
Sunday 28 January 2018

Drive Out Unclean Spirits in Us 把內在的邪魔驅逐

Fourth Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: Drive Out Unclean Spirits in Us

Modern people seldom believe in miracles and exorcism. They prefer believing in physical sciences. If you believe in anything spiritual, you are superstitious.
However, we are human beings. We need to make sense of the world we are living in. Otherwise, we feel uncomfortable. The world we live in seems to be more than what we can see, hear, feel and touch through our senses. We are rational beings. We feel restless if we cannot find meanings and purposes in our life. Now, there simply are too many unfair things going on in the society. Our society seems to be sick in many ways! We don't feel comfortable with such things because we believe in fairness. We believe in a righteous God who will finally bring justice. When we believe in God, we also believe in an invisible, spiritual world where God, angels, devils and other spiritual beings reside.

The Bible tells us that Satan exists and it is a liar. Its best trick is to make people think that it does not exist. Unfortunately, Satan has been very successful and many people think that when most of the things we see can be explained with science, there is no place for God and for Satan. The second best thing Satan does is to gain possession of our souls. We were created in God's image. We are precious in the eyes of God. Now Satan needs ammunition to fight against God. What better ammunition there are than human souls! Therefore, Satan and its demons would do whatever they could to possess human beings in order to build up an arsenal to war against God.

What happen when a person is possessed by demons?
Simply put, when a person can no longer take control over himself for an extended period of time, when he does harmful things to himself and to others and finally when some supernatural phenomena happen around him, that person is being possessed. Truly, a mental patient cannot take control over himself for an extended period of time. He harms himself and even others. But he is not necessarily a possessed person unless some supernatural phenomena happened around him. Therefore, the Church must ascertain whether a person suffers mental illness or possession before sending in an exorcist to drive the demon away. In fact, a demon cannot possess any human being unless that human person opens himself up to invite possession. How? Curiosity can be a rather harmful tendency that invites possession. Secondly, when the moral integrity of a person is breaking down because of substance abuses and continual unrepentant sinning, that person will also easily become a target of possession.

When human beings make advancements in science and technology, Satan also evolves with us. Nowadays, Satan has many more inroads to gain possession of our souls. In ancient times, a person might find satisfaction and excitement in money, in honour, in glory and in sex. Nowadays, there are many more ways to make ourselves happy and be obsessed! We have many kinds of entertainment drugs. We can easily flip through pornographic webpages on our mobile phones and get connected with strangers through dating apps etc. What we eat makes us what we are. This is also true in a psychological and spiritual way. What we read makes us what we are. When we are unable to put our mobile phones away, when we feel restless without our mobile phones around, we are addicted. We are semi-possessed. Other than mobile phones, we can be addicted to other things such as drug abuses, gambling, shopping, sex and even work! There are workaholics who simply collapse in their work place! Isn't it tragic?

Unfortunately, God does not call us in an attractive manner. He speaks in "a still small voice" (1 Kings 19:12). On the other hand, there are far too many distractive obstacles which prevent us from responding to God's call. In a way, we have lost control over ourselves. We are possessed by our work, by maintaining relationship through sex, filling up our inner emptiness with shopping, looking for excitement through gambling and drug abuses etc. We are unable to shake off those chains with our own efforts. Who can deliver us from all these evils? The gospel reading today gives us the hope of deliverance. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is God himself. When the unclean spirit met Jesus Christ, instead of running away, it presented itself before Jesus. Why? It is because Jesus was its source of existence. It knew that there was no escape because cutting itself away from Jesus meant annihilation. Even demons know that they have to return to the Lord of life. Similarly, we need to return to Jesus, our source of life.
Thus, it is imperative for us to clean ourselves of our own addictions. Daily examination is an essential habit. Be humble to acknowledge our weaknesses. Reflect on how intimate our relationship with Jesus is. Like the possessed man in the gospel, present ourselves before Christ to acknowledge his Lordship. Say to Jesus, "Have mercy on me, Lord!"

The gospel does not say what happened to the possessed person after exorcism. In another occasion, the possessed person wanted to follow Jesus. Probably he wanted to ensure his own safety. He wanted Jesus to protect him for the rest of his life. But Jesus told him to go home to tell his friends how much good God had done him. (Mark 5:19) Similarly, be brave to answer God's call. He heals us and He wants other people to receive His blessings through us.
God bless!

