
Sunday 11 December 2016

比洗者若翰還要大 Greater than John the Baptist





先知的任務,除了抗衡昏君作惡之外,更重要的是提醒人民,天主纔是真正的君王,真正的主宰。當經濟繁榮時,人變得貪得無厭,貧富開始懸殊,富有的人剝削貧窮的同胞的時候,先知發出社會公義的咆哮,警告痛罵官商鉤結,殘民自肥。當外敵大軍壓境,君王天真地想找結盟國家出兵援助時,先知發揮政治的智慧,勸導君王投靠人類歷史的主宰、天主。可惜,君王拒絕接受先知的意見,結果北國南國,先後亡國給亞述及巴比倫,落得聖殿被毀,全國君民充軍收場。在亡國充軍的時期,先知代表天主安慰他們,亞巴郎的天主、依撒格的天主、雅各伯的天主並沒有忘記祂對他們祖先的許諾。天主一定會再次解放他們,回國重建聖殿。經過亡國的教訓之後,希望他們會改過,度聖善正義的生活。天主更進一步許諾,將來要興起一位默西亞、一位天主的受傅者。他要來重建以色列王國,到時天下萬民要來到耶路撒冷,朝拜這位救世主,接受祂的教誨。這一系列的先知之中,知名度較高的計有咆哮社會公義的亞毛斯先知;呼籲君王投靠天主,不要信靠盟友的耶肋米亞先知;充軍時安慰百姓的厄則克耳先知;預言默西亞出現的依撒意亞先知和經常與君王唱反調、增餅、復活死人,並與400多位假先知比試求雨的厄里亞先知。天主後來用噴火的馬車接了他升天。所以猶太人相信在末日,默西亞出現之前,厄里亞會出現,為默西亞預備道路。相信大家開始明白,洗者若翰就是這一系列先知中,最後而且是最偉大的一位。雖然他並沒有像厄里亞一樣行神蹟── 那些神蹟,在如今天福音第一段所說,是保留給耶穌基督做的(11:5)── 但洗者若翰的任務,十分清楚,就是在耶穌基督出現之前,為他預備猶太人的心靈。洗者若翰以曠野的呼聲的姿態出現,大聲疾呼,勸人悔改。天主的斧頭已放在根上,凡不結相稱果實的要被砍掉(3:10)!他與厄里亞一樣,不畏權貴,直斥黑落德的錯處,置生死於度外。




Gaudete Sunday (Year A)
Theme: Greater than John the Baptist

We have come midway through the Advent Season. The Church calls the third Advent Sunday "Gaudete Sunday". The vestments are rose-coloured, not purple. Purple symbolizes repentance and rose joy. In two weeks' time, it will be Christmas. Imagine a pregnant lady expecting her baby in two weeks or a bride-to-be whose wedding is two weeks away. An irrepressible joy is emerging in this expectant time. This is the kind of feeling we have today. Thus, we quote St. Paul's letter to the Philippians in the Entrance Hymn. "Rejoice in the Lord always ... The Lord is at hand." (Philippians 4:4-5) Of course, St. Paul was probably over optimistic. Two thousand years have passed and the Lord seems not to have started His return trip. But one thing is certain. The world shall come to an end one day. Jesus Christ shall return.

The gospel we read last week was a bit unusual. Not a word was mentioned about Jesus. It talked about John the Baptist only. In the gospel reading today, John the Baptist had finished his mission and was locked up by Herod. Soon, he would be beheaded by this tyrant. Today, we hear of Jesus' evaluation of the Baptist. Jesus says, "Among those born of women there has risen no one greater than John the Baptist." (Matthew 11:11) So, what was the mission of the Baptist? What made him so great?

