
Sunday 24 September 2017

多勞多得的錯謬 The Fallacy of Efforts Pay




今天,很多家長迷信另一個「多勞多得」的變種,就是「贏在起跑線」。從前能入讀中學名校,例如在香港大學旁邊的皇仁書院或者某某書院、某某Band 1的英文書院,便已足夠。今天的家長已經把起跑線搬到小學、幼稚園,學生放學後立即上奧數班、芭蕾舞班、小提琴班、武術班等,令小朋友疲於奔命;懷孕的媽媽甚至已開始聽莫扎特,喝某牌子的奶,為胎兒攝取營養,助長腦袋發育等。其實,把起跑線搬前,勤力讀書必然會考到好的成績嗎?難怪那些專門傳授考試答題技巧的補習社,其門若市,而班房裡疲倦的學生卻無心向學了!當我們的教育制度,考試制度著眼在功利的時候,我們可以怪責我們的大學生做事不負責任,張貼涼薄的標語嗎?當然,這裡又有一個錯謬。大學校園是一個對外開放的地方,所以,在大學校園內拉的橫額,貼的標語,一定是大學生做的嗎?





Twenty Fifth Ordinary Sunday, Year A
Theme: The Fallacy of Efforts Pay

First of all, let us clarify some details. The householder in the parable went out early in the morning to hire labourers for his vineyard. During Jesus' time, Jews counted the beginning of a day at 6 p.m. Three hours made one watch. After 4 watches, i.e. 12 hours, it would be dawn. That would be 6 o'clock in the morning. Then they started counting by hours. Thus, the third hour would be 9 o'clock in the morning. The sixth hour would be twelve noon etc. The eleventh hour would be 5 o'clock in the evening. Only one hour would be left. Thus the labourers hired at the eleventh hour would have less than one hour to work and received one denarius. No wonder those who had been working since 6 o'clock in the morning felt upset about it.
Although we should respect the spirit of contract and the first batch of workers had agreed the wage to be one denarius, such an indiscriminate treatment really hurt. Moreover, the master claimed to be righteous, "Whatever is right, I will give you." (Matthew 20:4). Now the workers were paid the same no matter how long they had worked. Was it fair? The action of the master was not convincing.

Why do we agree with the first batch of labourers and feel that the master was unfair? It is because we are misled by utilitarianism. Nowadays in Hong Kong, many fallacies are circulating. They are easy to understand and sound reasonable. But when you give a second thought, you will discover their faults. One such fallacy which the first batch of labourers committed is "Efforts Pay". Think harder. Do efforts necessarily pay? In fact, there are many social factors which make efforts and earnings unrelated. For example, your academic qualifications. In the sixties and seventies of the last century, white collar workers in the offices earned more than blue collar workers in the factories. It was explained by the differences in their academic qualifications. Another factor is social demand. Even if both of you are graduates, your earning depends on whether your degree is a law degree or a French degree. Lastly, even if both of you are graduates from the Law Faculty, your social network makes all the difference in earning. Therefore, efforts do not necessarily pay.

Then, if we study hard and enter the university, we will have a bright future. Does it not prove that efforts pay?
Today, many parents believe in a variant of the "Efforts Pay" fallacy. It is called "Winning at the Starting Line". Once upon a time, it was enough to enter an elite secondary school such as King's College next to the University of Hong Kong, or some so-and-so college or some Band 1 English colleges. Today, the starting line has moved to primary schools and kindergartens. After school, pupils are rushed to Math. Olympiad classes, ballet classes, violin classes, wushu classes etc. exhausting the children. Pregnant women begin to listen to Mozart and drink some brands of milk in order to stimulate the growth of the brain of the foetus. Indeed, will moving the starting line earlier or revising hard guarantee good examination results? No wonder the tuition schools which teach examination skills are full while the students are too exhausted to study in normal classes! When our institutions of education and examination focus on utilitarianism, can we blame our undergraduates for doing irresponsible things, such as putting up callous posters on the campus? Of course, here is another fallacy, the "post hoc ergo propter hoc". University campuses are open to the public. Thus, are you sure banners and posters on the campus must be put up by the undergraduates?
The "Efforts Pay" fallacy has yet another variant. It is called "Herd Mentality". What others are doing, can you afford not to do? Since people don't want to lose at the starting line, many parents and estate buyers are forced to play this "Winning at the Starting Line" game. The "Efforts Pay" fallacy creates all sorts of unreasonable expectations in us.

