
Sunday 25 October 2020

法律定下最低的要求 Laws Set the Minimum Requirements











Thirtieth Ordinary Sunday, Year A
Theme: Laws Set the Minimum Requirements

In the gospel passage today, Jesus says, "The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments." (Matthew 22:40) What does it mean? Before we meditate on the teachings, let us clarify the background.
In Jesus' time, Torah meant the first five books of the Scriptures. It is believed that God gave these laws to Moses. Thus, they are also called the "Pentateuch". The most famous laws, the Ten Commandments, can be found in the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy. Other than these, many laws are found scattered among the five books in which the Jewish scribes were able to identify 613, including 365 negative laws such as "You shall not have other gods beside me" (Exodus 20:3) and 248 positive laws such as "Remember the Sabbath Day. Keep it holy." (20:8) On top of these religious laws, there are many others that deal with daily living such as marriage, inheritance, business transactions, compensation, public hygiene and crimes etc.

The Jews knew very well that they were God's treasured possession among all peoples (19:5). They understood perfectly that they were living in a sins-infested world. Since these laws were handed down from God, obeying them would receive God's redemption! This idea is very much different from the legal concepts nowadays. The laws todays aim at facilitating the smooth running of a commercial society for modern people so that the economy may prosper. When disputes arise, there shall be an impartial third party to settle them. Although the spirit of modern laws advocates fairness, equal treatment of all people and the protection of human rights, in front of the major premise of economic prosperity, the letters of the law favour the entrepreneurs. Workers' rights are not adequately protected. However, Jewish Torah is a guideline for daily living and the only way to receive God's redemption. Be aware that Jesus Christ affirms the value of the Mosaic laws (5:17-18).

In the gospel passage today, some people who were familiar with the laws made use of the laws to challenge Jesus Christ. Thus, the letters of the law are dead. If the law is executed without its spirit, it can devour man whom it is meant to serve! For example, the Sadducees ignored the spirit of Levirate Marriage (Deuteronomy 25:5-6) and designed a logical thought experiment to deny the truth of resurrection (Matthew 22:23-32). A point in fact, there was no comprehensive social security in those days. The livelihood of widows was not covered. Thus, Moses designed the law of Levirate Marriage to protect widows who were still able to bear children! Other than that, Mosaic laws demand land owners to be generous, not to reap the harvest so thoroughly to the very edge of the field (Leviticus 19:9-10). Leave behind something for the needy, such as orphans, widows and even aliens, to feed upon. This generosity filled the gaps of social security and also built up one's virtues. However, some Pharisees criticised Jesus and his disciples for plucking grains on Sabbath, doing what was unlawful on Sabbath (Matthew 12:2)! Laws are supposed to serve men, to facilitate them and help them become virtuous. Unfortunately, there are far too many people with legal savvy that manipulate the laws to benefit themselves!

Whether ancient or modern, Western or Eastern, all laws set the minimum requirements for human behaviours, the bottom line to protect interpersonal interactions so that they may proceed smoothly and fairly. For example, take the case of paying tax to the government. The more you earn the more tax you pay. That is fair. The amount of tax to pay is also the minimum requirement. Not paying tax is a crime. Of course, if you support the government and pay double or treble your tax, that's your generosity and virtue! Strangely, the gospel says the greatest commandment is "You shall love the Lord, your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind" (Deuteronomy 6:5; Matthew 22:37). How can "all your heart, all your soul, all your mind" be the minimum requirement? It looks more like an ideal, a Confucian "Stop Only at Perfect Good". Not everybody may achieve the target. Not fulfilling an ideal is acceptable. If the greatest commandment is NOT an ideal but a law which must be done, isn't it an unachievable law?
An unachievable law is meaningless. For example, blood donation is a good thing. Now that the blood bank is running short of blood, the government passes a law demanding everybody to donate blood once a month! Even healthy people are unable to do so! This is an evil law with a good intention because nobody is able to obey! How can God set up an evil law? Does God want everybody to become priests and nuns, praying all days and nights inside the church? Nobody is going to cook or launder for priests and nuns because cooks and laundrymen too need to love God with all their hearts, with all their souls and with all their minds, praying inside the church! Does God want to see a world as such?

Take a step back. God Himself is free. Thus, He gives high autonomy to men who were created in His image. He would not impose laws to force us to believe in Him or to love Him because no happiness can come about in love under duress! Thus, He came up with a gentleman agreement. He entered into the Sinai Covenant with the Israelites, inviting them to obey Mosaic laws to become the Chosen People of God. Later, He entered into the Calvary Covenant with all humanity, inviting us to be baptised into the Church. By believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and obeying His teaching (28:20), we become God's children partaking in His eternal life. These two covenants are voluntary, not imposed!

But love is amazing. Love is incapable of reservation! Why? It is because God is love (1 John 4:8, 16). Therefore love is absolute. Look at God. In order to deliver us from sins, He pours Himself out, took up flesh and died on the cross! Thus the more we love Him, the closer we get near Him and the more we look like Him. One day, when we are able to love Him with all our hearts, with all our souls and with all our minds, we shall be totally united with Him. This is not an ideal of men as images of God, or of the People of God. Not only is it a response to God's generous invitation, but it is also an order. It is because love is absolute. There are no other options. Thus the greatest commandment is the minimum requirement and the highest ideal at the same time!

