
Sunday 22 November 2015

為真理作見證 To bear witness to the Truth










Feast of Christ the King (Year B)
Theme: To bear witness to the Truth

Last Sunday, Fr. Joseph Ng, our parish priest, explained to us the appeal of Cardinal John Tong to the parishioners. The Cardinal urged that in the upcoming elections of all levels, being responsible Catholics, we should consider the candidates' stance on family, marriage and the legislation of sexual discrimination ordinance on top of other relevant issues when we cast our votes. I believe you have heard from the media that this appeal was criticized by supporters of homosexual movement. In fact, politics and religion are so entangled that it is naïve to try to separate the two, to expect the clergy to speak about only Jesus and nothing political. Even if the Church only wants to proclaim the truth, to shepherd the faithful and wants nothing from the secular world, politics would knock at your door to give you troubles. It is because the resources in the society are limited and the society has become a battlefield to fight for precious resources. When people think that you are harming their privileges, they will fight back. It happened to Jesus 2000 years ago. It has happened throughout every generation.

When Jesus began his public ministry, he spoke with authority and pointed out the inadequacy of the teachings of scribes and Pharisees. It shook up their status among the people. When Jesus entered Jerusalem and went to the Temple to pray, he found that the Temple was turned into a market place. He cleansed the Temple and did harm to the financial interests of the priests. Out of mercy, Jesus cured the servant of a Roman centurion. Thus, the Zealots hated Jesus. What an irony when Jesus was betrayed by his own disciple, arrested by his own people, condemned to death for blasphemy (Don't forget he himself is God!). He was then sent to the Romans, accused of stirring up a mob to rebel against the empire. The Jews made the Romans do the dirty job of killing Jesus. The gospel we read today is a section of the trial of Jesus before the Roman Procurator.

Let us know a bit more about the situation Pilate was in. From history books, we know that Judaea was a difficult province to govern in the Roman Empire. Pilate was sent to be the Procurator of Judaea. Probably he had lost favour before Caesar. He needed to work out his redemption in Judaea. Or perhaps Caesar thought highly of Pilate, had great expectation on him to assign him this challenging task. History books suggest the former hypothesis. Either way, being the Procurator of Judaea was not a lucrative job. Pilate had no respect for the Jews. He made use of violence to suppress uprisings. In the end, he got just the opposite of what he intended, creating more resentment among the Jews. Pilate began to understand that he needed to cooperate with Jewish leaders.

At the first sight of Jesus, Pilate was sure that this meek and mild “King of the Jews”, lacking any traces of ferocity, was only a scapegoat which the Jews arranged to test whether he was sincere about cooperation. Therefore, Pilate initiated the Roman judiciary procedure and gave Jesus an opportunity to defend. If Jesus' answer was affirmative, it was easy. Simply sent him to death. If Jesus' answer was negative, find some ways to release him to show off the superiority of the Roman legal system. However, Jesus asked him back whether he was repeating what others had said or he truly thought that he was a king. Indeed, the question Jesus asked, Jesus asked every follower. In Caesarea Philippi, he posed a similar question to his disciples. Jesus was not satisfied when the disciples quoted other peoples' opinions. He asked them pointblank who he was in their hearts. Peter represented all to answer that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God. This was Peter's answer. What about yours? Is your answer the catechists', the Sunday school teachers', the priests' or the Pope's? Buy Jesus wants your answer.

Back to Pilate. He became impatient. “I am the judge and you are the prisoner. How dare you to ask me questions! Now, I give you one more chance. What have you done?” If Jesus has only travelled around to preach, or perhaps healed a servant of a Roman centurion and has done no harm to Romans, release him. Otherwise, don't waste time. Kill him.
Jesus took this opportunity to explain that the Kingdom of God was unlike earthly kingdoms which claimed sovereignty with military might. Jesus also made it clear that it was not Romans, but the stubborn Jews who rejected the Kingdom of God. However, Pilate would not buy this. In his eyes, Jesus was only a disillusioned dreamer. So, he said cynically, “So you are a king?” Jesus answered affirmatively that he was a king to bear witness to the truth. For this he was born and for this he had come into the world. Since Jesus did not come from this world, logically his kingdom does not belong to this world. It will pose no threat to Pilate and the Roman Empire. Similarly, the Church preaches the truth and comment on politics. She does not pose any threat to secular powers.

After Jesus had finished speaking, Pilate asked Jesus a question that immortalizes him, “What is truth?” This follows immediately where the gospel reading ends today. This is also a question all of us will naturally ask. But Pilate could not wait for Jesus' explanation. He wanted to wrap up the whole case immediately and went out to dismiss the Jewish leaders. We are Jesus' subjects. We should try to understand what the truth which Jesus spent his whole life bearing witness is and how he discharged his kingship.

We Chinese speak of “Tao”, the Way to mean “the Truth”. Chinese philosophers say “Tao is not far from us.” Therefore, we are able to get in touch, to know and to feel the truth. Our truth is very simple, “God is love.” The love of God the Father overflowed and resulted in a cosmos which is habitable for humanity. Genesis says that God created heavens and earth with his Word. This Word is the Truth, the Tao and the Way that keeps the cosmos running. We also call this Word, the Son of God. Then God made man in His image so that man is able to communicate with Him. However, humanity abused the freedom God gave them. Consequently, we lost the original grace. We contaminated the earth as well as our conscience. But God does not give us up. The Son of God took up human flesh. He died to repay all the sins, whether they be past, present or future. His resurrection elevates our humanity. This was how Jesus bore witness to the truth that “God is love.”

Before he ascended to heaven, Jesus gathered 120 disciples to build up the Church. She continues his unfinished mission, to help all humanity obtain salvation. Now is the age for the Church, for us to bear witness to the truth. To guarantee that we faithfully keep and spread this truth as well as to accomplish the mission, God the Father sent us the Holy Spirit to protect the Church, to inspire her and to expand her.
How do we bear witness concretely to the truth that God is love? This is the life-long work of each and every one of us. When we are lost as of what to do, besides praying to the Holy Spirit to get help, we should listen to the teachings of the Church. It is because we have many great saints and popes who have left behind a treasure trove of teaching to help us understand the will of God. Work hard.
God bless.

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