Religious life can also fall victim to this "Efforts Pay" fallacy. Joining Sunday masses, receiving sacraments, studying the Bible, doing spirituality, going on retreats, pilgrimages and reciting the Rosary etc. can help us come closer to God. But can more recitations of Rosary, more pilgrimages, retreats, spirituality, Bible courses and reading theology etc. earn us more graces, even to make use of these hard earned graces to help relatives and friends who have fallen ill, prisoners of conscience and even souls in the Purgatory? How dare we turn God into a "heavenly ATM"! We have totally forgotten that God freely gives us graces not because we earn them. We cannot make use of the Rosary we say to command God to do our wills.

Let us turn to the second mistake of the first batch of labourers. They only focussed on the one denarius which everybody received in the end and forgot the blessings they had enjoyed for 12 hours. Take a look at the generosity of the master to those who had worked for only one hour. He should not be a mean employer. He would give them food, drinks, treatment when injured, rest and shade in the heat of the day! In Church life, those who were baptized in infancy have to spend their whole life doing charity, building up virtues and avoiding sins in order to enter heaven, while those who are baptized on their deathbed nearly enter eternal life immediately. Would you complain that God is unfair? Do you want to be baptized on your deathbed? In fact, the earlier you were baptized, the earlier you know yourselves, the earlier you enjoy the identity as God's children and the earlier you can actualize God's given potentials. Unless you were jealous of the repentant thief crucified next to Jesus, would you?

Please pay attention to what the last batch of labourers answered when the master asked them why they stood there idle all day. They said, "Because no one has hired us." (20:7) God gives everybody potentials. Some people cannot actualize these potentials because of their situations. How miserable! They probably come from a broken family, probably have befriend some bad guys, contracted some chronic diseases, are displaced as refugees or even living at the lowest rung of the society such that no social institutions give them any chance. But our heavenly Father does not care about how low our social status is, how we have befriended bad guys, committed crimes and sins. He keeps on calling us at different hours, forgiving our sins and giving us opportunities to return to His vineyard so that His image in us may shine forth. We are calculating and focus on our own benefits. Compared with the merciful justice of God, the sort of justice we call "Efforts Pay" is millions of light-years apart from His just as what Isaiah says.

Let us learn to see this world in the eyes of God. Not only do we make the image of God in ourselves, but also that in the others, especially our family members, shine forth. Just as what Confucius says, "Philanthropus volens ipse consistere, etiam erigit alios; volens ipse penetrare, etiam promovet alios" (Analect VI:28)
God bless!

Saturday 23 September 2017

堅持到底 Endurance to the End





Endurance to the End (Luke 8:4-15)

Only Luke analyzes what the characteristics of the good soil are and how it produces a hundredfold of grains.
All people hear God's word, but for various reasons, some people reject it. God's word fails to enter their heart and vanishes shortly afterwards. For those who have not rejected God's word, although they receive it with joy into their hearts, there is no root. Why is there no root? They do not "keep all these things, pondering them in their heart." (Luke 2:19) Why do they not ponder? It is because they slight it, "as the word of men but (not) as what it really is, the word of God." (1 Thessalonians 2:13) Some receive it as the word of God but there is no fear in their hearts. The good news is just one among the many cares they have. The word of God needs to compete with other worries such as riches and pleasures of life. The gospel does not enjoy a privileged position. Therefore, their fruit does not mature (Luke 8:14) Good soil receives the word of God with fear and honesty. Being honest to oneself and honest to others. Do not cheat oneself and others. And this is not enough. When we put God's gospel into practice, we need to persevere, not discouraged and give up easily. It is because God is fearsome. He fulfils what he says. Thus, "he who endures to the end will be saved." (Matthew 24:13)

Although the health of Fr. Pio had always been poor and he humbly bore the pains of the stigmata, he continued to hear confessions, celebrate masses and pastor the People of God patiently. His endurance is admirable. Other than a fear of God, what else can we explain the endurance of Fr. Pio? His reward must have exceeded a hundredfold!
Father, we believe that You are fearsome. Let us persevere with an honest and kind heart in order to attain eternal life. Amen.

Friday 22 September 2017

在適當的時候突破 Breakthrough at the Right Times






Breakthrough at the Right Times (Luke 8:1-3)

In the New Testament, the gospel of Luke is often called the "Gospel for Women". Not that it brings any good news to women or that it liberates women from the servitude to men. Rather, it reveals the important roles played by women in the patriarchal society. Truly, even today, women have no place in the Catholic Hierarchy. But that does not mean the Catholic Church does not respect women or not recognize their contributions. Rather, Catholic women know how to position themselves. Silently they seek God’s will and look for breakthroughs from their positions.