2015 Reflection





當人類的科技日新月異時,撒殫亦隨著進化。今天,撒殫有更多的途徑俘虜我們的靈魂。在古時,一個人可以從金錢,榮譽,性愛尋求滿足和興奮;今天,我們有更多事物令自己快樂著迷。我們有不同類型的軟性毒品,我們在手機上很容易瀏覽到色情網頁,有很多交友程式接觸到陌生人等。 西諺有云:「我們吃甚麼,就成為甚麼。」同理,「我們瀏覽甚麼,就變成甚麼。」當我們不能放下手機,當手上沒有智能電話便坐立不安時,我們已經上了癮,我們已陷入「半附魔」。除了手機外,我們也會沾染其他的癮,例如濫藥、賭博、購物,性甚到工作!君不見有人在工作間猝死嗎?多麼可悲!



Monday 22 January 2018



王嵐 校長訪談 | 2018122

「我是這裏第一個女校長」,彩虹邨天主教英文中學(下稱彩天)何家欣校長笑說:「之前3位都是男校長,所以當時我一來到,他們都覺得比較特別。」學校沒有女生,男同學習慣在學校打球至汗流浹背時,拉起衣衫透風,當何校長走過,他們會馬上拉好。這種不張揚的禮貌,正是彩天學生的一大特色。 女校畢業的何校長,來到男校,發現兩者之間的共通點:「同學的感情都好好,而且因為所有事情都要做,反而學到更多。」因為沒有了男女分工,即使是講求心思細密的手工勞作,男同學同樣要學習。 


「每一年,Form 6的同學在last day那一天,會在小息或午飯前的時間,圍在走廊上一起唱校歌。」何校長回憶起4年前,初來學校看到這一幕時的情景:「其他年級的同學會出來一起聽,場面好感動、好溫馨。」 
















  • 家庭狀況:已婚
  • 學歷:香港浸會大學文學士(榮譽)、香港中文大學學位教師教育文憑、香港中文大學文學碩士
  • 執教科目:地理、宗教倫理、通識教育
  • 興趣:看電影、繪畫及下廚
  • 喜愛書籍:《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》、《人生最重要的問題》

  • 成立年份:1965、學生性別:男
  • 類型:資助、宗教背景:天主教
  • 校訓:望、救:懷着希望,迎接救贖;培育同學,救援他人
  • 學校佔地面積:約3040方米
  • 地址:九龍彩虹邨紫葳路1

Sunday 21 January 2018

超越舊我 Transcending the Old Self


那 麼,為甚麼伯多祿不親自寫下耶穌基督的生平呢?是否他祗是一個漁夫,教育水平低;甚至不懂希臘文或拉丁文,需要由馬爾谷代為翻譯,代為書寫呢?這個教育水平低的解釋並不令人滿意。因為新約的27部書之中,就收集了伯多祿的兩封書信。 即使有些聖經學者懷疑這兩封書信的作者,可能是託伯多祿的名義而寫,也不能否定在路加所寫的【宗徒大事錄】中,聖神降臨後的伯多祿,如何成為了一個脫胎換骨的人。所以教育水平低的解釋不成立。





  1. 天主的聖召不是一次過的,而是一生一世的。我們都是按天主的肖像所創造, 但我們卻生活在世俗之中,種種的世俗因素阻礙我們把這個獨一無二的肖像,發揮得淋漓盡致。因此,我們不應停留在舒適的舊我之中,而是抱開放的態度,細心聆聽並回應天主的召叫,領受天主為我們預備了很豐富的恩寵。
  2. 天主不斷地召叫我們,為了使我們完滿。約納素來對外邦人,尤其是尼尼微人,懷有偏見。天主偏偏派約納向尼尼微人,宣講悔改,藉此讓約納有悔改的機會。伯多祿可能安於做加里肋亞湖上一個寂寂無名的漁夫,但天主卻要提昇他成為「漁人的漁夫」,宗徒之長,教會的磐石,基督在世的代表。所以,我們應給自己,給天主提昇我們的機會。
  3. 我們必須與耶穌基督同在,藉祈禱、讀經、領聖事與祂接觸,看看祂住的地方,與祂建立密切的關係。祂是「道路、真理和生命」(若14:6),藉著對祂開放,我們更認清自我,更有力量回應天主的聖召,獲得提昇,更有力地履行教友的使命,成為「地上的鹽、世界的光。」(瑪5:13-14),甚至天主子民的牧羊人。

