
Sunday 16 September 2018

教會的十字架 The Cross of the Church










Twenty Fourth Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: The Cross of the Church

The gospel story today took place at the zenith of Jesus' public ministry. According to Mark, Jesus multiplied loaves twice to feed 5000 and 4000 men in the province of Galilee. That is to say, Jesus was able to attract crowds of thousands of people and even followers in his evangelization activities. But evangelization was only one of the many steps in the redemption of mankind. Christ needed to establish the Church to continue the redemption project. The Church is an organized community. She needs a leader. Thus, Jesus Christ asked two questions to uncover who the Rock of the Church was. Mark only mentions Peter's confession about Jesus and not Christ's making Peter the Rock of the Church. This is understandable because Mark was Peter's secretary. His information came from Peter. If Peter was reticent, Mark did not write. But why was Peter silent while, Matthew another apostle talks about it (Matthew 16:18-19)? Obviously, Peter did not want to elevate his status and importance within the Church. This is the virtue of prudence. Peter knew his inadequacies (Luke 5:8). In life-threatening circumstances, he even denied Jesus three times (Mark 14:66-72). This "Rock" is an ordinary stone only, not any extraordinary slab of majestic granite. At the very beginning, Jesus rebuked this Rock, calling it "Satan", which means adversary, an obstacle on your path (8:33)!

Then, Jesus Christ spells out the conditions of discipleship, "Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me." (8:34) In my opinion, not only do they apply to Christians, but they also apply to the Church.
First of all, a cross is no sacred object or ornament. It is a capital punishment, not even an ordinary torture. Thus, what Jesus Christ demands is a total demand. "To deny" is different from "To ditch". To ditch can be temporary. You may later reclaim. To ditch can also be an exchange tactic, a compromise in order to retain something more important. To deny is complete, thorough, uprooting and mortal. Of course, since we are following the Risen Lord, the Author of life. Behind this total denial, there is life.

Why do we need to deny totally? It is because the desire for wealth and power is an obstacle to eternal life. It diminishes our capacity to partake in the life of God. In the new heavens and new earth, we do not need wealth to provide us security. In the Kingdom of Heaven, we are children of God. Power becomes meaningless. The last thing we should deny is our will. Although every year we read of the Agony of Jesus in Gethsemane and we recite the Lord's Prayer every day, denying our will is the most difficult thing of all! The cross we take up is to lead a life according to the Beatitudes: to opt for poverty; to mourn for the evil and tragedies of the world; to be meek; to hunger for God's salvation; to be merciful; to be single-minded; to make peace and refuse to compromise. This is the proper Christian attitude "to deny oneself and to take up one's cross". Let us put it into practice in our daily life.

The Church is a community of God's People. Thus, "to deny oneself and to take up one's cross" should also be the attitude of the entire Church. But the Church is different from individuals. Individuals only live for decades but the Church has to undergo millennia of "baptism" (10:38). The cross the Church takes up is her internal and external troubles.
Since the establishment of the Church at the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Pentecost, she underwent rejection and persecutions from her fellow kindred because of differences in beliefs. Consequently, the Church had to abandon her birth place, Jerusalem, and ventured into the world, thus spreading the Gospel throughout the Roman Empire. When more people joined the Church, a crisis of division arose. In the end, seven deacons were chosen to handle the problem. Thus, all these internal and external troubles are the cross of the Church. God make use of them to sanctify her. Since the Church is the Body of Christ, like Jesus Christ, her head (Colossians 1:18, Ephesians 5:23), she has to accept and embrace her cross.

Whether it was during the age of the Roman Empire, or subsequent ages of active evangelization, the Church would meet persecutions from people in power, all for political reasons. When the head of a state feels/imagines that the Church is a threat to his authority and governance, or the Church is a handy scapegoat to divert attention, those powerful people will not hesitate to engineer persecutions. Thus external troubles are inevitable. Even the meek and harmless Jesus Christ was persecuted because he proclaimed God's justice, i.e. God's salvation and liberation. If the Church follows the example of Peter for self-preservation, withdraws and keeps quiet in face of persecutions, isn't she denying her Master once more? Thus the Church has to keep up with the attitude of being "meek, merciful, thirsty for justice and joyful in face of persecution for the sake of justice" to take up the cross which comes from politics.

On the other hand, the Church should also engage all sorts of internal troubles with the Beatitude attitudes. History informs us that during the decline of the Roman Empire, in the age of Barbarian Invasion, the Church took up the tasks of taming the barbarians, conserving the culture, promoting education and even the governance of the Empire. Power corrupts. Thus, for a millennium, incidents of power struggle assassinations, scandals of simonies and sexual abuses have been rampant. For a millennium, God has been patiently grooming many saints who advocated different spirituality, priesthood formations, social services and institutional reforms to put the Church back on the right tract and attain cure. These reforms centre on the teachings of "poverty, mourning, purity of heart and making of peace". The Church has to deny the mentality of the Supreme Teacher of the Truth. She has to take off her awe-inspiring chasuble, gird her loin and wash the feet of Jesus Christ who is present among the underprivileged. Right, the Church has "to deny herself and take up the cross" to handle internal troubles and follow Jesus Christ.

As a member of the laity, we are members of the Mystical Body of Christ. As we were baptized to join the Church, can we part company with sinful clergy? For two millennia, God has not forsaken the Church built upon the feeble Peter and Jesus Christ has not given up his friends (John 15:15). Neither should we! We are not denying them! Remember the appeal of our Bishop. Let us deny ourselves in September. For the victims of sexual abuses and the sinful clergy, let us fast and pray to do penance. May the mercy of God forgive and heal us.
God bless!

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