In Old Testament times, many women had their brilliant stories written down in history. To name a few, we have Tamar (Genesis 38), the daughters of Zelophehad (Numbers 27), Rahab (Joshua 2), Deborah and Jael (Judges 4), Ruth, Hannah (1 Samuel 1), Jehosheba (2 Kings 11), Judith and Esther etc. They were heroines who had saved the Israelites from the hands of their enemies, or had set up eye-catching examples in faith. They had one thing in common. They feared God and knew their positions. But when the right time came, they broke through and brought people life.

Among the women mentioned in the reading today, we know more about Mary Magdalene. We have no doubt about her care and fear of Jesus Christ. Of course Magdalene feared Jesus who had driven out seven demons from her. But this fear had sublimed into a love of Christ the Lord. See how she held the risen Christ (John 20:17). Later, Jesus Christ sent Magdalene to report the good news of resurrection to the other apostles. She became the "Apostle of the Apostles", passing on life to the others. From Magdalene, we discover how the fear of the Lord leads to wisdom. That is to say, we begin with the fear of the Lord, serve Christ and build up a desire for the love of Christ.
Father! May we become generous like the pious women and desire to serve Jesus Christ. Amen.

Thursday 21 September 2017




今天我在這個學位頒授儀式中的講話,官方名稱是「向舊生報告」。2008年我作第一次報告的時候,我是大家與羅琳 J.K. Rowling 之間唯一的障礙物。當時,眼下全是穿上「鄧布利多Dumbledores」服裝,熱切渴望著的兒童,他們急不及待地在半空揮動著「魁地奇Quidditch」掃帚。今天,你們等待著馬克‧祖克伯Mark Zuckerberg。他擁有另一種改變了世界的魔法。雖然他好像不會感染大家戴上魔法師的帽子,但在場的聽眾中,不乏披上化裝服的人。而且,我們現在正派發雨衣。



  1. 為甚麼言論自由對大學和在大學內是如此重要?
  2. 為甚麼言論自由今天備受特別的挑戰?
  3. 我們如何更好地從防禦性地保障言論自由─我們必須捍衛它─進展到主動地、肯定地使它實現,並營造一個孕育它,使它發揚光大的環境?







艱難!是的,但是重要的而且是可達到的。我們相信這個社群的每一個成員,這是可達到的。但言論自由的代價,不應祗由容易成為攻擊目標的他們承擔。我們必須支持及加強我們社群的所有成員的吶喊聲。我們委身全情投入不受約束的辯論,這要求我們培養一份勇氣和謙卑。這份勇氣不單是我們面對挑戰和攻擊時,面不改容;而且在別人遭受不公義對待時,有力量挺身而出,仗義執言! 言論自由不是從天上掉下來的。當它遇到障礙時,我們需要插手保護。言論自由不是當人人掩著耳朵時鬥大聲的自由。倘若希望言論自由得到蓬勃發展,我們必須建構這樣一個環境,那裡人人不但為發言權負責,更為聆聽權及被聆聽權負責;那裡人人有責任保障別人的尊嚴和敬重。一如教育學院院長詹姆士賴恩所說,「言論自由不單要求講者,也要有聆聽者。」在當今人人為言論自由搜索枯腸時,我們應更注意如何建立一個鼓勵發言,並且認真對待發言的環境。


蒙恩得救的正途 The True Path to Salvation






Feastday of Matthew the Evangelist (September 21)
The True Path to Salvation (Matthew 9:9-13)

St Paul says, "Since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:32) Thus, all of us are sinners whom Jesus comes to call! That is to say, Jesus comes to call all. Regrettably, not all people think they are sinners and need to respond to Jesus' call.

Some think that they have no sins, have committed no crimes or acquired no deficiency. Therefore there is no need to believe in God. Consequently, they miss the opportunity to become God's children. Some start off from utility. Since the benefits of believing in God are higher than non-believing, or the price paid for believing in God, such as going to Sunday mass, supporting the finance of the Church, fasting and praying etc. are lower than the benefits of believing in God, such as getting married in magnificent churches, allotting a place for their children in elite Catholic schools, enjoying services in Catholic hospitals, homes for the aged and even cemeteries etc. Therefore, they will discharge pious duties and sacrifices completely. Like the Prodigal Son who thinks that by becoming a slave, by putting up enough personal efforts, they would be accepted by the Father. (Luke 15:19) Unfortunately, they could only scratch the surface of God's grace and fail to attain fully the Father's mercy.

