路加的讀者,包括我們,全都是第二代以上的門徒,從來沒有親眼見過耶穌。我們祗能借助畫家的想像力,加上我們的虔誠,看到耶穌的面貎。請問,各位有沒有看過一幅以居高臨下的角度所描繪的耶穌呢?今天的福音,就是邀請大家以這樣的一個角度看耶穌,一個耶穌要「抬頭對你說話」(19:5)的角度。請大家回到家裡,默想這段故事,嘗試聽聽耶穌抬頭對你所說的話,「我今天必須住在你家中…今天救恩臨到了這一家。」(19:5, 9)
Thirty First Ordinary Sunday (Year C)
Theme: We need to work hard to earn salvation
Among the gospel characters, I feel identified with Zacchaeus. Of course, I am not as rich and don't have his earning power and leadership. But both of us are "small of stature" (Luke 19:3) and persevere in the pursuit of ideals. Moreover, I admire him of his generosity in letting go of his wealth.
During Jesus' time, a tax-collector was not a respectable profession. The Roman Empire was your boss. Your job was to collect tax from your own people and handed it to the Central Government. Jews were even more hot-blooded than the "Civic Passion" in Hong Kong. Some extremists even resorted to violence and assassination to drive out your boss. In the eyes of your boss, they were terrorists. In order to assert sovereignty, to protect your safety and to guarantee tax income, your boss would station a garrison to 'protect' you. Thus, besides handing over the required tax, you needed to feed the Roman soldiers whom your boss sent to protect you. Under such a situation, how could you handle such a huge expenditure if you collected tax according to the book? You had to think up new ways to collect tax. Of course, you made money but at the same time, you increased the resentment of the people against the Romans. In the eyes of your own people, you were the running dog of the oppressors, a public sinner. The social situation in Jesus' time was not much different from that of Hong Kong today.
The gospel tells us that Zacchaeus was a rich man. See how after setting aside half of his goods for the poor, he would restore fourfold to whomsoever he had defrauded. His earning power must have been good. Why was such a man interested in Jesus? The gospel did not explain why. This leaves us a lot of room for imagination. Zacchaeus paid attention to the movement of this Galilean carpenter preacher because he would affect his business. Zacchaeus had not heard of Jesus' words or teachings, only his behaviours and miracles and knew that Jesus was willing to accept sinners. This was what he needed. When the whole world condemned him, Jesus might accept him. Thus, if he was able to invite Jesus home, he would walk tall among those who despised him.
Jesus was moving to Jerusalem thronged by a huge following. His intention was clear. If Jesus was willing to receive his sponsorship and after the Romans were driven out, he betted that Jesus would remember his offer today. In the mind of 'Zacchaeus, the businessman', this insurance was not optional. Beware of this secular way of interpretation. This was not what Luke had in mind.
Luke does not simply report the Jesus story. Between the lines, he provides a lot of space to help readers meditate their relation with Jesus. For example, in the nativity narrative, he draws our attention to the fact that even Caesar's decision helped the prophecy of the birth of the Messiah in Bethlehem. As his followers, we should ponder why Jesus' birth was known by nobody and why his birth was not welcomed. In the parable of the Prodigal Son, whether the elder son, who represents the self-righteous, accepted the Father's invitation to enter the Kingdom of Heaven to share the joy of sinners' repentance is left open. It is up for the readers to decide.
Let us return to Zacchaeus' story. The gospel tells us that Zacchaeus climbed up a sycamore tree in order to see Jesus (19:4). What did he want to see? Of course he wanted to see the face of Jesus. What then?
Brethren, how did Zacchaeus obtain these undeserved grace and honour? It was because he strove to climb up the sycamore tree. Thus, we cannot but strive to obtain salvation. God has prepared abundant grace for us. If we are too lazy to explore and to excavate, how can we obtain God's grace?
But let me tell you. It is not good to stay inside the Church all the day to pray, to study scriptures and to receive sacraments. Let's take a look at what Jesus said to Zacchaeus. Jesus said, "Zacchaeus, make haste and come down." (19:5) Today, it is a cliché to say "Kennedy" (in Chinese, it sounds like "insistently leaving the ground") in the Church as a criticism of clergy whose homilies and attitude to life are not down-to-earth enough. They preach high-sounding theology without touching on the necessities of daily life. Therefore, Jesus reminds us that we must come down from the sycamore tree. Otherwise, we cannot return home to share the joy with the Lord. Thus, as we study the scriptures and know a lot about the Kingdom of Heaven, we need to come back to our daily life and pay attention to current affairs. As we piously say prayers for the living and the dead, we should go into our community to visit senior citizens who live alone, or help those who suffer from occupational injuries clean up their houses. As we piously receive the sacraments of Holy Communion and Reconciliation, we should tell our neighbour the Jesus you have just received and share with them the joy of salvation.
Brethren, the story of Zacchaeus is full of meditational food. For the coming week, let us spend 10 minutes a day to meditate the details. Invite Jesus into our heart and enjoy the salvation granted by the Lord.
Luke's readers, including us, are second or latter generation disciples. We have never seen Jesus with our own eyes. We rely on the imagination of artists, together with our own piety to see the face of Jesus. Have you ever seen a picture of Jesus from an angle of depression? The passage today invites us to see Jesus from this angle, a Jesus who "looked up and said to you" (19:5) When you go home, meditate on this passage and try to hear Jesus looking up saying "for I must stay at your house today … Today, salvation has come to this house." (19:5, 9)
Then, what should we do in order to be saved? I always stress the fundamentals. That is, we should build up good habits of scripture studies, prayers and receiving sacraments. We can find God's words in the scripture and the stories of how people have responded to God. We want to know God's will and follow. How do we know God's will? Shall we climb to the top of mountains, or lock ourselves up inside the monastery to wait for God to speak out? Rather than waiting passively for God's revelation, why don't we open the Bible to read the letters written to us by God? There we will definitely find the revelation we need.
God bless.