
Sunday 28 February 2021

成聖不是空談 Sanctification Is Not Fantasy





我們的信仰,就是建立在這樣脆弱的基礎上,但它卻流傳了二千多年,有不計其數的人曾為它不惜拋頭顱,灑熱血,令人肅然起敬!就憑兩三個人的證言,便足以令這麼多人著迷嗎?不!是耶穌基督親自在個別信徒心中所引發對永生的渴望,改造了人性!而這改造的成果,正展現在各式各樣的殉道中。是甚麼引發信徒對永生的渴望呢?是耶穌基督的言行,和祂實際施予的恩寵。天主父遷就我們的卑微,遣發天主子降生成可見的,有死的耶穌基督,把恩寵與平安,分施給我們(伯前1:2),提昇我們到達天主性的光榮境界。耶穌基督藉「顯聖容」事蹟,告訴我們復活永生的光輝幸福。 耶穌基督自己,就是不可見天主的可見標記,為的是賜予我們恩寵和力量,讓我們預嘗天堂的福樂。所以耶穌基督,堪稱是一件「原始聖事」,「顯聖容」事蹟,展現了祂的光榮,證明了祂有能力幫助信靠祂的人成聖!具體地,耶穌基督建立了祂的教會,交託給脆弱的宗徒和他們的繼承人管理和運作。有組織的可見的教會,便成為了一件「基礎聖事」,在七個不同的場合裡,分施天主的恩寵,協助信徒成聖。這就是天主教會的七件聖事。沒有耶穌基督,便沒有分施成聖恩寵的教會。沒有教會這個基礎,便沒有七件幫助信徒成聖的聖事。「顯聖容」事蹟,便是一個保證,一個「牛刀小試」事件。到了最後晚餐,耶穌基督建立聖體聖事,留下祂的聖體,交託給教會分施給信徒,履行祂天天與信徒在一起,直到末日的承諾(瑪28:20)。




Second Sunday of Lent, Year B
Theme: Sanctification Is Not Fantasy

Lent is a forty-day season to help the elected prepare for Christian initiation at Easter Vigil through fasting and prayers. Thus the elected are the main cast and the faithful take the supportive role, re-living their experience of salvation. For those who were baptized, it is sort of a wedding anniversary.
Christians believe that Jesus Christ is truly divine and human. Thus, in the first week of Lent, we meditate how the humanity of Jesus Christ overcomes temptations. While we are still alive, we need to meet our physical as well as spiritual needs. Who doesn’t want to take the shortcut to meet those needs? This is temptation. Jesus Christ shows us that even the fragile humanity is capable of overcoming temptations. Trust in the Lord and we will be able to overcome temptations. In the second week of Lent, we meditate the divinity of Jesus Christ.

Our faith is handed down from the first generation apostles and missionaries who came after them. The first generation apostles were not perfect supermen. On the contrary, all of them were mortals with flawed personalities. Many people would doubt whether the messages passed on by these handicapped people are credible. God’s modus operandi is ineffable. Just because the apostles knew their inadequacies (Luke 5:8; 2 Corinthians 12:9), they allow the Holy Spirit a free hand to ignite God’s power within the damaged humanity to sublime and surpass previously unknown levels! The Son of God prefers incarnation in the defective humanity to becoming a perfect angel. This is another unfathomable mystery! How did this concept come about? It was the experience of the three apostles who were present during the Transfiguration. James was the first apostle to suffer martyrdom (Stephen was the first Christian martyr) and he did not leave behind any words. Peter and John bear the following witnesses. Peter’s witness is comparatively simple and direct, without much symbolism, “We did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we had been eyewitnesses of his majesty … We ourselves heard this voice come from heaven while we were with him on the holy mountain.” (2 Peter 1:16-18)

John did not record the Transfiguration incident in his gospel. Be careful. Historical records must be selective. It is impossible to write everything down. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Moreover, sometimes, even written records are deliberately obscure. For example, 666 would be perfectly understandable for contemporary readers, but not readers in subsequent generations. Thus, how did John bear witness? He says, “What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we looked upon and touched with our hands concerns the Word of life” (1 John 1:1) What did John look upon? The crucified and pierced Jesus Christ! What did they touch with their hands? We see the silhouette of doubting Thomas touching the wounds Jesus Christ keeps after resurrection! These wounds He keeps are signs of transcendence of humanity. John did not mention the glory of Jesus’ Transfiguration. John focuses less on the glaring glories (Matthew 17:2; Mark 9:3; Luke 9:29), but how Jesus Christ shows the malleability and transcendence of humanity! If you think that the witnesses of Peter and John are not credible. I’m sorry. I have no more persuasive proof.

