
Sunday 30 June 2019

我們忿怒了! We Are Furious!






聖保祿宗徒教導我們,作為耶穌基督所救贖了的天主子民,我們在俗世成為了耶穌基督的大使。天主子降生成人,為了使世人與天父修和,並告訴世人天父「不再追究他們的過犯」(格後5:19)。我們自稱為基督徒的人,也應向世人宣講這修和的福音,待人接物時做修和大使!耶穌基督在「真福八端」中,教導我們溫良、慈悲和締造和平,這纔是成全之路(瑪5:48),成聖之路(肋11:44)。 各位兄弟姊妹,讓我們以溫良慈悲之心,渴慕天主救贖之意,在生活中,在抗爭中,締造和平,成為修和大使,成為天父的子女。


Thirteenth Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: We Are Furious!

Genesis says that God created men according to His own image (Genesis 1:26). Through extension, since God is righteous, therefore human beings are born with a sense of justice. When we feel that we, or see that others, are not fairly treated, we become furious and jump into action. From the gospel passage today, we read that the "Boanerges", James and John, wanted to take action after they had been slighted. This story shows that they were true to their names. Luckily, they were prudent enough to seek the permission of Jesus Christ before they acted (Luke 9:54). Otherwise, the enmity between the Jews and the Samaritans would be deepened. The consequences would be amplified! After decades of meditation, John sublimed his fury and became the Apostle who preached "God is love" (1 John 4:8)!

Let us take a look at the first fury of humanity and what consequences it brought! The sons of Adam, Cain and Abel offered sacrifices to God who looked with favour on Abel and his offering, but not on Cain and his. So, Cain "was very angry and dejected" (Genesis 4:5). Cain was dejected because he felt that his efforts were wasted. He was angry because he felt that God had been partial, not fair! In fact, how could a righteous God be unfair? If God did not look with favour this time, there would be a next time, and another next time … Cain gave God only one chance. Rather it was Cain who had been unfair to God. Therefore, the anger of Cain was groundless.
At that time, God told Cain to control his fury, not to be overcome by it. Regrettably, Cain did not listen to God and subsequently killed his brother. When God asked Cain where his brother was, Cain retorted, "Am I my brother's keeper?" (4:9) As his elder brother, of course Cain was the keeper of Abel and should help build him up. Unfortunately, Cain was overcome by fury and killed his brother. This act hurt God, Adam and Eve but Satan would rejoice winning one battle! Consequently, Cain became a fugitive on the earth, unable to evade the guilt of fratricide throughout his life!

Perhaps because men were created in the image of God, they always desire to become God and to play God. These desires have become their Achilles' heels which Satan deploys to tempt men! For example, in science and technology, whatever can be done, whether it tramples human dignity or immoral, ambitious scientists would always find excuses to edit human genome. In daily intercourses, many people play God to judge others and to accuse others with their own expectations and measures. For example, in many parishes, people criticize choirs for singing like recitals, publicize the mispronunciations of lectors, point their fingers at ushers who are not sympathetic to mothers of young children and at arrogant deacons. Religion should not meddle with politics. Therefore bishops should not appear in front of people in social movements etc.

Unbeknown to them, the might of God is not shown by doing ground shaking miracles, but to edify sinners with unreserved love which is expressed in dying humbly on the cross. The righteousness of God does not lie in His judgment, but in His merciful redemption and forgiveness! Thus, as images of God, Christians should love one another, edify one another to show their might; forgive each other to demonstrate their righteousness. Moses taught "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" and "to dismiss a wife by writing a bill of divorce" (Mark 10:5) because of the hardness of the Jewish hearts. Thus fury comes from a false sense of justice, a self-righteous justice! When we harm each other, blame each other, smear each other, push responsibility to each other, accusing the other party for throwing bricks, shooting at the heads, instigating a crowd to riot etc., Satan would not be sad. God would! God wants to see policemen as keepers of citizens' rights and citizens helpers of crime-fighters. Policemen and citizens edify each other, standing shoulder to shoulder on the same front to build up a city where we may work and live without fear!

