
Sunday, 30 October 2016

要付出努力方能得救 We need to work hard to earn salvation






路加的讀者,包括我們,全都是第二代以上的門徒,從來沒有親眼見過耶穌。我們祗能借助畫家的想像力,加上我們的虔誠,看到耶穌的面貎。請問,各位有沒有看過一幅以居高臨下的角度所描繪的耶穌呢?今天的福音,就是邀請大家以這樣的一個角度看耶穌,一個耶穌要「抬頭對你說話」(19:5)的角度。請大家回到家裡,默想這段故事,嘗試聽聽耶穌抬頭對你所說的話,「我今天必須住在你家中…今天救恩臨到了這一家。」(19:5, 9




Thirty First Ordinary Sunday (Year C)
Theme: We need to work hard to earn salvation

Among the gospel characters, I feel identified with Zacchaeus. Of course, I am not as rich and don't have his earning power and leadership. But both of us are "small of stature" (Luke 19:3) and persevere in the pursuit of ideals. Moreover, I admire him of his generosity in letting go of his wealth.

During Jesus' time, a tax-collector was not a respectable profession. The Roman Empire was your boss. Your job was to collect tax from your own people and handed it to the Central Government. Jews were even more hot-blooded than the "Civic Passion" in Hong Kong. Some extremists even resorted to violence and assassination to drive out your boss. In the eyes of your boss, they were terrorists. In order to assert sovereignty, to protect your safety and to guarantee tax income, your boss would station a garrison to 'protect' you. Thus, besides handing over the required tax, you needed to feed the Roman soldiers whom your boss sent to protect you. Under such a situation, how could you handle such a huge expenditure if you collected tax according to the book? You had to think up new ways to collect tax. Of course, you made money but at the same time, you increased the resentment of the people against the Romans. In the eyes of your own people, you were the running dog of the oppressors, a public sinner. The social situation in Jesus' time was not much different from that of Hong Kong today.

The gospel tells us that Zacchaeus was a rich man. See how after setting aside half of his goods for the poor, he would restore fourfold to whomsoever he had defrauded. His earning power must have been good. Why was such a man interested in Jesus? The gospel did not explain why. This leaves us a lot of room for imagination. Zacchaeus paid attention to the movement of this Galilean carpenter preacher because he would affect his business. Zacchaeus had not heard of Jesus' words or teachings, only his behaviours and miracles and knew that Jesus was willing to accept sinners. This was what he needed. When the whole world condemned him, Jesus might accept him. Thus, if he was able to invite Jesus home, he would walk tall among those who despised him.

Jesus was moving to Jerusalem thronged by a huge following. His intention was clear. If Jesus was willing to receive his sponsorship and after the Romans were driven out, he betted that Jesus would remember his offer today. In the mind of 'Zacchaeus, the businessman', this insurance was not optional. Beware of this secular way of interpretation. This was not what Luke had in mind.

Luke does not simply report the Jesus story. Between the lines, he provides a lot of space to help readers meditate their relation with Jesus. For example, in the nativity narrative, he draws our attention to the fact that even Caesar's decision helped the prophecy of the birth of the Messiah in Bethlehem. As his followers, we should ponder why Jesus' birth was known by nobody and why his birth was not welcomed. In the parable of the Prodigal Son, whether the elder son, who represents the self-righteous, accepted the Father's invitation to enter the Kingdom of Heaven to share the joy of sinners' repentance is left open. It is up for the readers to decide.

Let us return to Zacchaeus' story. The gospel tells us that Zacchaeus climbed up a sycamore tree in order to see Jesus (19:4). What did he want to see? Of course he wanted to see the face of Jesus. What then?
Luke's readers, including us, are second or latter generation disciples. We have never seen Jesus with our own eyes. We rely on the imagination of artists, together with our own piety to see the face of Jesus. Have you ever seen a picture of Jesus from an angle of depression? The passage today invites us to see Jesus from this angle, a Jesus who "looked up and said to you" (19:5) When you go home, meditate on this passage and try to hear Jesus looking up saying "for I must stay at your house today … Today, salvation has come to this house." (19:5, 9)

Brethren, how did Zacchaeus obtain these undeserved grace and honour? It was because he strove to climb up the sycamore tree. Thus, we cannot but strive to obtain salvation. God has prepared abundant grace for us. If we are too lazy to explore and to excavate, how can we obtain God's grace?
Then, what should we do in order to be saved? I always stress the fundamentals. That is, we should build up good habits of scripture studies, prayers and receiving sacraments. We can find God's words in the scripture and the stories of how people have responded to God. We want to know God's will and follow. How do we know God's will? Shall we climb to the top of mountains, or lock ourselves up inside the monastery to wait for God to speak out? Rather than waiting passively for God's revelation, why don't we open the Bible to read the letters written to us by God? There we will definitely find the revelation we need.