Our faith is based on such a fragile foundation but it has propagated for more than two millennia. Countless people were willing to die martyrdom for it and commanded respect. Is the witness of two or three people adequate to enchant so many people? No way! It is Jesus Christ who inspires the desire of eternity that transforms humanity! The fruit of such transformation is martyrdom of different shades. What inspires this desire for eternity? It is the words, deeds of Jesus Christ and the grace He bestows. The Father takes into consideration our inferiority and sends the Son to become the visible and mortal Jesus Christ in order to grant us grace and peace (1 Peter 1:2) in order to elevate our humanity to attain His glorious divinity. The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ informs us of the glorious blessedness of resurrection and eternal life.

Jesus Christ Himself is the visible sign of the invisible God. He gives us grace, power and a foretaste of heavenly bliss. Thus, Jesus Christ is the Primordial Sacrament. The Transfiguration shows His glory, proving that He had the capability to help those who trust in Him attain sainthood! In concrete terms, Jesus Christ established His Church, handed her over to the fragile apostles and their successors to manage and run. As a visible organization, the Church becomes a Fundamental Sacrament which, in seven different occasions, ministers God’s grace to help the faithful attain sanctification. These are the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church. Without Jesus Christ, there would not be a Church to give sanctifying grace. Without the foundation of the Church, there would not be seven sacraments to facilitate the sanctification of the faith. The Transfiguration is a guarantee and a pilot project of sacraments. In the Last Supper, Jesus Christ established the Holy Communion, left His body behind and commissioned the Church to minister to the faithful to honour His pledge to be with them always until the end of the age (Matthew 28:20).

Just as Jesus Christ is full of life, the sacraments are too. If we lock the Holy Communion up inside the Tabernacle, if we leave Jesus Christ’s countenance behind inside the Church, we turn Jesus Christ into a piece of fossil, idols which “have mouths but do not speak, eyes but not see … feet but do not walk” and we perish because we are idol makers (Psalm 115:5-8)! Look, Jesus Christ mixes with the powerful and the rich, has compassion on the sick as well as the disadvantaged and stands by sinners. He even died on the cross to obey the Father’s will and let the Holy Spirit raise Him! If His Church does not follow His footsteps and the children of the Church prefer staying on the mountain to going down and carrying with them the countenance of Christ into the community, I’m afraid the warning of the Psalm will befall upon us!

Brethren, the words and deeds of Jesus Christ cannot be taken as debris and unrelated incidences. The multiplication of loaves and the related discourses cannot be separated from the Last Supper; healings and exorcisms cannot be decoupled from His shameful death on the cross; praying for those who persecute us is closely linked with our subsequent life in heaven … Let us meditate in the second week of Lent on how Jesus Christ enters the glory of resurrection through His humiliating death.
God bless!

Sunday 21 February 2021

悔改的環保幅度 The Ecological Dimension of Repentance








First Lent Sunday, Year B
Theme: The Ecological Dimension of Repentance

The first step to repentance is to know that you are wrong. Otherwise, from where do the regret and guilty conscience come to drive repentance? If you are unable to locate where you go wrong, what enables you to think about how to make changes? For example, if you don’t know the harms of excessive sugar intake, such as obesity, rotten teeth or diabetes, will you regret eating too many candies? If you don’t know that sugar comes from carbohydrates, or that doing exercises helps burn the sugar in your body, will you change your diet or living style?
The pandemic today came from Corvid-19. This virus was discovered in animals. How did it infect men? At first, men and animals lived in their own habitats within which they were safe. But men were greedy in development and extraction of natural resources. They displaced animals out of their habitats, increasing the risks of mutual contacts. Worse, wild animals are favourite delicacies for the Chinese, thus increasing the possibility of contracting Corvid-19 … At this moment, although vaccinations are undergoing production, the distribution of vaccines manifests once more the contradiction of polarity of wealth gap! This pandemic spreads rapidly thanks to the advances in transportation. It also shows clearly that as residents in a space ship, this planet earth, it is impossible for groups of mankind to remain intact. Any action of a country will affect other countries on the other side of the globe. Mankind should know more clearly the importance of cooperation. Regrettably, due to differences in ideologies and political considerations, many countries have wasted much precious time in blaming each other. In the development of vaccination, it is a pity to see them refuse to share fruits of research and accusing rivals of stealing information!

