
Sunday 13 October 2013









28th Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: Thanksgiving in everything (Philippians 4:6)

Today, I would like to speak a little bit about the background of the Bible stories so that we may understand the messages better.
In the Kingdom era of the Old Testament after the death of King Solomon, Rehoboam, his son did not possess the wisdom to hold the 12 tribes together. The Kingdom of Israel was split into two, thus reducing its strength. The neighbouring countries began to poach on the northern Kingdom of Israel. Meanwhile, idolatry was widespread in the kingdom. The hearts of the people became corrupt. The fate of the kingdom was hanging on a thread. God had sent Elijah to eradicate the corrosion. Elisha carried on the baton of Elijah. Naaman was a Syrian captain of the army. His coming to Israel to seek therapy created a political crisis. Had the cure failed, it would have become an excuse to invade Israel. In the end, God cured Naaman of his leprosy. An invader became a convert. Though Israel had weathered through a political crisis, she did not learn the lesson and continued her idolatry. At last, she was conquered by Assyria. To ensure no possibility of rebellion, the Assyrians exiled most of the Israelites and resettled other tribes into the land of Israel so as to thin out their blood. These hybrids became Samaritans. In the eyes of the Jews, Samaritans were impure and were despised.

Among the ten lepers in the gospel, one was a despised Samaritan. Why was this Samaritan able to live among the Jews who despised him? In ancient time, leprosy was contagious and there was no cure. Therefore, lepers were quarantined and chased out of the villages and towns to fend for themselves. Being wretched drifters, these lepers stayed together to improve their chances of survival. They had to put down their mutual hostility to weather through. Suffering has the power to build up solidarity. The greatest pain is to suffer alone. Jesus knew it well when he was abandoned on the cross. Therefore, he understands thoroughly our sufferings. With the support in a community, sufferings are bearable. If we suffer with Christ who understands us, our sufferings will become light. This is the meaning of salvation.

Let us meditate deeper into the miracle. Among the ten cured lepers, only one returned to glorify God and thank Jesus. Only one leper truly received salvation.
Miracle and salvation are two different things. Miracles can be the stepping stone to salvation. They help people further receive God’s salvation. Out of His compassion, God hear the plights and breach the laws of nature to eliminate the sufferings of those who call upon Him. There are cure miracles, exorcisms, calming of the waves and multiplication of loaves. God performs all these miracles out of His compassion to relieve the sufferings of the people. Jesus cured many who were sick and they would be sick again. Jesus fed 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish. These people would be hungry the day after. Jesus raised 3 people from the dead and they would die again the other day. Therefore, miracles can relieve the current sufferings but they are not once and for all. In order to have a permanent effect, we should take the opportunity to build up a lasting relationship with God. It is good to have miracles but they are only secondary. Building up a lasting relationship with God is the key of salvation. Among the ten lepers, only one held this key. He returned to build up a lasting relationship with God. Only this foreigner, this Samaritan, this Naaman received salvation.

Why didn’t the nine other lepers return to glorify God and thank Jesus?
One possible reason was that they were too excited to be cured and hurried to see the priests to examine them, to certify them purified. Unlike Catholic priests today who are easily available in the parishes, Jewish priests worked in the Temple and there was only one Temple in Jerusalem. To look for a priest to examine your leprosy was not like going down the street to ask a physician to write you a medical certificate. It took them about 150 km to walk all the way from Galilee to Jerusalem. These lepers needed to pack themselves to walk at least three days to reach Jerusalem.
Like the nine lepers, we can easily make mistakes in prioritizing our life. We spend most of our time and energy on secondary matters, turning our life on its head. For example, in order to provide our wife and children with a more comfortable life, we work hard to earn money so much so that we lose our health and quality time with our children. The loss outweighs the gain. Students who want to achieve high scores in public exams attend tuition classes after school. In the end, they are exhausted and their normal studies and exam scores are affected. Once again, the loss outweighs the gain. In the same way, focusing on miracles and neglecting the improvement of relationship with God is turning our salvation on its head.

Faith is a theme running through the gospel readings in these few weeks. Today, the gospel tells us that our faith is not built upon miracles, but on our relationship with God. God delivers us. Being grateful to God is right and fitting. St. Paul wrote to the Philippians that “in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” (Galatians 4:6).
Why is thanksgiving so important? In the gospel reading last week, the apostles asked Jesus to increase their faith (Luke 17:5). Didn’t the 10 lepers have faith in Jesus? If they hadn’t had faith, how would they have asked Jesus for help? But only one of them was grateful. Indeed, the key to increase faith is to have a grateful heart. To a certain extent, being grateful admits our inadequacy, acknowledging that we are in need of others’ help. This is the virtue of humility which counters the capital sin of pride and facilitates our salvation. Looking from another perspective, having a grateful heart improves our relationship with God and certainly brings us salvation. The faith of the nine other lepers remains on a superficial level. It could only solve their problems at hand and was insufficient to bring them salvation.
The same is true in our daily life. If children take their parents’ love for granted without gratitude, how can their relationship with parents be good? How can they build up happy families of their own in the future? Parents take the filial piety from their children for granted, without gratitude. When they grow old, their memories are failing. When only bitter and resentful memories remain, how shall they spend their remaining days?

Brothers and sister, keep in mind to be always thankful when you offer up your prayers to God.
God bless.

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