Third Ordinary Sunday (Year B)
Theme: Transcending the Old Self

It is Year B. It is high time we started reading the gospel according to Mark.
Mark was a disciple of Peter. When Peter had escaped from Herod's murderous attempts and proclaimed the gospel in Rome, Mark was his secretary, his interpreter. The gospel's source of information came from Peter. Thus the gospel according to Mark can be said to be the gospel according to Peter.
Then, why didn't Peter write the biography of Jesus Christ himself? Was it because he was only a fisherman, had not received any education; or that he was illiterate in Greek or Latin and thus in need of Mark's interpretation and penning the gospel for him? This explanation was not satisfactory. It is because among the 27 books in the New Testament, there are two epistles written by Peter. Even though some biblical scholars question the authorship, maintain that some other people wrote in Peter's name, it is undeniable that the Peter described in the Acts of the Apostles was a transformed person after the descent of the Holy Spirit. Thus low education level does not explain.

Another possibility was that Peter was training Mark up to be a Church leader. Jesus Christ has redeemed the world through his Passion and Resurrection. But he established the Church to continue his salvation project. He left the unfinished work in our hands and ascended to heavens. Jesus Christ wants to give us the opportunity to participate in our salvation in order to manifest to its fullness the image of God hidden in us. Similarly, Peter followed the example of his Master. He did not take everything in his own hands. Rather, he cooperated with his fellow Apostles and built up the followers. Thus Mark wrote the gospel.

Since the materials of the gospel came from Peter, what Peter did not say would most likely not appear in Mark's gospel. The most obvious example was Peter's walking on the water. After the Five Loaves and Two Fish miracle, Jesus sent his disciples to the other side of the lake and went up the hill to pray beyond midnight. Then he walked on the water past the boat of the disciples. According to the gospel of Matthew, only Peter among the Twelve jumped onto the water and ran towards Jesus (Matthew 14:28). Mark did not cover this story. Again after Peter declared that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the living God, we find in Matthew that Jesus made Peter the Rock of the Church and gave him keys to the Kingdom of Heavens, the power to forgive sins. Then Jesus foretold for the first time his upcoming Passion. (16:16-21). Mark left out making Peter the Rock of the Church and went directly to the first prediction of Passion. Why is it so? Please bear in mind, Jesus Christ is the focus of the gospel we proclaim, not us. If we boast of our achievements, we are not doing evangelization but self-promotion. This is pride and arrogance, not a proper attitude of any Christian.

The calling of the first disciples we hear today is only a summary and has skipped the inner struggle the disciples experienced in answering the call. With one sentence spoken by Jesus, "Follow me and I will make you become fishers of men" (Mark 1:17), Andrew and Peter, without thinking, immediately left everything behind and followed Jesus. Remember, it is "immediately"! The same happened to the brothers James and John. This is hard to believe. Jesus worked like a cult leader, hypnotizing them! Luckily we have other gospels to refer to. Indeed, the gospel of Luke moves in a miraculous catch to resolve Peter's hesitation to follow Jesus. The gospel of John we read last Sunday tells us that the first batch of disciples followed Jesus only after hearing the witnesses of John the Baptist and their siblings, getting in contact with Jesus themselves and living with Jesus. Thus the sketchy narrative we read today is in fact the fruit of a previous period of inner struggles and discernment.

This story today teaches us three morals.

  1. God's call is not a one-off event but a life-long one. We were created in the image of God. But we live in a secular world. Many secular factors prevent this unique image from full manifestation. Thus, we should not stay within our comfortable old selves. We should keep an open attitude, listen attentively to God's call and respond accordingly to receive the abundant graces God has prepared for us.
  2. For our perfection, God keeps on calling us. Jonah harboured prejudice against Gentiles, especially people of Nineveh. God deliberately sent Jonah to proclaim repentance to people of Nineveh in order to give Jonah an opportunity to repent. Peter probably felt comfortable to be an ordinary fisherman on the Sea of Galilee. But God wanted to elevate him to be a fisher of men, the Prince of the Apostles, the Rock of the Church, the Vicar of Christ on earth. Thus, we should give ourselves and God an opportunity to upgrade us.
  3. We need to live with Jesus Christ through prayers, bible studies and receiving the sacraments to see where He stays, to build up an intimate relation with him. He is "the Way, and the Truth and the Life" (John 14:6). When we open ourselves to him, we know ourselves better, gain greater strength to answer God's call and be elevated. We become more capable to discharge our mission as Catholics, to be "the salt of the earth and the light of the world" (Matthew 5:13-14) and even shepherds of the People of God.
God bless!

