
Sunday 10 July 2011

Ode to the English Panel

I was caught in a "dilemma" when Donna, our STC NET, changed the date of farewell dinner. It clashed with our Graduation Dinner tonight. I have no choice but to abandon my classmates in Lan Kwai Fong. I must attend the farewell dinner because Donna, our STC NET, will return to Australia for good. I was not disappointed.

The sea-food was not the most essential part of this farewell dinner, nor the wine. It was the recital of the poem she wrote that touched the hearts of all of us. Quite a lot of tears were shed when Donna read out her poem, the ODE TO THE ENGLISH PANEL. We are privileged because everyone was mentioned. Here it is. Enjoy.

In a quiet little corner of Hung Shui Kiu
the notorious Radical Cheung is awaiting you.
He's still an important part of a mighty teaching panel
you name it --- English, Cantonese, Putonghua --- they operate on many channels.

I begin my little story back in 2005
I'd been working at a CMI school --- gosh it was hard to survive!
Then one fateful day I met Brenda Lee,
she turned my life around with the word, "Come & work for me."

So I joined Shung Tak's dynamic and crazy English team
and my teaching life became a living dream.
I started by sharing my passion for English Lit
& I have to say, for a number of years it was quite the hit!

Which leads me to John Wong, legend and pu-erh connoisseur,
discussing literature & folk music have been a true pleasure, thank you Sir.
Though John, I've got to admit my confusion at some of that grammar stuff
for crying out loud, some of your questions were really tough!

Now Emily Ma is a wonderful friend and teacher,
watching her in action each year is quite a feature.
From Speech Festival training, cockroaches, to her kitchen skills,
life is never boring but rather full of thrills!

For fearless leadership & Trinidadian passion you can't pass Brenda,
she'll have the difficult conversations to pursue justice, she's the great defender.
For quality discussions of philosophy, politics & religious debate,
Alex is your man, it's proven by his regular tea time with mates.
[Donna, I'm flattered & elated!]

Now if you need tips on parenting or fashion advice,
Jojo is your best choice, hey don't think twice.
She's globe trotted to Singapore, Taiwan and Italy
she's the expert on fashion & her advice is free!

Poor Ceci struggles with obsessed students & Raymond's marriage advice,
how annoying! At times all she wants is a quiet bowl of Emily' rice.
But don't get me wrong, it's a hard working panel, just ask Alan he knows best,
imagine half the panel observing your lesson, it must have been quite the test!

Talking of Alan, we're all jealous of your most recent career highlight
I'm talking about Santa Claus Jeff who we all wanted to cuddle tight!
A close second for cuteness came on my visit to Aubrey's house
Sorry Alan & Aubrey, I'm thinking of fluffy's skydive that silenced him like a mouse.

But it hasn't only been work work work throughout the years,
Sonia's given birth twice through the blood sweat and tears.
Zette and Brian got hitched & maybe another baby on the way,
this panel doesn't just work hard but knows how to play!

Ah, the lovely Zette, she's worked hard to achieve so much,
she's capable, creative and caring, she seems to have the magic touch.
Speaking of magic let's not forget Penny and her phonics Letter Land
or the homemade cookies, sweet 'hellos' and her forever helping hand.

By the way, I haven't forgotten our Vonnie, a quiet gentle soul
who brings a calmness to this crazy and lively panel on the whole.
Katy is a new young face who's sure to leave her mark,
she's deeply committed and has a genuine teaching spark.

Of course Vanessa was there from day one,
she's always around to join us for some fun.
With a heart of gold and an inquiring mind.
she's really special and one of a kind.

Winnie starts with W and so I've kept her for last,
added is the fact the rhyme isn't coming quite so easy or fast!
They say behind every great man is an even greater female,
Winnie, you're our Wonder woman (sic! girl!), our Mulan, without you we'd surely fail!

So from ERS, ESR, SBA, NSS to Language Arts,
It's been a wonderful experience from the start!
And now as I turn my gaze towards the Australian shore,
I'll store all these wonderful memories and send emails to you all.

Thank you English Panel for all the laughs, love and food,
Your support and optimism has often helped my mood.
Remember HK to Sydney is only a 9 hour flight,
You & your loved ones will always have a pillow for the night.

Thank you, Donna.
It has been our privilege and pleasure to work with you.
May our sweet Lord continue to bless you
and keep you in His abundant love.

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