
A Brief Memoir of My Father
First of all, I thank God for His mercy. My father did not suffer from chronic sickness. When his vitality waned daily to a certain level, he passed away in his sleep, returning to the bosom of our heavenly Father. He did not cause us any inconvenience.
I sincerely thank you all for attending this Vigil Prayer for my father. There is no greater consolation than this.
I thank Deacon Paul Siu for officiating at my father’s funeral, giving support to his Choi Hung buddy.
I thank my younger brother who retired early to take care of our ageing parents so that they might lead a peaceful life. In the past few years, his health declines and I take up the baton. Just as what my wife shared with me, it has been a blessing for my family to be able to take care of them. "Like father like son". We are able to pick up again character traits of my father in us and admire the beauty of a different stage of life.
My father was born in Xiaolan, Zhongshan of the Guangtung Province. He planted morus trees to feed silk worms next to a fish pond. When I visited the ancestral village as a young child, the most impressive memory was the toilet shack built over the fish pond. It was entertaining to see grass craps fighting for faeces below. My grandfather died young, leaving my grandmother to rear two boys alone. Beside the ancestral house was a pig pen where they used to keep a pig of about 3 piculs. In the eyes of a young child, what a lazy, stinky monster! In order to guarantee the healthy growth of the two sons, my grandmother called them "Piggie I" and "Piggie II". Although he was called as such, my father was no lazy, stinky monster but an honest hardworking young gentleman. Given that I seldom return to mainland China and have no chance to hear anything interesting from those relatives, how can I be so sure about that? Well, as far as I know, my maternal grandfather was a merchant operating a teahouse in Xiaolan. He must have seen many people. Had my father not been an honest hardworking gentleman, how would he have won the hearts of my mother, the Headmistress of the Lee family and my maternal grandfather?
Soon after marriage, it was the Liberation. My father and some village fellows travelled to Hong Kong to try their luck. My father joined a shipping company, working as a cabin boy for three years. He had travelled and seen the world! Life on an oceangoing ship forced my father to learn English by himself. This facilitated his work in the future. Three years later, my mother came to join him. They settled in Wanchai to start a new page in life. Soon, my younger brother and I were born.
Throughout his life, my father had served only two bosses. He worked as a keeper in a philately shop. The boss liked him because of his diligence and love of learning. In those Wanchai years, we lived where my father worked. The boss’s family lived upstairs whereas we and the shop downstairs. More contacts led to more conflicts. Had my mother been able to tolerate the vanity of the boss’s wife, my father would not have joined another shop. We left Wanchai and moved to Yaumati. In this way, my father had served only two bosses. But my father was very loyal. In the years ahead, he still visited his ex-boss until his demise. After that, my father also paid visit to the wife of his ex-boss, of course not with my mother. My young brother and I have inherited his loyalty and enduring friendliness.
Life was difficult in the early Yaumati years. At first, my father worked 12 hours a day from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. In these years, when he returned home, my brother and I had slept. When we went to school in the morning, he was still in bed. A lack of father figure had created a void in our fragile souls, thus pushing us to learn independently and to seek everywhere for somebody worth respecting. Later, we were allotted a flat in Choi Hung Estate. His working hours had shortened. Life was improving and my brother and I were able to finish our study and got a stable job and steady pay. Although my father had received only about half a hundred thousand dollars for his long service payment at his retirement, life was happy.
Working as a shopkeeper for more than three decades, my father raised us up. Although he did not attend any formal schooling and was not the owner of any shop, with his diligence of learning, he was able to command respect in the field. Even after retirement, he was invited to join the annual Philately Exhibition or consulted on thorny issues in philately. As the saying goes "Philately is the hobby of kings and king of hobbies", I believe many older priests and religious brothers must have once been my father’s clients. As far as I know, Brother Anthony of La Salle College was one. Praise be to God. Brother Anthony also passed away in his sleep. My father shall find company in heaven! I also thank one of my old students who also collected stamps. From him, I learnt that my father was hospitable to these young kids who were no big spenders. This I can affirm from my own witness working as a summer job apprentice in the philately shop. Not only did doing summer job broaden my worldview, but it also dawned to me that happiness had to be earned. Since S.4, I paid my school fees with part-time jobs. Thank you, Dad for the inspiration.
Perhaps he had spoken too much during the day in the shop, when my father returned home, he did not speak much. He taught with examples. My father was a pious person. Every morning before leaving for work, he offered incense. Every evening before dinner, it was him again to offer incense. His piety influenced me. He used to keep a thick telephone directory of relatives, friends and neighbours to keep in touch. He was generous in helping relatives and friends back in mainland China no matter how hard life was here in Hong Kong. Rebuilding the torn and worn ancestral house must have been his greatest ambition.
In the past two years, he became lonelier. His outward calls became less. Many of his friends had passed away before him. Dear Dad, we shall definitely inherit your love and care for relatives and friends.
Thank you. God bless!
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