
Sunday, 6 November 2016

Life after Death 死後的生命

Thirty Second Ordinary Sunday (Year C)
Theme: Life after Death

There are two types of people on earth. The first type of people looks forwards to the future and plans ahead. They believe in some kind of life after death. If there is injustice in this life, justice will be done in the next. Therefore, they try to lead a life of morality and are willing to suffer patiently, believing that there will be a final Judgment Day when God will reward the righteous and punish the wicked. People of the second type are usually either ignorant or rich and powerful. They enjoy the moment and couldn't care less what takes place after death. The rich and powerful encourage people to believe in God and claim that God blesses them with the power and wealth they are enjoying. In reality, they make use of God to justify their power and riches. However, they dislike the idea of a final Judgment Day because their riches usually came from an unfair manner. Therefore, the prospect of resurrection is unpleasant to them.

The Sadducees in the gospel reading today were a political party formed by the priests of the Jerusalem Temple. They were rich and powerful and did not believe in resurrection. It was because deep in their hearts, they were afraid of God's judgment after death. The money they had in their purses was usually dirty money. For example, they collected money from traders to do maintenance works of the Temple. In return, they allowed them to sell sacrificial animals in the Temple area. The most lucrative business was money exchange which would be given to people who offered the priests the most money. That explains why Jesus was furious and cleansed the Temple of traders after he had entered Jerusalem triumphantly.

The Sadducees were intelligent people. They challenged Jesus with a hypothetical case to prove that there is no resurrection and therefore no Judgment Day. They made use of a Mosaic law to prove that resurrection would create a contradiction. Since God cannot contradict Himself, therefore, there is no resurrection. How did they prove it?
They made use of a Mosaic law which required the brother of a deceased man to take his wife to give birth to an heir for the dead man. When the seven brothers and the woman were alive, the woman had only one husband at a time. Now, if there were resurrection, seven men would be her husbands at the same time. But the Ten Commandments which came from God forbid adultery. If there were resurrection, the woman would be committing adultery because she would have seven husbands at the same time. It would be contradictory for God to allow adultery and at the same time allows resurrection. Since, the idea of resurrection contradicts the Ten Commandments. Therefore, there is no resurrection.

Of course the Sadducees were wrong because God is not a God of the dead (Luke 20:38). If God were a God of the dead, what's the point of believing in such an impotent God? You believe in Him but He cannot give you life. He cannot guarantee you life. Since our God is a God of the living, He deserves our belief and adoration.

Since there is resurrection and there is life after death, we must lead this present life on earth carefully. There are consequences of whatever action we take. The consequences will bring judgment back on us. Most of us are ordinary people. It is extremely rare for us to commit mortal sins. Therefore, we should pay attention to our words and deeds and be careful not to damage our relationship with people. After resurrection, there will be no more death. There is no need of a husband-wife relationship to give birth to children. We are all brothers and sisters. We will be leading an eternal life, a life forever. There will be no time limit. Today, I do not know you well. In heaven, we will have endless life to know each other. Just imagine, there are many interesting people out there for you to befriend. Therefore, do good in order to gain a place in heaven. Otherwise, you may not be able to live with those people you want to meet. Be kind to each other. You don't want to live forever with someone you dislike but out of God's mercy, she also gains a place in heaven like you. You cannot argue with God who can go to heaven with you, can you? Be merciful to people in need, the poor, the sick, the refugees and the ignorant. They may not be able to repay you in this life. In heaven, you will have many people grateful to you.

Brethren, this month of November is a good opportunity to practise mercy, especially to those who cannot help themselves. I am talking about all the souls in the Purgatory. Promise me. Say five mysteries of rosary for these miserable souls in purgatory every day.
God bless.








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