
Sunday 8 December 2013










2nd Advent Sunday, Year A
Theme: Learn from John the Baptist

Let us exercise our imagination and try to envision what it would be like when the disciples proclaimed the resurrection of Jesus. There were no Bible or Vatican II constitutions. There were only the 46 books of the Old Testament**. There was no mass. Disciples in Jerusalem prayed at the Temple and broke bread at homes. There was no gospel. The disciples recalled the words and deeds of Jesus from memory. There was no sacrament of Baptism. The first disciples made use of the Jewish customs of cleansing available. At that time, there was no system or organization. When people believed in your proclamation and received baptism from you, they became your disciples and not Catholics. The First Epistle to the Corinthians informs us how at the start, the church fell into the crisis of division. At that time, baptism was not unified. There were baptisms of Paul, of Apollo, of Peter and of Christ. There were probably baptisms of other sects such as the baptism of the Baptist.

The followers of the Baptists formed a movement which Christians could not ignore. First of all, Jesus received baptism from the Baptist. According to the gospel of John, Andrew, the brother of Peter, was at first a disciple of the Baptist. Later, the Baptist told him to follow Jesus. After the death of the Baptist at the hand of Herod, the followers of the Baptist left the area around River Jordan to run away from persecution. They must have reached Ephesus at least three to four years before the Christians. They enjoyed the advantages of early starters. Let us imagine what would happen when a Christian met a follower of the Baptist?
Firstly, how would the Christian respond to the undisputed fact that Jesus was baptized by the Baptist? This made Jesus one of the disciples of the Baptist who would be the Patriarch of all Christians. Christians had to greet the followers of the Baptists as seniors. How would early Christians handle such an embarrassing situation in their preaching? Moreover, what did Christian baptism offer which the Baptist’s baptism could not offer? If there was a choice, why should people choose Christian baptism instead of the Baptist’s baptism?

Acts 19 tells us that Paul met some disciples in Ephesus. Paul asked them if they had received the Holy Spirit which they replied they had never heard of. Paul further asked them what baptism they had received and it was the Baptist’s. Paul then explained to them that the Baptist was the forerunner of Jesus. So, they received baptism once more in the name of Jesus. When Paul lay hands on them, the Holy Spirit came down to them and they began to speak in tongues and prophesied (Acts 19:1-7). This passage solves the two previously mentioned embarrassments once and for all. According to the Old Testament tradition, before the coming of the Messiah, Elijah appeared first as the forerunner to prepare his way. Jesus is the Messiah and naturally the Baptist his forerunner. How can the status of a forerunner compare to that of the Messiah? Even if the baptism of repentance of the Baptist can forgive sins, it is incomparable to the Christian baptism that gives the Holy Spirit.
Nowadays, the Catholic baptism has developed into the systematic Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Adults are baptised on the eve of Easter. They receive Baptism, Confirmation and the Holy Eucharist. In Confirmation, they receive the Holy Spirit and its seven gifts. In the passage taken from Isaiah today, we find the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. Let us revise how these seven gifts help us lead a truly Christian life.

The gift of wisdom helps us love spiritual things in this materialistic world which is full of false and competing views. The gift of understanding helps us grasp the truth and know how to deal with people in the right ways. The gift of counsel helps us discern right from wrong and make the right judgment. After making the right judgment, we need the gift of fortitude to act according to justice with moral courage. The gift of knowledge helps us know the will of God and ways to do good and avoid evil. Gifted with these supernatural powers, we need piety and the fear of the Lord to discipline ourselves, to prevent us from becoming arrogant and abuse God’s gifts. Jesus’ struggle with the Devil’s temptations is a good model.

In fact, John the Baptist is also a good model for Christians. When the Blessed Virgin Mary visited Elizabeth, the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit and leapt in his mother’s womb. In him, we can glimpse the working of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.
With the gift of wisdom and the love of God, the Baptist gave up the priestly office inherited from his father and accepted God’s call to be a prophet. The gift of understanding made him know that it was time for him to “retire” with the rise of Jesus. With the gift of counsel, he was able to judge the errors of the Pharisees, Sadducees and Herod Antipas. The gift of fortitude made him fearless of the cruelty of Herod who admired him and even wanted to protect him. The gift of knowledge helped him choose to lead a life of poverty in the wilderness to discern the will of God and to avoid the vanity of city life to carry out his prophetic office. The Baptist became the voice in the wilderness and the forerunner of the Messiah. Piety and the fear of the Lord need no further elaboration.

Placed before our eyes is John the Baptist, a good model for Christians. Like the Baptist, Christians have the duty to be forerunners in this world to proclaim the gospel. Today, the education level of our audience is high. Therefore, we cannot afford to remain unsystematic and unorganized. Otherwise, not only will we be confounded speechless, but we will also become a counter-witness for Christ.
With the closing of the Year of Faith, the Diocese announces that the coming year shall be the Year of Learning for us to deepen our understanding of the spirit of Vatican II. Here, I invite all of you to read the scripture everyday. Pray and know more deeply the roots of our faith. Pay attention and participate in the learning activities organized by our parish and the Diocese so that our 2000-year old faith will not become irrelevant in modern time.
God bless.

** To be more precise, the canon of the Old Testament was not yet fixed. The first Christians were probably using parts of the Septuagint.

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