
Sunday 31 January 2021

求主解放我們 Liberate Us, Lord


把兩個或以上的個體聯合起來的是關係。在對象上,除了其他人之外,也可以是動物或事物。例如寵物和國家,我們也可建立某種形式的關係。在空間上,關係有上下尊卑的分別;在時間上,關係有長短,視乎這關係對各個成員是否有所增益。當任何一個成員再沒法得到預期的益處時,或更好說,付出的代價高於得益時,他便會脫離這種關係。當然有些關係是與生俱來的,不能自由地脫離,例如血緣關係。但在法律上,合約是可以在履行後,或付出賠償後解除。那些不能自由地脫離的關係,就是一種奴役!奴隸制度是一個例子。 人建立各種關係,是為了加大自身的利益。利益是各取所需的,而在一般的情況下,關係好像一個網絡,在一個開放的空間運轉,與其他的關係形成為一個「互聯網」。即是說,關係與關係之間,可以是唇齒相依,在互動中彼此依賴。所有關係都會使當中所有成員的利益增加,纔得到維系。即使部份成員在某段關係可能有所損失,也可能為了維持其他關係的運作,而不會脫離這個招致損失的關係。例如一個士兵冒著生命危險上戰場,即使是凶多吉少,也為了保存家人及國民的性命而不惜犧牲!


天主是惟一的,沒有任何與祂相稱的存有。那麼天主是孤獨的嗎?「孤獨」應用不到天主身上,因為天主是圓滿的愛,祂的「自愛」就是天主聖三的奧秘,是一個有限的人類不能完全了解的真理,因為天主就是真理! 耶穌基督告訴我們,「真理必使你們獲得自由」(若8:32)。沒有自由的愛也是愛,但沒有幸福。由此推論,真理讓愛帶來幸福,在沒有真理的情況下,愛打了折扣。心理學家佛洛姆在《愛的藝術》一書就提到,「理解」是愛的四個基本元素之一,沒有理解、沒有真理的愛,祇會帶給對方傷害!例如,送糖果給糖尿病人作生日禮物。







Fourth Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme:Liberate Us, Lord

Relations associate two or more objects together. Besides other human beings, the objects can be animals or things. For example, we are able to build up some kind of relations with pets and countries. In spatial terms, there are vertical relations involving superiors and subordinates. In temporal terms, how long a relation lasts depends on whether the relation is beneficial to its members. When a member is no longer able to attain the anticipated benefits, or in other words, the price is more than the gain, he will abandon the relation. Of course some relations are inborn, such as blood relation. But within the legal system, a contract can be terminated by completing it or by paying compensation. Relations which cannot be freely terminated are bondage. Slavery is a prime example! Men set up all sorts of relations in order to maximize self-interest, each party taking what they need. Under ordinary circumstances, relations operate like networks in an open space, forming a network of networks, an “Internet”. That is to say, relations depend on each other. All relations last when the interests of their members increase. Even if the interests of some members in a relation decrease, in order to maintain other relations, those members would not terminate the relation in question. For example, a soldier shall not desert no matter how perilous it is fighting in the battle field because they want to protect his family members and the citizens!

Why did I say so much about relations? It is because I want to meditate God and to review our relation with God. John says that God is love (1 John 4:8) and love does not exist in vacuum. It exists in relations. Are our relations with our spouses, family members, classmates or colleagues, superior and subordinates, friends, citizens, government and God healthy? Even with ourselves we engage in an interactive relation. One may respect or despise oneself. One can be self destructive or loves oneself. Like the air we rely on for our survival, it is difficult to find love in a relational vacuum. Without love, men lacks the essence to grow.

God is one. There is no being compatible with Him. Then, is God lonely? Loneliness does not apply to God because God is perfect love. God loves Himself and this is the mystery of the Blessed Trinity, an unfathomable mystery for us finite creatures because God is Truth! Jesus Christ says, “The truth will set you free” (John 8:32). Love without freedom is still love but without happiness. Thus, truth brings love happiness. Without truth, love is diminished. Erich Fromm mentioned in The Art of Loving that knowledge is one of the four basic elements of love. Without knowledge, without truth, love hurts! For example, giving a box of candies as a birthday present for a diabetics.

The relation between the Lord God and men is one of superior and subordinates. But the merciful Lord took up flesh making an equitable relation with humanity a possibility. He even chose to suffer humility like a condemned man on the cross. What else can stop him from building a relation with anyone? Paul says well, “To the weak I became weak, to win over the weak. I have become all things to all, to save at least some.” (1 Corinthians 9:22) This is not a boasting from Paul, but a love revealed by the Son of God to show His compassion and determination on saving sinners.

The gospel passage today is the opposite. It shows the authority of the divinity of Jesus Christ. He taught with authority and His command drove away evil spirits. We have to understand that Mark portrays a powerful Son of God before his readers. Thus, the first miracle recorded in his gospel is exorcism and not turning water into wine! Exercising authority seems to deprive the other party of freedom. Can this be love?

Jesus preaches in authority not to deprive His audience of freedom but to attract their attention. The teaching of Jesus Christ is authoritative. On one hand, it contrasted the inadequacy of the scribes' teaching (Mark 1:22). On the other hand, the teaching of Jesus Christ is truth! Today when fake news and rumours are rampant, truth is in short supply. By the scarcity principle, truth becomes valuable. Jesus Christ is the embodiment of truth (John 14:6) and thus charismatic! But the final decision to accept His truth still rests in the hands of the audience. Don't you see that many learned people like the Pharisees and scribes rejected Jesus' authority and turned around to persecute Him? Whether we are attracted by Jesus Christ's truth depends on whether we desire salvific truth. When the society is stable, we busy ourselves earning our livelihood and forget God. When the society is in turmoil, we blame the opposition for wrecking havoc. When the pandemic is rampant, we blame the government for her incompetency. God is not on our radar. We are not attracted by His teachings at all! In the end, we are no better than the scribes and Pharisees in the gospel. It is pitiful that we miss the opportunity to repent!

Jesus exorcises to liberate the possessed, to release the demons' prisoners (Isaiah 61:1) so that they may freely develop and love. Regrettably, we have to admit that many people prefer hiding in their comfort zone to breathing fresh air in liberty. Don't you see that many Israelites grumbled about the lack of food and water, preferred dying back in Egypt (Exodus 16:3) In the same manner, there are many obstacles in people's hearts, preventing them from living and growing in freedom, doing harm to their interpersonal relations with fellow men and with God. Some abuse drugs, others alcohol. Some are addicted to surfing the Internet, gambling, shopping and even pornography etc. They become captives in various forms losing their freedom. But they still prefer the loss of liberty, hiding in their comfort zone in order to evade the cruel reality which they are unable to handle … Compared with those who are willing to be persecuted for the sake of righteousness and to lose their freedom, those captives are dwarfed! Although the bodies of the righteous is confined within a tiny space, their minds and hearts soar! Jesus Christ exercises His authority to exorcise in order to restore the freedom of the possessed. How can we say He deprives them of their freedom? I have no intention to negate the existence of evil spirits. With a poverty in knowledge, it is inappropriate for me to speculate whether Jesus has deprived the liberty of the evil spirits!

