
Wednesday 29 June 2016

慈悲與環保 Mercy & Environment Conservation







Beyond Money: Mercy & Environment Conservation

June 27, 2016

Hi, I am Deacon Alex Kwok, a member of the ad hoc committee for the Jubilee of Mercy. Tonight, I would like to talk about Mercy and Environment Conservation. Don't take me wrong. I do not wish to discuss whether Hong Kong should enforce the classification of recyclables, should educate the public to lead a low carbon living, should subsidize recycling industries, to protect Chinese white dolphins or butterflies in the wetland etc. ... These are government policies and it is not right for me to comment here. On the contrary, I appeal to you all. Treat our offspring with mercy. For their good, leave them more natural resources at their disposal.

We know that the earth has enough resources to feed all living creatures, including mankind. If resources are scarce in a region, it is a distribution problem. Of course, the uneven distribution of resources may be a matter of geography. However, modern transportation is efficient. It is not at all difficult to deal with this type of uneven distribution. But at the moment, only a minority may enjoy the utility of resources while most people are suffering from a lack of them. I am afraid this is the consequence of selfishness of some people who accumulate and even monopolize so that the resources needed by the majority fall into the hands of the minority. Not only is it unfair, but it is also callous. When you see children dying because their parents cannot afford expensive patented medicines; see the general population suffer from economic embargoes imposed on ideologically opposite rivals but not the people in power, are they acts of mercy? These transnational business strategies and monopoly are unfair and heartless towards contemporary people.

We also know that the natural resources on earth are limited. When they are depleted, they are gone forever. Therefore, while we consume, we must develop new sources in time. Before we have any new discovery, we have the responsibility to slow down our consumption. Otherwise, what can we leave behind for our children? The underground fossil fuel took millions of years to cook up in the earth crust but we took less than three centuries to deplete it. We consume in a breathtaking rate because we crave for comfort and convenience. The living standard of modern urban people is high. They yearn for faster, higher quality, more luxurious and expensive life styles. In previous generations, electrical appliances were durable. We did not have to look for spare parts within three or four decades. Today, we live in a "spent and dispensed" milieu. This life style places greater demand on energy and creates more unrecyclable wastes. More seriously, this way of life is contaminating the air we breathe, the water we drink in a rate faster than the self-recovery speed of our Mother Nature. That is to say, in less than fifty years, we and our children shall be unable to drink water beneath maximum contaminant level, to inhale air of acceptable Air Quality Health Index (AQHI). Don't forget, we are only a member of humanity. Our life style must be one responsible to the mankind now and in the future. Please, think about how our children will live with a merciful heart. They will wear gas masks, carry a water purifier and a school bag on their back and walk or ride bicycles to school ...
God bless.

Living Spring Foundation:

Tuesday 28 June 2016

慈悲與衰老 Mercy & Ageing









Beyond Money: Mercy & Ageing

June 24, 2016

Hi, I am Deacon Alex Kwok, a member of the ad hoc committee for the Jubilee of Mercy. Tonight, I would like to share with you the topic on "Mercy and Ageing". Don't take me wrong, I do not intend to speak about whether the Hong Kong society should treat senior citizens well, should push forth universal retirement protection, or should respect the elderly out of empathy and mercy. These are unquestionable moral choices. On the contrary, I would like to tell my senior audience, you should enjoy your remaining years with a heart of mercy. I want to tell my young or middle-aged audience, you should prepare for your own ageing with a heart of mercy before it is too late.

My dear senior audience, perhaps your memory is already failing you so much so that you don't even remember what your breakfast was this morning. The face in front of you looks familiar but you just cannot remember the name ... No problem. Perhaps you remember only those who have bullied you, or who have owed you money, or who have betrayed you ... No big deal. You do not want to remember these things deliberately, but for some unknown reasons, they just keep popping up uncontrollably ... It is alright. Please remember those good old memories. Try to retain as much as possible those happy experiences. Let them accompany you for your remaining days. Forgive those who make you painful. Keep recalling these experiences will only torture you. Those people will not feel the pinch. Painful are only those at your sides. You are alone in your pains. Why suffer? When you think of those who inflict you pains, say "So-and-so, I forgive you. So-and-so, I bless you." Say 49 times a day for ten consecutive days. Miracles will appear. You will not feel the pains they inflicted on you anymore. If you are not painful, your children or the nurses who take care of you will not suffer with you. You are OK. I am OK. Everybody is OK. Why not do it?