Brethren! Don't be discouraged when you feel that it is an impossible mission "for nothing will be impossible for God" (Luke 1:37). When we feel weak, beg Him! He is happy "to give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him" (11:13) With the support of the Holy Spirit, we are able to love the Lord with all our hearts, with all our souls and with all our minds as well as loving our neighbour as ourselves.
God bless!

Sunday 18 October 2020

我在這裡,請派遣我! Here I Am, Send Me!











Mission Sunday, Year A
Theme: Here I Am, Send Me!

Although each one of us is unique as a creature of God and our path of sanctification is not the same, sanctification is nothing but how much we love God. Think what God thinks and love what God loves. Isn't it sanctification? When we are living in a sin infested world, our will to love God is hindered and the path of sanctification becomes demanding. But God does not forsake us. Out of mercy, the Father sent His beloved Son to deliver us and to help us. When Jesus Christ was baptized in the River Jordan, the Father bore witness that Christ is His beloved Son with whom He is well pleased (Matthew 3:17). Thus, loving Jesus Christ and obeying His commandment should not be far from doing the will of the Father (6:10).

We are blessed to have been baptized into the Church. In this big family of the redeemed, we lead a life of communion, supporting each other and actualizing the inner communion life of the Blessed Trinity. In this turbulent world, the Church is like a lift boat, giving the drowning people a ray of hope. As time goes by, this lift boat has become a luxury ocean liner in which passengers are leading a life of comfort and safety. It is admirable but some would feel too ashamed to join.

In their eyes, church-goers are pious and lofty. As for their social status, church-goers are successful people with high earning power, occupying the middle and upper classes of the society. In their high-sounding talks, Jesus' name is always invoked. They pray in sacred and tranquil churches and appear in celebrity charity shows. Now that mobile phones have become a necessity, church-goers always forward short message of poetically written philosophies. Are these ways of loving their God?

The gospels tell us that God takes the initiative like a good shepherd. He knows that the lost sheep does not know the way back to the fold. Thus, He leaves behind the ninety-nine other sheep and goes in search of the stray (18:12). But most church-goers do not get out of their comfort zones. They do routines only, not proactive, do not respond to social changes and are as pious as they have always been for decades! Year after year, they pray for vocation but never encourage their children to join the consecrated. They donate to evangelical activities but do not appear on the ground. At most, they sing carols from a distance and do not go into the crowd to engage in dialogues to share the joy of salvation.

God is generous. He does not count the costs and does not screen for the qualified. Whoever believes in the Son He sent, He shall grant them grace without reservation! How are the church-goers? Like most unbelievers, they calculate to see if they would gain any benefit before they act. If there is no benefit, they don't bother. How can I tell the story of Jesus to non-believers? I have no theological training and I am not fluent … Better put my energy elsewhere! Paul says, "Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers?" (1 Corinthians 12:29) We had better occupy our proper positions! How beautiful such excuses are and how knowledgeable the scriptures!

Truly, we are not God. We are not as generous and take the initiative like God. But at least, we should have the will to be generous and the will to take the initiative! We should never forward messages from unknown sources without a thought to replace the opportunity to share our joy of deliverance. Nor should we assess the costs and only after that do we begin persuading "potentially successful candidates" to believe in Jesus! It is true that we lose face when we are rejected. We feel bad about it. However, if we do not go through hardship, shall we grow up and shall we become perfect? Will we treasure achievements which come without challenge? On Judgment Day, what could we put before God to account for the talents He gave us?

Didn't we receive the Holy Spirit through the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Rites of Christian Initiation? Where have the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit gone? We don't want to get into troubles. We choose comfort and security instead of thinking of what is above (Colossians 3:2). Where has our Wisdom of the Holy Spirit gone? We follow the crowd and know not that "affliction produces endurance …" (Romans 5:3), not knowing that "the Kingdom of God is … righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." (14:17). Where has our Understanding of the Holy Spirit gone? Being conceited, we provoke one another. We are envious of one another and follow not the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:25-26). Where has our Counsel of the Holy Spirit gone? Concerned with self-preservation and dare not to put up a fight in view of adversity (2 Timothy 4:16), Where has our Fortitude of the Holy Spirit gone? Bending our knees to people in power, insist on our knowledge and ignore the teachings of the Bible and of the Church (3:16), Where has our Knowledge of the Holy Spirit gone? Indulging in profane and silly myths and forget training in devotion (1 Timothy 4:7), Where has our Piety of the Holy Spirit gone? Bending our knees to "those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul" out of fear but are not afraid of "the one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna" (Matthew 10:28), Where has our Fear of the Lord gone? "The beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord." (Proverbs 9:10) No wonder the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit has vanished. The Holy Spirit is like a living water losing which, our soul is like "an unclean land receiving no rain at the time of God's fury" (Ezekiel 22:24), like dry and lifeless bones (37:1-4)!