But let me tell you. It is not good to stay inside the Church all the day to pray, to study scriptures and to receive sacraments. Let's take a look at what Jesus said to Zacchaeus. Jesus said, "Zacchaeus, make haste and come down." (19:5) Today, it is a cliché to say "Kennedy" (in Chinese, it sounds like "insistently leaving the ground") in the Church as a criticism of clergy whose homilies and attitude to life are not down-to-earth enough. They preach high-sounding theology without touching on the necessities of daily life. Therefore, Jesus reminds us that we must come down from the sycamore tree. Otherwise, we cannot return home to share the joy with the Lord. Thus, as we study the scriptures and know a lot about the Kingdom of Heaven, we need to come back to our daily life and pay attention to current affairs. As we piously say prayers for the living and the dead, we should go into our community to visit senior citizens who live alone, or help those who suffer from occupational injuries clean up their houses. As we piously receive the sacraments of Holy Communion and Reconciliation, we should tell our neighbour the Jesus you have just received and share with them the joy of salvation.

Brethren, the story of Zacchaeus is full of meditational food. For the coming week, let us spend 10 minutes a day to meditate the details. Invite Jesus into our heart and enjoy the salvation granted by the Lord.
God bless.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

基督徒已被祝聖 Christians are consecrated






例如水本來可以用來洗衣服,煮飯等。但祝聖了的水,就祗有特殊的宗教用途。可以用祝聖了的水洗衣服、洗地、洗車甚至煮飯嗎?你們覺得可以嗎?一串祝聖了的唸珠,可否掛在頸項上作飾物嗎?祝聖了的聖體,可以用來當作藝術品般展覽嗎?神父可以和女人同居嗎?這樣做就可能構成「褻瀆神聖」了。 從以上的舉例可以看到,「祝聖」的第二個意義,是指藉耶穌基督的救贖,天主從世人之中選拔了一些人出來,經洗禮所祝聖,一生分擔耶穌基督的君王、先知和司祭的職務,事奉天主,成聖自己,聖化他人,轉化世界。



  Mission Sunday (Year C)
Theme: Christians are consecrated

In each liturgical year, we focus on one of the three Synoptic Gospels to know more about Jesus Christ. This year, we focus on Luke. From the words and deeds of Jesus Christ, we know the mercy of the Father. However, the Church does not ignore the fourth gospel. Although its readability is not high because it carries more theological reflections than story-telling, a mature Christian cannot brush the Gospel of John aside.

The gospel reading today is taken from the closing prayer of the Last Supper which scholars usually call "The HighPriestly Prayer" of Jesus. What Jesus did and said during the Last Supper were put down in John 13-17, including washing of the disciples' feet, commanding them to wash each other's feet, to observe the new commandment of loving each other. Jesus further promised to send them the Holy Spirit to console and teach them all things when he left them to prepare rooms for them. He revealed his intimate relationship with them: He is the true vine and they the branches. Whoever abides in the Lord will bear eternal fruits. Whoever leaves him, their spiritual life will gradually wither. It is inevitable for the disciples to suffer persecution but Jesus Christ promised them to return on the Last Day. Then they will be happy. After teaching his disciples, Jesus finished the Last Supper with this "HighPriestly Prayer". After that, Jesus went to Gethsemane to begin his Passion.

The HighPriestly Prayer can be roughly divided into three parts, including Jesus praying for himself, for his disciples and lastly for the Church. The gospel passage we read today is an excerpt from the prayer for the disciples and the Church. A theological terms needs clarification: consecration. What does "consecrate" mean?