Only those who respond the call of Jesus Christ with a fearful heart can see clearly their faults, their weaknesses and impotence. "Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done that which is evil in thy sight." (Psalm 51:4) They deeply realize that they cannot save themselves with their own efforts. Thus they totally rely on the mercy of God and are willing to repay God's mercy with concrete actions. They are determined to renounce their previous life-style and leave their comfort zone. No long are they self-centred and treat the needy neighbour with charity and mercy. This is the right path of salvation!
Father, grant us the Holy Spirit to strengthen our resolve to abandon ourselves, carry our crosses to follow Jesus. Amen.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

用完即棄 Being Dispensable





Being Dispensable (Luke 7:31-35)

In order to sustain economic growth, manufacturers encourage consumption and a "dispensable" mentality towards commodities as well as human beings! If there is no utility in any people or relationships, dump them! Maintenance? Don't waste my money and my time! The speed in which manufacturers push out new models is staggering. Even if consumers have not finished using them, or if the gadgets are still functional, consumers are encouraged to catch the trend and buy new models. Consequently, many egoistic citizens are created. They focus on themselves and do not respond much to their surroundings. They could not care less the life and death of the people around. "We piped to you, and you did not dance; we wailed, and you did not weep." (Luke 7:32) This is sickly narcissism. Such behaviour lacks wisdom! It fails to respond properly to the situation and ethically, it fails to make righteous choices!

Then, where comes wisdom? According to the Bible, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." (Proverbs 9:10, Psalm 111:10) Why do we need to fear the Lord? Jesus teaches, "But I will warn you whom to fear: fear him who, after he has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I tell you, fear him!" (Luke 12:5) Unfortunately, after the two world wars, we have enjoyed more than seven decades without military confrontations. Men have forgotten hell! Without hell, what can conjure the fear of the Lord among people? I believe there still is because the "dispensable" mentality is destroying our ecology and creating turbulent climates. Human selfishness is creating unfair social institutions and social orders to exploit the socially disadvantaged. We are building a living hell! But will this living hell make us fear the Lord? Or will the Biblical hell be more like the Paradise when compared with the living hell humanity creates?
Father! Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from Evil. Amen.

Tuesday 19 September 2017

無心插柳 Unrequested Grace






Unrequested Grace (Luke 7:11-17)

Do we really have to see the dead raised so that we may restore our long forgotten "Fear of God", so that "Fear seized them all" (Luke 7:16)?
In fact, many deserve compassion but why did Jesus show compassion to the widow of Nain in particular? Did Jesus see his own mother, see himself in the mummy? How much Jesus wanted to console the widow of Nazareth with his resurrection!

Many young people are successful in career and even have a fairytale like perfect marriage and an enviable family. Disasters strike at the wrong time. They become disabled or contract incurable diseases. These people deserve the compassion and mercy of Jesus. Their friends and relatives even pray for them. Unfortunately, Jesus does not seem to see or to hear! Are the faith and charity of the victims or their relatives and friends not strong enough? Look, did the widow of Nain beg Jesus? The large crowd from the city and the widow herself seemed to have resigned to fate, to have no intention to beg Jesus. Yet, Jesus Christ took the initiative to raise the only son of the widow. What unrequested grace! The whole city even had not dreamt of begging Jesus!

This is exactly why we should fear God! Before we pray to the Father, He already knows what we need. (Matthew 6:8) But we still have to pray in order to know ourselves and our position. Many times, we pray for some unnecessary things and even harmful things for ourselves and others. Of course, we won't get them. When we discover we have received things we have not prayed for and incidents that trigger our hidden potentials, we begin to know God's providence (Luke 7:16). We experience the ineffable mystery of the Father. We surrender and desire more to come close to the Father.
Father! I am anticipating Your call from within my tomb. Amen.