Sunday 14 January 2018

辨明聖召 Vocational Discernment





倘若祗有對觀福音而沒有若望福音,這個耶穌召選首批門徒的故事, 的確令人難以信服。那有可能第一次聽到耶穌的召叫,就好像被催眠一樣,拋棄所有來跟隨耶穌呢?難道耶穌是邪教的教主嗎?路加福音嘗試把過程合理化一點,加插了一個網了很多魚的神蹟,把伯多祿的內心掙扎展示出來(路5:4-10)。所以,若望福音的記載,是門徒的心路歷程,補充了對觀福音的不足,多於描述現實世界所發生的事!


另一方面,我們作為天主教徒,便有責任好像若翰洗者,或者第一篇讀經中的厄里一樣,幫助其他人辨認天主的聲音,指導幫助他們回應天主的呼召。所以我們有責任宣講耶穌基督,而不是吹噓自己。正如若翰洗者說:「祂應該興盛,我卻應該衰微。」( 3:30)


Second Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: Vocational Discernment

People who like reading martial art novels or movies or TV series will find reading the gospel story today uncomfortable. It is because besides advocating vengeance, martial art novels also promote the concept of life-long respect for one's Master, despite being a Master for only one day. These ideas are not wrong but should not be upheld in certain situations. Martial art novel enthusiasts would be sympathetic towards John the Baptist or that the two disciples, Andrew and John were wrong for abandoning their Master to follow Jesus. Even though such act was not as inglorious as killing one's Master, it was very disrespectful of them. It went against Chinese sentiments and they could not be exemplars for Chinese believers!

Firstly, Christians do not advocate vengeance which is God's privilege (Deuteronomy 32:35, Romans 12:19). Christians should forgive each other, love each other.
Secondly, Matthew tells us that we have only one teacher, one master who is the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Our teacher-students relationships on earth are only brotherhood. (Matthew 23:8-10) Thus, even though Andrew and John were baptized by the Baptist and became his disciples, they and the Baptist were only brothers. When the true Master appears, the Baptist would lead his disciples to follow Jesus. By then, this brotherhood would be clearly visible. According to Matthew, when Jesus came down to River Jordan to be baptized by the Baptist, the Baptist tried to prevent him, saying that he needed to be baptized by Jesus (3:14). The Baptist knew that he was not the Anointed One. He also knew that on whomsoever the Holy Spirit descended, that person would be the long awaited Messiah. He must have taught his disciples such. Later, the Baptist bore witness and pointed to Jesus as the "Lamb of God" who came to save the world, the two disciples must have followed the Baptist's instructions to follow Jesus. Thus, Andrew and John had not deserted their master. The ideas of martial art novels do not work in this context.

Even if we confine ourselves to the gospel context, we encounter harmonization problems in today's story. This is a narrative of Jesus' calling his first disciples. The difference between the Synoptic gospels and John's gospel is huge. In the Synoptic, the first disciples were fishermen. Jesus called them at the seashore and immediately they abandoned everything to follow Jesus. Today's story is totally different. There was no sea, no call, no abandonment of everything and the grouping of disciples was different too. In the Synoptic, Jesus called Andrew and his brother Peter first, then James and his brother John. In today's story, Jesus did not call Andrew and John. They followed Jesus after their master the Baptist instructed them to do so. How shall we harmonize these differences?

Had there been only the Synoptic without John, the story of the call of the first disciples would have been unconvincing! How could it be possible for the disciples to abandon everything to follow Jesus the first time they heard him, like being hypnotized. Would that Jesus was actually a cult leader? The gospel of Luke tries to make the process more reasonable by inserting a miraculous catch to highlight the inner struggles of Peter (Luke 5:4-10). Thus, the gospel of John is more a description of the inner journey of the disciples to supplement the inadequacy of the Synoptic than a narrative of what was actually happening in the real world!

