christ lamented two millennia ago that "Things that cause sin will inevitably occur!" (Luke 17:1a)
It is due to our pride and selfishness. Although we can gain access to a large amount of information, we are not able to discover the truth. We think what we have seen and heard are true. Although we come into contact with many opinions, we are not able to discern good from bad. We think that we are standing on moral high ground. Although we are fed much news every day from the social media, we get so used to violent scenes that we do not feel sad about the victims. We believe that they deserve to be beaten up. Although we recite the Lord's Prayer daily, saying "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10), we find God's will evasive! If we are self-centred, God's will can be evasive!

The Word of God is found in the Bible where it is not difficult to discover God's will.
First of all, God loves the disadvantaged. Many passages from the Torah, Psalms, Prophets and Apostolic Epistles confirm that God works righteousness for the fatherless, widows and aliens and warn that if we ill-treat them, God shall make our children fatherless and our wives widows. (Exodus 22:22-24; Psalms 68:6, 146:9; Isaiah 1:17; James 1:27) In the famous Parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus Christ teaches us to disregard races, religious affiliation as well as political stance and extend a helping hand to the needy indiscriminately so as to practise the commandment of "loving thy neighbour as thyself". In the discourse on the Last Judgment, he makes it clear that "Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:40)

Non-believers, such as editors of and delegates of CPPCC, criticize the Church for sheltering the rioters, giving them place to hide, to change clothes to evade police arrest etc. It is understandable because they do not know the teachings of the Bible. Regrettably, some learned members of the laity criticized our priests in similar manners. They even wrote to the Cardinal to complain! Don't they know that helping the needy is an indisputable stance of the social teachings of the Church?
On the other hand, some members of the laity are disappointed because some churches, for some reasons, were not open to shelter the needy! Have they ever tried to understand why those churches were not open?

Secondly, we are called to sanctification, to be ambassadors of Jesus Christ to proclaim the gospel. What is the gospel? St. Paul says, "God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting their trespasses against them." (2 Corinthians 5:19) Therefore, as Christ's ambassadors, we are ambassadors of reconciliation, proclaiming words of "reconciliation with God and reconciliation with men". How do we proclaim? Shall we become commentators of current affairs? On one side, some members of the laity are disappointed that the Church did not condemn rioters who threw bricks and set fire. When the Church is silent before violence, she is pushing young people to die! On the other side, other members of the laity blame the bishop for not reproaching the Police who do not follow the procedures, crippling innocent bystanders. She is supporting a repressive regime, not acting as the conscience of the society and discharging the ministry of a prophet!
I would like to ask, are condemnation and reproach appropriate ways to proclaim reconciliation?
On the previous 120 days, many Christian pastors and Catholic clergy went out of the church, entered the crowd to seek and to console the wounded; or to invite people and faithful to fast, pray, say the rosary, adore the Holy Eucharist, join masses and attend spiritual healing workshops etc. For those who are willing, the Church helps them reconcile with God and with themselves! Leaders of six major religions in Hong Kong

  • appealed to the government to listen to the demands of the people on June 12,
  • appealed to the people to accept the apology of the Chief Executive on June 18,
  • appealed to the government as well as the rioters to stop and calm down for two months on August 31 and
  • appealed to the government to restrain on October 2 etc.
God respects our free-will. God does not enjoy yelling. He only speaks in a light silent sound (1 Kings 19:12). Unfortunately, when God's word comes to proud, selfish and self-centred people, it falls on deaf ears. Nobody cares, nobody responds and they continue to bite each other. Through the words of St. Paul, God has warned, "If you go on biting and devouring one another, beware that you are not consumed by one another." (Galatians 5:15) Brethren, allow ourselves to calm down and receive God's healing. Do not become "the person through whom scandals occur." (Luke 17:1b) Don't be arrogant and believe that you are 100% right and others wrong, or misguided. Lower yourself, humbly beg God to allow yourself to suffer in compensation for the wounds you have inflicted physically and spiritually, upon yourself, on others and on Jesus Christ on these 120 days. Trust the Lord. He has performed many miracles within these 120 days. Are you able to see them? "Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God." (Matthew 5:8)
God bless!

Wednesday 2 October 2019

中槍青年的護守天使在哪? Where's the Guardian Angel of Youngster Shot?

  1. 示威者的護守天使為甚麼沒有保護示威者,使他不中槍,避免悲劇的發生?
  2. 警察的護守天使為甚麼不制止警察開槍?

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