St. Paul teaches that as a People of God redeemed by Jesus Christ, we become His ambassadors in the secular world. The Son of God incarnated to reconcile the Father and men, telling them that the Father is "not counting their trespasses against them" (2 Corinthians 5:19). We who claim to be Christians should proclaim this gospel of reconciliation to mankind. We are ambassadors of reconciliation in our social intercourse! In his Beatitudes, Jesus Christ teaches us meekness, mercy and peace-making. This is the way of perfection, (Matthew 5:48) and the way of sanctification (Leviticus 11:44).
Brethren, let us cherish a meek and merciful heart, a will to desire God's righteousness and be peace-makers, ambassadors of reconciliation and children of our Father in our life and in our commitment to social movement.
God bless!

Sunday 16 June 2019

天主聖三的內在生命 The Inner Life of the Blessed Trinity




各位兄弟姊妹,讓我們在天主聖三的愛內,尋求並服從天父的旨意,在俗世的生活中,與聖子耶穌基督同行,藉著聖神的力量,活出福音的精神,邁向成聖! 天主保祐!


Solemnity of the Blessed Trinity, Year C
Theme: The Inner Life of the Blessed Trinity
St. John is indisputably the beloved disciple of Lord Jesus Christ. After spending decades to meditate, he was able to articulate in a single phrase the mystery of God: "God is love" (1 John 4:8). There can never be any better statement!
Love is full of potency. It is outward going. Otherwise, it is narcissism, implosion and it becomes a black hole, collapsing into its own annihilation. This inward going, selfish power is sin. Since it is out-going, love needs an object. With a subject and an object, a relationship is created. Before the existence of this universe, there first appeared such a relationship. We call it the Father and the Son! Pay attention! Had God the Father not revealed through the Incarnate Son of God to us, we would never have known the existence of this Father-Son relationship within God. This is the primary difference between Christianity and Judaism as well as Islam, these three major monotheistic religions of the world.

Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the incarnated God the Son to reveal to us the invisible God the Father. Jesus Christ does not come to abolish Judaism or the Law but to fulfil it (Matthew 5:17). How does he fulfil it? To reveal the inner life of the Godhead.
Indeed, God is not a simple entity but a trinite entity. At first, the Spirit of God hovered over the void and darkness. God the Father spoke, that is the Logos (John 1:1) and a beautiful, ordered and habitable universe was created for humanity (Genesis 1:2-3). From the Big Bang, star dust formed galaxies and suns, an earth wrapped in an atmosphere was formed, plants appeared on land, releasing oxygen which higher living organisms depended; then single-celled organisms appeared and evolved into fishes in the waters, birds in the air and animals creeping on land. Lastly, God created mankind in His own image, put them in Eden to manage the universe. This creation hymn suggests that God is trinite but it took Church Fathers and theologians in later ages to systematically develop the theology of the Blessed Trinity to be able to discuss it meaningfully.

