
Sunday 10 April 2016

香港開教175周年 175th Anniversary of Catholicism in Hong Kong


感恩天父的慈悲。縱觀175年前(1841422日)香港開教,到1946411日成 立香港教區的背景,在種種的困厄和戰亂中,天主自有他慈悲的計劃;人的過失與不善,決不能停止天主的計劃。正如耶穌 的死亡,消滅了眾人的罪過和死亡;耶穌的復活,恢復了我們的生命。
天主通過這段歷史,把他寬恕、仁愛、永生的福音,傳播給市民,使信者得享豐富的生命;為此,我們該向天主感恩,效法 今天讀經二:《默示錄》的長老和天使大聲呼喊:「被宰殺的羔羊,堪受權能、富裕、智慧、勇毅、尊威、光榮和讚頌!」 感謝前輩主教、神父、修士、修女及全體教友,辛勞耕耘這片福音園地。他們如同今天讀經一《宗徒大事錄》的宗徒一樣, 經歷艱辛,卻仍歡天喜地,因為他們充滿牧靈的愛德,自覺配為基督的名字受苦受辱。他們也一定聽過今日的福音,耶穌問 伯多祿:「你愛我嗎?」然後,又對伯多祿說:「你牧放餵養我的羊群」。
他們當中,有來自遠方的傳教士:第一任監牧若瑟神父及其同伴在1841年於香港開教。教會旋即在灣 仔為華人建立福傳點,召集修女,照顧棄嬰、老人、病人,興建醫院。1863年又興辦感化院,成立聖 雲先會。
後來,傳教士們又往大埔及西貢傳教,且進入內地,到達海豐。當中感人的故事歷歷在目,例如大埔碗窰的馬金水教友傳道 員(+1877年);在汀角傳教的譚神父,他遇溺時仍為非教友木匠施洗(+ 1875年)。西貢鹽田梓的聖福若瑟神父;他在鹽田梓傳教兩年(1879-1880年),轉往山東, 最後因服事病人,染病而亡(+1908年)。首批國籍司鐸之一梁子馨神父(1862年晉鐸);他因傳教而協助繪製了新安縣的地圖……1874年香港成為代牧區;在 第一任代牧高主教的努力下,教會大力興辦教育,推廣教務,發行公教英文周刊。 1922年譚加辣修女 等成立了本港的耶穌寶血女修會。 1928年,公教報創刊。1934年,香港公教真 理學會成立。

1946年,在第二次世界大戰剛剛結束,本港連同中國其他代牧區,昇格為教區。當時的主教是恩理覺 ;他曾於193年建立華南總修院,培育本地神職班,即今日的聖神修院。 在195060年代,香港戰後,百廢待興。當時的主教白英奇;他亦曾在195052年間被拘禁在海豐;他在被釋放,返回香港後,帶領香港教區積極照顧戰後 的市民和難民,不單派麵條、奶粉,更興辦中小學,成立堂區、小堂,遍布全港;後來又成立香港明愛、教理中心、禮儀委 員會等;還祝聖了我們首位華籍主教徐誠斌。 真福雷永明神父等於1968年在香港出版了思高版中文「 聖經」合訂本。 1970年,真福教宗保祿六世訪港;其後,真福德蘭修女及泰澤羅哲修士訪港。
還有,我們難忘胡振中樞機(+2002年)穩重的領導;力理得神父(+2003年 )領導香港明愛服務香港社會的貢獻。

當然,我們不會忘記為義而受害的多位前輩神父: 在西貢遇害的黃子謙神父、郭景芸神父、丁味略神父(+ 1942年)、范賚亮神父(+1974年);在灣仔遇害的魏蘊輝神父及程野聲神父(1953年);出生於碗窰的馬俊賢神父,1950年代在惠州受拘禁,1954年被釋放,1957年終於香港; 因信仰而被囚,死於青海的黃耀賜神父(+1958年); 及在大陸受囚禁,又被釋放,終為服務羊群而歿於大陸的:黃志聖神父(+ 1965年惠陽);周懷德神父入獄七年(+1978年順德);周導民神父(曾在海豐入獄,+1988年惠州); 以及因輔導吸毒康復者而遇害的盧萬展神父(+1982年香港)……
「心田先祖種,福地後人耕。」他們的生活見證,是我們的榜樣。他們如同伯多祿一樣回應了天主的愛:「主,你知道我愛 你」。故此,善牧為羊群捨身。