The first reading today shows without ambiguity that the family of Noah and all other animals were survivors of the Great Deluge. All of them took part in God’s covenant. Not only did God establish covenant with Noah’s family, but He also established covenant with these “remnants” of animals which He elected to enter the Ark (Genesis 9:9-10). Unfortunately, men had forgotten animals as partners of the same covenant due to greed. Undeniably, it is also in the same chapter of Genesis that God declared, “Any living creature that moves about shall be yours to eat” (9:3). From then, men were no longer vegetarian, but omnivorous. Taking in more proteins enables human brain to develop exponentially. This is God’s special care of mankind, restoring the outstanding status of the “image of God” (1:26). With great authority and aloft status, shouldn’t men be more careful in exercising their authority? Sadly, many people fatten themselves at the expenses of commoners and the Creation! When Mother Nature is no longer able to withstand unending contamination and over-extraction, she falls sick and resists with self-adjustments. On a macro scale, global temperatures go extreme, typhoons become more destructive, earthquakes and landslides become more frequent. On a micro level, poisonous substances enter the food chain, the air we breathe and the water we drink. We even open the door to invite virus from animals … When commoners fall sick of tyranny, they take to the streets to protest. If these protestations are not met properly, bloody revolutions will erupt. In Chinese history, we find many last emperors who were still ignorant of why they fell. Of course there are famous emperors who, near the end of their reign when the nation reached the zenith of power and glory which covered the underbelly of the empire, issued a “Penitent Bull”, trying to steer the empire back to the right track! See, even good kings repent!

In today’s gospel, Jesus Christ instructs us, “Repent and believe in the gospel” (Mark 1:15). It acquires a new meaning during this pandemic. When we talk about repentance, how can we ignore the damaged ecological situation? Paul is truly a prophet. Two millennia ago, he wrote, “… creation was made subject to futility” (Romans 8:20) “… all creation is groaning in labour pains even until now; and not only that, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, we also groan within ourselves as we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies” (8:22-23). This pandemic is the bitter fruit of destruction of ecology and greed.

What should we do? Traditionally, the Church fasts and abstains to put repentance into practice in Lent. This is genuine wisdom! Knowing only advances but not retreats and taking no prisoners are signs of blindness and hotbed of failures! Not only do fasting and abstinence help self-mastery and saving resources for future projects, but they also allow us to slow down, make sound judgment of the situation and put precious resources on more beneficent and worthy causes. Bearing this attitude in the protection and restoration of ecology is particularly important today because Mother Nature is striking back!
In fact, what can be more beneficent and worthy than improving our relations with neighbour and God? Therefore, traditionally the Church appeals to the faithful to give alms and pray during Lent. Alms giving is self-inflicted harm but it builds up others’ lives! This personal harm won’t be wasted. On the contrary, it improves the surrounding economic situation! Of course, more proactive and complete “alms giving” is to overthrow the exploitative institutions which create poverty. But before time matures, there’s no point in talking about revolution! Indeed, ecological conservation is expensive. For example, waste water should be treated before flowing into the oceans. Otherwise, water and food chain will be contaminated. Water treatment is inconvenient and expensive but necessary. It is putting resources in the right and sustainable places. Environmentalists who insist on water treatment are wiser than those myopic and greedy merchants who ignore the heavy tolls to pay in the future for the sake of making profits here and now. Even if they don’t repay the debt during their life time, debts shall be repaid by their offspring for sure! How can men afford to be myopic!

We approach our Creator with humility in prayers to know His will and beg for strength. In the beginning during Creation, God enjoyed very much His masterpiece and “saw it good” eight times! He commissioned us to take care of this masterpiece (Genesis 1:26), but we abuse it. We are not incompetent in management but the greed in our hearts makes us mismanage! If not removed, this greed will be the obstacle which prevents us from getting back home and our Creator.
Brethren! Since we know our wrongs and where we make mistakes, we meet the necessary requirements to repent. Let us repent in accordance with our stations of life. Lent is the right time to repent. Start fasting, alms giving and prayers now!
God bless!

Thursday 18 February 2021

先慈生平點滴 Memoir of Our Beloved Mother











Memoir of Our Beloved Mother

Before Communist liberation, our maternal grandfather ran a tea house in Xiaolan town, Zhongshan county. “Taipen Quan” was his nickname. Mother was the firstborn many years after marriage. Taipen cherished her dearly. They went through Japanese invasion and knew what it’s like to find, in the courtyard of the house, an unexploded shell from air raids. Mum was independent and kind-hearted. In those difficult years, she generously gave alms to neighbours without seeking her father’s permission. At that time, women without literacy was a virtue. But Mum didn’t want to be ignorant. She purchased textbooks to study. When there’s anything she didn’t understand, she would cheekily asked teachers in the ancestral teaching hall. In her teens, this Lee’s Eldest Princess became the cashier of the tea house, with a workforce of around 20 under her. Much cash went through her hands. Young men tarrying on the streets didn’t bother her. Any indecent advances would only result in volleys of worse indecency from her. Consequently, she earned the nickname of “Shrew Yip”, a rather dignified one.