There is no best but better” is a fig-leaf to evade reality, a cover-up of ignorance! When this cliché is abused, you become blind to the truth and lose your freedom! God is love and the source of truth. Today is high time we reviewed the health of our relation with God, thought seriously about how to improve it with concrete measures: how much time do we spend on prayers, bible studies, receiving sacraments, participating in fellowship etc.? Let us put into practice the Beatitudes and enjoy the freedom of being children of God (Matthew 5:9).
God bless!

Sunday 24 January 2021

天意真的難料嗎? Is God’s Will Beyond Our Reach?









Third Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: Is God’s Will Beyond Our Reach?

Many Catholics always complain that God’s will is beyond our reach. Take for instance the present pandemic. From the Pope and Prime Ministers to janitors and the homeless, none is exempted. As kind-hearted Catholics, they must have asked God, “Why do you punish us?” Although Jesus Christ teaches us to do the Father’s will (Matthew 6:10), His will is beyond our reach. How are we able to do the Father’s will?
I’m sure that God is very talkative. See how the Lord God created the visible and invisible with a command (Remember the Nicene Creed we recite on Sundays?) The most important of all, He created human beings in His own image (Genesis 1:26). That is to say, we are creatures that are able to communicate with Him (I have no intention to deny the possibility of plants, animals and even rocks are able to communicate with God!). How could He not reveal His will to us? Look, don’t human beings, like God, enjoy communicating with matters around them? Other than human beings, many people communicate with pets and plants. Even things which probably do not exist, like aliens, scientists keep trying to establish communication. Thus, if we are willing, for consolation or knowledge, we are definitely capable of communicating with the Father and know His will.

The Epistle to the Hebrews begins saying, “In times past, God spoke in partial and various ways to our ancestors through the prophets” (Hebrews 1:1). Indeed, God has made use of many different methods to leave behind His words. If we are willing to look around, we may discover them. Firstly, the whole universe is just like a Bible recording God’s words and mercy to allow natural scientists to observe and study. With rational deductions, they may be able to find clues God has left behind. It is not too difficult to discover that the probability of a visible universe which is suitable for human growth and survival emerging from random evolution is next to zero! Unless your heart is hardened, there can only be one rational conclusion, “The Lord God created a visible universe suitable for us to live.
All of us were born with different endowments. God will never ignore the sentimental. The Psalmist says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the firmament proclaims the works of his hands” (Psalms 192) Through the Psalmist, God passes on His consolation, healing and encouragement to the sentimental, allowing us to discover that He has always been staying with us. At last, “In these last days, He spoke to us through a son” (Hebrews 1:2) John the Apostle clearly points out that Jesus Christ is God’s Word who became flesh (John 1:14), proclaimed good news, built up the apostolic community, suffered passion and was risen etc. to show us a truth: the Father is a father overflowing with mercy and Jesus Christ is the embodiment of truth (14:6). The Father communicates with us in accordance to our temperament. What has the Father left undone?

Communication is bidirectional. Since the Father has already sent out His words, unless we are reluctant to establish communication, now is high time we responded. Firstly, the Father respects our freedom. He would not force us to respond. On the other hand, our failure to respond might not be voluntary but due to adverse circumstances: we lose our autonomy because we are enslaved in different forms of sins. Thus, I’m deeply convinced that the Father shall be more than willing to grant us grace to shake off the bondage of sins and return to the bosom of our Creator.
Secondly, there is no need to fear that we have to make huge changes and to pay a heavy price in order to respond to the Father’s invitation. Take a look at the gospel passage today. Jesus Christ called the first batch of apostles to establish the nucleus of the Church. All of them were fishermen. Jesus Christ did not invite them to become soldiers to conquer the world; or Pharisees to legislate the norms of daily life of the People of God; or priest to offer sacrifices. He invited them to become “fishers of men” (Mark 1:17). We can see that the Father’s invitation is step by step. He would not require us to do things beyond our capabilities. But don’t underestimate yourself because scientists generally opine that each one of us only make use of one tenth of our brain power to deal with our daily life. We still have a huge reservoir of potentials to develop. Perhaps one day, we’ll be reading the Bible in the original languages! Don’t you see how Simon the fisherman became the Pontifex Maximus in the future?

On the other hand, should we respond like the first apostles without a thought? To be candid, the impression the gospel gives us is too idealistic. Living in our situation, we can’t afford to abandon everything immediately to follow Jesus. Moreover, Jesus teaches us to “sit down and calculate the cost to see if there is enough for its completion” (Luke 14:28). If we aren’t ready to, then we shouldn’t respond casually and subsequently break our vow!
It is right and fair to calculate first. But unfortunately, many people are like the arrogant French mathematician Laplace who did not need the hypothesis of God. They do not take God into consideration. We calculate what are under our control. In the end, we miss one certain but uncontrollable variable --- God. We worry a lack of capability, that nobody would take care of our aging parents and that there is no place to hide if we desert midway etc. But we have forgotten that the merciful Father shall provide (Genesis 22:8). St. Paul says it well, “For God is the one who, for his good purpose, works in you both to desire and to work” (Philippians 2:13). If it is the Father’s will, how could He allow you to ruin His project? He would definitely strengthen the support to ensure your (His) success! Even if you want to run away, you would probably become another Jonah! This is not overconfidence on our part but “nothing will be impossible for God” (Luke 1:37). Thus if you still hesitate after feeling God’s invitation, you have actually underestimated yourself and God.

Brethren! The Bible carries God’s words. Where else can we find more effective indicators of the Father’s will than the Bible? Even today, when the government ban all religious activities, when there is no public mass, when the faithful are not able to receive physically the Sacrament of Eucharist in order to unite with Jesus Christ, we can still abide in Jesus Christ through studying the Bible. Get a reading scheme. Invoke the Holy Spirit to accompany you to finish reading the Bible in one or two years’ time in order to equip yourselves and to reduce doubts.
God bless!

Sunday 17 January 2021

耶穌住在哪? Where Does Jesus Live?






