
Saturday 4 January 2020

先知的態度:成功不必我在 A Prophet's Attitude: Unnecessary To Be Crowned


其實,做師父的,有哪一個不希望自己的技術、功夫、學問或者理念,可以流傳後世,發揚光大呢?可能是中國人的「道統」和「尊師重道」的思想作祟罷,師父被「神化」為真理的化身,負責「傳道、授業、解惑 」的任務。有哪個做弟子的,敢冒「欺師滅祖」的罪名呢?在這樣的氛圍之下,各學派形成了門戶的成見,和固步自封的陋習。即使其他的學派,比自己的學派,有更卓越的成就和貢獻,沒有門徒有膽量投靠別的門 派。因為這樣做,便會喪失了自己的「忠誠」,沒有任何門派會願意接收一個叛徒的。另一方面,做師父的,總不會把本門的學問技術,傾囊相授;總會保留一手,以防弟子將來反叛,欺師滅祖!這種自私的心態, 祇會令學派的內涵,日漸失傳!

假如洗者若翰和耶穌基督都是中國人,耶穌基督接受了若翰的洗禮,祂就是洗者若翰的弟子了。所謂「一日為師,終身為師!」但結果呢?耶穌基督竟然自立門戶!到最後,洗者若翰的門徒全數被基督信仰吸收了, 他的派別在歷史洪流中消失了!這樣一個「叛徒」所創立的宗教,值得加入嗎?幸好洗者若翰和耶穌基督都不是中國人,因此基督信仰能發展成為普世大公的宗教,而中國的儒家思想,祇局限在亞洲內發揚光大!





"Prophet Series #6"
A Prophet's Attitude: Unnecessary To Be Crowned (John 1:35-42)

Chinese culture has an Achilles' Heels which prevents it from becoming catholic!
Indeed, which master doesn't want to see his skills, kungku, knowledge or ideas to be handed down and flourish? Probably in the Chinese context, masters are deified by the concepts of "orthodoxy" and "apprentice piety". Masters hold the key to knowledge, its propagation and demystification. Which disciple dares to bear the sin of betrayal? In such a milieu, schools care very much about their identity and purity. Even if the achievements and contributions of other schools are greater, no disciples dare to change school. Had some dared, they would have lost their loyalty and no school would accept any traitor. On the other hand, masters would not teach knowledge and skills in their entirety, keeping some secret techniques lest the disciples rebel! Because of such a selfish mentality, the knowledge of a school would slowly evaporate!

Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist. Had John and Baptist and Jesus Christ been Chinese, Jesus would have been John's disciple. "Once your master, forever your master" ! What happened subsequently? Jesus Christ set up His own religion! In the end, all the disciples of John were absorbed by Christianity and his school vanished in history! Is such a school established by a traitor worth joining? Fortunately, both John the Baptist and Jesus Christ were not Chinese. Thus Christianity becomes a catholic religion for the whole world, while Confucianism is confined to Asia!

John the Baptist was able to let go of his own achievements. He did not arrange any successor, or after appointing a puppet, kept pulling all the strings. On the contrary, he encouraged his own disciples to follow Jesus Christ! He did it in today's gospel (John 1:37) as well as when he was imprisoned (Matthew 11:2). John the Baptist was not at all selfish. He knew his position is to help people turn to the Son of God. After discharging his mission, John the Baptist died with no regret! He is truly an exemplar for Christians to discharge their prophetic ministry.
Heavenly Father! Let us live up the spirit of John the Baptist to help people around us know the Son You sent to receive Your salvation. Amen.

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