Yours in the Risen Lord
Alex Kwok
當我入讀彩虹邨天主教英文中學的中一時,因為是一所教區英文中學,故必須給自己選一個英文名。我選了Alexander 是「幫助/保護人類者」helper/protector of mankind 的意思,後來領洗時仍沿用這個聖名。年輕的我,倒也胸懷大志。這都是受樂意助人的父母薰陶所致。
大學畢業後的某個主日,我跟在獻酒水麵餅的教友之後,把學士袍捧到祭台前,接過的是年青的梁達材神父。初出茅廬的我,已萌事奉天主,服務教會的念頭。可是,做神父不是我的聖召,天主另有安排。我參加歌詠團,成了指揮,並認識了紥孖辮的司琴何秀玲。一段甜蜜的戀愛展開了,我們結婚了... 婚後搬到屯門,不覺已三十年。在贖世主堂亦落地生根,服務於聖詠團、慕道班和關社小組等。
八十年代初,微型電腦崛起,深水埗高登商場成了個人電腦發燒友的聖殿。在那裡可以經常踫到矢志活用電腦科技改善堂區管理和宣傳福音的陳有海神父,康建璋神父等。我亦當仁不讓,為各位神長開班,教授 DOS, WordStar, dBaseII,倉頡輸入法等。其中最令人敬佩的「學員」就是年過半百的黎和樂神父了!好勝的我除了樂於與人分享這新科技外,更沉迷於電腦軟件的解鎖,供大家免費享用,這種「黑客精神」倒也是服務大眾的變奏。可惜,專注過度,損耗心神,幾令太太成為「電腦寡婦」,而我亦賠上了健康:患上糖尿病,心理上墮入抑鬱的谷底。因為體力與心理因素,在學校已埋葬了想升主任或副校的野心;在堂區亦沉寂下來。除了聖詠團外,再沒有參與其他的活動,周年的堂區聚餐也不出席。

Responding to the Vocation of Permanent Diaconate
When I entered Choi Hung Estate Catholic Secondary School, a Diocesan English secondary school, I had to choose an English name for myself. I chose Alexander which means “helper/protector of mankind”. When I was baptized in Form 4, I retained it as my Christian name. How ambitious this lad had been when he was young! It was all because of the influence of his parents who were generous in extending a helping hand to the needy.During the years of secondary education, besides “Beneath the Lion Rock Hill,” my most favourite TV series was the “Polar Star”, starring Lau Chung Yan. This drama series had inspired me, a science student, to resolve to apply for admission to Social Science Faculty after matriculation. Actually, God had already arranged a “Polar Star” for me in real life. He was Fr. Enea Tapella, PIME (1929-1977). This respectable priest was our assistant parish priest. He mobilized a group of young people (Catholics were a minority) to visit the physically and mentally handicapped children in our Estate, to give them tuition free of charge, organize picnics, camping and Christmas parties etc. We were blessed to grow up in charity under the leadership of Fr. Tapella.Imagining that after serving the physically disabled children for a few years, I was equipped with enough charity to become a social worker. However, in those years, the Social Work Department in the university did not offer Year One courses. Those who were interested had to take Sociology and Psychology first. There were only three male undergrads in the Department. One switched to Business and another committed suicide! The study pressure was stunning beyond imagination. Consequently, I did not graduate from Social Work Department. However, a path would not be trodden in vain. I was only travelling down branches to view more sceneries.
One Sunday after graduation, I walked behind the people who were responsible for offering bread and wine, to offer my graduation gown. Fr. Peter Leung Tat Choy, then a young priest, received it before the altar. Freshly graduated, I already harboured the idea to serve God and the Church. However, priesthood was not my vocation. God had other assignments for me. I joined one parish choir, became its conductor and met Erminia Ho, the organist who wore her hair in two plaits. A sweet romance began and we got married … We moved to Tuen Mun after marriage and have stayed there ever since for more than three decades. We plant our roots in the Holy Redeemer Parish, serving the parish in choir, catechumen class and Social Justice Committee etc.
