執事讀高小的時候,中文老師苦口婆心地鼓勵同學們,閱讀【華僑日報】,提高中文的水平,以應付升中考試。當年,報紙是最有效力的大眾傳媒。隨著時代的遷移,大眾傳媒憑藉科技的發展,由電影、播音、電視以致今天的互聯網,更深入和更全面地影響著每個人的生活。從前,祗有國防部、銀行和大機構纔擁有電腦;今天,每人手上的流動電話,它的運算能力,比當年計算登陸月球的「亞頗羅計劃」的電腦,強勁32,000倍 1!倘若你覺得這不同年代的比較不公平,讓我告訴你,你的手機所擁有的運算能力,足以媲美1996年擊敗國際象棋特級大師卡斯帕洛夫的「IBM深藍」。新的科技固然帶來更大的方便和更高的工作效率,但正如一則亞爾巴尼亞諺語所云:「火可以是忠僕,亦可以是惡主」。倘若我們不善用這些科技,我們不但成為受害人,更成為它的奴隸。現在,讓我們認識互聯網,帶給我們甚麼的影響。
網上資訊的另一個缺點是質素。從前知名道高的報紙,會報導事實,揭發真相。可是,今天從網上,從WhatsApp傳來的資訊,有多少是真實的,有多少被人加鹽加醋呢?相信大家收過不少伊斯蘭教如何殘殺基督徒的資訊吧!連聖德蘭修女所創辦的仁愛傳教修會的修女也不能倖免,慘死在這些伊斯蘭國的凶徒手上。例如:2014年曾有一封廣傳的電郵,說ISIS已佔領伊拉克Queragosh城,並在城內有系統地把基督徒斬首。電郵呼籲為Queragosh的基督徒祈禱,並捐助一個所謂「國際危機救援」的組織 2。今年,當伊斯蘭國已被擊退了,這電郵再一次在WhatsApp散播!這種假消息,不但是假,而且煽動仇恨的情緒。倘若我們不假思索,盲目地傳給我們的朋友群組,我們便成了一個不負責任的記者,不負責任的謠言散播者,有違真善美的原則和至真至善至美的天主了!
教宗方濟各把今年,第52屆世界社會傳播節的主題,聚焦在假新聞上 。有甚麼方法驗證消息的真偽呢?首先,要找獨立的媒體,看看相關的報導。其次,我們不能偏聽!雨傘運動展示了一個互聯網的趨勢,就是彼此壁壘分明,互相謾罵,對方的意見,充耳不聞。這樣,我們祇會接受我們喜歡的消息,便容易被人蒙閉了。
最後,教宗說:「因此,確保消息來源的正確性,並小心謹慎的予以傳播,才是推動良善、 促進信任並開展共融與和平道路的真正方法。」3
LII World Communications Day
Theme: To Combat False News
When I was studying in senior primary, our Chinese teachers always advised all pupils to read Wah Yiu Yat Po to raise our Chinese proficiency in order to meet requirements of the Secondary School Entrance Examination. In those years, newspapers were the most powerful mass media. Time passes. Mass media went through the evolution from movies, radio broadcasting, TV and today the Internet. They become more intensive and extensive in affecting our daily life. Once upon a time, only the Department of Defence, Banks and Big Enterprises had computers installed. Today, the computing power of the mobile phones in our hands is 32,000 times more powerful than the computers that sent the Apollo's to the moon1 . If you think this comparison is unfair, let me tell you, the computing power in your hand is comparable to IBM Deep Blue which defeated Kasparov, the Chess Grand Master in 1996. New technology makes life more convenient and productivity more efficient. But just like what an Albanian proverb says, "Fire is a good servant but a bad master." If we are unable to make good use of these technologies, not only will we become victims, but also their slaves. Now, let us know how the Internet affects our life.
Traditionally, mass media carry out four social functions: to provide information, to entertain, to shape public opinions and to scrutinize government. Information is required to be true and timely, entertainment beautiful. Moulding public opinions and scrutinizing governments aim at goodness. Newspapers, radio and television stations as well as the Internet possess and control huge resources. They should follow the principles of truth, beauty and goodness to discharge the four social functions. In the age of the Internet, the age in which you and I are journalists, do we follow these principles to carry out our missions?
For example, at the dawn of postal service, there had already been abuses of chain letters which carry blessings and curses! When email was developed, people often received hoaxes which took advantage of people's compassion. These emails say so-and-so suffered from cancer, had only a few months to live and had no money. If we forwarded the email to friends, the Internet service provider would donate 3 cents etc. If it were true, the email must carry a virus. Otherwise, how could the ISP track your forward mails? You forwarded your friends out of good intentions. Were you not spreading virus to your friends? Usually these emails carry no date and no origins. That is to say, when you receive these emails, probably the patients mentioned might have died already for more than ten years. Subsequently, after some 20 months, you still receive such emails. How curious! Hadn't the patient already died? More maliciously, the email gave you the telephone number of the doctor or carer in charge. Poor doctor! Imagine how many verification telephone calls he had received! It turns out to be a revenge or even a means of cyber bullying! You become an accomplice!
The quality of information from the Internet is questionable. Previously, well-known papers reported and exposed the truth. But today, how many WhatsApp messages you have receives are immune to alterations or exaggerations? I am sure you must have received many messages about how Muslims butcher Christians! Even nuns of the Missionaries of Charity were victims of ISIS murderers! For example, in 2014, an email went viral. It claims that ISIS had captured Queragosh in Iraq and begun beheading Christians systematically inside the city. This email appeals for urgent prayers and donation to the "International Crisis Relief", a fictitious organization2. This year, ISIS has receded. This email emerges and starts spreading in WhatsApp again. These hoaxes are not only fake, but they also fan up hatred. If we forward them blindly to our friend groups, we become irresponsible reporters, irresponsible rumour-mongers. We go against the principles of truth, goodness and beauty. We go against God who is true, good and beautiful.
This year, Pope Francis made "Fake News" the theme of the 52nd World Communications Day4. How can we tell if a message is piece of fake news? First of all, cross check it with other independent media. Secondly, we cannot afford to listen to one side of a story only. The Umbrella Movement shows a trend on the Internet. People are polarized and exchange punches. They close their ears and do not listen to the other side. In this way, we only hear what we like to hear. Then we can be easily fooled.
Lastly, Pope Francis says, "That is why ensuring the accuracy of sources and protecting communication are real means of promoting goodness, generating trust, and opening the way to communion and peace."
Brethren, do not forward unverified messages from questionable sources.
God bless!
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