Not only does Genesis sing a Creation hymn, but it also describes the fall of humanity. Although men were tempted not to obey God's instruction (2:17) and desired to become God (3:5) God did not abandon His images. God the Father sent the Son to incarnate, to die on the cross to repay all debts and to restore lost graces. After accomplishing His mission, God the Son left behind two gifts for us and told us to baptize in the name of the Blessed Trinity (Matthew 28:19) before He ascended into heaven and seated at the right hand of the Father. The first gift was the Spirit of truth mentioned in the gospel passage today (John 16:13), that is the Holy Spirit. He is the love between the Father and the Son, a love which is full of power. In the Old Testament, not only was it the Spirit which hovered upon and created order from the void and darkness, but it was also the Spirit which descended on people chosen by the Father, e.g. Judges, Prophets and Kings, to save the commoners. This Holy Spirit descended up the BVM so that she became pregnant with God the Son. It was also the Spirit which descended upon Jesus during his baptism to reveal for the first time the Blessed Trinity to all present.
As for the second gift, it is the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Last Sunday, we celebrated the Pentecost, the birthday of the Church. This is a redeemed community formed by the People of God. With the support of the Holy Spirit, she preaches the good news of reconciliation to all peoples, telling them that God the Father shall not count their trespasses against them (2 Corinthians 5:18-20). In the gatherings of saints, we invoke the Holy Spirit to come down upon unleavened bread and wine to transform them into the body and blood of the Son of God, honouring the promise of Jesus Christ, "I am with you always, until the end of the age." (Matthew 28:20)
So, the God in whom Christians believe is not a simple entity but a trinite entity, the Blessed Trinity! He is an entity of overflowing love, formed by the merciful Father, the obedient Son and the sanctifying Spirit. Each one of us is an image of God. We are able to communicate with Him and respond to His call! All men are called to lead a conscientious life without any regret. Some of us further respond to God's call to become Christians, to join the Church and live with the Son of God. With the charismas and graces from the Holy Spirit, we preach the gospel of reconciliation to all peoples. In our families, "It is a profound spiritual experience to contemplate our loved ones with the eyes of God and to see Christ in them." (Amoris Laetitia #323) In the Church, with the mutual support of parishioners, we serve the disadvantaged in our neighbourhood to fight for social justice. Under the leadership of the diocesan bishops and the Pope, we are in communion with Christians all over the world to experience the mutual love and communion of the Blessed Trinity. In short, in all sorts of communities, we enjoy the foretaste of the abundant inner life of the Blessed Trinity. This is the path of sanctification for all images of God.
Many people challenge and confront us, "If your God is almighty, can't he create a rock which he cannot move?" Or "How can 1+1+1=1?" And even, "Tell your Jesus to come to see me!" etc. Indeed, with limited intelligence, mankind always try to confine an infinite God within some finite logic. Don't worry, the merciful Lord will appreciate the efforts we have put in. God is infinite. The infinite Father plus the infinite Son plus the infinite Holy Spirit form an infinite Blessed Trinity! Why not? God can die for us, why can't He create a rock which He cannot move and a stubborn rock which He shall convert? At the beginning, Saul persecuted the Christians fanatically. Later, he was converted into the famous apostle Paul. Jesus says, "What is impossible for human beings is possible for God." (Luke 18:27) Perhaps the merciful Jesus would appear to the riot policeman, calling him to be His chosen instrument (Acts 9:15). Thus, we should manifest the love of the Blessed Trinity. Do not judge! (Matthew 7:1)
Brethren! Let us seek and obey the Father's will in the love of the Blessed Trinity. Walk with the Son of God, Jesus Christ in this secular world. With the power of the Holy Spirit, lead a life in the spirit of the gospel to march towards sanctification!
God bless!

Saturday 15 June 2019

多餘就是邪惡 More Is Evil






More Is Evil
(Matthew 5:33-37)

Once a TV celebrity said, "Being fake can never be genuine and being genuine can never be fake." Indeed, even if a lie is told thousands of times and is able to cheat millions of people, it is a lie, a fallacy. It can never become a reality or a truth no matter how many times it is repeated.

Truth and falsity are objective realities. If needs arise, anybody can verify its truth value. But Jewish laws were too efficient. The witness of two people was sufficient to establish the truth of an incident. The flaw is obvious. It is amply demonstrated in the story of Susanna (Daniel 13:43) What should be done when there was only one person? Well, swear an oath, inviting God to be the second witness to satisfy the demand of the laws. Such a compromise only fools oneself. If somebody dares to take a false oath, would the merciful Lord kill him instantly (Acts 5:5, 10) and does not give him an opportunity to repent?

