
Sunday, 10 May 2015

天主奇妙的愛 The Amazing Love of God








6th Easter Sunday, Year B
Theme: The Amazing Love of God

Today, let us meditate on the amazing, undreamt of love of God.
In the first reading this morning, two things are worth paying attention to.
First of all, unlike today, the early Church did not baptize in the name of the Blessed Trinity, but in the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 10:48). Something seemed to be missing if they were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ only. Would their baptism be incomplete? In fact, our faith is historical. Our belief is the deposit of Christian efforts of the last 2 millennia.
That our faith is historical suggests that our understanding of the truth is incomplete. The “truth” which satisfied the needs of agricultural villages 2000 years ago may not meet those of a cosmopolitan city today. Luckily Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit who will teach us all the truth we need. Therefore, when we open up our hearts to the mercy of God, we will be able to get hold of the truth we need. What does it mean “to open up our hearts to the mercy of God”? Let us turn to the second detail I previously mentioned in the Acts today.

All the first generation disciples of Jesus were Jews. On his Ascension, the disciples still wanted to restore the kingdom of Israel. They still thought that after resurrection, Jesus would lead them to drive out the Romans, to liberate them and to regain independence. The early Church thought of themselves as the “New Israel” to replace the “Old Israel”. There were 12 tribes of (Old) Israel. Therefore, Jesus elected the Twelve. When Judas, one of the Twelve, had died, they chose Mathias to fill Judas’ vacancy. Therefore, admitting Gentiles into the Church was unthinkable for the Apostles. In the earlier part of the story we read today, even Simon Peter did not think it was right to admit Gentiles.
We are non-Jews, in other words, Gentiles. We were baptized and entered the Church and take God’s salvation and mercy for granted. We think that the problem lay in the stubbornness of the Jewish believers in the early Church. Their faith was flawed. However, the story today also challenges how open we are to the mercy of God. Let us take up the challenge.

When we learned the Catholic faith in our catechism class, we were told that the sacrament of Confirmation confers the Holy Spirit and only people whose sins have been remitted can receive it. Unlike the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and Anointment which forgive sins and heal the weaknesses of our souls, the sacrament of Confirmation confers to the newly reborn seven graces, the so called “Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit” to help their souls grow up, to strengthen their souls to become the soldiers of Christ and to bear witness before people etc. In the story today, all the family members of Cornelius were not baptized. That is to say, they still had the Original Sin and their actual sins but they received the Holy Spirit. Is it strange? Did not the Original Sin and their actual sins prevent them from receiving the graces of the Holy Spirit? Moreover, they were not yet reborn in baptism. Their souls were like babies not yet carried to term. How could an unborn baby be grown up into an adult? Is it logical? So, why do the instructions we received in catechism classes contradict with what is written in the Bible? Have we learnt something wrong? Or is our faith flawed like that of the Jewish Christians in the early Church?

In fact, we have to admit that we are finite creatures. We are inadequate in many areas like the Jewish priests and scribes in Jesus’ day. Why did they reject Jesus? It was because they were stubborn and closed themselves to the mercy of God. They made themselves the sole dispensers of God’s salvation. What they did not do, they forbade others to do. In their eyes, Jesus was a heretic who did not follow the Torah on which salvation depended. For example, Torah forbids touching the unclean but Jesus touched a leper; people are forbidden to do unnecessary labour on Sabbath but Jesus chose to heal on Sabbaths; Jesus befriended the unclean Romans, healing the servant of a centurion; Jesus even sat at table with public sinners such as publicans and prostitutes; he disrupted the Holy Temple and called himself the Son of God etc. The list of his sins is endless.
These Jewish authorities were not evil. They could only accept a God who fits their requirements. At first, when Peter could not accept Gentiles into the Church, he made the same mistake as the Jewish authorities. He was also closed to God’s mercy. What happened to them is a good reminder for us to be open to God’s mercy. If you refuse to walk along with sinners, how can you bring them salvation? Observing the Torah is a good thing. But by imposing the precepts on the people and forgetting the spirit of the Law, have we put the cart before the horse? God has prepared a lot of graces for us. If we stick to our prejudices and do not try to see the world with God’s eyes, to love the world with God’s heart, how can we receive the abundant grace of God?

Many couples dare not to be open to life. They do not want babies. They worry that they don’t have 4 million dollars to raise a kid. They are afraid that their children would be brainwashed by the Communists so that in the future they would suffer Cultural Revolution style “struggles”. In fact, who can concretely express God’s love better than mothers? The unreserved love of mothers in raising their kids genuinely reflects God’s amazing and undreamt of love towards humanity. Mothers are the first teachers of God’s love to humanity. Today is Mother’s Day. Let us pray for those worried parents. We pray that they can be open to God’s mercy and with the help of God, they can share their mission, enabling wives to taste the joy of motherhood.
Many young people dare not to remain open to their future. They evade their vocation. They worry whether they are worthy to consecrated life. They also worry that there is nobody to take care of their ageing parents. While this is the “Year of Consecrated Life”, let us pray for those confused youngsters. We pray that they are open to God’s mercy to take the first step to explore what grace God has in store for them.
Open ourselves up. Allow God’s mercy to transform us.
God bless.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

God is greater than our hearts

Fifth Easter Sunday, Year B

My heart is not peaceful at all at this moment. The closer the ordination, the more unworthy I feel. The situation has worsened since the 7-day retreat in Taiwan. Wounds have been uncovered and yet they have not been properly treated. Don't misunderstand me, I am not putting the blame on anybody, which I found to be my MO, in particular the Spiritual Director, Fr. Francis Tam, who has been most helpful. After all, a retreat is a retreat, not a counselling or psychotherapy session. It is spiritual and not psychological. It is an encounter with Jesus Christ and a reconciliation with myself. And here lies the problem. I cannot forgive myself. In time, I will publish my spiritual journal of those 7 days. But at the moment, I am stressed.

At the moment, I feel like a bride who wants to run away the night before wedding. Have I not known Jesus enough? No. I think not. I celebrated my 45th anniversary of Confirmation last month and in a few months, I will retire my 39-year career of Bible teaching. Do I not love Jesus? No. I always feel the same as St. Augustine that I have loved Him too late. Does Jesus love me? A categorical YES. There is no doubt about it and at times, I am conscious of his love. Is there anything missing? Not that I know of. So what is troubling me? I don't know. Perhaps I have not prayed hard enough.

"Little children, let us not love in word or speech but in deed and in truth. By this we shall know that we are of the truth, and reassure our hearts before him whenever our hearts condemn us; for God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything." (1 John 3:18-20)
My conscience is condemning me. John said that my love in deed and in truth shall reassure my heart because God is greater than my conscience and He knows everything.

Perhaps this is the meaning of a private revelation of mine. My wounds shall never get totally healed. I shall have to carry my wounds until the day I meet my Creator who is greater than my conscience but for my sake, He will not erase it. This lack of peace shall accompany me for my whole ministry in the future. This is just the beginning, a foretaste of the things to come in the future so that when it comes, I shall not be caught unprepared.

"If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you." (John 15:7)
I pray that I shall not bring any scandal to the Church in my ministry. Amen.