
Sunday 9 May 2021

一個不對稱的關係 An Unequal Relationship









Sixth Easter Sunday, Year B
Theme: An Unequal Relationship

When we say “God is a mystery”, we mean to say that with rationality, men are unable to completely understand what God is and what principles God follows. After decades of reflection, John came up with a clue. He says, “God is love” (1 John 4:8). This is a good starting point to explore God and a breakthrough in theology but the problem is not simplified. It is because love in itself is also a mystery. Although love is a more easily understandable reality, we have not yet completely cracked the enigma of this phenomenon. Don’t many interpersonal relationships show love? Take a look at the relations between spouses, parents and children, siblings, teachers and disciples, friends and colleagues, even between the government and the people. There is no doubt that some relationships are exploitative and even destructive for both parties, but many more are complementary and edifying to each other. The mystery of love lies in its genesis. It’s Mother’s Day today. How meaningful it is to reflect on this unequal love!

Nobody questions the greatness of motherly love. We sing praises to its altruistic sacrifice and it becomes a paradigm for other forms of love. How does motherly love come about? Asking this question reveals an enigma. Is it a hormonal effect? A consequence of evolution? A preparation for the future? Or a sense of responsibility? No attempted explanation is satisfactory. Thus, motherly love in particular, and love in general, is truly a mystery. John is creative when he describes God as love. He brings the lofty God down to earth and accessible to men such that we may understand a little bit more.

Of course, it must be God who is willing to approach men first and thus takes the initiative to reveal Himself to us (John 15:16a). Otherwise, men don’t have the ability to know Him. The trinite God chose to incarnate as a man, coming down from the invisible realm to the visible world, “What we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we looked upon and touched with our hands concerns the Word of life…” (1 John 1:1) Even when He becomes visible, we are still unable to examine and study Him under the microscope! Even when they saw the risen Christ, the disciples could only be amazed and even adore and yet nobody was able to understand why He suffered for us! If we say, “God is greater than us. Thus we are unable to understand Him”, I’m sure many people would disagree. There are many things greater than us. With a creative mind and a systematic as well as determined spirit, humanity is wiping out ignorance of and solving puzzles found in the known universe. Thus, if God is greater than us, or more accurately “God is greater than our hearts” (3:20), we are confident that our theological studies would help us understand God’s mystery. Let’s wait and see!

But when John spoke the statement mentioned above, he did not mean the rational level but the moral level. I just took the liberty to quote it out of context. The full text is “… reassures our hearts before Him in whatever our hearts condemn, for God is greater than our hearts and knows everything.” (3:19-20) The “hearts” John talks about is our conscience in the moral sense, not the intellect in the rational sense. How can our hearts be reassured when we have sinned and our conscience condemns us? It is because God knows everything. Moreover, He is love. He sacrifices Himself to build us up, to help us grow up and be sanctified! With the motherly love on earth, that altruistic love, we understand the Father’s action. If it is not love, what is? In this unequal relation, love is revealed in the care the strong shows the weak. The weak is in advantage while the strong is in disadvantage. How paradoxical! The strength of the strong is shown in their capability to remain standing even in disadvantage. This seems to be the modus operandi of God. He likes to choose the weak to accomplish His will, the minority to defeat the majority. He revealed Himself to Elijah not in the majesty of earthquakes or fires, but in “a light silent sound” (1 Kings 19:12). When He decides to defeat Satan, to wipe out sins and death, He did not work earth-shattering miracles but the passion on the cross. He desires all to be saved but does not force people to believe in His Son Jesus. Thus Paul comes to this conclusion, “God chose the foolish of the world to shame the wise … to reduce to nothing those who are something.”(1 Corinthians 1:27-28)

Jesus says, “If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love.” (John 15:10) Since it takes two to tangle, can we turn the table and say to Jesus, “If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love”? Such a retort seems rebellious, challenging the supreme authority of the Creator. I’m sorry, ever since our fall, it’s our second nature to disobey authority! But when Jesus Christ, the Son of God incarnated to become a member of humanity, He’s prepared to obey the Father’s will and the commandment to “love each other”, to help each other to attain sanctification.
Jesus Christ is the truth. His commandments are truth which helps us develop in freedom. It is because “All things were created through Him and for Him … and in Him all things hold together.”(Colossians 1:16-17) Thus, His commandments won’t be contradictory and do no damage. His commandments are fair and won’t be partial to individual members. Even though some members prosper first, they shoulder responsibility to help others prosper. As for us, what commandments would we give? Forgive my ignorance. At the moment, I can’t think of any necessity to supplement His commandments, not to mention better or higher commandments.

Brethren! Obviously, in Christ’s love we are in an advantaged position, unceasingly receiving grace to move ahead towards sanctification. Let us remain and stay assured in His love, love each other and bear fruit that will remain (John 15:16)!
God bless.

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