I want to start from the root. Let me explain what Jesus says, "And for their sake I consecrate myself." (John 17:19) What does this "consecrate" mean? Jesus is the Son of God and is absolutely holy. Why needs he consecrate himself? Therefore, the "consecrate" here must be different from that found in verse 17.
In fact, throughout the ages and locations all religious activities are interactions between men and their deities. For various reasons such as petition, thanksgiving, flattery and even atonement, men would offer up gifts to the deities they believed. Deities are transcending. Offerings had to be exact. They must be compatible, appropriate and sacred. But how could you deliver your offerings to deities, to another realm? Therefore, men usually slaughtered the offerings and burnt them into another world. We call this offering "sacrifice". Thus, when Jesus said that he consecrated himself for our sake, he declared that the cross was the altar. He himself was the sacrifice which redeemed and saved the world. At the same time, he was also the High Priest that offered up the sacrifice. Jesus was indeed saying, "For their sake, I sacrifice myself." With this sacrifice, we are consecrated.

How are we consecrated? Literally, to consecrate is to make some ordinary things sacred. For example, in this month of the Rosary, you buy a rosary over the counter. The beads can be made of plastic, crystal or even gemstones. The rosary is not yet holy. Then you ask a clergy to bless the rosary and give it to your friend or you keep it for yourself to say the Rosary. And for example, tap water. It is very ordinary. On Easter Eve, the priest says a prayer over the water in the baptistery. The water becomes sacred and is used in baptism to wash away the Original Sin and actual sins, to bless the house, the coffin or any other occasions in order to obtain God's blessing and grace. Bread is not sacred. After the consecration in Mass, it becomes the Holy Communion, the food that nourishes our spiritual life. Everybody is free to choose whatever career he desires but some people are elected from the crowd. After consecration, they dedicate their whole life to serve God, to serve the altar and the Scripture. They become clergy. Here after whatever ordinary is consecrated, it takes up the special purpose to serve God alone.
We use ordinary water to wash clothes and to cook rice etc. After consecration, the water serves religious purposes only. Can we wash clothes or cars, clean the floor or cook the rice etc. with holy water? Do you think it is permissible? Can we wear a consecrated rosary as an ornament? Can we use Holy Communion as exhibits? Can priests cohabit with women? These actions can probably be blasphemous. These examples above illustrate the second meaning of "consecrate". It means with the salvation of Jesus Christ, God chooses the elected from the world, consecrates them through baptism to share the triple ministry of king, prophet and priest of Jesus Christ. They serve God, sanctify themselves, sanctify others and to transform the world.

We are called to become saints. We form a community of the redeemed --- the Church. This community is holy not because her members are blameless saints but that they are moving towards sainthood. Moreover, this community which was established by Jesus Christ has the tools to help her members become sanctified. The tools are liturgies and sacraments. Therefore, we declare that "the Church is one, holy, catholic and apostolic" when we recite the Creed in Mass. For our sake, Jesus does not monopolize the project. He wishes us to share his mission to sanctify others and to transform the world. Thus, God consecrates us and gives us grace to fulfil this mission to transform the world. If we do not preach the gospel, the existence of the Church has no value.

Today is Mission Sunday. After we receive the Holy Communion, we are sanctified by this sacrament. Let us bring Jesus Christ into the community where we live. Bear witness to the gospel. Discharge our mission to sanctify others and to transform the world.
God bless.

Sunday, 16 October 2016

不斷祈禱 Pray unceasingly




梅瑟的例子告訴我們,祈禱也要有適當的支援,否則不能持久,不能生效。那麼,「亞郎」和「胡爾」,象徵了甚麼?亞郎善於辭令,在法魯王面前是梅瑟的先知,代言人(出4:14-15, 7:1),而且他是大司祭。所以,持久的祈禱是離不開有紀律的禮儀。梅瑟五書記載胡爾的不多,猶太塔爾木的傳統說梅瑟上山領受十誡時,以色列人殺了胡爾,威嚇亞郎為他們造一隻金牛。可見胡爾信主的堅定。因此,信德是持久不衰地祈禱的支柱。當然,你或者有更好的演繹。