All you whose ageing process has not started, you know that because of the advances in medical technology, an ageing population is becoming inevitable. Many plagues and diseases which did not previously have the opportunity to erupt are becoming active due to the longevity of mankind. The most conspicuous and well-known candidate is the "Alzheimer's Disease". Many people did not handle their interpersonal relationships during their youth well enough, leaving deep scars in their mind and soul and carrying them into old age. When the brain begins to deteriorate, it selectively retains the painful memories, continually rubs salts on their old wounds, wishing that one day, they will retaliate ten times the hurt.

Be merciful to yourselves. The senior citizens can no longer control themselves. They cannot control what may emerge, what may forget. But you can! You are still young. Life is like a game of Scavenger Hunt. You sell less than you collect. Human memories are not erasable. The less urgent ones are simply swept under the subconscious, only to be retrieved when your mind least expects them. Now, retrieve your good memories and strengthen them. For the unpleasant ones, transform them.
How to transform them? In mercy, forgive those who have hurt you or your loved ones. Then, you are able to transform those unpleasant memories. Why not try out the suggestion mentioned above? For ten consecutive days, say 49 times "So-and-so, I forgive you." Similarly, with a merciful heart, forgive those who obstruct your promotion, bless those who unscrupulously hoard wealth in the society, those who take the law into their own hands or those who trample justice etc. ... For 10 consecutive days, say 49 times, "So-and-so, I bless you." Trust me, miracles will come about. God bless.

Living Spring Foundation:

Sunday 26 June 2016

以世俗理由拒絕天主的邀請 Decline God's invitation with secular reasons







Thirteenth Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: Decline God's invitation with secular reasons

Let us know something about the geography in the Gospel. So far, Jesus had confined his evangelization to the province of Galilee in the north. Now, Jesus was leading a huge crowd of expectant followers heading towards Jerusalem in the south. They had to go through the province of Samaria. Who were the Samaritans? Is there not a parable of the Good Samaritan in the Gospel? Were they not kindhearted? Why were they so hostile towards the Jews? Simply put, King David and his son King Solomon were able to unite the 12 tribes of Israel into a Kingdom. After the demise of King Solomon, the Kingdom was divided into two. Ten tribes formed the northern Kingdom of Israel while the remaining two the southern Kingdom of Judah. The northern Kingdom was conquered by the Assyrians and the ten tribes were exiled to Assyria. The Assyrian Empire created a province of Samaria out of the captured land. They also mobilized alien tribes into Samaria. Through mixed marriages, Samaritan "bastards" were born. Learning from this piece of history, after Judah was conquered by Babylon and the Judah people exiled, they tried to keep their blood pure by saying no to mixed marriages. Moreover, they began to put their own history into writing. They built up Judaism to maintain their identity as the Chosen People of God. After returning home, the Jews despised the Samaritans because of the impurity of their blood. The Samaritans retaliated by refusing to cooperate with the Jews.

When the story opens today, we read how out of his love for the Lord, John nearly got his Master into trouble again. When the Samaritans refused to extend hospitality, James and John wanted to call down fire from heavens to burn down the Samaritan villages. Although John was the beloved disciple of the Lord, the temper of his and his brother's was hot and they got angry easily. No wonder Jesus gave them a nickname "Sons of Thunder". Luckily, John was prudent enough to ask for Jesus' permission before he acted. Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous. Just think about what Jesus' mission was. He came to save humanity. Had Jesus ever hurt anybody before? For the sake of a single man, Jesus was willing to sacrifice 2000 pigs. He would never hurt anybody. John's action would show Jesus in a bad light, leaving a damaging stain on Jesus' salvation project.