Monday 18 September 2017

知所定位 Know How To Position Oneself






Know How To Position Oneself (Luke 7:1-10)

Even Jesus praised the faith of this Centurion. He was really extraordinary. But we should not ignore his other merit. In today's jargon, he knew how to position himself!
Perhaps due to a lack of social resources, or human greed, in the commercial field, we see many people craving to advance in job. In show business, many artists do outrageous things in order to gain coverage. In the society, many rich people shower millions of dollar in order to appear before TV camera for ten seconds. Very few people station in their positions like this Centurion, "For I am a man set under authority, with soldiers under me." (Luke 7:8)

First of all, he was not greedy. He did not fatten himself with bribes. Although he was a colonial administrator, he "loves our nation, and he built us our synagogue." (7:5). If you question his integrity, that he was playing some Machiavellian tricks to maintain stability in order to advance in rank, I have no evidence to refute you. But seeing how he cared about his subordinates, I am sure even if he wanted to advance, he would not abandon his comrades. This Centurion knew team building and maintained good relationships with both superiors and subordinates. It would be natural for him to advance.

But his relationship with Jesus was superb. He knew that among the Jews, he was a Gentile. Thus he knew the taboo and would not force Jesus to enter his house. He also knew to keep an appropriate distance from Jesus. Not many people could do this. Today, many Christians have lost a sense of fear towards God because in their mind, Jesus is more a friend than a Lord. This is problematic. We would crave for things we should not desire! James the Apostle says well, "You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly." (James 4:3). Why do we "ask wrongly"? It is because we do not know our proper position. We have no fear of God.
Father, do not pamper us so that we become arrogant. Restore in us a long forgotten fear of You. Amen.

Sunday 17 September 2017

寬恕別人必先寬恕自己 Forgive Yourself First Before You Forgive Others










Twenty Fourth Ordinary Sunday, Year A
Theme: Forgive Yourself First Before You Forgive Others

First of all, let us clarify some details. Last Sunday, we read that we care about our brother who has sinned. Our first step is to go and tell him his fault between you and him alone to protect his fame and dignity. If he does not listen, go with two more people. If he insists on his fault, the last resort is to report to people in authority, such as the Church, the University Administration or the Government. Why then did the fellow servants report directly to the king without going through the solitary, then the witnesses steps? I opine that the translation "If your brother sins against you" bears a certain amount of blame. Indeed, some manuscripts omit "against you". That is to say, you see your brother does something wrong, but unrelated to you. You care about his soul and speak to him. Then you seek one or two people to persuade him and do not report him directly. The story today is a personal quarrel. It needed the arbitration of a disinterested third party. This third party must also be authoritative enough to be effective. Could the other fellow servants not be this third party? Besides the lack of authority, there were probable conflicts of interests. What happened to one fellow servant might spread to the others. In order to self-defense, it was possible for the other fellow servants to take the first strike and report to the king!

Secondly, how much are ten thousand talents and one hundred denarii today?
Romans minted coins with silver and bronze. Ten thousand talents were equivalent to 342,000 kg of silver and one hundred denarii 0.3kg. The unforgiving servant owed the king more than one million times that of what his fellow servant owed him. According to silver price today, ten thousand talents worth $1,532,000,000 Hong Kong Dollars; and one hundred denarii $1,300.

Jesus loves using exaggerating means to press his messages through, for example, the "Parable of the Sower". The technology today is able to yield 24 grains from a single grain of wheat. Thus a seed which is able to yield a hundredfold is a "wonder seed". Take a look at another parable in Matthew, the parable of Talents. Only 5 talents were involved (Matthew 25:16). There are two places in the Bible in which a large number of talents are mentioned. They are the 120 talents of gold Queen Sheba gave King Solomon (1 Kings 10:10) whose annual income was 660 talents of gold (10:14). With the prices of gold and silver today, the ten thousand talents of silver of Jesus was equivalent to one fifth of the annual income of King Solomon, or perhaps the gift of Queen Sheba. That is how much each of us owes the Father. I am afraid we will never be able to repay within our whole life! What about the grudges we hold against each other? It is only one millionth part of what we owe our Father! One millionth of a part is the unit with which we measure the level of pollutants in the air. It is truly negligible. Thus, does it worth harming our fraternal bond? Even if we strictly follow Jesus' instruction to forgive our brothers seventy times seven, it is only two thousandth part of what our Father has forgiven us. Who on earth has two thousand friends and brothers in his life?

What does it take to forgive? In Chinese, it is "kuān shù". The character shù means "to put yourself in the other's shoes". It means "empathy" in modern jargon. That is to say, we jump out of ourselves, put ourselves in the other's situation and feel it, look at things from that perspective. Therefore, to forgive is difficult because it requires jumping out of oneself. Let me share with you the story of a mother and you decide.
One day, a mother brought along her little boy to a convenient store to buy something. Then they queued up to pay. Since the one in front had bought a lot of things, the queue began to grow. Just then, a young couple dressed up in a punky way arrived and jumped queue. The mother politely told them to line up. The young lady yelled profanity in front of all at the mother. If you were the mother, how would you react?