要知道若望在這裡,是在敘述自己與安德肋的心路歷程,即是說,「耶穌住的地方」極有可能不是一個現實世界的地點。那裡是斐理伯的凱撒勒雅,給西滿起名做伯多祿的地點嗎?當然不是!耶穌不是說過:「狐狸有穴,天上的飛鳥有巢,但是人子卻沒有枕頭的地方」(瑪8:20,路9:58) 嗎?另一方面,耶穌在最後晚餐曾向門徒說:「在我父的家裡,有許多住處。我去,原是為給你們預備地方…為的是我在那裡,你們也在那裡」(若14:2-3)所以,當安德肋和若望,聽到洗者若翰稱耶穌為「天主的羔羊」的時候,便跟隨了耶穌,想了解祂多一些(1:36-37)。有甚麼地方比住的地方更能認識一個人呢?為了更認識這位「天主的羔羊」,他們希望耶穌帶領他們到耶穌住的地方,考查一番,再作決定!



2018年 反省

Second Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: Where Does Jesus Live?

As a Christian who is still alive, one should not be complacent in leading one’s religious life. Indeed, the Holy Spirit keeps watching over us, prodding us to make advances on our way to sanctification. Among the canonical gospels, John is the most challenging one. When a Christian has matured to a certain level, the gospel of John is a must-read! Not only does it fill in details and events not mentioned in the Synoptic, it also reveals to us the Kingdom of Heaven from another perspective.

The gospel passage we read today tells us how the first disciples followed Jesus Christ (John 1:35-42). Notice that it is different from the narratives found in the Synoptic. Here, Jesus did not call them. Rather, the Baptist told his disciples and they followed Jesus. Then Andrew brought his brother Simon to the Messiah. The Synoptic narratives make it clear that it is Jesus Christ, it is God who chooses us and calls us, not that we choose to believe in God! Election is a consensus among the apostles. For example, “He chose us in Him, before the foundation of the world, to be holy and without blemish before Him” (Ephesians 1:4, 2 Thessalonians 2:13, James 1:18, 1 Peter 1:2, Jude 1). Even John himself reports plainly, “It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you” (John 15:16). Why then does John tell Jesus’ call of the first disciples in this manner?
In fact, the Father and Jesus Christ, the Son whom He sent, has an ineffable attraction to allow us to come close to Him in freedom. It was the Father who created us. Thus returning to the Creator is the most logical. From this perspective, even though it looks as if the disciples took the initiative to follow Jesus Christ, it is actually God who continually invites us and calls us through different people as well as events. For example, the Bible mentions Eli (1 Samuel 3:8-9), John the Baptist (John 1:36-37) while St. Mother Teresa had her special vocation experience at the railway station etc. God calls us and we respond to His call. They are the two faces of the same coin. There is no contradiction.

Life is short and we go through different deficiencies. Some deficiencies are physical such as daily necessities, health and safety. There are spiritual ones such as interpersonal relationships, cultural and political superstructures. Men can’t live long in deficiencies and do nothing to avert fatality. We work to remove deficiencies so that we may survive and grow. This is what it means to be alive. A safe home, a stable job and a happy family are the humble dreams of most commoners. These rights are reasonable because a stable job and a happy family meet most of the physical and spiritual needs of most people. But in turn, all these depend on the economic, social and political environment at large. For the Jews in the New Testament time living under Roman colonial rule, leading a second class citizen’s life without social and employment security, their anticipations were all invested on the Messiah who would drive away the Romans and liberate them!

After visiting where Jesus lived, Andrew affirmed that he had found the anticipated Messiah (1:41) and told his brother Simon. Later, Jesus gave Simon a new name (1:42). In the gospel of John, the first person called by Jesus was Philip (1:43) who recognized Jesus to be the Messiah from the Scriptures “We have found the one about whom Moses wrote in the law, and also the prophets” (1:45) and told Nathanael about it. Of course, the evangelization zeal of the apostles is commendable and has set for us an example. But the example of Philip also tells us a very simple truth: through the Scriptures, God reveals Himself, calls us and empowers us to respond and follow Him! Moreover, God uses different ways to call different people according to their temperament. Philip knew the Scriptures well. So God revealed and called Philip through the Scriptures. Then what did Andrew see when he visited the lodging place of Jesus that affirmed his Messianic anticipation and thus recommended Simon to join as well?

We should bear in mind that John was talking about Andrew’s and his own spiritual journey. That is to say, the place where Jesus lived is most probably not a physical location in reality. It wasn’t the Caesarea Philippi where Jesus called Simon Cephas (Mark 8:27), was it? Of course not! Doesn’t Jesus also say, “Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head” (Matthew 8:20, Luke 9:58)? On the other hand, during the Last Supper, Jesus told the disciples, “In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places … I am going to prepare a place for you … so that where I am you also may be” (John 14:2-3). Thus, when Andrew and John heard the Baptist call Jesus “the Lamb of God”, they followed Jesus in order to know more about Him (1:36-37). What better place is there than his dwelling place in order to know him? In order to know this “Lamb of God” better, they hoped that Jesus would show them around for them to inspect and decide!

This action is rather risky. After all, this “Lamb of God” was a total stranger! It is relatively safer for them to go in two so that they may support each other. Andrew and John have left us a model of going after a truth: a joint adventure! In my imagination, Jesus led them into the Father’s dwelling place because “The Father and I are one” (10:30) There, the apostles discovered the origin of their existence, the perfect satisfaction which would fill up all their deficiencies. They had a foretaste of eternal life!

Brethren! The Synoptic shows us a historical Jesus while John’s gospel a Christ of Christianity. We should not stay in the historical level forever because leaving behind this world, we shall enter into an eternal existence. History shall turn into a vague memory and dust. Let’s spend more time meditating the gospel of John! To be candid, faith is an adventurous journey. Don’t be afraid to go solo because the Trinine God will never abandon us. Jesus saves.
God bless!

Saturday 16 January 2021

智仁兼備 Wisdom & Love Goes Together






Wisdom & Love Goes Together (Mark 2:13-17)

When the Pharisees challenged Jesus’ disciples why their master dined with sinners, their reason was sound and scripture-based (Mark 2:16). Staying away from sinners had always been a Biblical teaching, “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in company with scoffers” (Psalms 1:1) Then, was it wrong for the Pharisees to question Jesus’ behaviour? Not at all! They possessed the truth but regrettably, they lacked charity. Both truth and charity are inspired by the Holy Spirit. They should not be decoupled! What does it mean?