Then Luke put down three vocation stories to make readers think about their own vocation. God invites each one of us to share His eternal life. This is vocation. A stagnant life is no life at all. Therefore, our first vocation was to receive baptism to enter the Church. Our spiritual was born. After that, our spiritual life is nurtured through prayers, scripture readings and receiving sacraments. Some of us marry to build up families. Through the joys and pains of family life, we are sanctified together with our spouse and other family members. For this group of people, marriage is their second vocation which makes them lead a more Christian life. Some other people are called to be clergy to serve the People of God. They serve as ministers to administer sacraments, to pastor, to teach, to govern and to sanctify the People of God. This second vocation makes them live out the countenance of Jesus Christ.

The main character in the first gospel story today took the initiative to express his wish to follow Jesus. Perhaps his motive was not pure. He might want wealth and glory, power and money. Our motive of marriage might not be pure at first. Perhaps our potential spouse was rich, or had a promising career. Our initial motive to become a clergy might not be pure as well. Being a priest enjoys authority. In Hong Kong, a priest is taken care of by the Diocese. His living is well provided for. But Jesus did not reject the man because of his ulterior motives. Jesus simply reminded him not to expect God to reward him with huge wealth and power in this life. Look, Jesus "had nowhere to lay his head." (Luke 9:58) He would even be buried in somebody else's tomb. If the man insisted on following Jesus, Jesus would subsequently had time to correct him and make him see the truth. Similarly, the initial motives to get married or ordained might not be pure. As long as we maintain a healthy relationship with God, Jesus will subsequently have time to make us see the genuine meanings of married life or consecrated life. Luke likes to leave the endings open. The main character of the stories is the reader himself. In the end, will the reader follow Jesus? Let the reader decide the ending.
In the second story, Jesus took the initiative to call the man. Regrettably, like most people who are hesitant to respond to God's call, we are blinded by secular things that we do not see how abundant God's graces amount to in His call. On the other hand, is it wrong to discharge our filial duty to bury our father? Of course it is right for a son to fulfil his filial duty to bury his father. What is wrong is to make use of the filial duty as an excuse to reject Jesus' invitation. Jesus' response seemed rude but it was not. Think about it. The Author of Life invites you to spread the gospel of life, to proclaim the Kingdom of God to make more people, including yourself, attain life. Now that you reject the invitation from the Author of Life, you refuse to grow in life and in the end, you might become a walking dead, a living zombie. What a pity! When you really bury your father in the future, it will really be "the dead to bury their own dead." (9:60)
The main character of the third story took the initiative to follow Jesus on conditions. His request seemed to be reasonable. It is in the same vein as the story of Elijah calling Elisha. You cannot find fault with it. However, Elijah called Elisha to be his disciple, to succeed him as a prophet. Yes, we follow Jesus to be his disciple, to partake in his prophetic ministry but we cannot succeed Jesus because he is the Son of God! Elijah was only human. Elisha could still turn his head back. But Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the ultimate goal for all humanity to turn to. After choosing to follow Jesus Christ, we have only one goal ahead to strain forward to. There is no other higher ideal to replace this. Where comes the reason to look back?

Dear friends, let us think about it. Do we make use of secular excuses to decline Jesus' invitations? Do we have other ideals to replace the Author of Life who can enrich our lives? Listen, the call may not necessarily be life-long vocations. It can be calls to corporal or spiritual works of mercy to make our life more abundant. Our usual excuses would be "Sorry, I am in a hurry to bury my father ..." Brethren, the ending of this story is decided by you.
God bless.

Sunday 19 June 2016

認識自己的十字架 Know Your Own Cross






我們的十字架有甚麼特徵呢?耶穌說「天天背著」,所以不要以為是突發事件,你英雄地挺身而出,替人頂罪,便是「背十字架」。對不起,除非你是是長期病患者 ,或者每天都做「代罪羔羊」,你的工作是接投訴電話或者在酷熱天氣之下,穿著上大熊貓的衣服,在鬧市中派傳單,宣傳環保。否則,這不是你的十字架。

The Twelfth Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: Know Your Own Cross

Before we meditate on the gospel today, let us catch up with what we have missed. Two weeks before, we read about how Jesus raised the only son of the widow of Nain, restoring her hope so that she would be taken care of in her old age. Last Sunday, we read about how Jesus forgave a sinful woman, restoring her hope in life so that she might turn a new leaf in life. After that, Jesus continued to spread the gospel and worked miracles to give the Jews hope. That included driving a legion of demons into 2000 pigs which jumped over the cliff and were drowned, thus liberating a possessed man. Jesus then raised the 12-year-old daughter of Jairus, the ruler of a synagogue. He sent out the Twelve to preach and then multiplied 5 loaves and 2 fish to feed 5000. Jesus' career had reached its zenith. Then we arrived at the story today. So, study hard to catch up these stories.

