
Friday, 3 January 2025

若翰洗者如何作見證 How John the Baptist Bore Witness


今天讓我們默想並學習洗者若翰如何作見證。 首先,為福音作見證,為天主的愛作見證,需要讀很多神學嗎?需要讀完整部聖經,完全明白當中的教訓嗎?要知道完全明白整部聖經的教訓,很明顯是不可能的。因為我們的理解能力,隨著我們的經歷而改進。即使今天你已經完全掌握了整部聖經的教訓,明天你又會有新的體會。所以不要奢望完全明白整部聖經的教訓之後,纔開始為天主的愛作證!其次,若翰洗者自己說了兩次:「我也不曾認識祂」(若1:31, 33),可見認識祂不是為祂作見證的「必要條件」,而是「充份條件」。即是說:考獲神學文憑或學位固然好,但沒有也不會妨礙你為天主作見證!事實上,不少沒有信仰的人,也考獲神學博士學位。可見「認知」不是信仰的本質。最後,若望說:「天主是愛」(若一4:8)。為愛,甚麼是最有效的見證呢?是銳利的辭令嗎?是沒有破綻的邏輯推理嗎?還是親切的關懷呢?答案顯而易見。你必須愛天主,纔能把這份愛的經驗,介紹給其他人。愛是一件很奇妙的事情,你愛人,但對方未必會還愛。能夠愛天主,已經是了不起的一回事了!




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[Mission Series V]
How John the Baptist Bore Witness (John 1:29-34)

Today, let us meditate and learn from the Baptist how to bear witness.
First, when we bear witness to the gospel and give testimony to God’s love, how much theology do we need to study? Do we need to finish reading the whole Bible and to understand all its teachings first? Obviously, it is impossible to understand all the teachings of the whole Bible. It is because our understanding moves ahead along with our experiences. Even if we understand perfectly all the teachings of the whole Bible today, tomorrow we will acquire new experiences. Therefore, it is unrealistic to bear witness to God’s love only after we have acquired all the understanding of the teachings of the whole Bible! Moreover, John the Baptist says twice, “I did not know Him” (John 1:31, 33). We may conclude that “knowing God” cannot be a “necessary condition” for bearing witness but a “sufficient condition” only. In other words, it is good of you to obtain a certificate or degree in theology but without it does not hamper your bearing witness to God! Indeed, many non-believers also possess PhD in theology as an academic discipline. Understanding is not the essence of faith. At last, John says, “God is love” (1 John 4:8). What is the most effective witness to love? Eloquence? Impeccable logic, or care and concern? The answer is obvious. You must love God before you can share this love with others. Love is a wonderful thing. You love but the other party may not return love. Loving God is already an extraordinary thing!

Secondly, between the Baptist and God, there is direct communication. The Baptist says, “I did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water told me …” (John 1:33a). This communication is direct and does not rely on any intermediaries. That is to say, it is not through the clergy, nuns, catechists or the sharing of others that I know God loves me. Rather, it is my own experience of the unique care and personal concerns that I know God loves me.

Lastly, the elected shall become a channel of God’s blessings to others. Just like Abraham whom God chose not for his personal benefits but to be a fountain of blessing for all peoples, “All the families of the earth will find blessing in you” (Genesis 12:3b). Priests in the Temple have a ministry to bring God’s blessings to those who offer sacrifices. However, John the Baptist did not follow the footsteps of his father Zechariah to become a priest in the Temple. He chose a different life. Therefore, there are no fixed ways to bear witness to God’s love. All follow God’s will.

Beloved brethren! It is already the third day of a new year. Have you loved Jesus Christ a little bit more?
God bless!

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