
Sunday 14 July 2013



我們對聖經的內容,有很多「美麗的誤會」。例如創世紀中的「禁果」經常被人認為是蘋果,甚至將男人的喉核,解釋成為亞當正在吃禁果的時候被天主發現,慌亂中禁果卡在喉嚨,成為喉核,英文稱為 Adam’s Apple.



上星期一小六派位放榜,明天是第二屆文憑試放榜,做家長的忙得「不亦樂乎」。近年出現不少所謂「直昇機家長、怪獸家長」令人咎病。他們要求陪伴讀大學的子女到內地實習,他們想出席大一迎新營,保護自己的子女不受欺凌。小六的家長帶著子女四出奔波叩門,想子女入讀Band One名校,又向學校訓導老師說謊,坦護遲起床的子女…凡此種種都是出於一份對子女的愛,可惜是一份「錯愛」,因為並不是從子女的益處,子女的成長為出發點。所謂「好心做壞事」,都是因為沒從別人的真正需要為出發點。有人出於好意,不想自己的絕症加重親人的負載,用跳樓自殺或者「安樂死」的手段去處理問題,結果留給家人的是一份很難磨滅的内疚。如果能與家人一齊互相支持,渡過餘下的時日,自然地離世,反而是送給家人一份最好的,無悔的禮物。



15th Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: Love your neighbour as yourself

We have a lot of “beautiful misunderstandings” of the stories in the Bible. For example, people usually think that the “forbidden fruit” mentioned in Genesis was an apple. They even explain the origin of the laryngeal protuberance as a piece of forbidden fruit stuck at the throat when Adam was caught by God eating it. Thus, it is called Adam’s Apple.
Another well-known misunderstanding involving Jesus is the “Three Magi”. Matthew mentions that when Jesus was born, “several wise men” arrived from the East to worship him. Matthew did not say three but since they offered three gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh, “several wise men” became “Three Magi”.
Moreover, many people think that Jesus teaches us to love our neighbour as ourselves. According to the gospel of Mark, a teacher of the Law challenged Jesus which was the greatest commandment among the 613 Jewish laws. Jesus leisurely told him that the greatest commandment is to love God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind and with all our strength; and the second greatest is to love our neighbour as ourselves. Therefore, it is Jesus who teaches us to love our neighbour as ourselves. They don’t know that Jesus was actually quoting Deuteronomy and Leviticus in answering the teacher of the Law. Deuteronomy and Leviticus were written by Moses. Therefore, Jesus did not teach us to love our neighbour as ourselves. Moses did.

Now, another problem arises. According to the gospel of Mark, the greatest commandment came from the lips of Jesus. However, from what we heard in Luke today, the greatest commandment came from the lips of the teacher of the Law who challenged Jesus. Now, who actually spoke it, Jesus or the teacher of the Law? Do the gospels not talk about historical truths? Why do we have two contradictory versions?
Although gospels are supposed to be biographies of Jesus, the Evangelists wrote with a purpose. They selected some historical events involving Jesus, edited and embellished these events in accordance with the circumstances of the community and the needs of proclamation. They wrote in such a way as to portray a particular image of Jesus, to deepen their faith in Jesus and to advocate the spirit of the gospel. Mark is more inclined to tell stories than to preach morals. Luke not only tells stories of Jesus, but he also wants to help the audience meditate how to be a good disciple.

According to Mark’s arrangements, the story happened after Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, i.e. within the Holy Week. At that time, Jesus was surrounded and challenged by people of different religious shades and political alliances in the Temple. Jesus was able to ward them off one by one. In history, it was probably Jesus who spoke of the greatest commandment to defeat the teacher of the Law. Afterwards, there would be no more need to elaborate. Luke’s version did not take place in the Temple. Jesus was not surrounded by hostile challengers. Luke put the greatest commandment in the lips of the teacher of the Law who did not want to let Jesus off the hook too easily and wanted to keep the battle going. Inadvertently, he handed Jesus an opportunity to teach him a lesson with the parable of the Good Samaritan. Luke’s literary mastery surpasses Mark’s a lot.

In fact, do you see any flaw in the commandment of “loving your neighbour as yourself”?
Let us see how Luke unveils the loophole in “loving your neighbour as yourself.”
Contrasting how the teacher of the Law and Jesus asked the questions will reveal the flaw.
The teacher of the Law asked Jesus “who is my neighbour?” (Luke 10:29) After telling the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus asked, “Which of these three, do you think, proved neighbour to the man who fell among the robbers?” (Luke 10:36).
The teacher of the Law was self-centred. Jesus taught the teacher of the Law to be altruistic, to put on the shoes of the needy. Self-centred love is selfish love, not true love. True love is being considerate to the needs of the others. The loophole of “Love your neighbour as yourself” is the “self”. To be a good Christian, it is not enough to “love your neighbour as yourself”. Luke helps his audience meditate on the real meaning of love. Love your neighbour cannot begin with your own perspective, your own interests. True love begins from the interests of the others, the perspective of the others. “Love your neighbour forgets yourself”.

Last Monday, the results of Secondary School Places Allocation were released. Tomorrow, the results of Diploma of Secondary Education examination will be released. Many parents would be very busy. In recent years, there reported many “helicopter parents”, “monster parents” whose actions were widely criticized. They wanted to accompany their children in their internship in the mainland; they wanted to go to freshmen orientation camps to protect their children lest they would be bullied. Many primary six parents ran around the territory with their children to ‘knock the doors’ in order to have their children enrolled in Band One elite schools. Some even tell lies to discipline teachers so that their children would not be punished for returning to schools late ... All these actions are motivated by ‘parental love’ of their children. Unfortunately, it is a wrong kind of love because it does not start with the interests of the child, the growth and development of the child. “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” It is all because the starting point is not the interests and needs of the others. Some patients of incurable diseases who do not want to burden their family members financially and emotionally decide to jump to their death or seek euthanasia to ‘solve the problem’. Consequently, the patient leaves his beloved ones an inerasable sense of guilt. If they support each other in the remaining days and let the patient die a natural death, it would be the best gift of no regret left behind for the family members.

Although “every family has her own difficult breviary to pray”, we are advantaged to be Catholics. In the real daily life, we have “Family Services of Caritas” which can help us solve family problems and child-raising problems etc. In our spiritual life, we have the Holy Spirit who is the spirit of truth and God’s love. Let us pray more to the Holy Spirit, not just in times of emergencies. We pray daily to the Holy Spirit to illuminate our intellect so that we may understand and love correctly; to inflame our callous hearts so that we may extend a helping hand generously when we see people in need.

God bless.

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