After marrying Dad, she put down her dignity to work as a farm woman, feeding pigs, planting mulberry trees and breeding silkworms. Communist liberation forced my Dad to seek development in Hong Kong, leaving Mum behind to take care of my widowed grandma who endeared this Lee’s Eldest Princess very much. For three years, there wasn’t any conflict between these two in-laws. It showed that Mum was capable of handling interpersonal relationships well. She was quick to adapt and knew how to please the seniors. Mum was physically strong enough to shoulder two basketfuls of mulberry leaves and row a sampan to deliver goods along the river. After three years, she reunited with Dad in Hong Kong, leaving behind the spacious countryside and the warmth of kinship. They stayed under the roof of Dad’s aunt. I and my younger brother were subsequently born and inherited their DNA.
Dad’s aunt had been a Comb Sister since young, earning money in Hong Kong to support the ancestral family. When two iron ladies lived together, as an in-law, Mum was obviously in a disadvantaged position. Mum understood well the principle that “A strong person overcomes himself” and refused to become emotional. Although she underwent ill-treatments, she accepted them with dignity. Gradually Dad’s aunt was also able to put away her prejudice and saw Mum in a new light. The strength of Mum’s character is reflected in our names. Following the ancestral tradition, my brother and I belong to the “Chuen” generation. I should be called “Kwok Chi Chuen” and my brother “Kwok Siu Chuen”. Thanks Mum for naming us “Keung”, meaning strong. My brother and I have not disappointed her. We have led a life of firmness for more than six decades. Although Mum had never heard of the Beatitudes, the meekness she displayed in serving the seniors after marriage shows the strength of the third Beatitude.

Dad was a very loyal man, having served only two bosses in his whole life. Had Mum not been impolitely treated by the first boss’ wife, Dad would not have resigned and moved to New Reclamation Street, in Yaumati, Kowloon, living in a middle cubicle. Life was harsh. Dad worked as a shopkeeper in a philately shop, working long hours in return for morsels. Besides raising us, teaching us reading and writing, Mum earned a few extra bucks by gluing paper pockets for stamps. It’s amazing the peach gum we dissolved to make glue has become a health/cosmetic dessert nowadays! Radio broadcasting helped us go through those difficult years. We “overheard” Cantonese operas and radio dramas from neighbouring cubicles. The operas of Tang Ti-sheng were a source of spiritual support for Mum. Immersed in such an environment, my head was filled with Di Nü Hua, The Purple Hairpin and The Reincarnation of a Beauty etc. If Mum ever wanted to watch Cantonese opera or movies in theatre, Dad would never reject even when life was harsh.

Later, we were allotted public housing and moved into Choi Hung Estate. Life started to improve. Dad worked seriously hard twelve hours a day and consequently blood tension went high. Mum’ heart burnt and sold of her pet dowry, a two-teal gold necklace to foot the medical bill. We also inherit this spousal love that binds them through sweet and bitter times.
One year, Mum and Dad’s aunt reconciled. I was fortunate enough to witness the scene in which Mum offered a cup of tea to Dad’s aunt. Both iron ladies maintained their dignity in a graceful manner. Mum took care of Dad’s aunt in her final years until it went beyond her strength. Dad’s aunt entered a home for the aged. This proves to be a norm in the life in Hong Kong as a commercial society. The culture of Comb Sisters doesn’t work here. Similarly, young families, whether they have intention to raise children or not, which offer up their efforts to build up the prosperity of the society, would not dodge the fate of dying in a home for the aged! I’m blessed to live with my parents in their last years. They were like path-finders showing us the way ahead, teaching us a lot of God’s wisdom. Accompanying the elders in their final years is truly a blessing.

