
Sunday 16 May 2021

不願走出羊棧的羊 Lambs who prefer Staying In the Fold









Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord, Year B
Theme: Lambs who prefer Staying In the Fold

Teachers should be able to appreciate the aphorism “Teach and you know the difficulty”. When a teacher meets a difficult topic, he or she will take refresher’s courses. Similarly, many Catholic doctrines are “forced” into existence. They are not deduced logically and systematically from axioms like geometry. When the faith of Christians is challenged, Church fathers come together to debate and reach a consensus. Then, it will be promulgated as articles of faith among believers. For example, the Son of God is God because the Son of God is consubstantial with the Father. Although the BVM is a creature, she is the Mother of God because the divinity and humanity of the Son of God Jesus Christ can’t be separated … This is a characteristic of Catholicism.
Had the Pope down to the laity been fervent in evangelization, the Catholic Church would not have convened the Vatican II to explore how to proclaim more effectively the gospel messages to the modern world. For more than half a century, the Church keeps promulgating documents of evangelization. In 1975, St. Pope Paul VI started talking about New Evangelization. The focus is not only on non-believers but also on the formation of the baptized as well. During his pontificate, St. Pope John Paul II promulgated many encyclicals and apostolic letters on New Evangelization. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI set up the “Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization”,made 2012-13 a “Year of Faith” to celebrate the golden jubilee of the opening of Vatican II. The Thirteenth General Assembly of Synod of Bishops also made New Evangelization their theme. Within eight months of his pontificate, Pope Francis promulgated his first Apostolic Exhortation “Evangelii Gaudium”. In 2020, the Congregation for the Clergy issued an instruction “The Pastoral Conversion of the Parish Community in the service of the evangelizing mission of the Church” … Thus, evangelization is seen as an acute problem at every level of the Catholic Church. Otherwise, the Roman Curia doesn’t have to keep talking about it tirelessly!

We know that evangelization is the raison d’être of the Church. When Jesus Christ ascended into heaven and returned to the right hand of the Father, He explicitly commissioned the Church to proclaim the gospel (Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15-16, Luke 24:47-49, Acts 1:8). The mission of the Son of God is to reconcile the world to the Father. Thus, He set up the Church and gave this mission of reconciliation to Peter (Matthew 16:19). This reconciliation mission does not fall solely on Peter or the clergy. Paul calls on all Christians to be Christ’s ambassadors of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:20). He even laments, “Woe to me if I do not preach it” (1 Corinthians 9:16).
To be candid, in the early years of the Church, Christians were an extreme minority. A huge space for evangelization was opened up for them over the horizon. But when only new born babies in Europe remained to be baptized and Columbus had not yet discovered the New World, evangelization was meaningless! When travel was perilous, nobody traversed the Silk Road to the Far East unless they wanted to make money or to flee persecution. Otherwise, there was no motivation to bring the gospel to China. Wasn’t Jingjiao a Nestorian heretic? Many centuries since, heresies arose, not out of theological controversies but the corruption of clergy … Looking at the Church history from another perspective, her successes breed her falls. Living in a comfortable environment void of challenges, the Church set up by Jesus Christ looks like a “Perfect Fold” where believers are lambs and clergy are workers in the fold. Simple lambs led a carefree life in the fold while mediocre clergy with no ambitions served the fold without worries.

Jesus says, “I am the gate. Whoever enters through me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture.” (John 10:9) After finding faith in Jesus Christ, were baptized and entered the Church, many people became lambs which entered through the gate of Lord Jesus Christ and found security in the fold. In providing security, the Church proves to be very successful! From cradle to grave and the marital familial life in between, the Church renders a through-train service without competition. There was no need to call for external support. Can we blame the clergy for not being ambitious? Consequently, workers bring lambs into the fold, taking care of their security within the fold and the food they need, very much like Noah’s Ark. Workers do not find it necessary to bring the lambs out, graze them in the pasture to obtain new nutrition, to stretch their feet and work out, meeting other lambs that haven’t yet belonged to the fold! I just want to say, not only is evangelization an obligation of Christians, but Christians are also the first beneficiary themselves! When we meet challenges and difficulties in evangelization, we look for solutions and seek help from the Holy Spirit. Don’t we become the first beneficiary? In the long run, when more people believe in Jesus Christ, we are improving our living space and are able to enjoy greater religious freedom. Time changes and the Church is besieged in the modern world. On one hand, there are totalitarian governments which trample on religious freedom. On the other, there are rivalry from secularism, individualism and new cultures. If the Church does not evangelize, how is she different from death row inmates!

In previous generations, the Church preached by examples. With her charity works, Catholicism is more down to earth than other global religions. When the Pope was able to persuade barbarians from sacking Rome, when the Church became the guardian of Roman culture, when most people were willing to accept the teachings of the Church, we didn’t need to hard-sell the Gospel. The silent presence and charitable works of clergy and friars were sufficient to proclaim the liberating gospel to the “world”. They didn’t know the existence of the New World and had forgotten that Jesus says that He has other sheep that do not belong to this fold (John 10:16). Time changes and people are more enslaved today. Charity and silent presence are not adequate in proclaiming the liberating messages of the gospel. Thus, for more than half a century, the Catholic Church keeps talking about New Evangelization to rekindle the long forgotten zeal of gospel proclamation.

How do we overcome the complacency and the reluctance to leave the security of the fold? Even more accutely, when we proclaim the gospel, we shall definitely encounter difficulties and sometimes it can be life-threatening. What shall we do? Hasn’t Jesus said, “Behold, I am sending you like lambs among wolves” (Matthew 10:16, Luke 10:3)? Isn’t evangelization suicidal? Perhaps we have forgotten Jesus’ promises (Matthew 28:20, Mark 16:17-18). He was killed and now lives. Though it’s hellish out there, with Him, fear not!

Brethren! Are you sure when you stay inside the fold among the 99 sheep, the Good Shepherd has not gone out to seek the one lost sheep? Why not go with the Good Shepherd to seek the lost sheep together? Then we shall be the first beneficiary. My lambs! Go forth! Proclaim the gospel to every creature. Make disciples of all nations.
God bless!

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