Twenty-ninth Ordinary Sunday (Year C)
Theme: Pray unceasingly
The story today is similar to that read three months ago, the gospel reading of the Seventeenth Ordinary Sunday, Luke 11 which teaches us to pray perseveringly. When we insist on praying, we will be able to discover the Father's will and we will be praying according to His will and of course our prayers will be heard. But why did Luke write again the same teaching? Or better still, why did Jesus tell two different parables to teach the same lesson?
In fact, the two parables are different. In the story of Luke 11, we pray for the needs of others in order to satisfy their needs. The story assures us that God will meet our material and even spiritual needs. In the story of Luke 18, we pray for our own vindication. It is eschatological. Moreover, at the end of the story, Jesus said enigmatically, "Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?" (Luke 18:8) Of course, "When the Son of Man comes" means the end of the world. Therefore, the story in Luke 18 is eschatological.
After visiting prisons for a while, I would naturally pick up some injustice stories involving law-enforcers who destroyed evidence, greedy barristers who did not work for the best interests of their clients, partial magistrates who cover their colleagues and evil custodians in the prisons etc. Although we must take these stories with a pinch of salt, our faith in the judiciary system will nevertheless be shaken. Those law-enforcers are so powerful and the system is nearly water-tight. The chances are slim for those who have been framed to see justice done. In these situations, what is the use of saying prayer? The political climate of Hong Kong today is very discouraging for people fighting for democracy. Other than the omnipresent interference of mandarins from the Central Government, there are local officials loyal to the Central, local Communists who conjecture the intention of the Central and opportunist businessmen etc. Being blocked on all fronts, what is the use of saying prayer? There are far too many frustrating things in the world. What is the use of prayer? On the other hand, doesn't Jesus say that our Father knows what we need before we ask him (Matthew 6:8)? Isn't prayer redundant?
Take a look at the first reading today. While Joshua was fighting the Amalekites below, Moses held up his hand at the top of the hill. Moses must be praying! Whenever his hands were raised, the Israelites prevailed. Whenever Moses was tired and lowered his hands, the Amalekites prevailed. Exodus tells us that Aaron and Hur held up Moses' hands, one on one side and the other on the other side until the going down of the sun. Then Joshua won the battle (Exodus 17:8-13). If God was fighting for the Israelites, why took such troubles?

These two days, I was conducting a retreat with the parishioners. The theme was to experience the presence of God in daily life. Of course prayer is indispensable. So, I made the Liturgy of the Hours the backbone of the entire retreat to experience with them the Benedictine spirituality of "Ora et Labora". Before long, the query mentioned above surfaced. Miraculously, in the Lectio altera of Officium lectionis, "A letter to Proba by St. Augustine" answers the query. St. Augustine said, "Our Lord and God ... wants us rather to exercise our desire through our prayers, so that we may be able to receive what he is preparing to give us ... The deeper our faith, the stronger our hope, the greater our desire, the larger will be our capacity to receive that gift ... We also pray to God in words ... and spur ourselves on to deepen it. The more fervent the desire, the more worthy will be its fruit."
So, prayers enlarge our desires to receive what God has prepared for us. All puzzles are unlocked. God clears up all the queries in our hearts about prayers through a prayer, not casual prayers but disciplined ones. Eureka!

Be there material or spiritual needs, just pray until we are ready. The time will come and the gifts will appear. Whenever we are unfairly treated, just complain to God until we are ready! The time will come when God will vindicate. Even though God fought battles for the Israelites, somehow, they needed to develop their self-defence skills and to learn how to handle victories and defeats. A man cannot be sloth. Otherwise, he would have wasted a lot of his potentials.
The story of Moses tells us that without proper supports, prayers do not endure and be effective. So, what do "Aaron" and "Hur" symbolize? Aaron was fluent and he acted as Moses' prophet, i.e. spokesman before Pharaoh (Exodus 4:14-15, 7:1). Moreover, he was the High Priest. Therefore, persistent prayer is inseparable from discipline liturgy. The Pentateuch speaks little about Hur. Jewish Talmud tradition has it that when Moses when up the mountain to receive the 10 Commandments, the Israelites killed Hur to intimidate Aaron to build them a golden calf. We see then that the faith of Hur was strong. Thus, faith is the pillar of perseverant prayers. Of course, you may come up with a better interpretation.
Brethren, let me repeat the appeal of last Sunday, "pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances" (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18).
God bless!

Sunday, 9 October 2016

真正的信德由感恩開始 True faith begins with gratitude









Twenty Eighth Ordinary Sunday (Year C)
Theme: True faith begins with gratitude

Nowadays, medical advances are able to discover the causes of diseases and their cures. For example, the leprosy mentioned in the gospel passage today is a kind of fungal infection. Though not fatal, it was incurable before the discovery of penicillin in the twentieth century. Chinese thought that it was a venereal disease and ancient Israelites believed that it was a punishment from God, not much different from AIDS today. For those brought up in scientific education, they might tease ancient people for their superstitions. It never occurs to modern people that it is they who are shallow, who have neglected the psychological and social dimensions of diseases.