Indeed, Jesus' achievement had peaked from a secular point of view. People who had eaten from Jesus knew that he was no charlatan that persuaded people to endure suffering patiently. He was a saviour, a messiah who could actually relieve the sufferings of the people. Following him, one had no worry for necessities. One lost nothing but gained a lot in doing so. Furthermore, Jesus possessed a great power to mobilize people which all politicians could only dream of. Had Jesus willed it, he would have been able to transform this crowd into a fearless army to pit battle against the Roman legions. But Jesus did not do that. He was misunderstood. He came to fill, not the belly but the human hearts. He came to drive away, not the mighty Roman legions, but the invisible and yet ubiquitous influence of the Devil. Thus, Jesus chose the Twelve to live with him for three years, to train them, reveal the truth of the Kingdom to them, hoping that through them, more people might know the mercy of God, might obtain the salvation of God.

It was a critical moment when Jesus' popularity reached the zenith. Jesus was worried lest the Twelve might fall prey to a secular mentality. Thus, he conducted a simple opinion poll, "Who do the people say that I am?" (Luke 9:18) Some thought that Jesus was John the Baptist because Jesus was full of justice, fearless of the powerful and criticized their mistakes. Some said Jesus was Elijah because he raised the dead son of a widow. Some thought that Jesus was one of the old prophets because his words and deeds made their oracles meaningful. The answers above seemed to be correct. But in the gospel of Luke, these answers came from the lips of Herod who had killed John the Baptist. We cannot afford not to be careful!
The next question Jesus asked was the key point, "But who do you say that I am?" (9:20) The opinions of catechists, of deacons, priests, bishops or even the Pope's about Jesus are theirs, not yours. You may refer to them as a reference, as a guide to seek the truth but they cannot replace your own conviction. Similarly, many saints, those successful people of the Church throughout the ages, have established a close relationship with Jesus Christ during their life time. But it was their relationship with Jesus, not yours. Therefore, the answer Peter gave could only be our reference. It cannot be a model answer any deviation from which would be wrong. Whatever your answer, so long as you decide to follow Jesus, are willing to accept Jesus as your personal Saviour, believing that he is able to bring you back to our heavenly home, we may continue to meditate on the revelation of the Father and to experience the love within Jesus' heart.

When Jesus' career reached the zenith, he revealed the salvation plan of the Father to his disciples, foretelling his passion and resurrection for the first time. The Blessed Trinity came down in person to sacrifice and redeem men, to raise their level so that they might partake in the eternal and sacred life of God. There is only one way, "whoever loses his life for my sake, he will save it." (9:24) Of course, Jesus did not ask every one of us to die a martyr like him. Instead, we should live our daily life in a spirit of martyrdom. This is what Jesus demands of every believer. Indeed, Jesus has already accomplished his mission. He has died on the cross for all humanity to repay the debts of all the sins in the past, the present and the future. Now is the time we cashed this cheque. The way to cash it is "to deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." (9:23)

