
Monday 23 November 2009

Feast of Christ the King (Year B)

This is the last Sunday of the Liturgical Year. In 1925, Pope Pius XI instituted the Feast of Christ the King to combat against the tides of nationalism and secularism at that time. In 1969, Pope Paul VI made this feast the last Sunday of the Liturgical Year.
Some years ago, our parish, the Holy Redeemer Church, still celebrated her feast day on Transfiguration which is on the 6th of August. However, August is very hot and many people travel abroad during the summer holiday. The parish priest at that time was Fr. John Baptist Kwan. He is a very capable administrator. He boldly changed the feast day to Christ the King.

Fr. Milanese celebrated the feast day of the parish for the first time today. He began his mass with a little story of a king who gave all his treasures to his subjects. This king was also compassionate towards the sick, the poor and the needy. In the end, he had given up all his treasures and commanded no more authority. Yet, he was well loved by all his subjects. This king was Jesus.
I think he told this story before mass because today, some 26 teenagers were going to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. Fr. Milanese was trying to explain the nature of Jesus' kingship in an easily accessible way. Christ is not just one more king in this world. He is very special and different from the others because this king empties himself for his subjects. No king on earth would do that.

In his homily, Fr. told us a bit of the history of the Feast of Christ the King. He mentioned how Pope Pius XI instituted this feast to fight against nationalism and secularism in 1925. Secularism is a humanism without God. Many people are attracted by its promises, especially because the Church has lost her attraction. Fr. Milanese told the teenagers that in their secondary school life, they will meet many wrong teachings and theories. These teachings are very attractive. They promise to build a kingdom of heaven on earth without God. They are scientific etc. Milanese encouraged our teenagers not to be afraid of these assaults because we have Jesus Christ who is willing to empty himself for our good. No scientific theory can replace his love for us.

Dear King, You are the King of the Universe. In my mind's eyes, I can see You enthroned, yet not very clearly. It is because You are very far away from me. There are millions and millions of people standing between us. Lord, I don't have the motivation to go closer. Perhaps it is not people but sins that are standing between us. Help me see my sins, mourn over them and beg You for Your pardon. Amen.

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