Alzheimer’s disease is a horrible disease. When you are young, you are still able to make use of your rationality to reduce your prejudice or to suppress negative feelings. However, when Alzheimer’s disease strikes, you can’t control what you think and what you remember! Think about it. Are you willing to be tortured in your latter years by negative feelings throughout the day? Half an hour after returning from tea-house, you blame your children for being disrespectful and not going to tea-house with you for breakfast, you keep counting how many times Mr. A has bullied you, how much money Mr. B has cheated you … etc. Will you be happy?
Thank God, Dad was admitted to A&E one Sunday. We could not leave Mum home alone. So, we brought her to Church, thus opening a new page in her life. Thanks to the hospitality of the parishioners, Mum felt comfortable and joyful. Thank God, she was baptized before the onset of Alzheimer’s. When it started, all Mum thought, asked and remembered were positive things. She didn’t give people around her much inconvenience. Staff in the home for the aged had never complained. They were happy to engage her in cheerful talks. What’s Mum’s secret? It had to be something to do with her positive personality: Although this Lee’s Eldest Princess was righteous without ambiguity, she forgot grudges. She did not care how deeply she had been unfairly treated. She had lived up the spirit of beatific mercy. This Lee’s Eldest Princess was generous in helping people. Money was nothing in her eyes. With a merciful heart, she helped people pass over their difficult times even those whom she knew were cheating her. She combined spiritual poverty with mercy in a marvellous manner!

Mum survived a stroke which left her tube-fed, paralyzed and unable to speak. At first, she still retained her sight and touch but subsequently, she was gradually and completely cut off from us. She scaled the last journey alone for twenty months before she died of pneumonia. Naturally we kept wondering how a merciful God would permit such a lengthy and unnecessary suffering to happen on her. I was unable to shake off this question until today when I found God’s answer in the first reading. It is a mystery that for the past twenty months, I have presided over funeral rites and have read this passage from the book of Wisdom several times and yet understood only today! For those who trust in and love God, such as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph in Genesis and Moses in Exodus, God would try them, give them opportunities to prove them worthy of Himself, “As gold in furnace, He proves them, and as sacrificial offerings He took them to Himself” (Wisdom 3:6) Through this proof, God affirms this Lee’s Eldest Princess’ position in His heart!

I’m grateful to God for allowing us the opportunity to go through this testing together. God truly loves this Lee’s Eldest Princess. She’s truly an iron lady, capable of undergoing twenty months of trial. Now, she is able to proudly tell us, “I have compete well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith. From now on the crown of righteousness awaits me.” (2 Timothy 4:7-8) Before God, we have one more intercessor.
God bless!

A Brief Memoir of My Father

Sunday 14 February 2021

真正的痊癒 Genuine Recovery









Sixth Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: Genuine Recovery

Leprosy is visible. Consequently, lepers suffer discrimination and rejection from the society.
According to the Bible, the Israelites deemed leprosy unclean (Leviticus 13:3). Thus leprosy was a sign of sin. Lepers were labelled sinners. Not staying in the company of sinners is a clear cut moral stance of the Old Testament (Psalm 1:1). Therefore, rejecting and discriminating lepers was reasonable (Leviticus 13:44-45). Fortunately, recovery is visible. Lepers may return to the community.
Rejection is one of the mechanisms to resist visible sins, aiming at self-defence and protecting our neighbour. It is meant to be an expedience. Effective vaccination and treatments, such as antibiotics, are the proper ways to eradicate the disease. It would be immoral and unjust to continue using rejection and discrimination once an effective cure is found! Today, the pandemic is still rampant and control is not yet on the horizon. The gospel we read today is meaningful in a different manner.

The pathogen that causes this pandemic is a virus. Once contracted, the virus multiplies during hibernation and the pneumonia starts kicking in once a certain concentration is reached. Since there is a period of hibernation, patients become virus carriers and spread the disease in the community. The mortality is high. The earlier the virus is detected, the more lives can be saved. Scientists have developed test-kits for the virus. When the test result is positive, treatment may start. Unfortunately, negative results only indicate that there was no virus at the moment of testing. It does not guarantee any immunity to future infection. Moreover, perhaps the virus is undergoing hibernation. It has not reached sufficient concentration to erupt. Thus, before the invention of effective vaccination and treatment, testing is an expedience. When effective vaccination and cure are found, testing has no more use. Why? With vaccination, citizens have reached a certain level of immunity. Even if they fall sick, it won’t be fatal because there is effective treatment. Insisting on testing is a waste of resources.

Evil is like bacteria and virus. It spreads among human communities. In order to protect human beings, God instituted death to cut short the hibernation, the spread of evil (Genesis 6:3). God once cleansed this contaminated world of sins with a great Deluge. But this was a passive tactics. The Deluge has not solved the problem of evil. Later, God entered a covenant with the Israelites, giving them the Ten Commandments to enhance their immunity against evil. This was a good beginning but insufficient to solve the problem. Saul, who used to trust in the superiority of the Law which he subsequently re-evaluated, “Since no human being will be justified in His sight by observing the law; for through the law comes consciousness of sin” (Romans 3:20) Paul looks at death from the legal perspective and claims that “the wage of sin is death” (6:23). Death is a price to pay for committing sins. Thus, the Law is unable to solve the problem of evil. Even the holy, righteous and good law and commandment make sin become sinful beyond measure (7:12-13)! At last, God came down, sacrificed Himself as a redemptive offering and with resurrection, turned death into the portal to eternity. In this way, the problem of evil is completely eradicated.

