
Wednesday 25 January 2023

說新語言 Speak New Tongues






圖片鳴謝:The Mirror

Speak New Tongues (Mark 16:15-18)

The aphorism “Nothing is new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9), which is a piece of Old Testament wisdom, has its limitations when it is applied in modern times. For example, the Ten Commandments forbid stealing (Exodus 20:15). Imagine your possession is untouched and yet I possess a copy. In ancient times, had I committed theft? Of course not because you did not lose anything! Nowadays, legists have invented a concept of “intellectual property” to cover the loophole. When I replicate your creation without seeking your prior consent, I infringe your intellectual property and breach the Ten Commandments. Thus, there are always new things under the sun because the society is evolving continuously. We need to let go the tradition when the time comes. Otherwise, we’ll suck. Hasn’t Jesus Christ taught us to “pour new wine into fresh wineskins” (Matthew 9:17)?

After His resurrection Jesus Christ sent His disciples to proclaim the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15) and promised that miracles would accompany believers (16:17). Miracles are signs of God’s presence. In ancient times, laying hands on the sick to make them cured was sufficient to convert people. But nowadays, with the advancements in medical sciences, will people believe in God after seeing these faith-healings? In ancient times as well as nowadays, being unharmed by serpents or deadly drinks is probably more a protection of personal safety of believers than means of evangelization. Today, the Church still conduct exorcisms, driving out demons in the name of Jesus Christ. Since ancient times, missionaries learnt local dialects to evangelize. Matteo Ricci was an excellent missionary exemplar during the Ming Dynasty of ancient China. Even nowadays, the Catholic diocese of Hong Kong still relies on many missionaries and nuns to bear witness for Christ in fluent Cantonese.

However, are we open to new phenomena? Today, is possession limited to individuals only? What if a group of people are mass-possessed, how does the Church exorcize in the name of Jesus Christ? If you doubt the existence of mass-possession, people who have made use of social media will assure you that the Internet is a hot-bed of mass-possession!
In this age of information explosion, people live on the Internet like air and water. Undeniably, many new languages are flourishing on the Internet creating a glamorous milieu. Regrettably, it has been contaminated by fake information and rumours. What would have been a bulwark of democracy, a platform for the minorities to air their advocacy had turned into a swarm of dungs! Does the Church embrace sufficient wisdom to speak the languages of the Internet, to exorcize demons over there and proclaim the gospel?
Let us invoke the Holy Spirit once more!
God bless!

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