
Sunday 10 January 2016

洗禮是必要的嗎? Is Baptism necessary?







另一方面,教會本身亦是一件聖事。天主藉著這一個有形可見的團體,把祂的恩寵分施給全人類。教會不單內向地,為團體內的兄弟姊姐服務,教會更加要那天主的福音傳揚開去,使更多的人蒙受天主的祝福。這樣,教會便成為一個福源,一件聖事。履行傳福音的使命,亦非習慣單打獨鬥,我行我素的人所容易完成的。因此,領洗入教,成為天主的子女,互相支持,合力傳揚福音,是必要的。 在今天的主受洗節,但願天主慈悲對待我們,繼續降福我們,讓我們認清作為天主子女是何等恩寵;並賞賜我們勇氣和力量,在生活中作耶穌基督作証,讓眾人得救,讓我們成為一個福源。

Feast of the Lord's Baptism
Theme: Is Baptism necessary?

Before we share the gospel teaching today, I would like to do some mental warmup exercises with you. Find out, among your friends, whether anybody fits the following description. He is quite ordinary with fixed income, no adverse habits and not a criminal. He has no objection against religions. He even thinks that Catholic doctrines are beneficial to the society. But he could not make up his mind to get baptized and becomes a Catholic. His reason is very simple: Faith alone is enough. We don't need these rituals to be saved. If you have friends who fit this description, focus on one of them. First of all, do you agree with his view? Baptism is optional. If you disagree and think that baptism is essential, then how would you convince him to get baptized and become a Catholic?

Firstly, the logic of this man sounds reasonable. Unfortunately, it is a fallacy. Even worse, nowadays many people in this society fall into this mental trap. What is wrong with this logic? Simply put, he turns a necessary condition into a sufficient condition. For example, having a height of 165 cm is a necessary condition to be a firefighter in Hong Kong. But is height alone sufficient? Is it adequate? Of course not. We need to consider other factors such as good eye-sight and a strong body. How can we say having a height of 165 cm is enough to make you a firefighter? Similarly, love is the most important factor for a couple to live together. But can you say that having love is enough? It is not necessary to get married. Truly, love is a necessary condition for a couple to live permanently together, but love alone is not sufficient. We need to consider other financial, social and legal factors as well. Yet another example, doing business is based on trust. Having trust is enough. There is no need to enter into a contract. Indeed, trust is a necessary condition to do business, but trust alone is not enough. We need to consider entrepreneurship, social and legal factors. Therefore, in order to attain eternal life, we should have faith in Jesus. Faith alone is the determining factor. Baptism is irrelevant! You claim that you love your girlfriend, but you never show any signs of love. Do you really love her? You claim to believe in Jesus, but you never follow the instructions of Jesus or his Church to perform acts compatible with your faith. Do you genuinely believe in Jesus?

An Old Testament story is enlightening in this case. Once upon a time, there was a Syrian general, Naaman, who was a leper. A maid of his wife told the mistress that Elisha, an Israelite prophet, had worked many miracles and might be able to cure his leprosy. So, Naaman prepared a lot of gifts, went south to visit Elisha, expecting to see him work a miracle to cure him. However, Elisha stayed inside a house and sent his servant to tell Naaman to wash in the Jordan seven times. Receiving such ‘hospitality', it was only natural for Naaman to be furious. He said, "Are not the rivers of Damascus better than all the waters of Israel? Could I not wash in them, and be cleansed?" When he turned and went away in a rage, his servant went up to advise him. "My Lord, if the prophet had commanded you to do some difficult things, would you not have done it? How much rather he only asked you to wash in the Jordan?" (2 Kings 5:13) At last, Naaman put down his pride, washed in the Jordan and was cleansed. Indeed, God does not ask us to go through "81 tribulations" 1in order to attain eternal life. Even if God did, we definitely would be willing to comply. Now, God only asks us to do a very minor thing to show our faith in Jesus. What is it that makes baptism so difficult? Like Naaman, it is difficult to put down our pride.

Most people, including our friend we focus on above, refuses baptism out of individualism, out of a reluctance to follow instructions laid down by the others. A sense of pride makes them forget they are members of a society. A desire for freedom from restrains is normal but man cannot live alone in isolation. When we stick together in a community, we need to put down our idiosyncrasies, to give and take as well as to become a keeper of each other. That is reasonable and fair. Take a look at the gospel story today, Jesus was willing to put down his dignity as the Son of God and received baptism from the hand of one of his own creatures. Are we holier than Jesus and do not need baptism to cleanse us of our Original Sin and actual sins? Through baptism, not only are our sins forgiven, but we also become children of the Heavenly Father and are admitted into a community of the redeemed. This community is the Church. Our identity as children of God grows and gets nourished in this community which shares the same faith. The Church blesses our spiritual life in different occasions through sacraments. The Church community strengthens our faith in different liturgies, bible sharing and prayer meetings etc. We were baptized at our infancy or perhaps twenty, thirty years ago. I am afraid most of us have forgotten the scene and feelings of our baptism. Therefore we experience once again, receive God's blessings once again, how we became God's children in Church liturgies, especially during the liturgy of Passover in Easter Vigil. This support cannot be obtained in an individualistic life style.

On the other hand, the Church is a sacrament herself. Through this visible community, God bestows his grace to the whole world. The Church does not only serve inwards the brethren in the Church, but she also needs to spread the gospel, to make more people receive God's blessing. Then, the Church becomes a source of blessing, a sacrament. It is rather impossible for the individualistic, for the lone rangers to accomplish this mission of evangelization. So, in order to become children of God, to support each other, to cooperate to spread the baptism, baptism is indispensable.

Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Lord's Baptism. May God have mercy on us, continue to bless us and allow us to see clearly what grace it is to become God's children. Bestow on us courage and strength to bear witness to Jesus Christ in our daily life so that all may be saved. Let us be a fountain of blessing.
God bless.

1. In the Chinese classic, Journey to the West, with the help of the Monkey King and two other disciples, Tang Monk had to undergo 81 tribulations before he could reach the Ultimate Blissful World in the West to get the holy scriptures for the Enlightenment of all creatures.

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