Jesus Christ opposes swearing. There is no need of the second witness. The word of a person is enough to pass judgment on himself. Men were created in the image of God. God spoke and all things were created. The words of His images should be powerful as well. Unfortunately, out of the jealousy of the Devil, lies entered the world. Even the images of God have lost their original grace and started cheating each other and their mouths are open tombs of lies. How sad it is! Jesus Christ brought us redemption, restoring the original grace of the images of God. Furthermore, he raises our status to be adopted children of God. To be children of God, our words cannot be slight. How then can lies come out from our lips? Thus, Jesus Christ says, "Let your 'Yes' mean 'Yes', and your 'No' mean 'No'. Anything more is from the evil one." (Matthew 5:37). Though it souns harsh, it is in fact the self-respect the Children of God should possess!
Heavenly Father! Let us not speak unnecessarily. Amen.

Friday 14 June 2019

經營思慮 Manage Our Thoughts






Manage Our Thoughts
(Matthew 5:27-32)

Anger is one of the motives of murder. Jesus equates both (Matthew 5:22), showing that anger can be an emotion of extreme destruction. Anger primarily harms oneself. Thus, killing someone in fury kills both. Jesus reiterates God's warning to Cain (Genesis 4:7), demanding us to manage our anger!
Similarly, lust is the primary motive of adultery. Athough according to secular laws, lust without action is not adultery. However, like killing another person in fury, lust harms oneself first. Act and you harm the others. Thus, Jesus Christ demands us to manage our thoughts well!

First of all, lust objectifies the other party. Imagine how disgusting it is, not having sex with "a helper suited for him" (2:18), but with an object! You are trampling your own status as a human being!
Secondly, lust strangles the equality of the others, treating the other party as a slave. You are trampling on the God bestowed dignity of the others. It is a grave sin to defy God!

Unfortunately, in modern commercial societies, in order to encourage consumption of goods, advertisements are everywhere. No advertisements can surpass implicit or even explicit pornographic commercials. There are even people who sell pornography in the name of arts. How miserable it is to witness fragile mentality of young people being poisoned! Living in such situations, it is not easy to keep our thoughts pure! Thus, Jesus Christ instructs us to say no to lust with such a determination as to amputate our limbs! In fact, a more practical and progressive approach is to promote sex education with St. Pope John Paul II's "Theology of Body", cultivating an attitude to respect their bodies and others' bodies properly as the Temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19) in the spirit of the gospel. For young adults at marriageable age or newly weds, study the Amoris Laetitia to equip themselves to lead a fulfilling married and family life.
Heavenly Father! Grant us the Holy Spirit to help us sanctified in married and family life. Amen.

Thursday 13 June 2019

與自己和解 Reconcile with Oneself





Reconcile with Oneself
(Matthew 5:20-26)
Althought resorting to violence and overpowering the weak to resolve disputes is the most convenient means, it entails troubles in the future. It is because overpowering people works only when your might is mighty enough. Don't forget, sooner of later, your rival will be able to get somebody stronger to defeat you. Your victory will not last. Or your rival is smarter. He is able to discover the tactics of outnumbering you. For example, several weaklings form an alliance, working together to defeat you! Lastly, the weaker side fighting alone might decide to annihilate together with you. Thus, not only is resorting to violence to resolve dispute uncivilized, but it is also not cost effective. Reconciliation is always the best means!

The prerequisite of reconciliation is a peaceful heart. When a person is furious, he tends to make use of violence, doing something not cost effective or something he would later regret. Thus, God exhorted Cain to manage his anger (Genesis 4:7). Jesus Christ also points out the seriousness of anger, equating it to murder (Matthew 5:22).
Indeed, reconciliation begins with oneself. For various reasons, many people resent and cannot accept themselves. The major reason is comparison of their background and characteristics of their body figures with others, resulting in an inferiority complex ... God does not want to see these reactions. He gives different people different amount of talents. He wants us to make good use of them instead of complaining about insufficient talents. Furthermore, people resent themselves because they make mistakes harming others and are not courageous enough to shoulder the responsibility. In fact, Jesus Christ has shouldered all debts for us. Thus, everybody should reconcile with oneself to gain inner peace. Then, their reconciliation with others shall be genuine and long lasting instead of being forced to reconcile!
Heavenly Father. All good comes from You. Grant us a peaceful heart so that we can be peace-maker, genuine children of yours. Amen.