That is to say, Andrew and John were baptized and became disciples of the Baptist and followed his instructions. When Jesus appeared, the Baptist identified him to be the Messiah. Furthermore, he saw that Jesus Christ would deliver the world with his death. Thus the Baptist said that Jesus was "the Lamb of God". Andrew and John began to pay attention to Jesus, observing him from a distance. Then they drew near to come in contact and dialogue with Jesus. Like all other Jews, they were expecting the Messiah. When Jesus asked them what they sought, why didn't they answer, "The Messiah", but instead asked a rather irrelevant question, "Where do you stay?" (John 1:38) Indeed, this question was absolutely right because they needed to find out whether it was worthwhile to commit their lives to this Jesus. When Jesus invited them to go and see, they accepted the invitation and stayed with Jesus to build up a deeper relation. They decided to follow Jesus. Pay attention, Jesus invited them to go and take a look. It is not necessary to be a physical place. It could be an inner space in our hearts! Later, they bore witness to their brothers and led them to know Jesus Christ. On the other hand, they were still living in the physical world, making a living with fishing. At last, what the Synoptic tells was the visible fruit of an invisible inner journey of struggle. What the gospel of John tells is the journey of an inner acceptance of Jesus as the Messiah.

This incident is a treasure trove for spiritual reflections. The disciples followed the Baptist first and then Jesus Christ. It shows that the call of God is not a one-off event. God keeps beckoning us throughout our life, looking for opportunities to grant us grace. God seldom physically appears to us or speaks to us in dreams. Rather, He prefers to beckon us through other people, things, events and places. Thus, we need to stay alert to discern the vocation of God. We should not be afraid to abandon our comfort zone, not to uphold that changing old habitual way of thinking is killing the master.
On the other hand, we are Catholics. We have taken up the responsibility of a Baptist or an Eli in the first reading, to help others discern the voice of God, to help them answer God's call. Thus we have the duty to proclaim Jesus, but not to boast ourselves. Just as what the Baptist says, "He must increase, but I must decrease." (3:30)
God bless!

Sunday 7 January 2018

回應天主的召叫 Answering God's Call




的確,現代人曾嘗試從天文學的角度解釋這顆「白冷之星」,即耶穌出生時出現的星,有人說是「掃帚星」,有的說是「超新星爆炸」,眾說紛紜,可惜並不成功。近年來,科學家纔猛然想起耶穌時代還沒有天文學,祗有占星術。故此,重新出發,並運用電腦計算當年當地的星空圖,果然發現在公元前六年的四月十七日,太陽系幾顆肉眼可見的行星,都聚集在白羊座。運用占星術,可以解釋為在猶大地方出現了一位新生的君王。公元前六年是對的,因為屠殺無辜白冷嬰兒的大黑落德是在公元前四年去世的。而四月份比十二月更適合牧羊人在戶看守羊群。另一方面, 希臘文原文中的「賢士μάγοι Magi」除了解作有學問的人之外,亦可解作術士、祭司等的人。如果大家往郊外露營,看到滿天星斗時,你可認得出哪顆是火星、哪顆是土星呢、白羊座在哪呢?所以,祗有懂得占星術的人纔能看得懂這些星象,而不是一般人可以容易明白的,或者有興趣研究的。因此,「白冷之星」的出現並不像電影那樣戲劇化,而是受過訓練的眼睛纔看得見的。

天主教不是禁止信徒占卜算命的嗎?對,這樣做是缺乏信德的表現。當年,以色列的君王,阿哈齊雅從樓上的欄杆上跌下病了,便派人往厄刻龍向巴耳則步神問卜,看看自己甚 麼時候康復。先知厄里亞斥責他說:「你派人去求問巴耳則步,難道在以色列沒有天主嗎?」結果阿哈齊雅一病不起死了(列下1)。可見天主是非常厭惡偶像和拜偶像的人,反對占卜算命!可是,今天天主竟然運用奇異的天像,吸引懂得占星術的術士的注意力;然後,把全人類的救主,啟示給這些外邦人,真是奇怪!




Solemnity of Epiphany
Theme: Answering God's Call

The Bible can be said to be a collection of Vocation stories. Many heroes responded to God successfully and became famous. Others did not respond so well, or even became enemies of Jesus Christ, and turned infamous. Today, we read again the story of the Magi from the East which is good food for reflection. The narrative tells us that God beckons us in ways we are familiar with. He invites us to transcend ourselves to receive more and greater grace from Him.