Charity without truth is stupidity in minor situations but doing evil with good intention in serious cases! If you see a fragile old lady begging at the Central, you give her $500 without a thought. This is not generosity. Confucius says, “It is stupidity to be merciful without knowledge” (Analects, Yang Huo) Even if the old lady is truly pitiful, it is a laughing stock to see the $500 end up in the hands of the “Beggar Gang” which controls the old lady! Today, with the popularity of social media on the Internet, many people habitually forward messages without fact checks … There are far too many incidents of doing evil with good intention to enumerate.

On the contrary, truth without charity can be evil. Examples we can easily conjure up are cold-blooded human experimentations on prisoners of war inside concentration camps. Like the case of the Pharisees, laws are embodiment of justice. Then, isn’t enforcing justice without charity and manipulating legislation to kill off dissidents as cold-blooded, if not worse, than those ambitious mad scientists? No. If there is any difference, perhaps the difference lies in whether blood is shed! Is betrayal of charity and conscience in the name of the pursuit of truth and justice, giving up the gifts of truth and charity from the Holy Spirit and thus forfeiting one’s eternal life worth doing? The Pharisees who chose truth and forsook charity ended up earning an infamy of hypocrites for thousands of years. Can people in power ignore this lesson?
Holy Spirit! Have mercy on us sinners. Grant us truth to liberate us and charity to edify us. Amen.

Friday 15 January 2021

心靈的痊癒 Healing of the Heart






Healing of the Heart (Mark 2:1-12)

As a quadriplegic, the most painful experience is not the inability to move, but the dependence on the mercy of others and the loss of dignity! With nobody feeding or even tube feeding, you starve. Just imagine, you rely on others to help you taking bath, cleaning up after excretion etc., what dignity can you command? Once a quadriplegic remarked, “I was once a naughty student playing tricks on classmates with little insects. Now, a tiny cockroach molests me, crawling triumphantly over my face. What a penalty!” Who would articulate the pains of quadriplegics!

Under double doses of sufferings, quadriplegics need spiritual healings more than physical ones. If they have to make a choice: either no physical healing in exchange of forgiveness of sins and be happy ever after; or able to move around freely but to be tortured by a guilty conscience days and nights. I trust quadriplegics will seek the forgiveness of sins to unload burdens in their hearts and continue to be quadriplegics happily ever after. It is definitely better off than moving around freely with a heavy heart! No wonder Jesus Christ says, “Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Rise, pic up your mat and walk’?” (Mark 2:9)

Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Both forgiving sins and healing are a piece of cake! As for the paralytic, he needed spiritual healings more! The Son of God is full of compassion. He would touch a leper to cleanse his heart, would He be less merciful to the paralytic? Thus when Jesus saw their faith, he says to the paralytic, “Child, your sins are forgiven” (2:5). The friends of the paralytic were full of faith. How could the charity and mercy of Jesus Christ pale before them? Thus, Jesus Christ consoled his heart first and then healed. God is merciful to sinners. He is truly a physician with a parental heart! Regrettably, some people were unhappy. Was their dissatisfaction reasonable?
Holy Spirit! Reignite the gift of wisdom in us so that we may desire authentic happiness and seek what is above. Amen.

Thursday 14 January 2021

圓滿的愛驅逐恐懼 Perfect Love Drives Out Fear







Perfect Love Drives Out Fear (Mark 1:40-45)

Man is a living soul (Genesis 2:7). He is a living combination of flesh and spirit tightly coupled. That is why physicians must have a parental heart. It is obvious that besides relieving patients of physical ailments, physicians need to cure their hearts!

Before the discovery of penicillin, leprosy was incurable. Not only did lepers suffer from physical pains, but people also chased them away and were hostile towards them because of the fear engendered from ignorance. Lepers’ were double doses of sufferings indeed. Who knew their plights? Who would show them mercy? The Son of God knows. The Son of God shows mercy! “Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand, touched him” (Mark 1:41) Not only did Jesus cure the leper, but he also pacified his heart! In subsequent ages, Christians follow the exemplar of the Son of God to serve the sick without fear of infection!

Jesus Christ is the Son of God whom bacteria and viruses can inflict no harm. But Christians are mere mortals. With what do they resist viral infection? The Holy Spirit! It is the love triggered by the Holy Spirit that makes Christians fearless against all sorts of lethal viruses! What does that mean? Not only is the Holy Spirit the spirit of truth (John 14:17), but He is also the spirit of charity (Romans 5:5). With the blessing of the Holy Spirit, Christian hearts overflow with love, showing themselves as ministers of God “… in a Holy Spirit, in unfeigned love, in truthful speech …” (2 Corinthians 6:6-7). Comparing with martyrs who offer up their lives, serving lepers is very minor! What makes Christians not afraid of martyrdom? What else if not love! It is because “There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear” (1 John 4: 18)
Holy Spirit! Come again to inflame our chilling hearts. Let us love bravely and wisely. Amen.

Wednesday 13 January 2021

不許邪魔說話 Silence the Demons





與古代相比,今天的疫情太政治化了,無論在尋找起源、科研、醫治、傳染病管理、情報交換、資訊發佈和疫苗分配等各方面,無不被政治化。各國政客,互相嘲弄對方防疫不力, 還沾沾自喜。可歎魔鬼在破壞人類團結的戰役中,佔盡上風。更可怕的是,病毒已變種到沒有任何表面病徵,但一發作便迅速致命!簡直是魔鬼的慣用技倆,而且是無一倖免。新冠病毒好像成了魔鬼的聲音,在人心中散佈恐怖和絕望。


Silence the Demons (Mark 1:29-39)

Today, our medical sciences are advanced. We understand that fever is a defence mechanism of our immunity system to kill invading germs and viruses. Fever is no big deal today. Take a pill and you will be fine.

The Old Testament mentions fever only once. It is a curse from God to those who don’t observe the commandments (Deuteronomy 28:22). The canonical gospels and the Acts also mention fever. They are healing miracles of Jesus Christ and Paul. From these incidents, we see that God does not punish. Even when He brings about disasters, God has no intention to kill. He wants to make use of those difficulties to chasten men, urging them to repent. Effective medicines always taste bitter.

In Old Testament times, people worried about fever lest they had breached the commandments and would incur more severe punishments from God. Today, the pandemic has more than 80 million people infected and 1.8 more people died of Covid-19. Today, people can’t afford to ignore fever like before. But how many people have gained the insight that this pandemic is closely related to observance of commandments?

Compared with ancient times, the pandemic today is too highly politicalized, whether it is about the origin, research, treatment, infection management, information exchanges, publicity and distribution of vaccines etc. Politicians of all shades tease each other for the incompetency shown in fighting against this pandemic, while congratulating themselves of perceived successes. Regrettably, the Devil has gained an upper hand in the battle of dividing humanity. More depressing is the discovery that the virus has mutated such that people contracted show no symptom of infection. But when it strikes, it kills quickly. This is the signature of the Devil. Nobody is immune to it. This virus behaves like the Devil’s roars, breathing terror and despair in our hearts.

