
Tuesday 21 October 2008

How did Jesus save the world?

Paul continues to explain how Jesus saved the world. Previously, he explained that we were the work of God. Through our faith and God's grace (in other words, His great love), God saved us. Paul reminded us that it was not through our own merits that we were saved. Now, he turned to Jesus.
First of all, Paul reminded the Ephesians of their situation before believing in Jesus.
Therefore remember that at one time you Gentiles in the flesh, called the uncircumcision by what is called the circumcision, which is made in the flesh by hands --
remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world
(Ephesians 2:11-12).
The Ephesians were Gentiles (2:11). But in modern pluralistic societies nowadays, this racial status carries little impact on the readers.
The Ephesians were separated from Christ (2:12). They had not yet believed in Jesus before Paul preached them the gospel. What's wrong with being separated from Christ?
Paul continued to spell out the disadvantages of being separated from Christ.
Number#1, the Ephesians were alienated from the commonwealth of Israel. Wait, what was the commonwealth of Israel? What was so important to be part of the commonwealth of Israel? Who cares? Israel had already been wiped out. She was not able to take care of herself. So, what is so good, so noble to be a part of it? So what!
Numbers #2, the Ephesians were outsiders of the covenants of promise. They did not belong to the covenants of promise. But what were these covenants? In the epistles to the Galatians, Paul mentioned the difference between the Sarah and Hagar. Children of promise (Galatians 4:28) came from Sarah but children of slavery (Galatians 4:24) came from Hagar. Therefore, I interpret the covenant of promise in contrast to the covenant of slavery.
Number #3, the Ephesians had no hope and without God in the world. I suppose in ancient time, it was important to have a god to protect them in this journey on earth. If a man believed in no god, his life would be in constant dangers and perils. It would be a hopeless life. So, before Paul talked about how Jesus saved us, he enumerated their difficult position.
Christ Jesus saved the world through reconciliation. Through his death on the cross, Jesus was able to shorten the distance between men (Ephesians 2:13). He broke down the wall of hostility and brought them closer (Ephesians 2:14). He formed a new creation, replacing two previously different parties into one (2:15). Besides this reconciliation between men, Paul explained how Christ's death brought about the covenant that reconciled God with men (2:16). In short, from Paul's exposition, we know that Jesus saved the world with a package. He managed to mend fences and achieved reconciliation between men and men as well as a reconciliation between God and me.

My dear Advocate, this is a very good exercise for me to revise how Jesus brought about reconciliation between two parties through his sacrifice on the cross. I pray that we can be Your ambassadors of reconciliation when we grow spiritually more mature. Amen.

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