Brethren! If our spiritual life has become routine, dry and lifeless, and we fail to see any exit ahead, how can we obey Jesus Christ's commandment to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19)? Not obeying the commandment of the Saviour, how can we do the Father's will? Don't be discouraged because God is happy to take the initiative. He will never forsake us. Ask! The Father in heaven is very much happy to give generously the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him (Luke 11:13). Be filled with the Holy Spirit, overflowing with love to care about the safety of those who have not yet believed. Share with them the joy of salvation so that they may receive the peace and consolation of the Holy Spirit. Even if people look but not see and listen but not hear, let us be bold to say to the Father, "Here I am! Send me!" (Isaiah 6:8)
God bless!

Sunday 11 October 2020

禮服是天主供應的 God Provides the Wedding Garment




今天的比喻,告訴我們天主在天上,為人類預備了豐盛的宴會。首先被邀請的人,就是在人類歷史中,被天主所揀選的民族,即以色列人。天主計劃使他們成為萬民的「福源」(創12:3),借助他們,使全人類獲得救恩。天主沒有從人類中,揀選一個順服的民族,偏偏挑選一個極其執拗的民族,作為選民(申9:6, 13),擔當這個「福源」的角色。天主的確喜歡挑戰,捨易行難!另一方面,天主是公平的,以色列人並沒有「贏在起跑線」,沒有獲得先手之利。的確,「被召的人多,被選的人少」(瑪22:14),人人都有蒙召的機會,可是,每個人的價值觀都不一樣。有些人思念天上的事(哥3:1),要知道,第一代基督徒中,絕大部份是猶太人。有些人卻注重眼前的事業(瑪22:5),極端的甚至覺得天主的代言人,是他們事業上的障礙,除之而後快(22:6)!結果,他們招來天主的復仇,在公元七十年,聖城被圍,聖殿被毀(申32:35,瑪22:7)。結果,救恩的大門,直接開放給外邦人了!






Twenty Eighth Ordinary Sunday, Year A
Theme: God Provides the Wedding Garment

The Bible is a treasure trove. There are many treasures yet to be dug up.
I trust all of you remember the story of the fall of our First Parents in Genesis. When they were driven out of the Paradise, "The Lord God made for the man and his wife garments of skin with which He clothed them"(Genesis 3:21). Clothing the fallen First Parent with garments is a clear sign of God's mercy on sinners! With their own power, men could only "sew fig leaves together and made loincloths for themselves" (3:7), not even garments! Here is much material for meditation but the most glaring one is that it is beyond human capacity to save themselves or to improve their situations. Am I reading too much into the Bible?

How does God love sinners? Like what Jesus says, our heavenly Father, "makes His sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust."(Matthew 5:45)? That is to say, God loves all men and takes care of their daily needs indiscriminately. Of course more than that! King Solomon and the Psalmist say in their prayers, "Your priests, Lord God, will be clothed with salvation, your faithful ones rejoice in good things."(2 Chronicles 6:41, Psalm 132:9)! Who else could clothe the priests with salvation if not God? Thus, when God clothed Adam and his wife with garments, it indicates that God shall not abandon mankind and is determined to save them all. In yet another piece of text in the Bible, we find that God clothes all men with salvation. "For He has clothed me with garments of salvation, and wrapped me in a robe of justice, like a bridegroom adorned with a diadem, as a bride adorns herself with her jewels" (Isaiah 61:10). Thus I did not read too much into the text because whenever the Bible says God clothes men with garments, it means God covers men with salvation. See? The image of a wedding banquet is emerging!

The parable today tells us that God has prepared a lavish wedding banquet for all men. The first people to be invited were historically God's Chosen People, the Israelites. God intended to make them a source of blessing for all peoples on earth (Genesis 12:3). Through them, all peoples shall be saved. God did not choose an obedient people but a stiff necked people (Deuteronomy 9:16, 13) to play the role of a source of blessing. God is truly adventurous, taking a difficult path! On the other hand, God is fair. The Israelites had not taken up the advantages and privileges of being the Chosen People. Indeed, "Many are invited, but few are chosen" (Matthew 22:14). All are given the opportunity and called. Yet different people have different value systems. Some "seek what is above." (Colossians 3:1) Remember, most of the first generation Christians were Jews. But some focus on worldly achievements (Matthew 22:5). The more extreme ones even treated the spokesmen of God as obstacles to their success. They took action to remove them (22:6)! In the end, they invited the vengeance of God and in 70 A.D., Jerusalem was sieged and the Temple was burned down (Deuteronomy 32:35, Matthew 22:7). Consequently, the door of salvation is open wide to Gentiles!

