
Wednesday 26 April 2023

被忽略的最偉大神跡 The Ignored Greatest Miracle

被忽略的最偉大神跡 The Ignored Greatest Miracle(若6:35-40)






Not only is every believer a miracle, but Jesus Christ is also the greatest miracle because He is the bread of life and whoever comes to Him will never hunger nor thirst (John 6:35). He is the sign of love showing the presence of God in this world. Regrettably, He is also the most ignored and forgotten miracle.

The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us (1:14); the Son of God incarnated and became man “Emmanuel”, which means “God is with us” (Matthew 1:23). How did Jesus make the invisible God visible in our eyes? Know that God is invisible behind His supreme glory and infinite majesty so that no creature is able to look at directly. Thus, the Son of God took a humble approach by attenuating the glory from His consubstantiality with the Father (Philippians 2:6-7) so that we may hear, see and touch Him (1 John 1:1)! The Son of God took flesh from the Blessed Virgin and was born an infant put into the manger, went through all the limitations of being a creature to gradually grow up as a carpenter in a negligible town! Testing Him forty days in the wilderness, even Satan was unable to recognize His identity as the Son of God, thinking that He was just another mortal prophet. God’s plan is truly ineffable.

Even Satan ignored this greatest miracle, how can we mere mortals not? No contemporary people has ever seen Jesus Christ. They only see a bunch of believers, their words, deeds and religious rituals. In the eyes of non-believers, Jesus is only a founder of a religion. His teachings merely tell people to be good. At most he advocates loving all peoples without class boundaries. He is not much different from any other moralists or religious heavyweights. It is understandable for those non-believers to ignore this greatest miracle of God.

But it is regrettable that even Catholics ignore Jesus Christ!
Many socially conscious believers prefer spending time serving the socially marginalized to wasting time in Sunday masses which for them are boring and ritualistic, not to mention receiving the sacraments! On the other hand, there are pious believers who spend their time and energy arguing which manner of receiving the Holy Communion is pious, bowing or genuflecting, crossing themselves with holy water when they leave the church and criticizing the incompetence of the clergy etc. to prove that they are the most pious to God. The former group is noble but their chances of encountering Christ is slim. As for the latter group, I wonder where the Holy Spirit within them has gone.

Though we are enjoying the third week in the Easter Season, pity the Son of God who is still agonizing in the garden of Gethsemane because His disciples have fallen asleep. Amen.

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