
Monday, 7 April 2008

3rd Sunday of Easter (Year A)

Unlike Buddhism or Taoism, Christianity is a religion of a community. If you are a Buddhist or Taoist, you can locate a holy mountain; meditate in a holy cave to become a holy man, to achieve enlightenment. As for Christianity, one cannot gain salvation outside the community, the Church. Christians need one another to practise their faith. Therefore, you would never be the sole survivor on earth after a nuclear Armageddon. Your mission would be to seek out other survivors, in order to save your own soul.
In the gospel we read today, we heard of how two disciples encountered the risen Lord on their return to Emmaus.
But their eyes were kept from recognizing him (Luke 24:16) because of their preconception of Jesus. Seeing his mighty deeds and hearing his words of authority, they expected Jesus to liberate them from the colonial rule of the Roman Empire.
But we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel (Luke 24:21a).
Jesus patiently explained to them the messages in the Old Testament concerning him. It was during supper that the 2 disciples were able to recognize Jesus.
When he was at table with them, he took the bread and blessed, and broke it, and gave it to them (Luke 24:30).
Just when they recognized that the total stranger was indeed the risen Lord, Jesus vanished. The 2 disciples rushed back to Jerusalem to report their experience to the 11 apostles and those who were with them.
who said, "The Lord has risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon!" (Luke 24:34).
Luke did not tell us what happened to Simon Peter, the circumstances in which the risen Lord appeared to him. I can only imagine that Peter must have felt very apologetic to have denied Jesus 3 times. But he wept when Jesus turned back to look at him at the house of the High Priest before his trial (Luke 22:61-62). Peter was too far away and even if Jesus said he forgave him, Peter would not hear it. He was too emotional and ashamed at that moment. Now, he had probably recovered a bit from this traumatic experience. Jesus might have forgiven Peter on the first day of his resurrection. Whatever had happened, the most important thing we should keep in mind is the fact that Simon's experience, the 2 disciples' experience together with experiences of many other Christians who have encountered the risen Lord contribute, in each of their own way, the edification of our faith. These experiences of encounters are the building blocks of Christianity.

Mrs Teresa Leung passed away on Monday in the Holy Week, after complaining about a little chest pain on Passion Sunday. She is survived by her husband and three married daughters who were Shung Tak graduates. All three daughters work in the medical establishment and are no strangers to births and deaths. This time, it is different. It is their beloved mother. Yesterday, we attended her requiem mass.
After homily, Louisa, the eldest sister, spoke to the congregation in tears, thanking them for their condolence. She was not able to see or hear her mother anymore. Yet, she saw the contributions of her mother in the parish, her services among the parishers bear fruits. She shared with us that her daughter told her that grandmother taught her not to weep, to be strong. Louisa believes that her mother is speaking to her through her daughter. She feels her presence. Throughout her sharing, Louisa was not able to contain her sobs. She looks fragile but I feel that she is strong despite her tears.
Helen, the second daughter, spoke next. She shed no tears and her voice was determined and calm. She was grateful that her mother passed away swiftly with minimum pains during the Holy Week. She could see her mother go through the Passover with the sweet Lord Jesus. She is not disappointed. It has been Ching Ming and the weather has been gloomy with drizzle. Yesterday, it was sunny and hot. Helen sees this as an omen of Resurrection. She may rest assured that her mother has resurrected into the bosom of God. Rita, the youngest daughter did not speak. Yet, the whole celebration has been an enriching experience.

My sweet Jesus, I thank the Leung sisters for their candour. They are strong indeed. May Your unspeakable grace be with their families always. Let us all be generous in sharing our encounters with You. May Your Church grow from strength to strength, boldly witnessing Your renewing Passover to the world. Amen.

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