
Sunday 9 October 2016

真正的信德由感恩開始 True faith begins with gratitude









Twenty Eighth Ordinary Sunday (Year C)
Theme: True faith begins with gratitude

Nowadays, medical advances are able to discover the causes of diseases and their cures. For example, the leprosy mentioned in the gospel passage today is a kind of fungal infection. Though not fatal, it was incurable before the discovery of penicillin in the twentieth century. Chinese thought that it was a venereal disease and ancient Israelites believed that it was a punishment from God, not much different from AIDS today. For those brought up in scientific education, they might tease ancient people for their superstitions. It never occurs to modern people that it is they who are shallow, who have neglected the psychological and social dimensions of diseases.

You fall sick. From the pathological perspective, your sickness might be caused by bacteria or virus. However, don't we live with thousands of these microorganisms every day? Why do you fall sick and not the others? Thus, when you fall sick, first of all you should take a hard look at your life style to find out what weakens your resistance? Is it your eating habit? Or is it your mode of work and rest? Or do you expose yourself to high-risk situations etc? I bet, you have not taken good care of yourself and that explains why you fall sick. You need to reconcile with yourself.
You fall sick. This will definitely affect people around you. Even though your sickness is not infectious, it will increase the financial, emotional and spiritual burden of people around you. You need to thank them and even reconcile with them.
You fall sick. It is not necessarily a punishment from God. Even though you smoke and have lung cancer or you drink and have cirrhosis, it is a natural consequence and has nothing to do with God. But our body is a concrete grace bestowed by God. We are stewards of these graces. If we do not discharge our steward duties properly, spoil God's grace, distance ourselves from God and consequently fall sick, it is high time we came close to God and reconciled with Him. Therefore, when the ancient Israelites taught that leprosy was a punishment from God, it was not at all superstitious.

Throughout generations and localities, leprosy and other infectious diseases threaten the safety of the whole community. Thus, in order to protect other members of the community, lepers or other infected members had to be quarantined and refused entry into the villages. When they encountered people, they had to stand on the windward side and keep chanting "unclean, unclean" to warn the people they encountered. Thus, lepers depict sinners. Like sins, leprosy harms oneself and the others. Moreover, sinners are shut off from others. No wonder only priests were qualified to examine lepers, not physicians. Only priests could determine whether God had forgiven them and offered sacrifice of atonement.

The ten lepers in the story had faith. That they came to beg Jesus for cure shows their faith. Jesus had compassion on them, cured them and told them to show themselves to the priests (Luke 17:14). This piece of detail tells us that Jesus did not oppose the observance of the Law of Moses. That is to say, observance of the Mosaic Law is the basic requirement to obtain salvation and eternal life (Mark 10:19). However, observance of the Law is not sufficient. It is because this will make people think that one can reach the target, can be righteous before God with one's own efforts. This mentality is also shown by the Prodigal Son. When he was desperate, he had thought of going back to his father to work as a servant, to earn his own living. He dared not to dream of the restoration of his sonship because he knew that no matter how hard he worked, he would never repay his father's expectations and love which he had frustrated. Similarly, no matter how hard we try to observe the commandments, we would never become righteous before God. Only the Father can help us reach the target, help us become righteous. What we can do is to be grateful.

Jesus seemed to blame the nine lepers for being ungrateful when he asked, "Where are the nine?" (Luke 17:17) However, weren't the nine following Jesus' command to show themselves to the priests? They had done nothing wrong! They were not much different from the Israelites who lived by the Law, even the Pharisees, or our government officials who follow procedures and us who have done all the precepts and obligations. They, similar to us who have done all our obligations, lacked the gratitude of the tenth leper. They were hurrying to show themselves to the priests to restore their long-lost social status, hurrying home to reunite and celebrate with their family members and to catch up the lost years etc. Only the tenth leper remembered God and returned to glorify God at the first instance.

Jesus said to the tenth leper, "Thy faith hath made thee whole." (17:19) Notice that Jesus did not say, "Thy faith has cured you." That is to say, God had reconciled with this tenth leper. The other nine were cured, had reconciled with themselves and were perhaps received by the society and had reconciled with their family members. However, it seems that they had not yet reconciled with God. They were cured but not yet saved. God was still waiting for them.
The gospel today gives a beautiful answer the question raised by the apostles in the gospel passage of last week. Gratitude is able to increase faith. Jesus cured the ten lepers because all of them had faith. They followed Jesus' command and I am sure their leprosy would never relapse. However, only one of them was grateful. His faith was increased, made him reconcile with God and obtain a holistic cure. Thus, all salvation and justification begin with gratitude!

Brethren, it is easy and natural to be grateful when you are cured. Let me challenge you. Can you be grateful when you fall sick, or when you are fired or dumped by your girlfriend/boyfriend or when you are frustrated? Remember the teaching of St. Paul, "Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks." (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18)
God bless!

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