
Sunday 15 June 2014

Making sense of the Blessed Trinity

Since the rational scientific age, men have been proud of dismissing religions as superstition because religions fail the scientific scrutiny. With the rise of social sciences, religion as a social institution began to regain her turf. Though physical sciences are able to explain a lot of things, religions provide meanings for existential difficulties which physical sciences are unable to offer any help. A physicist might be able to chart the last fatal 24.8 seconds before an air crash. However, even with all the formulae in his sleeves, he will never be able to explain why ten good men should die on the same plane with three terrorists.

Bearing in mind the social cultural background of social scientists, we have to take their views with caution. For example, it is natural for a sociologist who came from a monotheistic background to develop an evolutionary theory of religions such that religions evolve from primitive ones to advanced ones such as from pantheism to polytheism to henotheism and finally to monotheism. Some theorists focus on the symbolism of religions. Yet some others would focus on the social economic functions of religions etc. Nowadays, if you think religions are no more than organized superstitions, you are very narrow-minded indeed.

Christianity, Islam and Judaism believe in the same God of Abraham. All of them confess that this God is one. However, among the three, Christianity is the most challenging of all. Their God is one and three at the same time! It is impossible to summarize the development of this Trinity doctrine of the last two thousand years within this limited space. Suffice it to say that the Christian understanding of the Blessed Trinity itself is still evolving. Each age would seek to find the best formulation of this concept.
At the beginning, Christians employed Greek philosophical concepts of "person" and "substance" to articulate their understanding of God. That is why the Christian God is a Trinity: there are three Persons in one God. Such an articulation met the needs of the first two centuries and then controversies began to emerge. The Christian Church had to convoke council after council to define and defend more clearly what they meant by Trinity. At present, Christians focus more on a relational articulation of the Blessed Trinity. This articulation has the advantage of putting an aspect of God in the limelight: God is Love.

The homilies of both Deacon Tsang and Father Joseph Liu focus on this theme. It was out of love that the Father created the known universe for us. It was out of love that the Son incarnated and sacrificed himself for our sins. It is the Holy Spirit that sustain all Christians in communion until the end of the world. During the Creation, both the Son and the Holy Spirit participated. During the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Father and the Holy Spirit were working. Throughout the age of the Church, the Blessed Trinity is present. In fact, the history of man is played out in front of the Blessed Trinity.
In the beginning, man was created in the image of God. They were not yet perfect and were vulnerable. In the course of human history, men fell from grace and a lot of evils emerged. But their Creator is determined to make them "lovable" (in Fr. Liu's word) again. Thus, the salvation history began to unfold. Each and everyone of us has a part to play in this history. We make history and attain perfection by means of Love/Charity. Love is not a science. It cannot be explained by means of electro-chemical reactions of hormones. Nor is it a mere emotion. Love involves values, discipline, respect and morals because love exists where there is a relation of persons. I had better stop here because love cannot be empty speeches. Learn to do it. Make love exist.

Dear Holy Spirit, you are the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Love. Inspire and strengthen me so that I may be able to love better and love more. Amen.

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