Let us know our own crosses. Before we meditate, pay attention to the following two points. (1) The following is my opinion for your reference only. It is not a model answer. (2) Your cross is unique and you should not compare and complain to God that others' crosses are lighter!
What are the characteristics of our crosses? Jesus says, "take up his cross daily". Therefore, it cannot be something that arises out of a sudden. You bravely stand out to bear the blame/brunt for the others. Sorry, unless you suffer from chronic diseases, or are a scapegoat day in day out, say, your job is to answer complaint phone calls, or donning a panda costume to distribute environmental protection pamphlets in the afternoon heat of summer. Otherwise, it cannot be your cross.
Crosses are uncomfortable, painful, something you don't want to do in your daily life. It is human nature to take the easy way out. In our daily life, we establish habits to make our life comfortable. We build up comfort zones. Jesus tells us to get out of our comfort zones to cash in God's cheques. The horizontal bar on the cross represents interpersonal relationships and the vertical bar the relationship between God and you.
So, when we are used to blaming others or pushing the responsibilities on others; when it is always the others' faults not ours, you should know that it is time for you to carry your cross and follow Jesus. When you enjoy using your mobile to watch drama series, to play online games to fill up your lonely hearts, to relieve daily frustrations, but when you look up from your phone and find that you have missed the station you should get off, or everybody, including your family members who are close to you, are all gone, you should know it is high time you jumped out of your comfort zones, carried your cross in order to obtain the freedom of your heart, to restore the lost relationships. When you think that harder work will gain greater rewards so much so that you forget about God, about people around you and even hurt your colleagues or kinsmen, you should know that the comfort zone you work so hard to build up is actually an invisible prison. Therefore, you should carry your cross and follow Jesus. Love those around you. Love God and break out of this prison.
Let us meditate. What is your comfort zone? What is your cross?
Let us pray to God, asking for the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with love and power, to carry our daily cross, to follow Jesus and jump out of our comfort zone.
God bless.

Sunday 12 June 2016

虔誠敬拜 An act of Adoration









  The Eleventh Ordinary Sunday (Year C)
Theme: An act of Adoration

Last week, we heard of the story of a pitiful widow in Nain. She was extremely lucky because Jesus arrived at the city gate just in time. People were carrying the corpse of her only son to the graveyard and preparing to give him a proper burial. Jesus saw the situation, had compassion on the widow. He stopped the bier and brought the dead man to life and gave him back to his mother. It was a happy ending. Let us imagine what would have happened to the widow if Jesus had arrived at Nain one week or one month later.

First of all, she would have lost all her family supports. She was married and no longer belonged to her father's house. She could not turn to her brothers to seek support. Secondly, she did not have a son who had been her only legitimate link with whatever her husband had. That is to say, she had lost all claims on her husband's property. Where else could she go? She was totally on her own with nobody to support. If she were some sorts of a skilled worker, such as a carpenter, potter, farmer or fisherman etc., she could still feed herself. But that would be very unlikely in Jesus' time. Most likely, she would become a prostitute and ended up being a beggar at an old age. In neither profession would you earn any respect in any place or at any time. I said "profession" because these two groups of people are easy targets of human trafficking controlled by gangsters. Nowadays in Hong Kong, we see many of them travel across the border to make a living here.

In the gospel story today, we might be seeing a widow turned prostitute showing her love towards Jesus. What had Jesus done to her in the first place to deserve such a fabulous treatment? If the woman had truly been a widow like that of Nain, Jesus had surely come too late and had failed to console her and deliver her from her plights so much so that she ended up becoming a prostitute. In such case, Jesus was partly to blame for arriving too late and making a prostitute out of her! Now that she had become a prostitute, had Jesus cured her of sexually transmitted diseases if she had contracted any? Did Jesus buy her freedom if she was controlled by gangsters? What had Jesus done to restore her fame or status? Nothing. Jesus had not done anything in particular towards her in the first place. Therefore, what the woman did was not done out of gratitude in return for good things Jesus had done to her.

Of course, being grateful is a virtue which we must cultivate. Without parental love in the first place, a baby cannot subsequently survive. Therefore, it is right to honour our parents. Without teachers instructing us what the right things to do in the first place, we end up in jail or in hell. Therefore, it is right to respect teachers. It is right to return favour, to show gratitude. But what reasons can we give to explain the behaviour of the woman towards Jesus?

