
Sunday 8 June 2014

我們與聖神的關係 Our relationship with the Holy Spirit






除了聖事生活外,天主聖神在祈禱靈修方面亦不斷地扶助著我們。我們每日可能祗會唸幾次「天主經」、「飯前經」、在聖母月唸聖母經,玫瑰經、有些年長的教友會加唸「三鐘經」、有接受過聖經或神學訓練的教友會唸早晚課,參加星期五的泰澤祈禱,Lectio Divina,到思維靜院參加避靜,學習依納爵神操等。老實說,我們知道祈禱靈修是重要的,但我們不知道怎樣祈禱纔對。聖保祿宗徒曾說過,「因為我們不知道如何祈求纔對,而天主聖神卻親自以無可言喻的歎息,代我們轉求。」(羅8:26)其實,天父在我們祈禱之前,已經知道我們的意向。所以,與其不斷唸經祈禱,倒不如享受一下與聖神同在的神聖時刻吧,聖神會代我們轉求,會在我們「神枯」時給予我們「神慰」。



Pentecost (Year A)
Theme: Our relationship with the Holy Spirit

Before he ascended into heaven, Jesus promised his disciples the Holy Spirit to help them preach to all nations. At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples, bestowing on them heavenly powers. Filled with the Holy Spirit, the disciples preached in different languages, worked miracles, cured diseases and exorcised demons. Three thousand people were attracted to join this Spirit-empowered community. The curtain had been lifted on “Age of Holy Spirit”, the “Age of the Church”. Thus, Pentecost is also the birthday of the Church.

God is invisible. In Old Testament times, Abraham could only see three angels of the Lord, Moses the burning bush and Isaiah a smoke-filled temple. Therefore, John wrote “No one has ever seen God; the only Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he has made him known.” (John 1:18)
The Apostles were truly blessed. They were able to live with the Incarnate Son of God, to see, to hear and to touch a visible God. For three years, they were walking with Jesus the Son of God, eating with him and living with him. They were able to pay attention to his teachings, to see with their very eyes the miracles, passion and resurrection, to touch the marks of nail which Jesus still kept after resurrection. After developing for twenty one centuries, the Church today is founded on Jesus the Son of God as her corner stone and those apostles who had lived with Jesus the Son of God her foundation (Ephesians 2:20). Thus, when we recite the Creed every Sunday, we confess an Apostolic Church.

St. Paul described the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ. Christ is the head and we are members of this body. Just as Jesus “was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary”, the Church was formed by the descent of the Holy Spirit. Were there no Holy Spirit, there would be no Jesus, nor the Church. Therefore, the Holy Spirit and the life in Church are closely linked. Let us reflect deeper on the workings of the Holy Spirit from three perspectives.

In the Genesis story of the creation of man, there is an inspiring detail. God made use of dust to form a man in His own image. Then He “…breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” (Genesis 2:7) Which means God has already implanted in man the “seed” to seek the Creator. Some seeds grow up in adversities. Their journey to seek God is tortuous. Some seeds are luckier and are able to bear fruits. In the second reading today, St. Paul tells us that no one can say “Jesus is Lord” except by the Holy Spirit (1Corinthians 12:3). Therefore, it is the Holy Spirit who moves us so that we are counted blessed to be able to be baptized and found the one true God. Take a look at the three sacraments of the Rite of Christian Initiation. They are the work of the Holy Spirit. In Baptism, it was the Holy Spirit who descended on Jesus in River Jordan to consecrate the water so that the baptizees may obtain a new life. In Confirmation, the Holy Spirit pours out the seven gifts to strengthen the spiritual life of the recipients. The Holy Eucharist we share relies on the consecration of the Holy Spirit. Thus the promise “I am with you always, to the close of the age” which Jesus made can be honoured (Matthew 28:20).

Besides the sacramental life, the Holy Spirit continuously supports us in our prayers and spirituality. Everyday we may recite the Lord’s Prayer, Grace before meals; the Hail Mary and Rosary in the month of May; some senior Catholics may add the Angelus; those who have received biblical or theological trainings may recite Lauds and Vespers, join Taize prayer meetings on Fridays, Lectio Divina, participate in retreats and Ignatian Spiritual Exercises in Xavier House etc. Frankly speaking, we know the importance of prayers and spirituality but we do not know the right way to pray. St. Paul once said, “… for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words.” (Romans 8:26). In fact, before we pray, our Father in heaven already knows our intention. Thus, instead of reciting prayers, we should enjoy sacred moments with the Holy Spirit who shall intercede for us. The Holy Spirit will give us “spiritual consolation” when we experience “spiritual desolation”.

When it comes to consolation, Jesus promised the disciples another Counselor. He is “the Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive” (John 14:16-17). He “will declare to you the things that are to come” (16:13). Indeed, the Holy Spirit is more the “Spirit of love”. He empowers us to put Jesus’ teachings into practice. Jesus taught us the Beatitudes which according to secular norms, are impracticable. Who doesn’t want to be rich? Who is willing to be poor? Who doesn’t want to exercise authority? It is out of question for the meek to gain any foothold in the society. Who is not afraid of “troubles”? Only an idiot will suffer persecution for righteousness’ sake. Sympathy is in short supply. If you do not strike back when somebody strikes you on your right cheek, you are very civilized. Who would turn his other cheek?
In fact, Jesus’ teachings are not some impracticable ideals. Rather, it is an expression of great charity. It is because all men are images of God and God desires to save all souls. Those who persecute and hurt you are also God’s images. Can you see them as a grace God arranges for you? Therefore, we need the Holy Spirit to open our eyes to see the truth, to see the images of God.
In the gospel reading today, Jesus gave the apostles the Holy Spirit to forgive the sins of people. The purpose of forgiving sins is to reconcile all men to God and their brethren. It is not easy to forgive. We need the Holy Spirit to inflame our heart so that we may be meek, merciful and extend a generous helping hand to the needy and to pray for those who persecute us, those who give us troubles. Only with the help from the Holy Spirit can we truly become the salt of the earth and the light of the world. When people see our good works, they shall give glory to our Father in heaven.

In the second reading today, St. Paul says that the Holy Spirit gives us varieties of spiritual gifts to serve the same Lord, to build up the same Mystical Body of Christ. St. Peter compares us to pieces of living stones “to build into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” (1Peter 2:5). So, on our journey of sanctification, we cannot be alone. We have joined this Spirit-empowered community, we should “drink of one Spirit”. We glow and are in communion with each other in the Holy Spirit who makes us one in Christ to become an acceptable sacrifice of the Father.
May the Holy Spirit be praised, now and forever. With the Father and the Son, one God, He lives and reigns forever. Amen.
God bless.

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