Wednesday 12 June 2019

耶穌在細節? Is Jesus In The Details?


雖然耶穌在今天的福音提過「誡命中最小的一條」(5:19a),可是, 613條梅瑟法律中,哪一條是最小的,仍是眾說紛紜。請不要小覷這問題,因為耶穌基督警告過,「誰若廢除這些誡命中最小的一條,也這樣教訓人,在天國裡,他將稱為最小的。」(5:19b)耶穌好像在教訓基督徒要注意小節。因此,有些天主教徒十分緊張禮儀中的小節,例如經過聖體櫃要單膝下跪,在彌撒中唸天主經時不可手拉手,祇能用口領聖體等等。固然這些不是梅瑟的法律,而且新約已取代了舊約;可是「魔鬼在細節」,注意這些小節,不是值得鼓勵的德行嗎?


Is Jesus In The Details?
(Matthew 5:17-19)
Although Jesus mentions "the least of these commandments" (5:19a) in today's gospel, which among the 613 Mosaic laws is the least is still controversal. Don't think this question trivial because Jesus Christ warns that "Whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so will be called least in the kingdom of heaven." (5:19b) It seems that Jesus teaches Christians to pay attention to details. Thus, many Catholics are meticulous in liturgical details. For example, one should genuflect whenever one walks in front of the Tabernacle. People should not hold hands while saying the Our Father and we should receive the Holy Communion with our mouth only etc. Of course, these are not Mosaic laws and the New Testament has replaced the Old Testament. However, "the Devil is in the details". Isn't paying attention to details a virtue worth encouraging?
If you do not know which day is the end of the world, the safest approach is to keep alert everyday. Similarly, if you do not know which commandment is the least, and breaking the least commandment makes you the least in the kingdom of heaven, the best approach is to seriously obey all commandments indifferently!

Does Jesus Christ really teach us to pay attention to details? Absolutely not! This is overdoing! We shall become like scribes who make use of their professional knowledge to fatten themselves and to attack Jesus. In the same way, over-concern over details will make us afraid of making mistakes and losing grace. On the other hand, we may think that the more energy we invest in details, the more grace we shall earn. This is exactly the opposite of Jesus' teachings, making us enemies of Jesus!
Jesus Christ came to fulfil the Law and the Prophets all because the Pharisees had over-emphasized the letters of the Mosaic laws, which originally intended to help the Jews in their sanctification, and had turned them into cannibalic regulations. Jesus Christ came to refill the laws with a spirit of mercy. He demands us to obey even the least commandment with the spirit of mercy (Luke 6:36)! To paraphrase St. Mother Teresa, "Do small things with great love". This is what Jesus means by "fulfilling the law"!
Lord Jesus, lead us not into the temptation of overemphasing details. Amen.

Tuesday 11 June 2019

扮演天主 To Play God




To Play God
(Matthew 10:7-13)
Who has the authority to pass judgment on which house is worthy of God's peace? Not you nor me but God (Matthew 7:1). But we enjoy judging others! We enjoy playing God, to take His place to do things in His stead. For example, many Christians like to quote from the Bible to condemn the homosexuals, attacking them on social media and accusing many whom they have never met. They forget that Lord Jesus Christ teaches us not to pass judgment on others. Even He himself did not condemn the adulterous woman (John 8:11). On the contrary, it is Satan which accuses us before God day and night (Revelation 12:10). If we enjoy accusing others, have we become accomplices of Satan? Why don't we invest our energy onto evangelization instead of accusations! Are those people hopelessly unworthy of salvation?
For those we meet for the first time, at most we only have a first impression: from their look, their dress and their speech etc. What about those whom we have never met? With preconceptions, we feel that they do not have any hope of receiving salvation. So, don't bother evangelize them. But does God want to abandon this soul (Luke 13:8)?
Or we like a person very much at first sight and are willing to tell him about Jesus Christ. But, does God want to elect this soul (1 Samuel 16:7)? God exempts us from screening our audience of evangelization so that we may stay focused and preach the gospel to all without discrimination: proclaim to those we know and to those we have never met; to the people in power as well as the disadvantaged; to the lovable and the unlovable ... Otherwise, our preconceptions will affect our mood and affect our proclamation. In the end, there is no peace in our hearts and we become unworthy of God's peace!
Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us, unprofitable servants (Luke 17:10). Let us preach the good news to unworthy people. Amen.

