
Sunday 20 September 2015

權力是為了服務 Authority is for Service










Twenty fifth Ordinary Sunday, (Year B)
Theme: Authority is for Service

The gospel reading last week mentioned that Jesus had been preaching for nearly three years. His disciples had also followed him for nearly three years. Jesus intended to reveal them the details of his salvation work, to have them psychologically prepared. So, Jesus conducted a not very valid opinion poll, asking his disciples what the people thought he was. In fact, Jesus cared more about the opinions of his disciples because they would be the foundation stones of the Church in the future. Other people’s opinion was only an entry point. After the disciples had reported the public views, Jesus pointedly asked them what they themselves thought about him. At that time, Peter stood up, representing the rest of the Apostles, to answer that Jesus was the Messiah. Correct! So, Jesus told them that the Messiah was to undergo passion and resurrection to save the world. Peter tried to dissuade Jesus from taking this course of action. Jesus found that he had overestimated the understanding of the Twelve and that Satan was making use of Peter to tempt him, persuading him to reject the salvation plan laid down by God. So, Jesus turned around to scold Satan and taught Peter to think of God’s will and the paradox of “saving one’s life by abandoning life”. Do you think the Twelve would understand?

What did the Twelve fail to understand? The concept of resurrection. Therefore, Jesus brought the core group among the Twelve, i.e. Peter, James and John, up Mount Tabor, to give them an “extra lesson”. In front of them, Jesus transfigured to show them the glory after resurrection, hoping to strengthen their faith so that they would not be afraid of death. But there were still doubts in the hearts of the disciples. “Saving one’s life by abandoning it” is easier talked than done. What if one does not come back to life after death? This is a problem of faith which cannot be resolved by logical reasoning. It is because only through faith can we pass over the gulf between death and resurrection. Praying to God for greater faith is the only way. Other than that, there probably is no alternative. Therefore, after coming down from the Mount, Jesus restored the faith of a father and exorcized a deaf and dumb spirit from his son in front of the Twelve. After all these incidents, we come to the gospel story of today, the second prediction of passion and resurrection by Jesus. Therefore, brethren, if you come back to Church once a week to listen to the gospel, you can only obtain a fragmented picture. How then can you know Jesus fully? Therefore, daily reading of the Bible is indispensable. Don’t be lazy!

In Matthew 16, in the occasion when Peter declared that Jesus was the Son of God, the Messiah, Jesus gave Simon the name Peter and upon this “Peter/Rock”, Jesus would build his Church. After the ascension of Jesus, the Holy Spirit came down to the 120 believers to mark the birth of the Church in Jerusalem. At first, Peter led the Jerusalem community in the capacity of the Prefect of the Twelve. Later, Herod tried to kill him and he fled Jerusalem, began his preaching among Gentiles like St. Paul. He reached Rome and set up the Church in Rome. Mark followed Peter and wrote the gospel of Mark for the Romans. Peter suffered martyrdom in Rome. All the subsequent bishops in Rome suffered martyrdom too for the next 300 years. Later, Constantine Cæsar stopped persecuting the Church, allowed them religious freedom. Conversion, worship and preaching would never be interfered anymore. Furthermore, he gave the Roman bishop many buildings for Christian assemblies so that they no longer needed to celebrate masses in the catacombs. The Church evolved from “domestic churches” to “regal churches”. Since she was located at the heart of the Empire, the Roman Church naturally became the centre of communion among local churches. Whenever they had any doctrinal or moral issues, the local churches would seek resolutions from the Roman pontiff. Gradually, the Roman pontiff became the pope today. We made Peter the first Pope and the Roman Pontiff, Pope Francis is the 266th successor of Peter.

The status of the Pope has been challenged all the times. Take a look at the gospel reading today. Now that Jesus has made Peter the rock of the Church, but behind Jesus, the Twelve still argued about who was the greatest. Why? It is because this Simon Rock was not a perfect man. As for his training, he was an uneducated fisherman. He even had to rely on Mark to write the gospel. As for his character, he was impulsive. When Jesus was arrested, it was Peter who struck off the left ear of the High Priest’s servant with a sword. The greatest regret in his life perhaps was his three denials of the Lord. Anybody could challenge the status of such a man. But why did God deliberately choose such a man with so many flaws to lead the Church? It is truly a mystery!

In the history of the Old Testament, God had been leading the Israelites until the era of Judges. Moses, Joshua and later Judges were only spokesmen of God. Later, the Israelites demanded to have kings like other peoples. When Samuel advised them earnestly not to install kings who would place themselves above the Torah to exploit the people, the Israelites refused to listen. We should not blame the Israelites because their history only reflects the general laws of human history. When a society becomes prosperous, has grown to a certain size, monarchy will naturally appear to mobilize a large number of people to build gigantic structures and build up a large army. Usually, the first few kings were good and subsequent ones lacked any merits. In an age when people believe in deities, people still have gods to counterbalance kings. When life becomes rich, men become greedy. When people forget God, kings would possess unchallenged absolute powers, doing whatever at their pleasures and become tyrants. Consequently, people are forced to revolt. Revolutions overthrow the existing dynasty which is ended in bloodsheds. This cycle of events repeats itself unceasingly in human history.

When people do not want to see empires end up in bloodsheds and do not believe in the existence of God, is there any other way to restrain this wild beast? Western philosophers uphold ‘rationality’ to replace God. They drum up the ideas of freedom and human rights in the society to counteract the arbitrary abuses of power of all kinds of local tyrants. In politics, they promote the independence of legislative, judicial and executive powers to counteract the absolute executive power of local tyrants. Political tussles and power struggles become more complicated and interesting. People take abusing public office for personal gain and government-business collusion for granted. We cannot be exempted from these tussles and struggles. If we did not like filibustering of the minority legislators in the Legislative Council in Hong Kong, we should take a look at how the minority in the Japanese parliamentary tried to delay the passing of the new Abe security bill, which paths the way for Japan to take part in international wars, by filibustering. After all, filibustering is not that bad. All of these that we see today are the result of humanity’s reluctance to obey God’s will.

Two thousand years ago, Jesus taught us how to exercise authority. Authority is for the service of God and of men. It is not a slogan but an attitude. When you exercise your power to help the needy to solve their problems, you are doing what Jesus taught about “if anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all” and you are “receiving one such child”. Jesus guarantees that when you receive and help the needy, you are serving God. Whether you were a worthless Peter, or an idiot king, or a reformer party chairman, an SAR chief executive or just an ordinary man, when in your station of life, you exercise you talent, time and good will to help the needy solve their problems, you are serving God. In fact, this is not some mysterious political philosophy but simply an attitude. Men reject God’s invitation only because they are power-happy and are addicted to the satisfaction of manipulating others.

This week, let us pay attention whether we have abused authority to satisfy our manipulation complex and ignore the needs of others, whether we have helped the needy in our stations of life. Come back to settle the score with God next Sunday.
God bless.

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