We are able to find in the Bible dramatic narratives of how God called people. For example, God called Moses in the burning bush (Exodus 3). Four times He called Samuel in dreams (1 Samuel 3) and lastly, He sent an archangel to the Blessed Virgin Mary (Luke 1) etc.
If you think that today's story is another dramatic incident, you are totally wrong. Deacon, how could it be? Wasn't the appearance of a Wonder Star at the birth of Jesus dramatic enough? Our Chinese ancestors also believed that the births and demises of kings, generals and heroes were reflected by the stars in heavens. For example, during the confrontation between Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi at Wuzhang Plains, Zhuge even made use of the magic of "Septa-Stellar Lamps" to extend his life. Thus, peoples throughout the world and ages have been fascinated with astrology.

Surely, modern people tried to explain the "Star of Bethlehem" from an astronomical approach. Some proposed a comet, others a supernova explosion. None has been satisfactory. Recently, scientists suddenly recalled that there was no astronomy during Jesus' time, only astrology. Thus, scientists took a different approach and made use of planetarium software to map the distribution of stars at a particular time and location. Thus, they discovered that on April 17, 6 BC, our solar planets which could be seen with naked eyes all came together in the constellation of Aries. Interpreted in an astrological way, it means a new king was born in Judaea. 6 BC is right because Herod the Great who ordered the massacre of innocent infants in Bethlehem died in 4 BC. Moreover, was not April a more reasonable month for shepherds to keep watch by night in the field than December? Furthermore, the Greek word for Magi μάγοι not only means wise men, but also magicians and priests etc. If you go camping in the wild and look up the starry heavens, are you able to recognize which star Mars is, which Saturn is and where Aries is? Thus, only astrologists could understand these celestial phenomena, not common folks like us. Thus, the Star of Bethlehem, unlike what have been depicted dramatically in movies, could only be perceived by trained eyes.

Isn't fortune-telling forbidden for Catholics? Yes, it is! It indicates a lack of faith! When Ahaziah, king of Israel fell from his upper chamber in Samaria and lay sick, he sent messengers to inquire of Baalzebub, the god of Ekron whether he would recover. Elijah the prophet scolded him, "Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are going to inquire of Baalzebub, the god of Ekron?" (2 Kings 1) We see that God hates idols and their worshippers. He objected to fortune telling! But today, God made use of wondrous heavenly signs to attract the attention of astrologists. Then He revealed to them the Saviour of mankind. How bizarre it is!

This story strikes me at two fronts. First of all, we should know that Matthew wrote for Christians with a Jewish background. Jews were always proud to be "The Chosen People of God" and despised Gentiles. In today's jargon, it was racial discrimination. Thus, this narrative of using wondrous heavenly signs to reveal the Messiah to Gentiles aims at smashing the prejudice of Jewish Christians, telling them that God accepts all peoples. At the end of the gospel, the risen Christ instructed the Apostles to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to observe all that he had commanded them. (Matthew 28:19-20). What an inclusio.

Secondly, even when we are lost, when we have misplaced most of our energies, when we betray God and even commit sins, still God does not forsake us. How great His mercy is! On the other hand, His wisdom is ineffable. When we spend all our time doing things we desire, there God beckons us like what He did with the wise men from the East. We believe that they were not the only ones who were able to see the signs. But the other astrologists did not respond for various reasons. Probably they were not as skilful as those wise men in the Gospel and were unable to calculate the significance of the signs and seek the truth. Or they had the ability but were not willing to leave their Comfort Zone. They did not want to risk and thus failed to meet the Saviour. Or perhaps they lacked the resources or were unwilling to pay the heavy price. You should understand that it was a very costly journey, climbing mountains, wading rivers and traversing deserts. It took nine months or more. Why? It was because Herod the Great ordered to have infants two years old or under in Bethlehem to be butchered. Similarly, when one becomes a Christian and leads his life according to the Beatitudes, it is very challenging and even being persecuted. Are we ready to pay the price?

Brethren, God called us to be baptized, to become a member of the Church to enjoy the grace of being the children of God. How do we repay His great love? Does God continue to call us to serve the needy, to be a witness of His mercy in our daily life? Furthermore, does He call us to abandon our comfort zone to become a member of the clergy to expand the Kingdom of Heaven, saving more people? Let us reflect on these questions in this week. Listen and observe carefully what we desire to do most and see if God beckons us to receive more graces He has prepared for us.
God bless!