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Monday 10 June 2019

「聖神七恩」中英對照 Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit


Masoretic Text
敬畏上主Fear of the LordTimoris Dominiφόβου θεοῦיִרְאַת יְהוָֽה

Picture Credit:

童貞聖母瑪利亞,教會之母 BVM, Mother of the Church




BVM, Mother of the Church
(John 19:25-34)

Before Jesus Christ left his disciples, he promised not to leave them orphans. He would come to them. (John 14:18) This promise of coming back to them would only be honoured at the end of the world. After all, it would not be a good thing to leave His disciples behind for that long. For example, here in Hong Kong, parents would be charged child abuse if they leave their under 16 children at home unattended. Of course, the disciples were all adults. Their thinking was mature. But leaving them behind in the world to fight against secularism alone and not giving them support would turn them into unnecessary sacrifices! As a preacher of a loving God, it would be contradictory to do so. Thus, on Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended to honour His promise. The Holy Spirit remains in the Church, staying with her to support her to fight against the secular world until Jesus Christ, the Universal King comes again to judge the living and the dead.
But don't overlook Jesus' meticulous arrangements. Among human beings, who can more clearly and concretely manifest the presence of the Holy Spirit? In the Marian Litany, we make use of Old Testament symbols to praise the virtues of the BVM: Seat of Wisdom, Spiritual Vessel, Tower of Ivory, House of God and Ark of Covenant etc. to articulate the intimate relationship between the Holy Spirit and the BVM. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth (14:17). It gives us an abstract and rational impression. But through the BVM, the Holy Spirit radiates other feelings: humility, care, mercy, prudence, peace, patience, faith, contemplation and joy etc. In one word: maternal love. Jesus Christ leaves behind His mother to be our mother, the Mother of the Church. How abundant His love for us is! What else can better honour His promise than this?
Mother of the Church, continue to take care of the Pilgrim Church. Protect her on her way to heaven until the day the Lord comes in glory again. Amen.

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Sunday 9 June 2019

To Forgive Is Divine 寬恕是神聖的使命

Pentecost Sunday, Year C
Theme: To Forgive Is Divine

Last Sunday, we celebrated the Ascension of Jesus. All three Synoptic gospels report that before He ascended into heaven, the risen Lord commissioned the disciples to proclaim the good news to all peoples (Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15-16, Luke 24:47-48). It seems that the Ascension of Jesus and the Commission of the disciples are not mentioned in the gospel of John. Yes, John does not record the incident of Ascension but in the Last Supper narrative, Jesus told the disciples that he would be leaving them for a while and would return. (John 14:3) Yes, John does not speak of the Jesus' commission of disciples to preach the gospel to the whole world, but when we take a closer look, you will be able to see that John did mention the commission in an indirect way in the passage today.