It seems a bit strange. God seems not to have set down any condition for people to join the wedding banquet. He did not choose His guests. The servants "gathered all they found, bad and good alike" (22:10). So, everybody is welcomed. Later, the King came in to meet the guests and saw a man without wedding garment (22:11). Suddenly, the King made "wearing wedding garments" a criterion to join the banquet. Isn't it contradictory and unreasonable? What if a poor man attends this banquet? He can't afford a wedding garment. Isn't it unfair?
When St. Augustine explained this wedding garment, he said that faith is enough for baptism, and admission into the Church. Thus, as long as you believe in Jesus Christ, all can be saved and join the heavenly banquet, bad and good alike (Romans 8:22). In other words, don't fancy that all Church members are good people. There must be "rotten apples" and frustrating people. St. Augustine continues to explain that "wedding garments" symbolizes charity. Faith is dead without accompanying charity (James 2:26), "only faith working through charity counts" (Galatians 5:6)! Thus, people who attend the banquet without wedding garments are those who were baptized with faith, thinking that faith alone justifies and there's no need to do charitable works. Consequently, they would be singled out on Judgment Day, "cast into the darkness outside" (Matthew 22:13)! This explanation is still inadequate. Superficially there is no string attached but actually there is! The goal keeps moving and thus unconvincing. Rather, I'm of opinion that God clothed Adam with salvation. In fact, God has clothed all the offspring of Adam with salvation. That is to say, God sends the invitation and wedding garments together!

Yesterday, our Parish celebrated the rites of Christian initiation during the pandemic. Today, the newly baptized wore their baptismal garments to join the Sunday mass. Fr. Paul Nguyen reminded the congregation that after baptism, we put on Christ! We should preserve this new life and be accountable on the Last Day! Thus, you have the wedding garment but failed to wear it. You are punished for not wearing it. Who is to blame? Christians do not put on Christ. Christians are punished for being unchristian. Who is to blame? What is this wedding/baptismal garment? It is the ability to love! God is love. God created men in His image. Thus, men are able to love. Regrettably, men abused the freedom God gave and contaminated the world with sins, smothering the capacity of charity, not wearing the wedding garments. At last, they shall be punished for what they deserve.

The author is curious. God enjoys clothing men with salvation. What does God wear in ordinary times? The Psalmist says, "The Lord is king, robed with majesty, the Lord is robed, girded with might" (Psalm 93:1) "You are clothed with majesty and splendour, robed in light as with a cloak" (104:1-2). What does He wear in action? The prophet says, "He put on justice as His breastplate, victory as a helmet on His head; He clothed Himself with garments of vengeance, wrapped Himself in a mantle of zeal" (Isaiah 59:17). I think Paul was inspired by the prophet and created the full armour of a Christian, "… loins girded in truth, clothed with righteousness as a breastplate … shod in readiness for the gospel of peace … faith as a shield … helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit" (Ephesians 6:14-17)

Brethren, we don't wear armour to attend wedding banquet. But the path to the banquet is full of perils. The armour is necessary. But when you put on Christ, do you need to wear armour?
God bless!

Saturday 10 October 2020

祈禱的榜樣 Prayer Series VI



  1. 她沒有堅持自己高尚的志向,放棄了守貞服事天主,願意接受懷孕哺育天主子的艱巨任務(路1:34)。她憑甚麼可以承擔這沉重的使命呢?除了倚靠聖神的力量,還有別的嗎?
  2. 她對近人的愛心,是毋庸置疑的。且看她得知年老的表姊依撒伯爾懷了孕,便急速往山區去看顧她(1:39)。這份急速,突顯了聖神的催促(谷1:12)和聖母的順從回應!
  3. 她承受自己的局限,對於不明白的事物,並不勉強去明白。她祇謙遜地「默存心中,反覆思想」(2:19; 2:51),讓聖神潛移默化她!後來,在加納婚宴上,她為主人家缺了酒而求耶穌出手(若2:3),成為福音所到之處的佳話。這並不單是因為她的愛心,而是她指示僕人聽從耶穌的吩咐(2:5)!可見聖神多年來潛移默化的效果!
  4. 最後,聖母能堅持到十家架下,領受天主聖子交託給她的「教會之母」任務(19:26)。並在耶穌基督升天後,默默地陪伴著教會,履行她「教會之母」的神聖使命,貫通天地,在五旬節,讓聖神再次沛降人間,誕生了教會!


Prayer Series VI (Luke 11:27-28)

Our Lady is truly blessed, not only because she carried the Son of God in her womb and nursed Him at her breasts, but also because she hears the word of God and observes it! The Blessed Virgin is a perfect disciple and an immaculate exemplar. What's her secret?
Of course, God grants her special privileges so that she has been immaculate since conception and immune from the contamination of sins. We mere mortals dare not to dream about it! But her total openness to God is something we may follow.