Nowadays, there is a trend of "tit for tat" smothering the social morality of Hong Kong. You are callous, thus I will be callous. I did not start it. So, I can harshly criticize you from moral high ground. I have a right to self-defence. I am taking a preventive action to nip in the bud and to prevent the spread of ill-wind etc. If you want to appease, you may shut up. But what about the people queuing behind you? If you are not deterred, you can even be fiercer and retort back with more obscenity! What example have you set up for your boy with these two responses? If you shut up, you are telling your boy that there is no justice in the world. If you speak loud enough, you can get what you don't deserve. If you bark back, the situation may end up in physical assaults. That is even worse! Moreover, you are fanning the ill-wind of "You are callous. I am free to be callous."

Jumping queue is wrong because it is unfair to the mother and all the people behind her. From the moral side, there is nothing wrong to tell him to line up. Moreover, you have given them due respect and politeness. It is absolutely impeccable. In fact, you have forgiven them the fault of jumping queue. Let us let go of the moral angle and examine the situation from the feeling level. When the young lady spoke profanity against you, did you feel offended? Now, put yourself in her shoes and think from her perspective. Since I am wrong, I will vent my anger to cover up my fault. Stop now and return to yourself. Do you still feel offended? Do you feel less hurt?

If the more you think, the more furious you become, beware. You might make the same mistake as Cain did. He did not listen to God's advice and allow frustration and anger to take control over him. Consequently, he murdered Abel his brother (Genesis 4:6-8). It turns out that forgiving others is to release yourself, not to torture yourself anymore. But the other party may take advantage and make further advances. Should I continue to forgive? Am I exposing my frailty? Am I encouraging evil with reticence? In fact, if the other party keeps on advancing and you feel uncomfortable, it shows that you are still sticking to unreasonable values or you cannot let go of some tragic past experiences. Then what you need is not retaliation but healing. We need to learn to let go and to forgive ourselves. Right! We are forgiven less because we love less. We do not love ourselves enough. We do not forgive ourselves.

Similar to the Parable of the Prodigal Son, the ending of this story is open-ended. You decide. God bless!

Sunday 10 September 2017

如何幫助犯錯的弟兄 How to Help a Brother who Errs








Twenty Third Ordinary Sunday, Year A
Theme: How to Help a Brother who Errs

The passage we hear today comes from the 4th of the Five Discourses in Matthew. It is about life in the Church. First of all, the Church is a community formed by people of different backgrounds and experiences. There are men and women, the aged and the young, locals and foreigners, the poor and the rich, discharged prisoners and people of uneventful lives, the healthy and the sick etc. Not only does this plurality manifest the extensiveness and inclusiveness of God's mercy, it also enriches the life of the community of the redeemed. On the other hand, conflicts within the community shall be inevitable. In order to build up the communion among these different peoples, Jesus Christ begins this Discourse with a child. He exhorts us to let go of our previous attitudes and burdens. We must be like a child, not calculating and humble ourselves in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (Matthew 18:3-4)

Then, Jesus warns all peoples, not only those within the Church, not to set bad examples to cause those little ones in mentality or faith to sin. "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened round his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea." (18:6) Rarely has Jesus cast such a venomous curse. "To be drowned in the depth of the sea" means do not receive a proper burial after death. That is to say, whoever tempts others to sin shall die without a proper burial! Remember that the higher your social status, the greater your influence on other people shall be. These days, the hottest topic in town is what the suicide of the eldest son of the education undersecretary has stirred up. Some people put up a poster on the Democracy Wall managed by the Student Union in the Education University of Hong Kong to "congratulate". It invited a hurricane of condemnation from all over Hong Kong. One Legislative Councillor claimed that we could not allow our children to be taught by such teachers in the future. He even collected signatures to demand the University to catch the culprits and kick them out.

