
Tuesday 8 September 2009

Feast of Nativity of BVM (Year B)

Fr. Robert Ng S.J. teaches us Moral Theology. In the first two lessons, he talked about methodology. Naturally, "Method in Theology" by Bernard Lonergan S.J. would be the main focus.

Fr. Lonergan attempted to establish a Transcendental Method which would be applicable to all disciplines: natural sciences, social sciences, philosophy and theology. His earlier researches produced a masterpiece, INSIGHT, which analyzes the structure of human understanding. From this foundation, he took a step further to set up a valid methodology for theology. Fr. Lonergan explains that there are four levels of consciousness and four concomitant attitudes. On the empirical level of consciousness, we should be attentive. On the intellectual level, we should be intelligent. On the rational level, we should be reasonable and on the responsibility level, we should be responsible. Fr. Ng spent quite some time on being reasonable. This attitude differentiates Catholics from many denominations of Protestants.

Many Protestants believe that sins have corrupted our rational faculty. Since rationality is faulty, it is no longer reliable. Therefore, our only source of truth can only come from the Bible --- sola scriptura!
This line of argument is self-defeating. If our rationality is so faulty that it is unreliable, sola scriptura is also a faulty conclusion derived from a faulty rationality. Therefore, if we do not trust our faulty and corrupted rationality, we cannot trust the conclusion drawn from such faulty rationality. Sola Scriptura does not stand the test of logic.

Catholics also believe that sins have corrupted our rational faculty. This is a fact of life. But Catholics believe that our rationality is still functioning well enough. Therefore, we are able to study the Bible rationally and reasonably. Being reasonable enables us to enter into dialogue with other people. If we insist on sola scriptura, people who don't read the Bible will be cut off from us. Either they go to hell, or there is no hell. This kind of encounter would not be fruitful for anybody. So, let our faulty rationality try its best to work out reasonable theological opinions. Let us debate these opinions rationally. Then we may be able to build up a theology enterprise, to gain a better understanding of our faith.

Today, the Catholic Church celebrates the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Greek Orthodox started this devotion but the Roman Church had been slow to follow suit because this devotion was based on apocrypha sources. Protestants would never accept such practices because it was not based on the Bible.
OK. Let us reason. It is reasonable to celebrate our own birthday. Then, do we celebrate the birthday of our mother? If we celebrate the birthday of Christ, is it improper or superstitious to celebrate the birthday of the Mother of Christ, the BVM? Of course, this kind of analogy is flawed. The human institutions are only an approximation of the divine. When we describe God as a jealous God who would repent, such an analogy is only an approximation so that our faulty rationality can also follow the logic. God would not change. Otherwise He is no God. Therefore, those talks of jealousy and repentance on the part of God should be understood symbolically.
When we come to the devotion to the BVM, perhaps logical reasoning is of no use in this occasion. Rather, it is love that we should appreciate, that we should enjoy.

Dear Lord, the BVM clothed You in flesh. We thank You for leaving us Your mother who generously takes upon herself the role of a universal mother. May we follow her model and embrace the needs of all mankind. Amen.

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