We don’t expect Jesus Christ to destroy the virus. In doing so, it only smothers the medical advances of humanity! We only pray that He drives away the terror and despairs in our hearts. Let us attain once more the righteousness, peace and joy of the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

Tuesday 12 January 2021

聖神與天國 The Holy Spirit and The Kingdom




按聖經的教訓,人是血肉之軀,所以「上主的神不能常在他內。」(6:3)即是說,人是靈和肉的結合體。血肉有健康和患病的狀態, 靈性上也可以有善神與惡神同在。當人的靈性上沒有善神的時候,惡神便可以乘虛而入,這與耶穌基督有關附魔的教訓吻合(谷3:27)。進一步,耶穌基督更指出,祂是憑聖神的力量驅魔,並警告褻瀆聖神是不得赦免的罪(3:29)



The Holy Spirit and The Kingdom (Mark 1:21-28)

Even in this scientific age, the phenomena of demonic possession still exist. No matter how hard psychiatrists try to explain them away in terms of physiological and psychological elements, these spiritual phenomena refuse to back off. Even when scientists try to abolish the concept of soul, “And man became a living soul” (Genesis 2:7) is still meaningful. The phenomenon of demonic possessions forces us to rethink what man is. What is the meaning of “a living soul”?

Undeniably, we know next to nothing about the realm of spirits. Thus, we enrich our poverty in concepts of good and evil as well as angels and demons with a lot of imaginations. For example, since God created the known universe with a command, we believe that when we cast a spell, unimaginable things can happen according to our wishes! The former is based on the Bible, the latter on human desires and lust.

According to the teachings of the Bible, God’s “Spirit shall not remain in human beings forever” (6:3) because we are mere flesh and blood. That is to say, man is a combination of flesh and spirit. Our body can be healthy or sick. So, our spirit can abide with good or evil spirits. When our souls lack good spirits, the evil ones shall fill the gap. This reasoning agrees with Jesus Christ’s teaching on demonic possession (Mark 3:27). Moreover, Jesus Christ also points out that He exorcizes with the power of the Holy Spirit and warns that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven (3:29).

The gospel today shows the two wings of the Holy Spirit. He is the spirit of truth. Thus Jesus “taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes.” (1:22) Truth has an intrinsically irresistible authority to command awe! On the other, although the Holy Spirit does not always reside in men, the human body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19) and not the demons’ lair. Of course the Holy Spirit may return to His temple at His pleasure! Since the Holy Spirit is also the spirit of charity (Romans 5:5), we can say that love exorcizes! Love makes known to the demons that this human body is not their den. God elsewhere!
Brethren! Does the Holy Spirit live in your temple?

Monday 11 January 2021

天國的內涵 The Essence of the Kingdom






The Essence of the Kingdom(Mark 1:14-20)

The Kingdom of Heaven is the theme of the Gospel. It has been two millennia since Jesus Christ began, then commissioned the Church to proclaim and establish the Kingdom. Illuminated by the Holy Spirit, what sorts of Kingdom of Heaven have we developed?

First of all, the concept of the Kingdom of Heaven is not abstract beyond understanding. St. Paul manages to make use of a concrete example of eating sacrificial meat to illustrate the essence of the Kingdom! He exhorts us that we have the duty to consider the weak conscience of our brothers, "For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of food and drink, but of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit." (Romans 14:17) Your faith is strong and you don’t believe in idols. Thus eating sacrificial meat is not an offence against God. Your faith is perfectly correct! But if your brothers are weak in faith. They are troubled/hurt when they see you, as a Christian, eat the meat. Paul says, "Your conduct is no longer in accord with love. Do not because of your food destroy him for whom Christ died." (14:15) In Paul’s mind, among the three theological virtues, "The greatest of these is love." (1 Corinthians 13:13).

Although justice comes from orthodox faith, even if you possess a faith which is able to move mountains, it may not bring you peace and joy. Only does charity produce the 3 characteristics of the Kingdom of Heaven! Charity loves to see others liberated and delivered. This is God’s righteousness! You have attempted to love. Even if it is rejected, you feel peaceful. Whatever, seeing others grow in freedom will always give you a sense of satisfaction and make you feel like smiling!

On the other hand, "Charity without knowledge is stupidity." Without the support of truth, love becomes stupidly blind and does more harm. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of truth and the spirit of love. Thus, in the mission to expand the Kingdom of Heaven, the Holy Spirit is indispensable.
Today, how much do justice, peace, joy and love remain on earth? Brethren! How much effort have you put in for the Kingdom? How much have you loved? Have you ever invoked the Holy Spirit for the Kingdom?
God bless!

Sunday 10 January 2021

世人算甚麼? What Is Man?

主題: 世人算甚麼?








Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Year B
Theme: What Is Man?

The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord marks the end of the Christmas season. It pushes the meditation of the Incarnation mystery to the climax! The Incarnation of the Son of God is ineffable. We can only stand in awe before the mystery that God loves humanity. The narratives of Nativity do not provide any evidence or clue why God loves men. They just tell us that God is actively intervening human history to ensure that the Son of God is born: the star, the census, angels sent shepherds, consecration in the Temple, the Magi visit, taking refuge in Egypt … until the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord when the Trinine God clearly declares His love of humanity despite its frailty!

Ancient people living whether in China or Greece believed that there was an immeasurable distance between the deity realm and the human realm. In Chinese legends, fairies who contemplated earthly lives would be exiled and punished on earth. Ancient Greek philosophy speculated that human souls came from the Cosmic Soul. They were imprisoned in human flesh and at death were released and returned to the Cosmic Soul! These examples show that both in the East and the West, people believed that flesh and everything on earth were of inferior qualities. Thus, it is unthinkable that the Creator of the Universe who transcends all would take flesh and live among men! This is what we contemplate during the Christmas season. The first reading today also does not attempt to explain but to state a fact, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways." (Isaiah 55:8"

Out of great might, God created the universe and put men there. Creation should know their Creator just like what the prophet says, "An ox knows its owner, and an ass, its master's manger." (1:3" The Psalmist also says, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the firmament proclaims the works of his hands" (Psalms 19:2" God lavishly decorated men. He built a universe suitable for men's habitation. He created men in His image, a dignified creature with which He is capable of communicating. Then He sent them to manage the universe in His stead (Genesis 1:26". It would have been perfect had it not been wrecked by Satan and men themselves! God is righteous. He would not allow men to die without extending a helping hand. Thus, He descended on earth in person to deliver them. This is what Christmas celebrates and the mystery we meditate.