耶穌召叫了我們的前輩;今天耶穌也在召叫我們。耶穌問伯多祿,也問我們:「你愛我嗎?」耶穌對伯多祿,又對我們說: 「你牧放、餵養我的羊群」。
善牧羊群都要分辨時代徵兆,好回應基督在人群中愛的呼召:饑餓的,要得飽飫;無衣服的,要有衣服;無人照顧的,要得 到照顧;患病的,要得到醫治;缺乏教育的,要得到學習的機會;開啟愚蒙,勸人悔改,協同眾人跟隨基督,以獲得永生… …這是教會每一位成員的使命,亦是基督愛的催促。

故此,因著對主、對人,對己的愛,教會辦學,從天台學校到今日的專上學院,以致在社會上伸張正義和平,這是基督徒的 先知使命。
又從辦福利,派奶粉、麵條,到今日全港各區的明愛中心,還有醫院、安老院,照顧露宿者、窮人應急服務、儲蓄互助等, 都是基督徒的僕人使命。

我們要如同當初的宗徒、昔日的前輩,在祈禱中,面對現實,尋求天主的光照,分辨時代徵兆,發現自己的聖召,勇敢回應 。
只有基督的福音,才能造就人心,淨化人靈,使人活在此世,而不屬於此世,不受物慾潮流所左右和糾纏。如同教宗方濟各 勸勉青年人所說:要逆流而上,不可隨波逐流。
只有心裡充滿天父的慈悲、基督捨身為人的愛、聖神的勇力,才有力量,真正的活出福音,見證福音,傳播福音,獲得福音 ,最終使自己和眾人得到復活永生。

在教區70周年,及香港開教175年周年的祈禱當中,讓我們跟隨伯多祿重申說: 「主,你知道我愛你。」也讓我們在各自的崗位,按各人的身分,聽到主耶穌基督對我們的召叫:「你牧放,並餵養我的羊 群吧!」


Reflection on the 175thAnniversary of Catholicism in Hong Kong

We are grateful for the mercy of the Father. 175 years ago (April 22, 1841), Catholicism landed in Hong Kong. On April 11, 1946, the Diocese of Hong Kong was established. Among the turmoil and tribulations, we see the merciful providence of God. The mistakes and evil of humanity can never halt God's plan. Just as the death of Jesus destroys the transgression and death of humanity, the resurrection of Jesus restores our life.
This piece of history spreads God's forgiveness, charity and gospel of eternal life to the citizens so that believers may enjoy an enriched life. Thus, we should follow the footsteps of the elders and angels in the second reading today, to thank God in exclamation, "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honour and glory and blessing!" (Revelation 5:12)
Thanks to the predecessor bishops, priests, brothers, nuns and the faithful who have ploughed this piece of evangelical land. Like the apostles in the first reading today, our predecessors had suffered happily because, filled with pastoral charity, they rejoiced that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonour for the name of Christ. (Acts 5:41) They must have heard the gospel reading today in which Jesus asked Peter, "Do you love me?" and then said to him, "Feed my lambs." (John 21:15)
Among them, there were missionaries from afar: in 1841, Fr. Theodore Joset, the first Prefect Apostolic, and his companions set foot in Hong Kong. Immediately, the Church started evangelization to local people in Wan Chai. Missionary nuns arrived, taking care of foundlings, the aged as well as the sick and built hospitals. In 1863, West Point Reformatory was opened and St. Vincent de Paul Society established.
Later, missionaries spread the gospel to Tai Po and Sai Kung, even reaching Hoi Fung County in mainland China and abound with many edifying stories: catechist Ma Kam Shui of Wun Yiu Village in Tai Po (+1877); Fr. Antonius Tam who was drowned while baptizing in Tin Kok (+1875); St. Joseph Freinademetz, SVD, had evangelized in Yim Tin Tse for two years (1879-1880), proceeded to Shandong province and died while attending to plague victims (+1908). One of the first ordained Chinese priests, Fr. Andrew Leong (ordained in 1862), assisted in the making of San On county map while spreading the gospel ... in 1874, Hong Kong was made a Vicariate Apostolic. With untiring efforts of Bishop Raimondi, the first Vicar Apostolic, the Church entered the field of education and published an English language weekly, the "Hong Kong Catholic Register".
In 1922, Sr. Clare Tam, SPB established the Congregation of the Sisters of the Precious Blood. Kung Kau Po was established in 1928 and Catholic Truth Society in 1934. In 1946, after WWII, the Ecclesiastic Hierarchy in China was established and Hong Kong Vicariate was raised to Diocese. Bishop Valtorta was installed the first bishop of the Diocese who had previously opened the South China Seminary (which is Holy Spirit Seminary today) in 1931 to train the local clergy.