You fall sick. From the pathological perspective, your sickness might be caused by bacteria or virus. However, don't we live with thousands of these microorganisms every day? Why do you fall sick and not the others? Thus, when you fall sick, first of all you should take a hard look at your life style to find out what weakens your resistance? Is it your eating habit? Or is it your mode of work and rest? Or do you expose yourself to high-risk situations etc? I bet, you have not taken good care of yourself and that explains why you fall sick. You need to reconcile with yourself.
You fall sick. This will definitely affect people around you. Even though your sickness is not infectious, it will increase the financial, emotional and spiritual burden of people around you. You need to thank them and even reconcile with them.
You fall sick. It is not necessarily a punishment from God. Even though you smoke and have lung cancer or you drink and have cirrhosis, it is a natural consequence and has nothing to do with God. But our body is a concrete grace bestowed by God. We are stewards of these graces. If we do not discharge our steward duties properly, spoil God's grace, distance ourselves from God and consequently fall sick, it is high time we came close to God and reconciled with Him. Therefore, when the ancient Israelites taught that leprosy was a punishment from God, it was not at all superstitious.

Throughout generations and localities, leprosy and other infectious diseases threaten the safety of the whole community. Thus, in order to protect other members of the community, lepers or other infected members had to be quarantined and refused entry into the villages. When they encountered people, they had to stand on the windward side and keep chanting "unclean, unclean" to warn the people they encountered. Thus, lepers depict sinners. Like sins, leprosy harms oneself and the others. Moreover, sinners are shut off from others. No wonder only priests were qualified to examine lepers, not physicians. Only priests could determine whether God had forgiven them and offered sacrifice of atonement.

The ten lepers in the story had faith. That they came to beg Jesus for cure shows their faith. Jesus had compassion on them, cured them and told them to show themselves to the priests (Luke 17:14). This piece of detail tells us that Jesus did not oppose the observance of the Law of Moses. That is to say, observance of the Mosaic Law is the basic requirement to obtain salvation and eternal life (Mark 10:19). However, observance of the Law is not sufficient. It is because this will make people think that one can reach the target, can be righteous before God with one's own efforts. This mentality is also shown by the Prodigal Son. When he was desperate, he had thought of going back to his father to work as a servant, to earn his own living. He dared not to dream of the restoration of his sonship because he knew that no matter how hard he worked, he would never repay his father's expectations and love which he had frustrated. Similarly, no matter how hard we try to observe the commandments, we would never become righteous before God. Only the Father can help us reach the target, help us become righteous. What we can do is to be grateful.

Jesus seemed to blame the nine lepers for being ungrateful when he asked, "Where are the nine?" (Luke 17:17) However, weren't the nine following Jesus' command to show themselves to the priests? They had done nothing wrong! They were not much different from the Israelites who lived by the Law, even the Pharisees, or our government officials who follow procedures and us who have done all the precepts and obligations. They, similar to us who have done all our obligations, lacked the gratitude of the tenth leper. They were hurrying to show themselves to the priests to restore their long-lost social status, hurrying home to reunite and celebrate with their family members and to catch up the lost years etc. Only the tenth leper remembered God and returned to glorify God at the first instance.

Jesus said to the tenth leper, "Thy faith hath made thee whole." (17:19) Notice that Jesus did not say, "Thy faith has cured you." That is to say, God had reconciled with this tenth leper. The other nine were cured, had reconciled with themselves and were perhaps received by the society and had reconciled with their family members. However, it seems that they had not yet reconciled with God. They were cured but not yet saved. God was still waiting for them.
The gospel today gives a beautiful answer the question raised by the apostles in the gospel passage of last week. Gratitude is able to increase faith. Jesus cured the ten lepers because all of them had faith. They followed Jesus' command and I am sure their leprosy would never relapse. However, only one of them was grateful. His faith was increased, made him reconcile with God and obtain a holistic cure. Thus, all salvation and justification begin with gratitude!

Brethren, it is easy and natural to be grateful when you are cured. Let me challenge you. Can you be grateful when you fall sick, or when you are fired or dumped by your girlfriend/boyfriend or when you are frustrated? Remember the teaching of St. Paul, "Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks." (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18)
God bless!