Therefore, before the incarnation of Jesus Christ, it was not wrong to reject and discriminate sinners. Now that Jesus Christ has incarnated, has died on the cross to repay all debts, has resurrected and ascended into heaven, can we justify the continued discrimination and rejection of sinners? Doing so is like insisting on meaningless testing after the invention of effective vaccination and treatments! It shows that you doubt the effectiveness of the redemption of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. You are still hiding in the comfort zone of legal framework. You don’t feel safe and need to protect yourself and people around you! Your anxiety is understandable because you are in danger. Sorry, not the kind of threat from sinners against your security. Instead, it is your infidelity which gradually pulls you to hell! Catholics, even jaded Catholics also discriminate perceived sinners. Not only do they despise outsiders but also sinners within the Church. When there are sinful clergy whom they couldn’t do anything, they are disappointed. They claim to love Jesus but not the Church and threatening to leave the Church for good! Is it reasonable? It worries us more whether this bunch of jaded Catholics are genuinely redeemed.

What can we use as an indicator of genuine recovery? Is a lack of symptoms sufficient? Today, the Covid-19 virus has taught us a lesson: there can be no symptoms during hibernation. Thus, a lack of symptoms is not a safe indicator. Applying this to faith, living according to the Ten Commandments and the precepts of the Church cannot act as an indicator of redemption! Then, what else can?
The action of the leper in today’s gospel is worth consideration. The Son of God healed him. Thus, he was totally cured, spiritually as well as physically. It troubles us when he seemed not to obey the Lord’s instruction and brought Jesus Christ some inconvenience, making it “impossible for Jesus to enter a town openly” (Mark 1:45) But did Jesus Christ reprimand him? Of course not! The Lord is omniscient. The reaction of the leper was anticipated. Thus He would not blame him.
On the other hand, the leper publicized not out of rational calculation but of joy and gratitude, the joy of being saved. Had he been calculating, he should not publicize because Jesus Christ told him not to. Publicize and you risk being disobedient! Moreover, the leprosy would not return even if you didn’t publicize. “Act not and make no mistake” is not a decent attitude. Perhaps it is appropriate for civil servants. But as Catholics, such an attitude is not commendable. Therefore, to show genuine recovery, genuine liberation and genuine freedom from the slavery of sins, Catholics should publicize their experience of redemption like the leper, not through calculation but affection.

Brethren! If baptism does not bring you the joy of redemption, seek a priest to inspect whether you have been genuinely recovered and genuinely saved! If you don’t feel like proclaiming the good news after baptism, it is an indicator that you are not yet genuinely recovered and redeemed. You should worry!
God bless!

Friday 12 February 2021

《思高聖經》趣味小統計 Interesting Stats





  • 【聖經】最多章數的書當然是《聖詠集》,有150篇。
  • 【聖經】祇得一章的書計有《亞北底亞》、《費肋孟書》、《若望二書》、《若望三書》及《猶達書》五卷。
  • 【聖經】最多節數的書卷是《聖詠集》,150章合共2,529節。
  • 【聖經】最少節數的書卷是《若望二書》,1章祇有13節。
  • 【聖經】最多節數的篇章是「聖詠119篇」,是一首字母詩,22個希伯來文字母,8句一組,每句以該字母開頭,共176節,《思高聖經》譯了3,680字。
  • 【聖經】最少節數的篇章是「聖詠117篇」,祇有2節,《思高聖經》譯了48字。在節數和字數方面,《聖詠集》包攬了最多和最少獎!
  • 《思高聖經》最長的一節是「多俾亞傳5:10」,有207字。
  • 《思高聖經》最短的一節,祇有一個字,是「誰」(箴26:18)。
  • 《思高聖經》最多字數的書卷當然是《聖詠集》,150章共58,700字。
  • 《思高聖經》最少字數的書卷是《若望二書》,1章共432字。


  1. 首先,猶太教的希伯來文版本已被拒諸門外,因為它的排序與我們《舊約》的次序不同,我們的版本按七十賢士本LXX的結構排序,把部份希伯來文的《雜集》部份,調往『歷史』部份,例如《盧德傳》,《編年紀》;和『先知』部份,例如《達尼爾》。LXX跟希伯來版的安排,「大先知」放在「小先知」之後,我們相反!所以我們不能用希伯來文版。
  2. 其次,即使是LXX,除了東正教外,我們沒有把LXX照單全收。例如,我們不採納「詠151篇」;瑪加伯傳有四卷,我們祇採納第一二卷等。所以我們也不能用LXX版。
  3. 因此,祇能從拉丁文通行版的《新舊約全書》開始數算,纔有意義。這樣的話,中間位置就在《聖詠集》了。






