The early 1980’s saw the rise of personal computers. The Golden Computer Arcade in Sham Shui Po was the Mecca of PC enthusiasts. There, you rubbed shoulder with priests, such as Fr. Edward Khong Kin Cheung and Fr. Wilfred Chan Yau Hoi, S.J., who wanted to take advantage of Information Technology to improve parochial administration as well as evangelization I also joined the fanfare and offered interested priests courses to learn computer skills like DOS commands, WordStar, Dbase II and Chinese Input methods etc. The most respectable, senior ‘student’ was Fr. Gabriel Lajeune, MEP who was already in his fifties. Besides sharing this newly acquired computer skills, an indomitable me indulged in cracking locked computer software for all to use freely. This was a chivalrous hacker spirit, a variation of the leitmotif of ‘service’. Unfortunately, this ‘heroic’ adventure took its toll on my life: my wife nearly became a ‘computer widow’ and I was diagnosed with diabetes. I plunged into the abyss of depression. Because of these physical and psychological factors, I buried all my promotion ambitions in school. I quitted all the parish commitments except singing in the choir. I even did not attend the annual parish banquet.
My wife tendered her resignation from teaching to take care of this big naughty boy and two young kids, Hilary and Wulstan. With her understanding and support, I gradually emerged from the pit and regained my confidence. Saturnia was also born. Her birth signifies that God’s grace has never abandoned our family and I turned my computer skills to writing database programs for the Diocesan cemeteries, parishes and the diocese ...
It was 2000. The three children had grown up well. Though studying in a primary school, Saturnia, our youngest daughter, was very independent. Meanwhile, Deacon Karl Tsang was promoting the ministry of permanent deacons in the Holy Redeemer Parish. I felt that I had been relieved quite a bit of the parental burdens. Perhaps it was about time I attended Deacon’s talk to find out whether God had called me to serve him as a permanent deacon. Unprepared, my wife was pregnant again a fourth time. Though she was no ‘pregnant woman of advanced age’, we could not afford not to be careful. I thought to myself that God had called me to be a good husband and a good father but not a deacon. Symphorian (who is 16 years younger than his eldest brother Hilary) is a sign of my fatherly vocation. From then on, I killed the idea of serving God and the Church as a deacon.
The West Rail began running. I could attend the dream course I had been desiring to take --- the diploma program offered by the Hong Kong Catholic Biblical Institute.
"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:" (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
Actually God had His plan. He had sown all kinds of grace in my heart to make me His handy instrument. How do I come up with this conclusion? First of all, throughout my teaching career, there has never been a year in which I do not teach the Bible. In other words, I have been paid to study the Bible! My wife told me that with my health conditions, I should have been exhausted hurrying out to the urban area to study after teaching for a whole day in school and returning home, accompanied by the moon and stars. Instead, the more I studied, the more spirited I became. God has been too good to me.
Shung Tak celebrated her Golden Jubilee in November 2008. My colleague and I drove Fr. Dominic Chan Chi Ming, V.G. back to school to officiate at the ceremony. On the way, we chatted amiably and Fr. Chan was delighted to tell us the ministry of the permanent deacons within and without Hong Kong. When we were about to leave Ting Kau Bridge, Fr. Chan instructed us to take the Tai Lam Tunnel to proceed to Hung Shui Kiu. However, my colleague habitually turned to Tuen Mun Highway, unwitting fell into the snare of traffic congestion. Although we were late for the ceremony, I on my part had seen a revelation! Due to defects in my character and my stubbornness, I had taken too many wrong turns in my life and in my service of God and men. However, I still believe that there is a time for everything under heaven. The birth of Symphorian was not necessarily a negation of the deacon vocation. It could be part of the formation programme God provides. Similarly, my diabetes was not necessarily a renunciation of Information Technology, but an armament for Hospital ministry. And yet, health still made me hesitate.
After consulting with my wife and obtaining her encouragement, I took my first step in response to the deacon vocation. In May 2009, I applied and was accepted as an Aspirant. In September 2009, I enrolled in the Bachelor of Religious Sciences programme in the Holy Spirit Seminary College of Philosophy and Theology to receive theological trainings required of the deacon ministry. On December 29, 2012, I was admitted among Candidates of Permanent Deacons to begin the next stage of formation and practice. During the Election Rite, I was enlightened by the story of the poor widow (Mark 12:41-44). Jesus praised the poor widow because while all the others contributed out of their abundance, the poor widow out of her poverty had offered everything she had! So, I don’t need to wait until my health completely recovers and my character becomes completely perfect, or after my retirement so that I may have more spare time to answer God’s call. Today and all the days to come, I am and will still be insufficient. But like the poor widow, I can still answer God’s call out of my poverty. God will definitely give me enough grace to make up my poverty to accomplish the mission He plans for me.
Dear readers, if you are not yet 55, consider seriously God’s call. Don’t waste your time like me.
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