Brethren, beware of what you read in the media. Most of them are poisonous. In order to improve their hit rate and their survival space, many have betrayed their professionalism. They exaggerate and cover a portion of the whole story, highlight confrontations in order to make the story more newsworthy! Think about it. Have we identified the culprits? Are they Education University undergrads? Even if they are, our education system fails them. For decades, we focus on examination grades and ignore the character formation of students. We make them antisocial cynical youngsters. Can the problem be solved by kicking them out? Lastly, schools are not solely responsible for educating the future generation. Schools are situated within the greater realm of the society. If we condemn these students as callous and cold-blooded, we should instead blame the Hong Kong society which is too commercial and utilitarian. The society popularizes smart and selfish people who make money. They have climbed up the social ladder and set up bad examples. Our young people do not see any alternatives. Do not think that your social status is low and thus your influence is limited. You and I can at least influence a few people around us! Thus, bear in mind the warning of Jesus Christ. Don't set up bad examples. Otherwise, you shall die without a proper burial!

Then, Jesus tells the parable of the Lost Sheep. He promises that He is a good shepherd. He shall not abandon one single sheep (18:14). Though many people oppose the appointment of the education undersecretary, Jesus will not give her up. Even though many citizens join voices to condemn those who put up the callous poster, Jesus will also not abandon them. Why? It is because Catholics believe that the education undersecretary and those who put up the poster were created in the image of God!

After talking about all the above, Jesus begins to talk about the passage we read today. Before exploring the text today, I want to draw your attention to a manuscript problem. Before the invention of printing, bibles were copied. Thus manuscripts are valuable but there are typographical variants. As for the piece of text we read today, most manuscripts have "If your brother sins against you" (18:15) but some do not have "against you". If it were "sins against you", it would only be a personal argument and would not need the Church to intervene. Furthermore, the gospel passage we read next Sunday will deal with forgiving your brothers. Therefore, I prefer the latter variant. That is to say, you see your brother commit sins, doing some irresponsible behaviour such as posting the callous poster on the campus of Education University. You care about the wellbeing of his soul. Therefore, "go and tell him his fault between you and him alone" (18:15). If he does not listen, take one or two others along with you such as his classmates or even the president of the Student Union (18:16). If he refuses to listen, tell it to the church, the administrator of the University (18:17a). If he insists on his righteousness, "let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector" (18:17b). Does it mean kicking him out of school? Wrong! Matthew the author of this gospel had been a tax collector himself. Moreover, we are supposed to preach the gospel to Gentiles. In the last chapter of the gospel, Jesus commissions the apostles to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations" (28:19). Therefore, we should not kick that student out. Rather we need to enrol him anew and teach him. We should keep that student to re-educate him. Go back to Year One. Not only should he finish a Bachelor degree but a Master or even a PhD before graduating!

Brethren, our society is embittered. Many people act irrationally and irresponsibly. For their own interests, they insist on their opinions and gather into mobs. Before identifying the culprits, they already storm the campus and exert pressure on the Student Union and the University Office. These actions go against gospel teachings. Bear in mind, other people's fault cannot be your excuse to do wrong. Even though government officials have made cold-blooded and callous remarks before, it cannot be your excuse to make cold-blooded and callous remarks. Tit for tat is not a Catholic option. Keep in mind Christ's teachings: let go of your prejudices and be child-like. Do not be calculating. Be alert not to set up bad examples. Treat people who err with respect. Counsel them step by step instead of lynching them.
God bless!

Sunday 3 September 2017

成了耶穌基督的絆腳石 Becoming a Hindrance to Jesus Christ


首先,我們感謝天主父,祂揀選了西滿伯多祿作為教會的磐石,並不是因為伯多祿的能力,或者他超越的聖德。從往後所發生的事蹟可見,伯多祿和我們沒有多大分別,他有著各種人性的軟弱。例如他曾為了抬舉自己而貶低其他的門徒,在最後晚餐時,耶穌透露門徒們會為了自保而捨棄他的時候,伯多祿搶先表示忠心說:「即使眾人都為你的緣故跌倒,我決不會跌倒。」(瑪26:33);他為人衝動,耶穌在山園被捕時,是伯多祿拔劍拒捕,砍下大司祭僕人的右耳(26:51);後來在大司祭庭院內,因恐懼而三次否認耶穌(26:69-75);縱使後來聖神降臨後,他曾改變過來,變得勇敢和明智,但在「安提約基雅事件」中,保祿宗徒曾狠狠批評伯多祿的表現,有違福音的精神。(迦2:11-21)那些反對天主教的基督教派,很喜歡引用這事件來批評「教宗」的制度。最後,傳說在尼祿凱撒大舉迫害在羅馬的教友時,教友們力勸伯多祿逃走。伯多祿「順從民意」走了。在城外遇見耶穌,伯多祿問耶穌「您往哪 Quo Vadis?」耶穌說,「我要去羅馬再被釘Romam eo iterum crucifigi!」伯多祿醒悟過來,並獲得勇氣,返回羅馬城的崗位,在那裡殉道。今天羅馬城外,就在傳說中伯多祿遇到耶穌的地方,建築了一座小教堂,內裡有一塊印了耶穌腳印的雲石。倘若這樣軟弱而且這樣多缺點的一個伯多祿也可以成為教會的磐石,您和我也可以了!誠然,這是天主的工程,不是我們的功勞。