  1. She does not insist on her noble cause. She forsakes her ambition to serve God in chastity and is willing to talk up the Herculean burden to bear and nurse the Son of God (Luke 1:34). With what is she able to bear such a heavy burden? What else but the strength from the Holy Spirit?
  2. Her charity towards the needy is indisputable. Just see how she set out and travelled to the hill country in haste once she had known that her aged cousin Elizabeth was pregnant (1:39) This haste is indicative of the drive of the Holy Spirit (Mark 1:12) and her prompt response!
  3. She took upon herself her limitations. For things she could not understand, she did not force herself to understand. She humbly "kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart" (2:19; 2:51) and let the Holy Spirit transform her! Later, in the wedding feast at Cana, she took the initiative to ask for Jesus' help when the wine ran short (John 2:3). Her act is immortalized not only because of her charity, but also because she instructed the servers to do whatever Jesus told them (2:5) ! Here we see the effect of the Holy Spirit's transformative work!
  4. The Blessed Virgin persisted till Calvery where she was commissioned to take up the role to be the Mother of the Church (19:26). After Jesus' ascension, she quietly stayed with the disciples to discharge her role as the Mother of the Church. She became the channel through which the Holy Spirit descended to give birth to the Church on Pentecost!
Ave Maria, Spiritus Sancto plena!
Holy Spirit, be it unto us according to the Father's will. Amen.

Friday 9 October 2020

祈禱分心 Prayer Series V






Prayer Series V (Luke 11:15-26)

From this pandemic, we've learnt at least one lession: that in this finite universe, pursuit of perfection is unrealistic. We'll always live with flaws! There exist problems which are beyond our capability to solve. Noone is immue to illness. Nobody knows everything in this universe. Even if we have a big heart, "the poor you will always have with you" (Mark 14:7). We live with bacteria and viruses everyday … In a similar vein, there are always disappointing clergy in the Church, heretic professors in the college and distracted moments in our prayers!

If we shall be distracted in prayers, shall we pray no more? No! How can we keep in touch with God if we stop praying?
If we can only hear God's voice in a transquil heart but this channel of communication is always filled with noises from the Devil and concupiscence, what should we do? Should we call a priest to exorcize? No! We shouldn't casually call a priest to exorcize because when we sense that we are distracted, it shows that we are not totally controlled by the Devil. There is no need for exorcism. Rather, we should learn to filter God's voice out of noises!

St. Paul tells us, "The Spirit comes to the aid of our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit itself intercedes with inexpressible groanings." (Romans 8:26) Shall we still worry about distractions in prayers anymore? Didn't yesterday's reading say, "If you then, who are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?" (Luke 11:13) Thus, distractions in prayers are permitted by the Father who wants us to know our inadequacies and beg Him to give us the Holy Spirit.
Come, Holy Spirit! Thou shalt renew the face of the earth and we may be reborn again. Amen.

Thursday 8 October 2020

為別人祈禱的態度 Prayer Series IV







Prayer Series IV (Luke 11:5-13)

I've never imagined that praying for myself is beneficial to others!
Take a look at this man who persistently asked bread at midnight, disturbing his friend's sleep (Luke 11:8). He did so because he had nothing to offer an uninvited friend (11:6). Probably hospitality is an ethnic trait. People living in the Middle East believe that "some have unknowingly entertained angels." (Hebrews 11:2, Genesis 18:2f) Probably it is a matter of face! Whatever the reasons, one of the motives to pray is to seek God's help because we know our inadequacies and poverty! Thus, only people who know clearly their own sins would humbly pray. Those self-righteous people would take the opportunity to show off their achievements before God (Luke 18:9-14), which do not gain them any advantages!

The person who begged bread did not ask for one but three loaves. We don't need to guess their appetite, three loaves should be more than enough. Even for his own face, he would never slight his guest! We don't need to speculate the symbolic meanings of the three loaves, enough to know that Jesus Christ fed 5000 people with only five loaves and two fish! Friends! I'm sure you must have interceded for the needs of your friends, e.g. they need to sit for examinations, job interviews, sickness and travels etc. Have you ever been as comprehensive as this bread beggar? To push further, have you prayed to God to give you strength and courage to evangelize for the sake of the Creation?

"Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself". Thus when we pray for the others' needs, at the same time, pray for your own inadequacies. Perhaps, it is God's will that you know others' needs as well as your own inadequacies and arrange you to help the needy and become their angel!
Father! Grant us the Holy Spirit to break out of my ego's constrains. Amen.

Wednesday 7 October 2020

路加版的《天主經》 Prayer Series III









Prayer Series III (Luke 11:1-4)

The Lucan version of The Lord's Prayer looks a bit incomplete, but it is a gem indeed!
No doubt, there are seven petitions in the Matthean version, two of which are missing in Luke, including "thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" and "but deliver us from evil". Aren't these two petitions important? Missing these two, isn't the Lucan version incomplete?

Undeniably, each and every petition in the Matthean version is essential and worth begging. But trimming them doesn't necessarily diminish the value of the Lucan version! Hasn't Jesus Christ taught us not to babble like the pagans when we pray? (Matthew 6:7) Let us meditate the beauty of the Lucan version.

First of all, the Lucan version in the Chinese Studium Biblicum Version plainly invokes God "Father" instead of "Heavenly Father". Calling God "Heavenly Father" is absolutely correct in theology. It suits the "Grandmaster" style of the Matthean Jesus! Furthermore, we should keep a sense of awe before God. Calling God "Heavenly Father" should restrain the proud from seeking vainglory before Him. However, it sounds a bit aloft and not sufficiently merciful. This is not the style of the Lucan Jesus!