Today, our meditation reaches the climax. When, from the clouds, the Father says, "You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased" (Mark 1:11" He says to Jesus Christ who is truly divine and human. The divinity and humanity of Jesus Christ is one of the central articles of Christianity faith. It is called Christology which is a study of how the divinity and humanity are perfectly combined in the person of the Son of God. How to articulate this "dual-nature-in-one-person" correctly was a hard theological nut to crack for the early Church.
This "You are my beloved Son" is no ordinary statement because it is the Father's testimony for the Son. "The testimony of God is surely greater" (1 John 5:9"! Just as how Jesus Christ established the Sacrament of Eucharist during the Last Supper, in a word from the Son of God, bread is turned into His body and wine His blood (Mark 14:22-25", the Father's testimony speaks of Jesus Christ as a whole, not as a collection of parts. It is impossible for this testimony of Christ's Sonship to be directed exclusively to the divinity of Christ alone and the humanity of Christ has no part of it! This is heresy. The Council of Ephesus in 431 had already deliberated on this issue. At that time, some people reasoned that the BVM could only be called the "Mother of Christ" and not the "Mother of God". Had God had a mother, a source, God would not have been God! The Council defended the indivisibility of the divinity and humanity of the Son of God. Thus the BVM is the Mother of God. Similarly, the humanity of Jesus Christ is also the beloved Son of the Father! In fact, we should not say the humanity, suggesting that in the person of the Son of God, His divinity and humanity are separate entities!

In fact, what is man? What good is man?
Forget those maleficent people occupying top posts. Let's talk about commoners who can do limited harm to others. Not mentioning people on top because Jesus Christ refuses to redeem the world with power (Luke 4:5-8". What worth is a humanity contaminated by sins? When life goes smoothly, few feel thankful while many self-inflate (18:11-12"; when life turns difficult, many grumble while few stay low, some even vent their frustrations on others (Numbers 22:23-29"; when life goes wrong, few confess while many blame (Genesis 3:11-13"! How comes God trusts such a humanity and allows His Son to take up flesh, live among the self-inflated, the despair and people who look for scapegoats, edify and organize them and be crucified for them on the cross. How are we able to understand God's way?

Brethren! It's better to take heed of the prophet's exhortation, "Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near" (Isaiah 55:6" than to meditate blindly. Where is the Lord? In a struggling conscience, in a worn Bible, in a community full of conflicts and among the disadvantaged! Isn't God found in a light silent sound (1 Kings 19:11-13"? Your recommendations are high tension situations. Are you sure God's there? Trust me. God loves challenges where He may show off His might: mercy. God is absent in comfort zones!
God bless!

Friday 8 January 2021

《父親的心腸》宗教牧函中文試譯 A Tentative Chinese Translation of "Patris Corde"






我們知道若瑟是一位卑微的木匠(瑪13:55),與瑪利亞訂了婚(瑪1:18; 路1:27)。他是一位「義人」(瑪1:19),隨時準備去完成天父在法律所啟示的(路2:22-27,39)和透過四個夢境所指示的旨意(瑪1:20; 2:13-19,22)。經過一個長而又累的旅程,由納匝肋到達白冷,「因為在客棧中,為他們沒有地方」(路2: 7),若瑟看到默西亞在馬槽裡誕生,他見證到分別代表以色列子民的牧羊人(路2:8-20)與及代表外邦人的賢士(瑪2:1-12)的朝拜。


在耶穌誕生四十日後,若瑟和瑪利亞在聖殿裡把他們的孩子獻給上主,驚奇地傾聽西默盎有關耶穌及他的母親的預言(路2:22-35)。為了保護耶穌免受大黑落德的殺害,若瑟以一個外人的身份在埃及居住(瑪2:13-18)。回國後,他返回加里肋亞一個遠離白冷,他的祖籍、遠離耶路撒冷和聖殿的一個偏僻鄉村納匝肋,過著隱姓埋名的生活。關於納匝肋,曾有這樣的說法:「從加里肋亞不會出先知的。」(若7:52)真的,「從納匝肋還能出甚麼好事嗎? 」(若 1:46)。有一次,在前往耶路撒冷朝聖之旅中,若瑟及瑪利亞失去了耶穌的蹤影,他們焦急地找尋他,在聖殿裡找到了,他正在與經師們講論聖道。(路 2:41-50)

在天主之母瑪利亞之後,教會訓導最常提及的聖人就是她的淨配聖若瑟,為了更能圓滿地理解他在救贖史的主要角色,我的前輩曾反思福音中有限的資訊。真福庇護九世奉他為「聖教之保障」,[2] 可敬者庇護十二世推薦他為「勞工之主保」[3],聖若望保祿二世奉他為「贖世主之監護」。[4] 普世教會呼求若瑟為「臨終之主保」。[5]

今天正值真福庇護九世公告大聖若瑟為「聖教之保障」(1870年12月8日)一百五十年,我想分享我對這位非同凡響,如此接近我們人性經驗的人物的一些個人反思。正如耶穌所說:「心裡充滿甚麼,口裡就說甚麼。」(瑪12:34)在新冠肺炎大流行的這幾個月裡,我越來越熱切想分享這些反省。我們在危機中體會到我們的生活「如何與經常被他人忽視的普通人,編織在一起,維繫在一起。這些人沒有在報章雜誌的頭版出現,或在最新的電視節目中出現,但肯定出現在這些日子裡。他們肯定地塑造著這些決定性的歷史事件。醫生、護士、店員和超市工人、清潔工人、護理人員、運輸工人、為提供必要服務和公共安全而工作的男女、義工、神職人員、男女修道人與及很多很多的人。他們明白沒有人可以獨自得救…每天有多少人保持耐心,並給予希望,不散播恐慌,卻分擔責任。不知多少祖父母、父母和老師,通過日常微末的方式,向我們的孩子展示如何調整他們的生活習慣,向前看並鼓勵以祈禱來應對危機,為所有人的益處轉禱,作出犠牲並向上主祈求。」[6] 我們每個人都可以在若瑟身上發現他是一個不顯眼的人物,他每天謹慎而低調地出現 --- 他是我們在遇到麻煩時的代禱者,支持者和指導。聖若瑟提醒我們,那些看來微不足道或者在暗角的人,可以在救贖史中扮演無與倫比的角色。這些人應得到讚賞和感激。

