| Panel#1&2: The Fall of the First Parents
"Quod Heva tristis abstulit"
What hapless Eve has lost, |
 | Panel#3&4: The Annunciation
"Tu reddis almo germine"
Your sacred scion restore. |
 | Panel#5: The Baptism of Jesus
"Tu Venis ad Me?"
You Come to Me? (Matthew 3:14) |
 | Panel#6: The Lost Sheep
"Salvare quod Perierat"
Save that which is Lost. (Matthew 18:11) |
 | Panel#7: The Prodigal Son
"Pater, Peccavi in Coelum, et Coram Te"
Father, I have sinned against Heaven, and Before Thee. (Luke 15:18) |
 | Panel#8: Cure of the Paralyzed Man
"Tolle grabatum tuum et Ambula"
Take up your bed and Walk. (Mark 2:9) |
 | Panel#9: The Sinful Woman
"Remittuntur ei peccata multa"
Forgiven are her many sins. (Luke 7:47)
 | Panel#10: Forgive how many times?
"Septuagies septies"
Seventy times seven. (Matthew 18:22)
 | Panel#11: Peter's 3 denials
"Conversus Dominus, Respexit Petrum"
The Lord Turned, Looked upon Peter.
(Luke 22:61) |
 | Panel#12: The Repentant Thief
"Hodie mecum eris in Paradiso"
Today you shall be with me in Paradise.
(Luke 23:43) |
 | Panel#13: The Doubting Thomas
"Beati qui ... Crediderunt"
Blessed are they who ... have Believed. (John
20:29) |
 | Panel#14: Jesus appeared to his disciples
"Accipite Spiritum Sanctum"
Accept the Holy Spirit. (John
20:22) |
 | Panel#15: Conversion of Saul
"Sum Jesus quem Tu persequeris"
I am Jesus whom You persecute. (Acts
9:5) |
 | Panel#16: Jesus knocks at your door
"Sto ad ostium et Pulso"
I Stand at the door and Knock (Revelation
3:20) |
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