In the 1950's and 60's, Hong Kong awaited post-war recovery. From 1950-52, Coadjutor Bishop Bianchi was under house arrest in Hoi Fung. After returning to Hong Kong, he led the diocese of Hong Kong in active relief works to take care of the citizens as well as refugees. Not only did the diocese distribute flour and milk powder, she also built schools, parishes and chapels throughout Hong Kong. Caritas, Catechetical Centre and Commission of Liturgy were set up. Bishop Bianchi also consecrated our first Chinese Bishop Francis Hsu. In 1968, Blessed Fr. Gabrielle Allegra, OFM, et. al. published the Chinese Bible (Studium Biblicum Version). In 1970, Blessed Pope Paul VI visited Hong Kong. Later, Blessed Mother Teresa and Roger Brothers of Taize visited as well. Let us not forget the stabilizing leadership of Cardinal John Baptist Wu (+2002) and Fr. Francesco Lerda, PIME (+2003) who had led Caritas to serve the society of Hong Kong.
Of course, we will never forget our predecessors who were persecuted for justice's sake:
Fr. Francis Wong Chi-him, Renatus Kwok King-wan and Emilio Teruzzi, PIME (+1942); Fr. Peter Ngai Wan-fai & John Baptist Cheng Kwok-cheung (+1953); Fr. Anthony Ma Chun-yin, who was born in Wun Yiu Village, was imprisoned in Wai Chau from 1950 to 1954 and later died in Hong Kong (+1957); Fr. James Wong Yiu-chi died in Tsing Hai labour camp (+1958); Fr. Anthony Wong Chi-shing (+1965 in Huiyang); Fr. Valeriano Fraccaro, PIME (+1974); Fr. Peter Chau Wai-tak (+1978 Shun Tak); Fr. Sylvius Lomazzi, SDB (+1982) and Fr. Anthony Chow To-man (+1988 Hui Yang).
"Predecessors sowed the field of souls. Posterities plough the Land of Grace." The witnesses they bore are our models. They responded to God's love in the same way as Peter, "Lord, you know that I love you." Good shepherds die for their flock.

Jesus called our predecessors. Today, Jesus is calling us. Jesus asked Peter. He is asking us, "Do you love me?" Jesus told Peter and us, "You tend and feed my flock."
Both shepherds and sheep have to discern the sights of the time in response to Christ's call of charity among the needy: to feed the hunger; to clothe the naked; to shelter the homeless; to attend to the sick; to provide learning opportunities to those lacking education; to instruct the ignorant, to admonish sinners and to help people follow Jesus to attain eternal life etc. This is the mission of every member of the Church, urged by the love of Christ.

Thus, for the love of God, of men and of ourselves, the Church builds schools, from rooftop ones in previous generations to post- secondary colleges today, even to uphold justice in the society. This is the prophetic office of Christians.
From providing reliefs, milk powder, flour to Caritas service centres all over the territory as well as hospitals, homes for the aged, care for the homeless, urgent relief funds and mutual aids etc., this is the kingly office of Christians.
Evangelization, helping people to know themselves, to find Christ, to offer up oneself, to pursue eternal life (praying, offering sacrifice,) and to arrive at the merciful seat of God, this is the priestly office of Christians.

But today, confronting the schism in the society, the injustice of unscrupulous corporations, do we see the needs of Hong Kong citizens and the spiritual desires of humanity? Like the Apostles and our predecessors, we pray for God's illumination in facing reality, in discerning the signs of the time, in discovering our vocation and the courage to respond. Only the gospel of Christ can edify the hearts of men, purify their souls so that we live in this world but do not belong to this world, nor get entangled with its materialism. To quote Pope Francis, "Pay attention, my young friends: to go against the current … we need courage to swim against the tide."
Only with our heart filled with the mercy of the Father, the sacrificial love of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, can we have the strength to genuinely live up the Gospel, bear witness to the Gospel, receive the Gospel and at last partake in eternal life with all humanity.

In this 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Diocese and the 175th anniversary of Catholicism in Hong Kong, let us follow Peter to say, "Lord, you know that I love you." And let us follow Jesus' call in our stations of life and according to our identity, "You tend and feed my flock!"
God bless!

Materials supplied by Diocesan Liturgy Commission.

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