God's salvation plan was to build up a priestly nation, a saintly people through the family of Abraham. Then, the Son of God would become flesh and a member of that saintly people to lead the humanity to return to Him. God's plan is fool-proof. After locating Abraham, the father of faith, God arranged his offspring to multiply in the fertile country of Egypt. After more than 400 years, about 70 family members had grown into more than 600,000. They left Egypt, came to Mount Sinai to establish a covenant with God. Then they moved in to occupy the Promised Land, Canaan. At first, each of the 12 tribes struggled on their own. Then, there arose Judges to bring them together forming a kind of federation. The last Judge was Samuel who anointed the first and second kings of Israel. With the emergence of kings, the 12 tribes were united into a kingdom. Unfortunately, idolatry corrupted their hearts. After three kings, Israel was divided into two. To counter balance these evil kings, a series of Spokesmen of God whom we call "prophets" emerged. The first prophet, also the king-maker of Israel, was Samuel.

Besides counteracting evil kings, a more important mission of prophets was to remind people that their king was actual God who was the real Lord over them. When the economy was good, people became greedy. The income gap widened and the rich exploited the poor. Prophets roared social justice, criticizing the collusion of mandarins and merchants to fatten themselves. When invasion was imminent and kings naively sought support from so called alliance, prophets, full of political wisdom, exhorted them to approach God, the invisible hand behind human history. Unfortunately, kings rejected their advice. Consequently, the Northern and Southern kingdoms were conquered by Assyria and Babylon respectively. The Temple was destroyed. The kings and their subjects were exiled. During captivity, prophets consoled the people that the God of their fathers, of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had not forgotten them. He would liberate them once more to return home to rebuild the Temple. God willed that they would lead a holy and righteous life after this chastisement. God further promised to raise up a Messiah, an Anointed One of God who would rebuild Israel. All peoples would come to Jerusalem to worship this Saviour and listen to His teaching.

Among this list of prophets were Amos who roared social justice; Jeremiah who appealed kings to turn to God and not to alliance; Ezekiel who consoled the people during captivity; Isaiah who prophesized about the Messiah and Elijah, the "Troubler of Israel" who rebuked the king, multiplied bread, raised the dead and challenged 400 plus false prophets to call down fire from heaven. Later, God sent a chariot of fire to carry him up to heaven. That was why Jews believed that at the end of the world, before the coming of the Messiah, Elijah would appear to prepare his way. I believe you have come to the understanding that John the Baptist was the last and the greatest in the list of prophets. Although he had never performed any miracles like Elijah --- these miracles were reserved for Jesus (Matthew 11:5) --- the mission of the Baptist was very clear. He came before Jesus Christ to prepare the hearts of the Jews. John the Baptist came as "a voice in the wilderness" to exhort people to repent. The axe is laid to the root of the trees. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down! (3:10) Like Elijah, the Baptist was not afraid of kings. He rebuked Herod at the expense of his life.

But Jesus says, "Yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he." (11:11) What does it mean? It sounds like the Baptist was not in the kingdom of heaven. Right and at the same time wrong. Firstly, who are members of the kingdom? They are those who believe in Jesus, i.e. Christians today, including Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants etc. The Baptist was imprisoned at that time. He did not know whether Jesus was the Messiah or not. So, he sent his disciples to find out. In short, the Baptist had not entered the kingdom. The gospels do not say whether his disciples had reported to him before he was beheaded. If they had not, the Baptist would have died with eyes widely open. Anyway, he righteously rebuked Herod for breaching the Ten Commandments and was consequently beheaded. He died a martyrdom, a baptism with blood. The Church recognizes his righteousness and his role as the forerunner of Christ. She proclaims him a saint. Thus, the Baptist is in the kingdom.

On the other hand, through his passion and resurrection, Jesus Christ established the Church and the seven sacraments. The Baptist had entered the kingdom before Jesus established the Church and the sacraments. He missed the other sacraments, including Confirmation which bestows the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Eucharist which is Jesus Christ himself. From this perspective, the Baptist is really inferior to the least of the kingdom.

Dear aspirants, the Church celebrates the Rite of Election to admit you into the community of Catechumens so that you may know better the words and deeds of Jesus Christ and how the Church actualizes the presence of Jesus Christ, the Son of God in the world today. Study well and build up the love of God, of men and of the Creation. On the Eve of Easter, you will receive the sacraments of Christian Initiation, become members of the Church and the Mystical Body of Christ. Brethren, you take part in this Rite of Election today. It is high time you brushed up your faith, felt how happy and joyful you have been because you are greater than St. John the Baptist.
God bless!

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