Secondly, the "thy will be done" petition is an elaboration of "thy kingdom come" which is the spirit and the "thy will be done" is the letters. Indeed, the BVM has already said, "Be it unto me according to thy word" (Luke 1:38). Thus, it is not necessary to repeat here.

Lastly, leaving out "deliver us from evil" conveys a sense of embracing martyrdom! In the Acts of the Apostles, there is the first martyr of the Church St. Stephen. In the gospel, there are John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. The Lucan corpus is imbued with a sense of martyrdom which are groanings of the poor in the world. The Father hears them! Though I don't recite often, I love the Lucan version.
Father! Lead us not into temptation. Amen.

Tuesday 6 October 2020

工作也是祈禱 Prayer Series: II







Prayer Series: II (Luke 10:38-42)

Although we say, "If we want to establish, establish others. If we want to prosper, make others prosperous", meaning "when we are good, we want others to be good as well" and it is a very positive attitude because our temperances are different, what suits me may not suits you. Martha and Mary are good examples. The siblings expressed their love towards Lord Jesus Christ in ways appropriate to them. There should not be any comparison.

Probably being the elder sister who used to call the shot, Martha was "burdened with much serving" (Luke 10:40). I believe Bethany was not a rich village. Thus Mary would not be a spoiled "chamber-lady". Today, she "sat beside the Lord at his feet listening to him speak", contemplating the countenance of the Saviour (10:39)! What a contemplative prayer of high calibra! It shows that Mary and Martha were essentially different, the former contemplative and the latter active. The story of resurrection of Lazarus sheds further light on it: "When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went to meet him; but Mary sat at home" (John 11:20), most likely praying fervently! Thus, when Martha complained to Lord Jesus, the Author of Life defended Mary. (Luke 10:42)

In fact, speaking of Martha's "complaint" is probably unfair to her. First of all, Martha didn't need to fight for favouritism with Mary because she did not serve Jesus to please him. It was simply a matter of hospitality (John 11:5). Secondly, as a person of action, probably Martha opined that Mary's lack of activity was doing her no good. Therefore, she took advantage of the presence of Jesus to push Mary to do something which she thought was beneficient to her! I believe Martha did it in good faith.

Did Jesus' words deny the goodness of action, belittling the value of activity? Not at all! Modern translations have misled the readers! The original is "Mary hath chosen that good part τὴν ἀγαθὴν" not "the better part". Contemplation is appropriate for Mary just as action is for Martha. Martha's action is her prayer, a different expression of contemplation. "It will not be taken from her" as well!
Lord Jesus, let us contemplate in freedom in the most appropriate manner the glory of Your countenance. Amen.

Monday 5 October 2020

己欲達而達人 Prayer Series: I








Prayer Series: I (Luke 10:25-37)

The most effective and direct way to help starving people is to give them food. But in the long run, we need to help them grow food. Similarly, Jesus Christ has never rejected learned people. It is because they pursue the Truth and with which they enhance themselves and even improve the situation of the others. Such endeavour is commendable. Although the scholar of the law was hostile in the story today, Jesus did not give up the opportunity to enlighten him. Lord Jesus wants to liberate him from the straitjackets of his thoughts, hopefully he would benefit the common folks in the future.

When the legal scholar asked how to inherit eternal life, Jesus did not deny his past achievements, did not deny the contribution of Moses nor the value of the Old Covenant. The Lord says, "Do this and you will live" (Luke 10:28). People may inherit eternal life even by observing the law of Moses!

Regrettably, the legal scholar was blinded by his own evil intentions. He failed to see Jesus Christ's affirmation of him and of the Old Covenant. He did not want to let Jesus go easily and continued his assault. In the eyes of Jesus Christ, these legal scholars were "teachers of Israel" (John 3:10) How much Jesus desires these teachers breaking through their egotism to teach fellow Jews to turn to the Father! Thus, Lord Jesus patiently told this legal scholar and all of us the famous parable of the Good Samaritan, teaching us to see problems from the persepective of those in need! It is because love wants to see the others good. It is a will to act for the benefits of the others. This is the original intention of "loving your neighbour as yourself".

However, neighbour is not us after all, not to mention those who speak different languages, those who believe in different gods and those who uphold different ideologies. Indeed, in front of poverty, illness and even death, do languages, races and political stance matter any more? Who can guarantee that they shall never fall sick or misfortunates shall never patronize them one day?

What must we do to break out of our ego? Let us open up our hearts to ask for Jesus Christ's assistance. It surely will help us break through our ego. Indeed, from the parable today, we can see that helping people in need and seeing an unlucky self in them can be a good way to break out!
Lord Jesus Christ! Let us savour Your mercy and help others do the same. Amen.

