
Sunday 4 July 2010

Fourteenth Ordinary Sunday (Year C)

This morning, Fr. Martin celebrated the 11 a.m. Mass, which was also the Year End celebration for the Sunday School. The readings today are not at all easy for children to understand. For example,
Go your way; behold, I send you out as lambs in the midst of wolves (Luke 10:3).
How would you tell the children and their parents that Jesus sent them out into dangers?
Whatever house you enter, first say, 'Peace be to this house!' 
OK! It is politeness. Fair enough. But ...
And if a son of peace is there, your peace shall rest upon him; but if not, it shall return to you (Luke 10:5-6).
What does "son of peace" mean? What would happen to me if my peace should rest upon them? Would I be put into danger?
How would you explain the gospel reading of today to the children and their parents?

Fr. Martin resorted to telling the young audience some interesting facts about Japanese golden orioles. Golden orioles are song birds of a shy type. Their songs are flute like screech. Japanese farmers would pick up newly hatched golden orioles and bring them home to breed. They have to pick them up before the baby orioles hear other birds chirp. The farmers don't want their songs "contaminated". They would breed them with a mature golden oriole so as to teach them pure oriole songs etc.
What lesson could we draw from this practice?
Well, first of all, Fr. Martin reminded his young audience to be watchful of their companions. If their peers are good, they will do good. If their peers behave badly, they will follow and their parents will be deeply upset.
However, they are not passive recipients of whatever is fed into their eyes and ears. Fr. Martin reminded them that they would also influence their friends. Do good and your friends will follow your example.
Jesus usually gave his audience surprises in his parables. I think Fr. Martin has captured the true spirit of Jesus' saying. Yes, his disciples should be lambs in the midst of wolves so as to transform the wolves into lambs! Lambs are not defenceless after all. They are powerful lambs that are capable of taking away the sins of the world, of saving the wolves. So be it. Trust in the Lord. Let us be lambs in the midst of wolves.

Dear Lord, we have faith in You but not enough. Help us believe more and trust in Your saving grace. Make us courageous enough to let go and to be lambs in the midst of wolves. Amen.

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