On the surface, the post-resurrection apparition story today gives us the origin of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Yes, to be a sacrament, it must be established by Jesus. It is a visible sign to confer invisible graces. For example, we claim that our Sacrament of Baptism was established by Jesus when he was baptized by John the Baptist in the River Jordan. Jesus consecrated the water to wash away our sins during that occasion (Mark 1:9-11). Again, during the Last Supper, Jesus consecrated the unleavened bread and the wine to become his body and blood to nourish our souls (14:22-24). In the passage today, Jesus gave the disciples the Holy Spirit and the authority to forgive sins (John 20:22-23). Therefore, we have found the prooftext to support the establishment of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Let us take a longer view at the mission of Jesus. Out of love, God created a universe suitable for humanity. Out of love, He created men in His image so that among all creatures, only humanity can partake in His eternal life. But men fell from grace, disobeyed God and wanted to become God themselves (Genesis 3:5). The whole creation was contaminated by sins. Out of love, God did not give up. He sent Jesus Christ to redeem the whole Creation together with us. In the words of St. Paul, "Whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come. And all this is from God, who has reconciled us to himself through Christ and given us the ministry of reconciliation, namely, God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting their trespasses against them and entrusting to us the message of reconciliaiton. So, we are ambassadors for Christ." (2 Corinthians 5:17-20a) That is to say, God and sinners reconcile in Christ and as His followers, we too should carry on this mission of reconciliation. In order to reconcile, God takes the initiative to forgive us. He does not count our trespasses against us. And this is the good news! Therefore, when Jesus Christ gave the disciples the authority to forgive, they became bearers of this good news and ambassadors of reconciliation to carry on Jesus' mission of reconciling the whole Creation to God.

In fact, all of us who were baptized were given the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation. Therefore, all of us share this ministry of reconciliation as well. Of course, priests and bishops are ministers of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and they represent Jesus Christ in person to forgive sins. But you and I are also given the authority to forgive in order to "complete" the Sacrament. Let me explain what I mean. When we go to confession, we may not have the opportunity or courage to apologize in person and receive forgiveness from the people we have offended. Still, our sins are absolved by God with or without their forgiveness. Somehow, something is missing without their forgiveness. We have to wait until the end of the world to meet them in heaven to seek their forgiveness in person in order to feel complete. On the other hand, if we generously forgive after the offenders have confessed, we "complete" the reconciliation. If we generously forgive before the offenders confess, we might have encouraged them to go to confession, thus saving their souls. Therefore, to forgive is not only a good way of evangelization, but it is also an opportunity to exercise the authority empowered us by the Holy Spirit. Like muscles which wither without exercises, our spiritual muscles need flexing. The more we forgive, the more divine we become!

Today, some members of our community shall receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. They shall receive the Holy Spirit who gives the recipients seven supernatural gifts which help them grow into perfection! Let us revise what these gifts are. They are the gifts of Wisdom, which makes us desire and love heavenly things instead of secular things. It has nothing to do with our intelligence. It is a feeling of attraction towards God instead of, say money. Nowadays, there are many false opinions circulating on the social media. It is not easy to tell which are truths and which are rumours and fallacies. The gifts of Understanding helps us grasp the truths necessary for our salvation. Even after we understand, out of selfishness and vainglory, we may make wrong choices. The gift of Counsel enables us to see and choose correctly, to do the right things to glorify God and to save our souls. We shall face many obstacles and difficulties when we carry out righteous actions which go against the trend. The gift of Fortitude strengthens us to overcome these difficulties. In the course of our struggle towards heaven, the gift of Knowledge illuminates us, point out to us the path to follow and the dangers to avoid. To sustain us, the gift of Piety inspires in us a tender and filial confidence in God, makes us serve Him and suffer for Him joyfully. Last of all, the Fear of the Lord fills us with a sovereign respect for His majesty and dare not to offend Him. The Bible tells us that "The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom" (Proverbs 1:7) Thus, we come to a full circle back to Wisdom. These gifts are beautifully linked to help us grow effectively to perfection and discharge faithfully our role as ambassadors of reconciliation for Christ in the world. Remember, they are gifts. It is not our merits to receive them. They show us God's love shall never end.

Brethren, let us call upon the Holy Spirit to come upon us once more, to strengthen us to renew the Creation.
God bless!

2016 Homily