  1. 【聖經】出現最多的五個字,是「你、我、他、們、的」!【聖經】真是一本講論關係的書:人與天主的關係、人與人的關係與及人與事物的關係。所以,讀聖經的時候,應留意「關係」。
  2. 「人」出現的頻率(18,478),比「上主」、「天主」合併起來(不高於「主」的頻率14,288)還高。可見在人與天主的關係方面,【聖經】是以人為本的。
  3. 「是11,916」比「不10,919」多,可見【聖經】肯定多,否定少。聖經是積極的比消極的多。


  1. 【聖經】真是來自天主的「家書」,說故事居多,說道理少。人、地、事物用詞佔了頭19位。「智慧、光榮、永遠、正義」等抽像性、哲理性的辭彙,排在19位之後。
  2. 不要因為「耶穌」連季軍也拿不到而失望,因為新舊約份量懸殊(《舊約》字數約為《新約》字數3.685倍),倘若把「耶穌」一詞的頻率按比例加倍,將會是5,760,遠超「以色列」,僅次於「上主」一詞。誠然,「上主」、「天主」等詞語,亦有在《新約》出現,所以直接加大3.685倍是不可靠的。但耶穌基督是天主子的身份,倒是不容置疑的。
  3. 《舊約》人物排序方面,先是以色列、繼而達味、猶大纔到梅瑟。雖然是梅瑟塑造那一盤散沙的十二支派,成為一個民族,功不可沒,但在猶太人心目中,這位解放者的地位,始終不及那位「隨上主心意」的牧者(撒上13:14)!
  4. 司祭比先知的地位高,聖殿比宣講更重要,反映了《舊約》在整部【聖經】中,仍然具有重要的影響力。


《思高聖經》點滴 Of Duns Scotus Bible












當年馬丁路德反對教會內的一些人,借「煉獄」的觀念,作為推銷『大赦證書』(俗稱「贖罪券」)的理據。其實,為亡者祈禱和奉獻贖罪祭,是教會素來的傳統,由紀念殉道者開始,與「諸聖相通共融 Communion of Saints」的信條一致,並且有聖經的根據(加下12:38-45)。但馬丁路德改革心切,說這本書沒有希伯來的原文,沒有價值,便把瑪加伯下及其餘六本經典,祇有希臘文而沒有希伯來文的部份,一拼刪除,卻忘記了基督信仰如何超越了猶太教的教義!
iv 方濟會的神長們,為了幫助讀者,除了註釋外,還加上了標題,在《雅歌》一書,還加上寓意等……今次字數的統計,並沒有包括標點符號、標題、寓意和其他註腳等。

Thursday 11 February 2021

訃聞 Obituary


LEE NGAN YIP, MARIA, died Saturday the 6th of February 2021 at Yan Chai Hospital.
Born in 1929, Maria was generous and righteous. She loved socializing,Cantonese Opera and playing Mahjong.
She is survived by her two sons, Alex and Stephen, daughter-in-law and four grandchildren.
Funeral Mass will be celebrated in Holy Redeemer Church presided by Rev. Fr. Nicolas de Fracqueville, MEP, at 10 a.m. on February 16, 2021.

Sunday 7 February 2021

受苦的奧秘 The Mystery of Suffering











Fifth Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: The Mystery of Suffering

A medical system in a society centralizes medical resources. Undoubtedly, it plays an important role in the recovery of patients. Furthermore, separating patients from healthy people minimizes the spread of diseases in the community and enhances public health. On the other hand, it also engenders many ethical dilemmas. A medical system advances medical sciences. Consequently, less people die naturally. Relying on the support of medicines and machines, many people suffer months and years of unnecessary pains before they pass away. The decision to terminate medical treatment becomes a heavy moral burden on family members … In Hong Kong, few people die at home in the company of family members. Instead many pass away in hospitals. Death is no longer a daily experience. In the name of juvenile protection, adults seldom expose children and teenagers to the genuine face of death. As a result, it deprives them of an understanding of the true meaning of life! In ancient times, infant mortality was high. In modern times, it is the suicide rate of teenagers!