Twenty Second Ordinary Sunday (Year A)
Theme: Becoming a Hindrance to Jesus Christ

Matthew paints us a more comprehensive picture. Behold, the Rock of the Church has become a hindrance to Jesus Christ! What happened? Let us meditate its meaning!
First of all, we thank the Father to have chosen Simon Peter to be the Rock of the Church, not because of his capabilities or his virtues. From what has transpired, we see that Peter was not much different from us. He had all kinds of human weaknesses. For example, he had exalted himself at the expense of the other disciples. During the Last Supper, Jesus revealed that the disciples would abandon him to save their own lives. Without delay, Peter declared, "Though they all fall away because of you, I will never fall away." (Matthew 26:33). He was impulsive. When Jesus was arrested in the Garden, it was Peter who drew a sword to resist and cut off the ear of a servant of the High Priest (26:51). Then in the courtyard of the High Priest, out of fear he denied Jesus three times (26:69-75). Though he had become courageous and prudent after the Descent of the Holy Spirit, Peter was harshly criticized by Paul in the "Antioch incident" because he was "not straightforward about the truth of the gospel." (Galatians 2:11-21) Protestant sects which oppose the Catholic Church frequently quote this incident to criticize our papal institution. Lastly, during the Nero persecution, the Christians living in Rome urged Peter to flee. Peter complied. Outside the city of Rome, Peter met Jesus and asked "Quo vadis?" and Jesus replied, "Romam eo iterum crucifigi!" Peter came to his senses and regained his courage to return to his ministry in Rome. There he died martyrdom. Today, a small church was built where Peter was supposed to have met Jesus. Inside the church, there is a marble on which Jesus' footprint was engraved. If such a weak Peter who was full of faults could be the Rock of the Church, you and I can! Of course, this is the work of God, not our merits.
Secondly, we will naturally ask what turned the Rock of the Church into a hindrance to Jesus Christ. Jesus explained, "For you are not on the side of God, but of men." (Matthew 16:23) It was wrong for Peter to rebuke Jesus because his motive was "on the side of men", not of God. What then is "on the side of men"? Let me give an example. When we see evil people take control, torturing the good but we cannot solve the problems in a legal way, we will easily complain why God does not eliminate the evil. Then what is "on the side of God"? Jesus continues to explain, "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." (16:24-25) Taking up his cross to suffer, will it work? This "Phoenix rising from the ashes" philosophy sounds mythical and does not help. It so happens that St. Paul also talks about "a stumbling block/hindrance" and the cross. Here is his opinion, "For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God." (1 Corinthians 1:22-24) So what are the "power of God" and "wisdom of God"?
Indeed, the Christ crucified tells us the mercy of the Father who needs not to explain why the almighty God does not eliminate the evil, sins and sufferings, but silently bears all the sins and sufferings on the cross. With the death of the Son on the cross, the Father wipes out all our sins of the past, present and future. God and men reconciled. This is the mercy of the Father, the "power of God" mentioned by St. Paul. The Father does not argue with us. He simply whispers, "Look, I am suffering too! I embrace your sufferings." Do we have any more to say in return? This is what St. Paul meant by the "wisdom of God". This is the Christ crucified we proclaim.
Brethren! That is why the Catholic cross is a crucifix. When we look up and see the Christ crucified, let us meditate the mercy of the Father. Why is our Christ not crucified on the crucifix of our Church? It is because ours is the glorious, resurrected Christ. It is proactive. It points to the fulfillment of the Kingdom of Heaven. At the end of the world, Christ shall come to judge all peoples (Matthew 16:27). Thus, we have the duty to beware of which side we are on and pay more attention to stay "on the side of God". Let us not become a hindrance to Jesus Christ, but "living stones" that "built into a spiritual house". (1 Peter 2:5). Let us work together to build up the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
God bless!