  1. 一位摯愛的父親


    多謝他在救贖史的角色,大聖若瑟一直被基督徒尊敬為父親,全世界有無數奉他為主保的教堂,眾多的宗教機構、修會、聖職團體都因他的靈修感召,而用了他的名字命名,亦有很多圍繞著他的傳統熱心敬禮。無數聖人聖女熱切地敬禮他。其中一位是聖女大德蘭(St. Teresa of Avila),她選擇了他作為護慰者和代禱者,經常向他求助,並得到所求的恩典。聖女大德蘭受到自己經驗的鼓舞,便游說其他人培養對大聖若瑟的敬禮。[9]


    人們對若瑟的信靠可見之於「搵聖若瑟啦」這句慣用語,這措辭使我們想起埃及的飢荒,那時人民向法郎呼求糧食;法郎對埃及民眾說:「你們到若瑟那裡去,照他對你們所說的做。」(創41:55)。法郎指的是雅各伯的兒子若瑟,他因兄弟們的嫉妒而被賣作奴隸(創37:11-28)。據聖經所載,他後來卻成了埃及宰相。(創41:41-44) 作為達味的後裔(瑪1:16-20),耶穌是根據納堂先知給達味的應許,從他那裡繁衍出來的。(撒下7)作為納匝肋人瑪利亞的淨配,聖若瑟站在新舊約之間的十字路口。

  2. 一個溫柔慈愛的父親







  3. 一個順從的父親









    在納匝肋的隱居歲月中,耶穌在若瑟那裡學習了遵行天父的旨意。那將是祂的日用糧(若4:34)。甚至在革責瑪尼園,這一生中最困難的時刻,耶穌選擇了遵行天父的旨意,而不是他自己的意願[16],他「聽命至死,且死在十字架上」(斐2:8)。《希伯來書》的作者得出這樣的結論:耶穌「由所受的苦難,學習了服從。」(希5:8) 所有這些都清楚地表明:「聖若瑟被上主召喚,實踐父職,直接服事耶穌自己和祂的使命」,如此一來,「時期一滿,他在救恩的奧秘中充份地合作,並且成為了真正的救恩僕人。」[17]

  4. 一個胸襟廣闊的父親
    若瑟無條件地接受了瑪利亞。他堅信天使的話。「若瑟內心的高尚,使他按照愛德來處理法律上的問題。與當今世界,對婦女廣泛的心理、語言和身體暴力相比,若瑟的確是一個應受尊敬和明智的男士。即使他未能了解當前的大局,他還是決定保護瑪利亞的名節、尊嚴和性命。在猶豫不決時,天主啟迪了他的判斷力。」[18] 在生活中,常常發生我們無法理解的事情。我們的第一個反應通常是失望和反叛。若瑟卻放下自己的想法,去接受事態的發展;當事件看來是難以理解時,他欣然接受,負起責任,並讓這事件成為他自己歷史的一部分。除非我們與自己的過去冰釋前嫌,否則我們將無法向前邁出一步,因為我們始終受制於自己的期望和隨之而來的失望。





    在這裡,我們再次遇到那種基督徒的務實作風,他接受所有存在的事物。現實以其神秘的和無法還原的複雜性,承載著存在的意義,包括其所有的光與影。因此,宗徒保祿可以說:「而且我們也知道:天主使一切協助那些愛祂的人,就是那些按祂的旨意蒙召的人,獲得益處」(羅8:28)。聖奧思定補充說,「甚至那被稱為邪惡的」[19] 從這個宏觀的角度來看,信仰賦予每一事物意義,無論它怎樣快樂,怎樣悲傷。



  5. 一個具創造力的勇敢父親










  6. 一個工作中的父親




  7. 一個形影不離的父親
    波蘭作家Jan Dobraczyński在《父親的影子》一書[24]中,以小說的形式講述了聖若瑟的生活,他用令人回味的形像──影子──來形容若瑟。若瑟與耶穌的關係,有如天父在塵世上的影子:他守護並保護耶穌,永不讓他獨自去走自己的路。我們可以想像到梅瑟對以色列人說的話:「在曠野裡,你也看出上主你的天主在你所走的長途中,攜帶你,如同人攜帶自己的兒子一樣…」(申1:31)。若瑟以類似的方式,一生扮演著父親的角色。[25]
















方濟各 於羅馬,拉脫朗大殿,

[1] Lk 4:22; Jn 6:42; cf. Mt 13:55; Mk 6:3.
[2] S. RITUUM CONGREGATIO, Quemadmodum Deus (8 December 1870): ASS 6 (1870-71), 194.
[3] Cf. Address to ACLI on the Solemnity of Saint Joseph the Worker (1 May 1955): AAS 47 (1955), 406.
[4] Cf. Apostolic Exhortation Redemptoris Custos (15 August 1989): AAS 82 (1990), 5-34.
[5] Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1014.
[6] Meditation in the Time of Pandemic (27 March 2020): L’Osservatore Romano, 29 March 2020, p. 10.
[7] In Matthaeum Homiliae, V, 3: PG 57, 58.
[8] Homily (19 March 1966): Insegnamenti di Paolo VI, IV (1966), 110.
[9] Cf. Autobiography, 6, 6-8.
[10] Every day, for over forty years, following Lauds I have recited a prayer to Saint Joseph taken from a nineteenth-century French prayer book of the Congregation of the Sisters of Jesus and Mary. It expresses devotion and trust, and even poses a certain challenge to Saint Joseph: "Glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph, whose power makes the impossible possible, come to my aid in these times of anguish and difficulty. Take under your protection the serious and troubling situations that I commend to you, that they may have a happy outcome. My beloved father, all my trust is in you. Let it not be said that I invoked you in vain, and since you can do everything with Jesus and Mary, show me that your goodness is as great as your power. Amen."
[11] Cf. Deut 4:31; Ps 69:16; 78:38; 86:5; 111:4; 116:5; Jer 31:20.
[12] Cf. Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (24 November 2013), 88, 288: AAS 105 (2013), 1057, 1136-1137.
[13] Cf. Gen 20:3; 28:12; 31:11.24; 40:8; 41:1-32; Num 12:6; 1 Sam 3:3-10; Dan 2, 4; Job 33:15.
[14] In such cases, provisions were made even for stoning (cf. Deut 22:20-21).
[15] Cf. Lev 12:1-8; Ex 13:2.
[16] Cf. Mt 26:39; Mk 14:36; Lk 22:42.
[17] SAINT JOHN PAUL II, Apostolic Exhortation Redemptoris Custos (15 August 1989), 8: AAS 82 (1990), 14.
[18] Homily at Mass and Beatifications, Villavicencio, Colombia (8 September 2017): AAS 109 (2017), 1061.
[19] Enchiridion de fide, spe et caritate, 3.11: PL 40, 236.
[20] Cf. Deut 10:19; Ex 22:20-22; Lk 10:29-37.
[21] Cf. S. RITUUM CONGREGATIO, Quemadmodum Deus (8 December 1870): ASS 6 (1870-1871), 193; BLESSED PIUS IX, Apostolic Letter Inclytum Patriarcham (7 July 1871): l.c., 324-327.
[22] SECOND VATICAN ECUMENICAL COUNCIL, Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium, 58.
[23] Catechism of the Catholic Church, 963-970.
[24] Original edition: Cień Ojca, Warsaw, 1977.
[25] Cf. SAINT JOHN PAUL II, Apostolic Exhortation Redemptoris Custos, 7-8: AAS 82 (1990), 12-16.
[26] Cf. Gen 18:23-32.
[27] Cf. Ex 17:8-13; 32:30-35.
[28] SECOND VATICAN ECUMENICAL COUNCIL, Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium, 42.
[29] Cf. 1 Cor 11:1; Phil 3:17; 1 Thess 1:6.
[30] Confessions, VIII, 11, 27: PL 32, 761; X, 27, 38: PL 32, 795.