One verse in the gospel passage today inadvertently highlights the contrast of ancient and modern medicines. “When it was evening, after sunset, they brought to him all who were ill or possessed by demons” (Mark 1:32)
First of all, wasn’t it better to consult physicians during daytime? Why did it after sunset?
From the context, it was Sabbath on which people were forbidden to labour unnecessarily. After sunset, a new day began and Sabbath restrictions no longer applied. Of course, Jesus Christ “is Lord even of the Sabbath” (2:28). Sabbath is unable to restrict Him. That’s another story. However, Jews were meticulous in observing Mosaic laws. They didn’t take shortcuts!
Neither did Jesus take shortcuts! He was “not permitting them (demons) to speak because they knew him” (1:34). Many people believe in the word of demons. Demon’s “testimony” is persuasive and would make many people believe in Jesus. But Jesus Christ refused this convenience because the demons’ testimony would blur the truth, making it ambiguous. It is even worse.

Mark continues, “They brought to him all who were ill or possessed …” Without hospitals to put all the patients together, where did we find the patients? At home! Family members accompanied the sick to seek Jesus’ cure. It didn’t differ much from today’s situation. But I would like to draw your attention to the fact that even the possessed, or mental patients came from home! It is impossible today. Families are the source of labour. Under capitalism, protecting families, reducing the harms done to families and societal productivity through illnesses, including mental illnesses is of primary importance. Relations among family members, knowledge of the value of life and the desire for God’s love become secondary! Social problems created are no problem at all. Rather, they create more employment opportunities … Our society today is really sick!

Is the word “all” a bit exaggerating? Yes. This is the style of Mark which aims at portraying Jesus Christ to be the Son of God who redeems us with great might. Thus exorcism is the first miracle in Mark’s gospel.
Didn’t Jesus Christ sacrifice Himself on the cross, undergo obedience and humiliation and finally His resurrection from the dead accomplishes salvation? Has Mark struck the wrong chord? Not necessarily. Mark only tells the glorious side of redemption but glory isn’t the only side. In front of the truth, we are like the blind feeling an elephant. It is impossible to be complete. At most, we are able to understand one to two details. Thus, we must be humble and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit.
In reality, it is impossible for “all” who were ill or possessed to be able to gain access to Jesus Christ to seek cure. It is because there were sick people segregated outside the city such as lepers (1:40) and there were uncontrollable possessed men such as the Legion (5:9). These two examples remind us that once prejudice appears in a society, no matter how impeccable the medical system is, these patients could only be rounded up and locked up in mental hospitals or prisons. That doesn’t do these discriminated folks any good!

Comparing two verses in the passage, we are forced to reflect on the meaning of suffering. “He cured many who were sick with various diseases ...” (1:34) Contrasting “many” with “all” (1:32), even if it is a rhetorical device, doesn’t it suggest that Jesus hasn’t cured some people? Isn’t Jesus Christ almighty and merciful? Why did he leave out some people?
We don’t have to worry about those who have been discriminated and could not gain access to Jesus Christ who is the Good Shepherd. He definitely would reach out to seek and cure them. Remove from our short list those who prefer hiding inside their comfort zone and are reluctant to be cured. Even miracle healers wouldn’t be able to heal them. Their hearts are hardened and need special treatment from Jesus Christ. Let us focus on those who hope for recovery and ceaselessly seek God’s help, those who beg God to cure them and relieve them of pains. In the end, their faith does not bring them the salvation they desire! In other words, we believe in God. Why do pains linger on and refuse to disappear?
Comatose and Alzheimer patients in the terminal stage would have died had medical sciences not been that successful. The medical system today is advanced. Those patients manage to survive through tube feeding of nutrients and medicines. They’re bedridden, motionless and rely on care-takers to cleanse them. They have even lost the ability to communicate. Their quality of life is extremely low. Keeping them alive is financially and emotionally straining to family members. What’s the point of continuing to suffer? The idea of euthanasia is a big challenge!

Suffering is truly a mystery, a hard enigma to crack for millennia. Many people draw inspiration from the story of Job but not all of us buy his message. His encounters do not happen to us all. His was a happy ending, but most people die questioning and complaining. Is it wrong for us to ask “why”? Or perhaps we have asked the wrong question? I’m not convinced because I have not attained the capability to say, “Who is this who obscures counsel with ignorance? I have spoken but did not understand; things too marvellous for me, which I did not know.” (Job 42:3) But at least I know why I say grace before meals because I have not reached the stage to be tube-fed. I thank my faults because they remind me to be humble. I don’t mind suffering from defeats and frustrations because they polish me to be stronger. I don’t expect my sufferings would help people come close to God or to redeem part of their sins. I only hope in my remaining days that I’m able to see the mercy of the Father and sing praises to Him. Amen.
God bless!

One day after my mother passed away.