
Sunday 7 April 2019

耶穌基督也不定我的罪 Jesus Christ Does Not Condemn Me









Fifth Lenten Sunday, Year C
Theme: Jesus Christ Does Not Condemn Me

If somebody makes a mistake and not knowing why, his mistake is not serious. Although ignorance cannot be an excuse, the fault is forgiveable and the responsibility is light. If somebody commits a crime deliberately, he should be held responsible and be punished. But how much should he be held responsible and punished? Punishment should be proportionate to the crime in order to be fair. Ethicists propose some mitigating factors. For example, if the person is under the influence of drugs, habits or customs; or he was cheated, threatened or under duress to breach the Ten Commandments, lighter punishments should be meted out. That is to say, a driver under normal circumstances and a public transport driver who has to work after taking flu medication, knocks down and kills a pedestrian, the latter should receive lighter punishment. A white supremacist guns down worshippers in a Mosque and a sniper assasinates the president under duress, the latter is forgiveable!

In the story, the woman "was caught in adultery" (John 8:3). So, we can eliminate all the mitigating factors mentioned above. If she was under the influence of drugs or customs; was cheated or under duress etc., she would be a victim. Of course, considering the social status of women at that time, the Scribes and Pharisees would not be sympathetic to her role as a victim. Indeed, according to the Mosaic Law, "both the adulterer and the adulteress shall be put to death." (Leviticus 20:10, Deuteronomy 22:22, 24).
In the story, the Scribes and the Pharisees let off the adulterer, perhaps releasing him deliberately, or laying a trap for Jesus. This was injustice but it is not our concern today. Anyway, the woman did not cry help or resist, showing that she was not a victim. She committed a sin deliberately, damaging the property rights and family lives of hers and the others. She deserved to die during that era!

Let us meditate the meaning of this story!
Firstly, we must read the story in context. During the feast of Tabernacle, Jesus Christ went up to Jerusalem in secret and started preaching in the Temple. He taught the crowd to "stop judging by appearances, but judge justly." (John 7:24) On the last day of the feast, he told the crowd that those who came to believe in him were to receive the Holy Spirit and had life (7:39). In this background, the Scribes and Pharisees brought this adultress before Jesus Christ to challenge his teaching of mercy. If Jesus objected to stoning this woman, He opposed the Mosaic Law. No Jew was able to shoulder the serious consequences of such a stance.

The gospel says, Jesus Christ "bent down and began to write on the ground with his finger" (8:6, 8). What was Jesus writing on the ground so that "they went away one by one, beginning with the elders." (8:9)? Was Jesus Christ writing the sins of each one? Not really! Without two witnesses, Jesus Christ' accusations would not stand. Did Jesus Christ want to show them that He was the God who legislates, writing the laws with his fingers? But writing on the dust of the ground would be less permanent than writing on the stone. I believe what Jesus Christ wrote must be a very interesting question. But the question was put forth in a wrong way. What Jesus Christ wrote would only be revealed at the end of the world. People left one by one after Jesus says, "Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her." (8:7), not because of what Jesus Christ wrote on the ground!

Jesus Christ did not object to throwing a stone at the adultress. He did not object to the Mosaic Law, thus failing to meet the expectation of the Scribes and Pharisees. In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus makes it clear that his mission is Not to abolish the Old Covenant but to fulfil it with mercy (Matthew 5:17), in order to give humanity an abundant life! Thus, Jesus lay down the qualification to be executioners: "the one who is without sin". Only such a person is qualified to execute punishment. This satisfies Jesus Christ's teaching to judge justly!
Who is blameless before God? Nobody. But does this adultress deserve salvation? Since all of us are sailing in the same boat, are suffering from the bondage of sins. So, instead of eating each other, would it not be better to forgive each other, to love each other and to go through difficulties together?

At last, only one person is qualify to mete out punishment. He is Jesus Christ our God! At the end of the world, he shalt punish. St. Paul says, "Do not look for revenge but leave room for the wrath of God." (Romans 12:19) Thus, we should leave vengeance and punishment to God! Thus, don't be so naive as to think that at the end of the world, the mercy of God shall empty the Hell! If God does not punish, how can He be righteous? But before the end, God's mercy give sinners opportunities to repent. In God's eyes, the adultress has not used up her time. She still has opportunities to repent. Thus Jesus Christ says to her, "Neither do I condemn you. Go, and from now on do not sin any more." (John 8:11)

Brethren! How can we abuse God's mercy? While the Lenten season is not yet over, reflect on what drugs or bad habits keep us sinning. While our life is not yet finished, think about what things are cheating us, forcing us not to honour our vows to God. While our end has not yet come, repent, turn a new leaf and make a good confession to embrace the upcoming Easter!
God bless!

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