I think, to the woman in the story, Jesus was the personification of her hope. The woman led a life of darkness and despair. She saw no hope in the future and hell would surely be her final resting place. Day in day out, she was abused by her clients in private. She was discriminated as a sinner in the public. She was indoctrinated to believe that God would not forgive a woman who slept with so many men. But suddenly, a ray of hope dawned upon her. Jesus came to cure diseases. He would also cure hers. Jesus came to drive away demons to free the possessed. He would also clear her guilty conscience. Jesus came to invite prostitutes and tax-collectors to eat at God's table, to grant them a place in the Kingdom of Heaven before the Pharisees and to partake in the mercy of the Father. To quote the Prayer of the Jubilee of Mercy, Jesus is "the visible face of the invisible Father, of the God who manifests his power above all through forgiveness and mercy." This prostitute saw a merciful God in Jesus who came to heal her wounds, to free her from bondage and to promise her a place in heaven. Therefore, her behaviour was an act of adoration, an act of worship before a merciful God. She had faith that no sins were so great that God would be unable to forgive.

On the material level, she still had to continue to earn her living as a prostitute, but with an attitude. She would still have to endure the abuses of clients, the discrimination of the public and the curses of religious leaders etc. But deep inside her heart, she knew that God would not condemn her. God would be merciful to her. With the empowerment of God, she might one day even be able to shake off the bondage of prostitution. So, don't be surprised if she continued to work as a sex-worker after Jesus had forgiven her sins. Jesus was very realistic. I would like to draw your attention to the text once more. Unlike the story of the "adulterous woman" in the gospel of John in which not only did Jesus not condemn the adulterous woman and told her not to sin anymore (John 8:11), but here in this story, Jesus did not tell the prostitute not to sin anymore. Of course, Jesus had done many things not mentioned in the gospels. Therefore, it is also possible that Jesus had told her and Luke forgot to put it down in writing. Surely, Jesus would not encourage us to continue to commit sins because it is harmful to our body and soul, our relationships with fellow men and with God. But the silence strongly suggests that Jesus was very considerate.

So, what have we learnt from her story?
First of all, be patient. God has His schedule. Even if God does not deliver you immediately, have faith in Him. He would come to your aid sooner or later.
Secondly, greater love earns greater salvation. Simon the Pharisee might have even greater sins but he had missed the chance. As a Christian, we should love and adore Jesus Christ with all our heart and soul like the prostitute in the story.
Thirdly, Jesus' silence speaks loud and clear. He is pragmatic. So should the Church be! On one hand, the Church does not condone sins but on the other, she must be considerate, like Jesus, towards people living in difficult situations. As members of the Church, we should refrain from passing judgments on people, like Simon the Pharisee. We should be ambassadors of mercy, bringing the forgiveness of God to whoever is in need.
God bless.

Sunday 5 June 2016

慈悲的天主是絕望中的希望 The Merciful God is the Hope in Despair


中國人對寡婦並沒有好感,覺得這些女性命硬,帶給丈夫不幸,甚至剋死丈夫。相反聖經對寡婦是同情居多。先知書和聖詠,經常警告以色列人不可欺負她們,並且提及天主會照顧她們。聖經這樣寫是因為在舊約中,天主經常用夫妻的形象,表達自己對以色列人的愛。可惜以色列人經常背逆天主,好像這個對她好的丈夫,已經死了一樣;到頭來把自己趕進絕境,好像寡婦一樣。不過,舊約中亦提及很多有名的富寡婦,個別甚至成為救國救民,殺死敵國首領的女英雌。因此,以色列人對寡婦的心態,是既憐憫,又害怕,是充滿矛盾的。 福音之中有一個很有名的「耶穌稱讚窮寡婦」的故事,加強了我們認為「寡婦就是窮」的錯覺,憐憫她們的處境。其實,福音中的寡婦和舊約時的寡婦一樣,不一定是窮的。否則,耶穌就不會批評那些貪財的法利塞人,說他們「吞沒寡婦的家產,又以長久的祈禱作掩飾。」(20:47)寡婦窮與否,當然是由她的亡夫有多少遺產所決定了。






  The Tenth Ordinary Sunday (Year C)
Theme: The Merciful God is the Hope in Despair