Sunday 4 October 2020

St. Jerome's Church Silver Jubilee Re-celebration

Silver Jubilee Re-Celebration, October 4, 2020

Good morning, brothers and sisters,
On behalf of all the members of the Parish Pastoral Team and the Pastoral Council of St. Jerome's Church, may I take this opportunity to congratulate you all a very happy and blessed Silver Jubilee. It is such an extraordinary occasion. Last Sunday, in our broadcast on Youtube, Fr. Simon described this as "an already present, but not yet available celebration"! Most of us could only participate on the Internet. It was close at hand enough and yet, so far away and intangible. Fr. Simon reassured us that nothing could be able to separate us from the love of our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 8:35), and from our close relationships with members of our English Community. This is indeed a special and memorable experience which we'll remember and will be eager to share with other people.

Silver Jubilee is a special occasion. It points to the next 25th anniversary, our Golden Jubilee in 2045. Some people like to say that "I'm 25 always." How sweet it sounds. Yes, we want to march forward with our youthfulness, our ambitions, our eagerness and yet, do not remain at the same spot. Golden Jubilee shall be a celebration of tremendous harvest. But first of all, let us be grateful to our Diocese. Proactively she chose this piece of land, Tin Shui Wai, on which to build this Church to provide us with facilities to pray, to shepherd and to evangelize. Let us also be grateful to God for gathering under His wings, you my dear friends to build up this big family. We are also grateful that one of our young men was ordained Fr. Timothy Yan on January 4, 2020. Let us not forget praying for more vocation for our Church. Priests are in short supply and we are not able to sustain sufficient pastoral care for our members, not to mention spreading the gospel to people around us.

Two years ago on eve of the Twenty-Third anniversary, the Pastoral Council designed many innovative projects in preparation for this Silver Jubilee. One of them was to honour our Patron Saint, St. Jerome with a copy of Bible manuscript. St. Jerome spent 23 years in translating the Hebrew and Greek scriptures into one Latin rendition, the Vulgate. What a coincidence. God is amazing! We are not as gifted as St. Jerome but we are still able to copy. Yes, we were able to organized parishioners, teachers and students in our parish to make a copy of handwritten seventy three books in the Bible. Copying the Bible is spiritually uplifting. Copyists are required to be meticulous. One typo-mistake and the whole page of hard work vanished! God is generous. The words we copy on paper are written in our hearts as well. Therefore, Fr. Simon appeals to all of us to make a personal handwritten copy of the Bible for ourselves in the upcoming 25 years. In so doing, we'll able to equip ourselves with sufficient strength to evangelize Tin Shui Wai and Hung Shui Kiu in the years ahead. With a target, an implementation plan and a determined heart we are certain that we can make it. So, let us make good use of God's blessing to accomplish this target!

In the first reading today, we read of the experience of Ezekiel the prophet. God told him to eat the scroll on which was written God's word, "feed your stomach and fill your belly with this scroll I am giving you." (Ezekiel 3:3) Ezekiel did as instructed and the scroll "was as sweet as honey in my mouth." So, brethren, the word of God is sweet as honey. Don't just read it speedily. Read it slowly and savour it. Copying it is better still. However, sometimes we don't feel like reading it, not because we don't want to spare our time but because the Bible reveals our own weaknesses, faults and inadequacies. We put it down and do not have the courage to face our own sins. No! God wants to save us. He wants to help us become holy. Therefore, He gave us these words. That is what St. Paul meant when he wrote to Timothy, "The sacred scriptures which are capable of giving you wisdom for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus, is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction and for training in righteousness." (2 Timothy 3:15-16) Take courage, brethren and make good use of the Bible for our own salvation.

The Internet is like the ocean which is rich in contents and yet not all information is beneficent for us. Jesus Christ taught us in the parable today to select and select wisely. We keep the good stuff in our storeroom and throw away harmful ones. What stuff is good? First of all, the word of God is good in helping us improve our relationship with God. It helps us discern what is good and what is harmful for our life as God's children. Just as what St. Peter says, "Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." (John 6:68) It follows that those which help us go through adversity and uplift our faith are good. Those which encourage us to discriminate, to hate and to divide are harmful. In this time of social unrest and pandemic, we need the word of God more to help us go through such adversity. The word of God should not be hidden away in storerooms and buried in dust. The power of God's word lies in its action. Thus, we have the duty to "bring from our storeroom both the new and the old" (Matthew 13:52), refresh it and to act upon it in order to build the kingdom of heaven in Tin Shui Wai and Hung Shui Kiu.

Brethren, once again we are grateful to God and to you all for coming back and making this re-celebration come true. May the merciful Lord Jesus Christ continue to sweeten our hearts with His words of wisdom. May St. Jerome our patron saint continues to intercede for us before God so that we may not be ignorant of the scriptures and ignorant of Christ. Amen. God bless you all!

還可以回頭嗎? Is There No Turning Back?










Twenty Seventh Ordinary Sunday, Year A
Theme: Is There No Turning Back?

In desperation and seeing no way out, many people resort to ending their lives or asking people to assist them terminating their lives to get out of a hopeless situation in front of them. In the Old Testament, Saul the first king of Israel fell upon his own sword in an imminent defeat (1 Samuel 31:4); Judas regretted being spent by the chief priests and elders hanged himself (Matthew 27:5). Famous suicide cases can also be found in Chinese history, e.g. Qu Yuan and Lu Xiu Fu. They committed suicide for patriotic causes! The case of Qu Yuan was personal but Lu's case was suicide en masse. Judas' case was also personal and there are a lot of theological controversies surrounding the case. Therefore, I don't want to meditate on it here. Today, the society is imbued in a patriotic myth which arouses my interest in meditating the three remaining cases.

