同學們,不要低估天主的救恩,天主的智慧。為天主是沒有不可能的事的。以Mr. Kwok為例。他祗不過是一個在廉租屋邨長大,和你們一樣在教區中學就讀的學生,父母沒有能力供我到外國升學,我祗是靠政府免息貸款讀完大學,就立刻到社會找工作,供養父母,成家立室的一個普普通通的香港人。四份一個世紀之前,因為好性、沉迷拆解電腦軟件的鎖,結果引發糖尿病,每日要靠注射胰島素來保命。但天主仍揀選我做終身執事,為香港社會的弱勢社群做僕人。 所以各位同學,各位老師,向天主保持一個開放的心。因為天主在您們的身上,懷有慈愛的計劃,要求您們本著福音的精神,保衛香港,保衛這艘太空船。
現在我不是以Mr. Kwok的身份,而是以終身執事的身份與大家分享天主的說話。如果以Mr. Kwok的身份,好像今天的早會一樣,我會用英文與大家分享。但以終身執事的身份,大家現在所見的,是天主教神職人員中最低級的公務員,所聽的是香港天主教教區的語文政策,縱使我不認同,但我會服從用中文與大家分享。
Homily at Patron Saints’ Mass in STC
Supervisor, Principal, Teachers and students,
So, what is a permanent deacon? Acts 6 and several letters of St. Paul in the New Testament mention the works of deacons. So, they have been in existence for about 2000 years. As you can see from our vestments, the stole I wear runs diagonally across the chest, showing that deacons are servants. The stole worn by priests hangs vertically, showing that they are sacerdos. Though all of us are clergy, our ministries are different. Deacons do charity works, very much like social welfare nowadays. Sacerdos offer sacrifices, teach and govern. In the long history of the Catholic Church, the ministry of deacons was once incorporated by the priests, becoming a stepping stone to priesthood. Half a century ago, the Catholic Church convened the Second Vatican Council. More than 2000 bishops from all over the world came together to discuss and implement the modernization of the Catholic Church. In order to meet the needs of the modern world and her internal needs, the bishops decided to reinstall the ministry of permanent deacons so as to evangelize better. Unlike transient deacons, permanent deacons will remain deacons forever and will not be ordained priests or consecrated bishops.
Ever since the baptism of the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the French Revolution and the American Independence, the idea of humanistic human rights began to emerge. Unfortunately, men became more selfish and evil. The world today has become more jungle-like. The rich and powerful minority exploits the poor and disadvantaged majority. For example, the problem of environmental problem I shared with you in the morning assembly today. It is a prime example of how the rich and powerful people and the rich and powerful countries are exploiting the poor and disadvantaged. Last week, the US Supreme Court ruled that all US states must recognize same-sex marriage. Countries all over the world are expected to follow. The Chairman of our Equal Opportunity Commission has already voiced his view. Ask yourself, when we respect the human rights of homosexuals, have we honoured the human rights of babies who cannot defend their own rights? No matter how advanced technology is, babies can only be born of heterosexual parents. The modernized Catholic Church chooses to stand by the poor people, poor countries, the future generation and those whose opportunities as well as abilities to voice out their plights have been denied. Following the spirit of the Gospel, the Church exhorts the powerful that “God is watching your acts.”
The gospel story today talks about one of our patron saints, St. Peter. Simon was his original name. Jesus gave Simon a new name Πέτρος, meaning a rock. It was translated into bedrock in Chinese. However, some scholars disagree and think that it is only a pebble. No matter how the word is rendered, Jesus wants to build his Church on this rock, bedrock, pebble or whatever.
Shungtakians, do not underestimate God’s salvation and God’s wisdom. There is nothing impossible for God. Take me for an example. I was only a nobody grown up in a low-cost housing estate. Like all of you, I studied in one of the Catholic diocesan secondary schools. My parents could not afford to send me abroad to further my studies. I graduated from a local university on interest-free government loan. Like any other ordinary citizens of Hong Kong, I found a job after graduation to support my parents, got married to start my own family. More than a quarter of a century ago, I concentrated too much on cracking protected computer software that diabetes erupted. Consequently, I have to inject insulin daily to sustain my life. But God calls me to become a permanent deacon to serve the disadvantaged people of Hong Kong. Students and teachers, keep your hearts open to God. God has a loving plan in you, asking you to follow the spirit of the Gospel to protect Hong Kong, to protect this spaceship --- the Earth.
I am now sharing with you the Word of God, not in the capacity as Mr. Kwok but the capacity of a permanent deacon. If I were to speak as Mr. Kwok, like what I did this morning, I would be using English. But as a permanent deacon, as you now can see, a clergy of the lowest rank in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, I have to follow the language policy of the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese even though I personally do not agree with it.
Indeed, Simon was only a fisherman. He had not received any formal education and his temper was impulsive. In order to save his own skin, he had even denied his master 3 times in front of all people. This is truly unforgivable and he is truly a meagre pebble. Throughout history, there have been many scalawags and devils among his 256 successors. But Jesus still has faith to allow them to govern the Church. How great God’s wisdom and grace is! He can make up the weaknesses and inadequacies of human nature.
God bless.