Chinese do not treat widows kindly. They believe that the widows' horoscopes must have been detrimental to their husbands' so much as that the husbands die. On the contrary, the Bible is more sympathetic. Prophets and Psalms warn Israelites not to mistreat widows and that God will eventually take care of them. The Bible was written as such because in the Old Testament, God always chose the image of husband and wife to express His love of the Israelites. Unfortunately, the Israelites always rebelled against God, treating God as if He were dead. In the end, they drove themselves into desperate situation like widows. However, some famous rich widows were also mentioned in the Old Testament. Some were even able to kill the army generals of their enemies, thus saving their country in the role of heroines. Their feelings towards widows were full of contractions, having compassion on one hand and fear on the other.
There is a famous story in the gospels in which Jesus praised a poor widow, thus strengthening our impression that widows were poor and have compassion on them. However, like their counterparts in the Old Testament, they might not be poor after all. Otherwise, Jesus would not have criticized those greedy Pharisees "who devour widows' houses and for a pretense make long prayers." (Luke 20:47) So, whether widows were poor or not depended on how much their deceased husbands left them.

In ancient patriarchic societies, the low status of women was a reality of life. The Chinese "three followings" of women must have been a custom practised by most patriarchic societies. "Before marriage, a girl follows her father. After marriage, a woman follows her husband. After the death of the husband, she follows her son." This must have been an authentic description of the fate of women in ancient patriarchic societies. The fate of a widow without a son would be terrible in a society without social securities. Without the protection of men, she would become a beggar or even a prostitute. Why? First of all, a woman married out no longer belonged to her father's house. Her brothers did not have any obligation to support her. Secondly, without a son, what could a widow rely on to demand the inheritance or support? The kin of the dead man would be all too glad to drive her away, thus eliminating one rival to compete for the inheritance.
The widow of Nain in the gospel today was really unfortunate. At first, at the demise of her husband, she still had a son, thus the levirate law was not applicable to her. With her son, she could still live on the inheritance of her deceased husband. Now that her son was dead, she suddenly lost all her supports. Even though the gospel says "a large crowd from the city was with her" (7:12), I would boldly speculate that most of them would be women and children. Now they came to comfort her, but their help in the future would be limited. Those men in the crowd, if they had not come to buy the dead young man, would, I am afraid, be people bringing along Pharisees whom Jesus criticized to take over the inheritance. What could the widow rely on to fight for the inheritance? Her situation was hopeless. She was in despair. Now, God became her only hope, her only reliance.

Strangely, like the Israelites in the Old Testament, most of us unknowingly make ourselves a widow, a desperate person. Today is the 27th anniversary of June Fourth. As a Chinese coming face to face with a gigantic regime which makes June Fourth and Cultural Revolution taboo topics, what can we rely on to fight against such a regime? Our difficulties are no less than those facing the widow of Nain. As a citizen coming face to face with a government colluding with merchants, what can we rely on to stand against it? We become disappointed and throw up our hands very easily. But as a Catholic, we have Jesus Christ who backs us up. We need to be humble and patient. Do not ask for this or that in our prayers. God will provide.

If states and governments are too big for us, why not look at the people around us. Are there people who disappoint us, making us helpless? They do not listen to our opinions and do not make changes for the good. Where comes the time and strength for us to "forgive them seventy times seven"? Mostly of us would choose to abandon them or to ignore them. We tell ourselves that we lose hope in them. What can we rely on to continue meddling with them? But as a believer in God, in the Bible and in the teachings of the Church, do we believe in these people who were created in the image of God? Do we believe that no matter how bad they are, God still love them, not giving them up?

Do we lose hope in ourselves? Judas the traitor is a prime example. His sin was the same as Peter's. But Judas chose to kill himself, not giving God an opportunity to forgive him. He lost hope in himself, thinking that God would not forgive him. He did not know the mercy of God. In the gospel story today, we see Jesus' compassion towards men. Though the widow of Nain did not ask for anything, Jesus took the initiative to give her the greatest consolation. God will take the initiative to visit us. So do not harden our hearts and reject God.

I am grateful to God. In my forty years of teaching career, I came in contact with young people who could change for good most of the time. But the people you meet may not. Their characters are fixed and do not easily change. Worse still, they don't feel the need to change. Therefore, we need to have strong faith in Jesus Christ. He shall treat us who can easily be disappointed and helpless the same way he treated the widow of Nain,
God bless.