Sunday, 2 October 2016

如何培養信德 How to build up Faith








Twenty-Seventh Ordinary Sunday (Year C)
Theme: How to build up faith

Today, I want to meditate with you one sentence in the gospel reading. The apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith!" (Luke 17:5) What does that mean?
First of all, the apostles already had some faith. That is why they asked the Lord to increase their faith. For one without faith yet, he should have asked, "Give me faith" instead of "Increase my faith."
Secondly, Jesus assured the apostles that faith as little as a grain of mustard seed was already enough. But Jesus' answer did not negate the possibility to increase, to build up our faith. Otherwise, what is the point of running those 18-month catechumen classes, or three-year Bible diploma courses or even four-year Religious Sciences degree courses? Although faith, hope and charity are "Supernatural virtues" which are gifts from God, after all they are virtues. We are able to cultivate, to develop these God given seeds into maturity. On the contrary, if we are lazy in our prayer and scripture reading, I am afraid our faith of the size of a grain of mustard seed will vanish sooner or later.

Why does the gospel reading today look a bit disconnected? The first half is a dialogue between Jesus and his apostles on "faith". The second half deals with the proper attitude in the service of the Lord. One is about faith, the other about good works. They do not seem to be related. This misunderstanding is a result of a misinterpretation of St. Paul's teaching on "Justification by Faith". Many Protestant sects quote extensively to insist on "Sola Scriptura". What is not found in the Bible cannot be dogmas. "Sola Fide" in order to be justified by God, we need to believe in our hearts that Jesus Christ is Saviour and confess with our lips that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. There is no need to do good works. Unfortunately, most of the quotations are taken out of context and without taking into consideration the teachings of the Bible as a whole. They have committed the fallacy of "hasty generalization". Luke was a coworker and disciple of St. Paul. In his gospel, we do not find any "Sola Fide" teaching. Rather, there are many passages, like the ideas of James' Epistle, teaching that active faith is demonstrated by charity. For example, the BVM in the gospel of Luke is an exemplar of faith. Her faith is not a lip service to the promises of God, but an accompaniment of Jesus throughout his life until she stood under the cross.

So, what is the context of the discussion of faith today? What has the gospel been teaching in the past few weeks? Firstly, Jesus demanded the disciples to renounce everything to follow him. Then he told the parables of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin and the Prodigal Son to show the great joy of repentance, of returning to our Father's home. Following that, Jesus told the parable of the Shrewd Steward and Lazarus the beggar to remind followers to make good use of money, to build up treasures in heaven. Before the disciples asked Jesus to increase their faith, Jesus sternly warned disciples not to cause the little ones to fall into sin and to forgive always a repentant brother every day. The disciples felt that these duties were too demanding. They did not ask Jesus to lower the criteria. Instead, they asked Jesus to increase their faith. Does faith help?

Consider the teachings of Jesus, in particular the Beatitudes in Matthew 5-7, e.g. not expecting repayment in lending money, turning the other cheek and praying for persecutors ... etc. They go against our human nature. Without God's support, it is impossible to put them into practice. But why did the apostles ask for faith instead of some other graces? Just think about it, many so called "impossible missions" are consequences of a lack of confidence. Renunciation of everything to follow Jesus is a big decision. Do you have the faith like the apostles' to quit your current job to answer the priestly vocation? Many young people do not have enough faith to respond. Everybody knows that repentance, kicking drug-abuse is a good thing. But many drug addicts do not have the confidence to stay away from those drug pushers after kicking the habit. When you do charity services, do you really believe that you are serving Jesus and that your charity has not been abused? Lastly, in forgiving the repentant, do you believe that they are truly repentant? All these are duties of Christians. What they need is a little more faith so that they can put forth the first step.

After you forgive, you do not have grudges. Your heart is peaceful. You will be willing to continue to forgive, thus forming a positive feedback loop. When you help those who cannot repay you (please support Caritas), you will see Jesus smiling at you and you melt in his smile. When you take the courage to do confession, you clearly feel the Father's mercy. You have the strength to turn a new leaf. When you shed your dignity to visit the out-sourced janitors to show the Church's care, you will discover that many people desire to know God, but nobody tells them to come to St. Jerome Parish to hear the good news. Thus, faith and good works go hand in hand. Both depend on each other. After putting a step forward, you will discover that God is accompanying you. You will believe in God more. Faith needs the nourishment of good works and action needs the drive of faith.

Brethren, let us follow the example of the apostles. Beg the Lord to increase our faith, to take the first step to practise charity which reinforces our faith in return.
God bless.