
Sunday 15 November 2009

Thirty third Ordinary Sunday (Year B)

Tonight, I attended the 8 p.m. mass celebrated by Fr. Milanese. We read the book of Daniel, the Epistle to the Hebrews and the Gospel of Mark. In his homily, Fr. Milanese showed his scholarship in the study of Bible. He began his homily with the question why horror movies were so popular nowadays. Watching movies is supposed to be entertaining and relaxing. Why do people watch disturbing movies to torture themselves?

Movies of the previous generation were usually very positive. The good always defeated the bad to restore the normal life of people. But nowadays, movies depict many threats to our life ---- alien invaders / monsters from the outer space, direct impact from asteroids, natural disasters created by global warming and suicidal attacks from terrorists etc. All these movies do not carry the positive themes of the previous generation. It seems that a tragic end of the world is a certainty.
To a certain extent, there is a little bit of truth in these horror movies. The Bible also agrees that the end of the world is a certainty. But for us Christians, it will not be a tragic one. We have a loving Father. He will take care of us.

When Daniel wrote his apocalypse, the Jews were experiencing a crisis. The bad had defeated the good. The Maccabees were successful at the beginning in their fight for Jewish independence. However, it did not last long and Judah became once again a Greek province. The overlords imposed Hellenization. The Jews were fighting a losing battle against it. They were losing their identity, their culture and their faith. God was silent when they were suffering persecutions. It was in this background that Daniel wrote his apocalypse. He saw the end. However grim the present might be, the end shall be a bright one. There shall be a resurrection of all. The righteous will be rewarded and the wicked put to shame.
And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever
 (Daniel 12:2-3).
Showing his scholarship, Fr. Milanese continued to explain why Daniel wrote in this style. He had to write in this genre, using enigmatic symbols and numerology to put on a mysterious shroud, to protect himself from persecutions from the rulers. In the New Testament, John followed his example when he wrote the Revelation. We Christians should cherish this hope for the end of the world. Many have gone before us, suffering persecutions of various kinds. Their hope was strong. Even if God did not come to deliver them at their times of tribulations, God would make the records straight at the end.

I was still a little bit lost because his homily is not quite rooted in this community. Don't be so demanding. Fr. Milanese has come for just one and a half month.

Dear Lord, at the moment, we are not quite persecuted. May we take this good time of peace to sing praises to You so that in times of difficulties, we remember to call on You to save us. Amen.

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