
Sunday 10 August 2014

神蹟的象徵意義 Symbolic Meanings of Miracles







19th Ordinary Sunday (Year A)
Theme: Symbolic Meanings of Miracles

The LRT station next to our Church is called “Pui To (cup ferry)”. According to “Biography of High Monks”, Pui To was an anonymous, eccentric monk in the 6th Century. He worked miracles and one of his most remembered fits was to cross rivers and lakes on a wooden cup. That is why he was remembered as Pui To, i.e. ferrying on a cup. His last known address was the Castle Peak Monastery in our neighbourhood.
Besides the story of Monk Pui To, I am sure you must have heard of the levitation skill “treading water on duckweed” in martial art novels. Though we know these are fantasies, we enjoy the fun they deliver. Therefore, with this cultural background, we might find Jesus’ walking on the water not impressive enough.

Truly, the miracles of Jesus in the gospels, such as turning water into wine, healings, exorcisms, calming the storm or even the multiplication of loaves we read last Sunday would be dwarfed by the spectacular scenes in Chinese classic novels such as “Creation of the gods”, “Journey to the West” or other fairy tales and legends. Indeed, compared with myths and legends in other parts of the world, the miracles recorded in the Bible are less powerful in shaking the foundation of the world. Therefore, I would like to share with you the topic of “miracles”.

Why were Jesus’ miracles not ground shaking and spirits wailing? It is because of cultural differences.
Firstly, Jesus was born a Jew. Therefore, his miracles bear Israelite cultural hues. Prophets of the Old Testament such as Elijah and Elisha were called “man of God”. Jesus’ miracles, such as healing lepers, raising the dead and the multiplication of loaves, had been miracles worked by Elijah and Elisha before. Therefore, Jesus’ miracles told his contemporaries that he was a “man of God”.
Secondly, Genesis tells us that during Creation, God brought about order out of chaos. Therefore, when Jesus calmed the storm and this time walked on the water, these miracles show the divinity of Jesus. Jesus is our God. Other miracles such as Transfiguration and exorcisms also convey the same message.
Lastly, where do you expect to find God? In the unstoppable, destructive whirlwinds? In mountain renting earthquakes? Or in a hellish sea of fire? Negative. According to 1Kings 19 we read today, God was in a still small voice (1Kings 19:12). God was happy with His Creation. He saw that it was good. If God’s action is too forceful, it might bring destruction to his good Creation. Therefore, if you want to see earth shaking, spirits wailing miracles, sorry to disappoint you. Our God shall not use “excessive violence” to work miracles.

Indeed, we should not pay attention to how impressive miracles are but rather to their deeper meanings for our salvation. For example, in Exodus, God split the Red Sea to assure the Israelites of irrevocable freedom. Today, what is the relevance of this miracle for our salvation? Just as the Israelites were able to shake off Egyptian slavery and entered the Promised Land after passing through the Red Sea, similarly, Christians today are able to shake off the bondage of sins and join the Church and proceed to the eternal Kingdom of God through baptism. Again, the 5 loaves and 2 fish miracle we read of last week, tells us of God’s compassion for us. He is determined and capable of taking care of the hunger and thirst of our physical as well as spiritual needs. He will make use of the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist to nourish our bodily and spiritual lives.

So, besides being a miracle, what are the deeper meanings of the story we read today?
First of all, since Noah’s Ark, a ship/boat is a symbol of the Church. Last time in the calming of the storm, Jesus stayed in the boat all the time. As long as Jesus is with the Church, she is able to weather through all tribulations no matter how hazardous they are. She is safe. This time, Jesus was not on the boat, but walking towards the boat at the fourth watch. What did it mean?
St. Hilary of Poitiers (300-368) taught that the 4th watch is the end of night, the last day. He explained that the 1st watch is the age of Torah, the 2nd watch the Prophets, the 3rd the earthly ministry of the Lord and the 4th is the age of the Church inaugurated by the ascension of Jesus until the end of the world. St. Augustine and St. John Chrysostom agreed. Though Jesus has ascended to the right hand of the Father, staying in heaven, he is still present in the Word and the Holy Eucharist to stay with us. After all, for our sake, he needs to let go of us, throw us into turmoil to train and test us. On the last day, he shall come and all shall be peaceful.
The action of St. Peter shows his typical intense love of the Lord. This time, Peter jumped into the sea to walk towards Jesus. Later, he boasted in the Last Supper to die with Jesus. After Jesus was arrested, Peter was rash enough to follow Jesus into the house of the High Priest. This time, Peter sank in view of the strong winds and waves. Later, when Peter was surrounded and interrogated in the courtyard of the High Priest, he cowardly denied Jesus three times. This time, at the most critical moment, Peter cried out “Lord, save me.” In the house of the High Priest, Peter did not have such a chance. The Jesus he saw could not even save himself! So, when Jesus said that Peter had little faith, not only did Jesus mean this sinking in waves, but also what would happen later in the courtyard of the house of the High Priest where, though Jesus did not reach out his hand to catch Peter, he had indeed saved Peter. Between the two disciples who had betrayed Jesus, Judas and Peter, Judas did not seek help but committed suicide. Peter survived. How and when did he cry to Jesus, or how did Jesus save him? The answer can be found in Luke 22:61.

Recently, there are plagues, wars, natural and human disaster etc. Besides praying for the victims, we should stay alert because of these incidents. Don’t harden our hearts. Have the courage to admit our inadequacy. Accept the Kingdom of God. Pray for God’s salvation. God bless.

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