Sunday 3 January 2021

如入寶山空手回 Leaving the Treasure Trove Empty-Handed









Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, Year B
Theme: Leaving the Treasure Trove Empty-Handed
It is undeniable that wealth is the passport for you to travel all over the world. Matthew's Nativity narrative paints us just such a picture. Don't you see how the Magi from the east were granted an audience with Herod the Great, whether they were welcomed would be another story, while the Holy Family had to flee to Egypt? Of course, some dynasties were xenophobic while others were not. But at the end of the day, other than wealth, there are many political considerations. And politics have to do with the distribution of power and resources. It all comes back to wealth in the short term or in the long term! Money is the lubricant without which, things cannot move smoothly! If cultural exchanges in the view of global solidarity don't carry economic or political advantages, they could only be dreams, at least for the present age.

People naturally are cautious in dealing with aliens because we don't know much about them and worry about their doing harm to our countries. If you are engaging in a war, these aliens can be spies stealing military information. Even in peace time when foreigners invest and create employment opportunities for local people, they may take chances to engage in industrial espionages … Unless you are as confident as Tang emperors in the culture and social institutions of your kingdom and think of your kingdom as the Empire, it's difficult to imagine showering neighbouring countries with magnificent gifts to show off the power of your empire, and embracing foreigners who come to study. In most cases, you would doubt the intentions of aliens and even lock up your own country!
As a "handmaid" of the Roman Empire, Herod the Great lacked the confidence of a great empire. Thus, before granting an audience with the Magi, he must have them under surveillance from afar: Were they merchants coming from the Silk Road? Were they spies of Roman vassals, collecting information and reporting to Caesar who would be guilty of treason? The treasures brought by the Magi would probably be a camouflage. They might not be merchants. But treasures were handy passports. The three gift among the treasures: gold, frankincense and myrrh (Matthew 2:11) probably provided "passport" for the Holy Family's exile to Egypt!

These aliens from nowhere brought an unsettling message! For the commoners, this "Where is the new born king of the Jews" message was both bitter and sweet! This "New Born King" could possibly be the anticipated "Messiah". At last, independence and autonomy would be within sight after waiting for yet another 18 years … But the wives or concubines of Herod the Great had recently not given birth to any prince. What would Herod the Great do after hearing the news? Commoners dared not to think further. But whether thinking or not would not change the course of imminent tragedy. All Jerusalem was troubled (2:3) and waiting anxiously to see which town whose children would be so unfortunate as to be condemned! It turned out to be Bethlehem, the native town of David. This New Born King was truly the Messiah!
Herod the Great was not stupid. He was labelled a tyrant not only because of the atrocities he commanded, but also because of his calculations! At that time, the Roman Empire was his master. What would be more effective in removing all of Caesar's doubts than eliminating the Messiah? Even if the Magi were not spies from Rome, their message was a big gift fallen out of the sky! Thus, Herod the Great choreographed a drama for Caesar and all the Jews to enjoy!
There were many famous places where heroes were born. For example, from Ophrah came Gideon (Judges 8:32), from Zorah Samson (13:2) from Ramathaim Samuel (1 Samuel 1:1) … But where else could be more appropriate in producing the Messiah than the home town of David? Yes, it must be Bethlehem. Furthermore, Herod the Great told a lie too obvious not to be detected, "That I too may go and do him homage" (Matthew 2:8). Telling a lie without the slimmest chance to cheat the Magi had only one purpose: if the Magi were spies, they would pass this message to Caesar, "That I may go and do him harm." If the Magi were naïve enough, this lie would simply leave them a good impression! The stage was set. The rest is history!

Am I over-imaginative? Probably! But whatever, day dreamers may continue to dream while there is only one outcome for the calculating people: They shall never outwit God! Herod the Great calculator was sitting on a treasure trove. Yet he allowed it to slip through his fingers! How sarcastic!
This is to be expected. Not to mention that Herod the Great had no piety or fear of the Lord, he lacked wisdom. Why? Without the fear of the Lord, where comes wisdom? Without wisdom, calculations would only turn to foolishness (Proverbs 1:7). Herod the Great lacked the wisdom given by the Holy Spirit. His only desire was to keep the power and wealth at the moment and not rewards above. He lacked the counsel of the Holy Spirit which would right his wrongs of twisted priorities. Thus, he made wrong judgments. In order to nip the Messiah in the bud, he ordered the massacre of the Holy Innocents, a truly evil act. If we say killing the innocent infants was only a lack of charity, we commit the crime of whitewashing the evil of people in power. As a king, Herod the Great had the duty to protect the lives and property of the people. But he decided to murder the masters of the future! Not only did he show no respect for life, but he was doing the future generation great harm. Herod the Great deserved to be named "The Sinner of A Thousand Ages"!

It was supposed to be a day for God to show mercy. He gave humanity a big fat gift, His only begotten Son, to liberate us, allowing us to grow and develop in freedom. Regrettably, this day of mercy had turned into a mortal combat of kings and princes against God! Not only did they miss the opportunity to receive grace and salvation, but they also spelt misfortune on the innocent. Mencius rightly comments, "Only the Benevolent should occupy high positions. When the Maleficent occupy high places, they spread evils to many!" (Mencius, Li Lou I) The Lord is wise and benevolent. Even when the maleficent are spreading evils, they are unable to block or change God's determination to be merciful to sinners.

Brethren! St. Joseph had shown perfect obedience and loyalty in this incident. During the Year of St. Joseph, let us follow his exemplar to do the Father's will in obedience and loyalty.
God bless!