Qu was a poet and was able to perceive political situations sharply. Among the reasons he committed suicide, being exiled by the Duke of Chu such that he was no longer able to serve his beloved country was one. Subsequently, Chu was conquered 55 years later. The desperation Qu sensed took place half a century later. To be a poet was difficult. Like prophets, they suffered a lot of mental pressure!
Was being conquered a truly dead end? Fear of being abused after surrender was the motive of suicide for Saul and Lu Xiu Fu. It is true that after being conquered, losing one's freedom and rights, even the right to life becomes inevitable (Isaiah 5:5-6). In the eyes of God and the prophets He sent, this was the cake one baked (5:4)! Putting before you the bitter fruits and all the unimaginably humiliating abuses before and after death, it takes a lot of courage to continue living in such hostile environment, like Goujian the King of Yue or even Li Yu, the last ruler of Southern Tang! If Goujian did it and so did Li Yu, what excuses could you Saul and Lu Xiu Fu give? Thus, we opine that committing suicide is cowardice!

The gospel messages of the last few weeks criticized the faults of Jewish authorities. We should learn from their failures and beware. The Lucan version of the story today is clear. Jesus told the parable, not to Jewish authorities but to common folks (Luke 20:9). Both Mark and Matthew attack the Jewish authorities. The Matthean version cuts deeper. The chief priests and Pharisees condemned themselves, "He will put those wretched men to a wretched death and lease his vineyard to other tenants who will give him the produce at the proper times." (Matthew 21:41) That is to say, the Jewish authorities could not declare ignorance as a defence on the Judgment Day! Is the "produce" God demands difficult to make? Is God being unreasonable (Isaiah 5:3-4)?

Before conversion, Paul was a frenetic Pharisee. He was the most qualified to speak out! God's demand is nothing but, "whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." (Philippians 4:8-9) Observing the laws is only the minimum requirement. I believe this frenetic Pharisee would strictly keep them wherever he was, be it in Jewish or Gentile lands. But he cared more about the spirit of the laws which was the motive to be law abiding! Thus if the Jewish authorities were able to focus their mind, like Paul, on the 6 "whatever's" and two "anything's" Paul listed above, the spirit of the laws, keeping the laws was easy and their words and deeds would earn them eternal life! Regrettably, out of selfishness and greed, the actions of those chief priests and Pharisees who opposed Jesus Christ become hypocritical, mean, unjust, calculating, ugly and scandalous … What could they show off before God (Luke 18:11-12)? After conversion, a frenetic Pharisee became the apostle of Gentiles, thus genuinely discharging the duty of the "Chosen People" to be a source of blessings for all peoples on earth (Genesis 12:3). On the Last Day, how would those chief priests and Pharisees account for themselves before God? Consequently, the prophecy of Isaiah was fulfilled a second time in 70 A.D.!

Is being conquered a dead end? History proves once more those who committed suicide out of fear were too short-sighted! In 1948, the Israel state was created once more! Of course, no human being lives longer than 1900 years. None of the contemporaries of Jesus Christ was able to see the restoration of the kingdom of Israel (Acts 1:6). Where is Peter now who asked Jesus this question? At the main gate of heaven!
In the parable of the tenants, although the son was murdered (Matthew 21:39), what became of him afterwards? He came back to life! Jesus' parables are full of surprises and the surprise of this parable of tenants lies in the resurrection of the Son of God! To the Jewish authorities, Jesus only indirectly hinted at his resurrection with the Psalm (21:42, Psalm 118:22-23). On the other hand, Jesus did not pass judgment on them (John 3:17). He let them condemned themselves! This is manifestly the modus operandi of God who is always open and ineffable! It was Abraham who proposed ten righteous people (Genesis 18:32), Pharaoh who warned Moses not to see his face again (Exodus 10:28), Jephthah who vowed to offer his daughter up as a burnt offering (Judges 11:31), Herod Antipas who exposed his lust after intoxication (Mark 6:23) … Obviously, it was human pride that caused those inconveniences. All these thoughts were revealed before Jesus Christ (Luke 2:35)! Although Peter was impulsive, he acted decently enough when Jesus forgave his three denials. Peter says, "Yes, Lord, you know that …" (John 21:15-17). He was humble and managed to let go. He accepted whatever the Author of Life arranges without insisting on his own will! The self-righteousness of the chief priests and Pharisees would only lead to their downfall.

Brethren! Jesus Christ is the merciful Author of Life. He takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 33:11). He even guarantees, "I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?" (John 11:25-26) Therefore, in our daily life, don't corner yourselves in a dead end. Don't force others to oppose you. Take a step back. Don't push too hard. Give each other a graceful way to stand down! This is the law of life. In desperation, don't despair. Let God take over. Learn from Peter, "Yes, Lord, you know that…"
God bless!